│ Scan Status │
  Scanning 250 files tracked by git with 7 Code rules:
  Scanning 9 files with 7 bash rules.
│ 81 Code Findings │
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            8┆ apmode --ssid=${UPDATE_AP_SSID}
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           44┆ mkdir -p /tmp/modules/${MODULE_DIR}
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            5┆ mount /dev/$MDEV /tmp/mnt/sdcard/
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            6┆ echo ${GPIO_NUM} > /sys/class/gpio/export
            8┆ echo ${GPIO_NUM} > /sys/class/gpio/gpio${GPIO_NUM}/value
           14┆ usleep ${DELAY_MS}000
           16┆ usleep ${DELAY_MS}000
           23┆ echo ${GPIO_NUM} > /sys/class/gpio/unexport
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           11┆ led_blink.sh ${LED_GPIO_NUM} &
           15┆ mkdir -p /tmp/modules/${MODULE_DIR}
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
          225┆ echo "[sd_update.sh] retry_count:"$((retry_count++))
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           32┆ count=`ls $FW_DIR`
           41┆ sh $UPGRADE_FILE
           46┆ diff -b $APP_VER_FILE $VERSION_FILE > /dev/null
           60┆ cp $MD5_INFO $TMP_MD5_INFO
           67┆ output=`grep $filename $TMP_MD5_INFO`
           71┆ cp $1 /tmp
           72┆ output=`md5sum /tmp/$filename`
           77┆ retry_count=$(($retry_count+1))
           92┆ flashcp -v $1 $2 > /dev/null
           96┆ retry_count=$(($retry_count+1))
          109┆ result=$(funCopy $1)
          113┆ result=$(funFlashcp /tmp/$filename $2)
          124┆ rm -f /tmp/$filename
          152┆ funUpgrade $BOOT /dev/mtd0
          157┆ funUpgrade $TAG /dev/mtd1
          162┆ funUpgrade $KERNEL /dev/mtd2
          167┆ funUpgrade $ROOTFS /dev/mtd3
          172┆ funUpgrade $RECOVERY /dev/mtd4
          177┆ funUpgrade $SYSTEM /dev/mtd5
          184┆ result=$(funCopy $FW_DIR/$MCU_FW_011)
          192┆ result=$(funCopy $FW_DIR/$MCU_FW_031)
          211┆ mcuisp $MCU_TMP_PATH
          215┆ profile_ver=`cat $FW_DIR/$MCU_VER`
          217┆ echo "[sd_update.sh] current version:"$curr_ver
          218┆ echo "[sd_update.sh] profile version:"$profile_ver
          233┆ mcuisp $MCU_BACKUP_PATH
          235┆ profile_ver=`cat $MCU_BACKUP_PATH/$MCU_VER`
          236┆ echo "[sd_update.sh] profile version:"$profile_ver
          251┆ mcuisp $MCU_SYS_PATH
          253┆ profile_ver=`cat $MCU_SYS_PATH/$MCU_VER`
          254┆ echo "[sd_update.sh] profile version:"$profile_ver
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           23┆ unzip ${UPDATE_PACK_FILE_PATH} -d /tmp/
           32┆ cd ${UPDATE_DIR_PATH}
           33┆ md5sum -c ${UPDATE_FW_MD5_NAME}
           49┆ echo "Current version: "${FWINFO_CURRENT}
           50┆ echo "Target version: "${FWINFO_TO}
           73┆ tag_generator --tag_path=/dev/mtdblock1 --update --fwinfo=${FWINFO_TO}
           80┆ echo "Update to new version: "${FWINFO_NEW}
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
          215┆ echo "[update.sh] retry_count:"$((retry_count++))
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           44┆ output=`grep $filename $FW_FILE_PATH/$UPDATE_INFO`
           46┆ output=`md5sum $1`
           60┆ flashcp -v $1 $2 > /dev/null
           64┆ retry_count=$(($retry_count+1))
           75┆ result=$(funMD5Check $1)
           79┆ result=$(funFlashcp $1 $2)
          104┆ cd $TMP_PATH
          117┆ tar -xzvf $FW_FILE_NAME $FW_FILE_PATH/$UPGRADE_FILE
          120┆ sh $FW_FILE_PATH/$UPGRADE_FILE
          125┆ tar -xzvf $FW_FILE_NAME $FW_FILE_PATH/$UPDATE_INFO
          128┆ tar -xzvf $FW_FILE_NAME $FW_FILE_PATH/$KERNEL
          131┆ funUpgrade $FW_FILE_PATH/$KERNEL /dev/mtd2
          132┆ rm $FW_FILE_PATH/$KERNEL
          136┆ tar -xzvf $FW_FILE_NAME $FW_FILE_PATH/$ROOTFS
          139┆ funUpgrade $FW_FILE_PATH/$ROOTFS /dev/mtd3
          140┆ rm $FW_FILE_PATH/$ROOTFS
          144┆ tar -xzvf $FW_FILE_NAME $FW_FILE_PATH/$SYSTEM
          147┆ cp -r $MCU_SYS_PATH* $MCU_BACKUP_PATH
          151┆ funUpgrade $FW_FILE_PATH/$SYSTEM /dev/mtd5
          152┆ rm $FW_FILE_PATH/$SYSTEM
          159┆ tar -xzvf $FW_FILE_NAME $FW_FILE_PATH/$MCU_FW_011
          160┆ tar -xzvf $FW_FILE_NAME $FW_FILE_PATH/$MCU_FW_031
          161┆ tar -xzvf $FW_FILE_NAME $FW_FILE_PATH/$MCU_VER
          166┆ cp $FW_FILE_PATH/$MCU_FW_011 $MCU_TMP_PATH/$MCU_FW_011
          167┆ cp $FW_FILE_PATH/$MCU_FW_031 $MCU_TMP_PATH/$MCU_FW_031
          204┆ mcuisp $MCU_TMP_PATH
          208┆ profile_ver=`cat $FW_FILE_PATH/$MCU_VER`
          223┆ mcuisp $MCU_BACKUP_PATH
          225┆ profile_ver=`cat $MCU_BACKUP_PATH/$MCU_VER`
          240┆ mcuisp $MCU_SYS_PATH
          242┆ profile_ver=`cat $MCU_SYS_PATH/$MCU_VER`
│ Scan Summary │

Ran 7 rules on 9 files: 81 findings.