[*] Binary protection state of libmbedx509.so
No RELRO No Canary found NX disabled DSO No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function printf tear down of libmbedx509.so
5764: 0411ff1d bal 53dc <bedtls_x509_key_size_helper+0x1dc>
5768: 00000000 nop
576c: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
5770: 03c0e821 move sp,s8
5774: 8fbf0034 lw ra,52(sp)
5778: 8fbe0030 lw s8,48(sp)
577c: 27bd0038 addiu sp,sp,56
5780: 03e00008 jr ra
5784: 00000000 nop
00005788 <bedtls_x509_self_test>:
5788: 3c1c0003 lui gp,0x3
578c: 279cace8 addiu gp,gp,-21272
5790: 0399e021 addu gp,gp,t9
5794: 27bdfd58 addiu sp,sp,-680
5798: afbf02a4 sw ra,676(sp)
579c: afbe02a0 sw s8,672(sp)
57a0: 03a0f021 move s8,sp
57a4: afbc0020 sw gp,32(sp)
57a8: afc402a8 sw a0,680(s8)
57ac: 8fc202a8 lw v0,680(s8)
57b0: 10400008 beqz v0,57d4 <bedtls_x509_self_test+0x4c>
57b4: 00000000 nop
57b8: 8f828034 lw v0,-32716(gp)
57bc: 24447580 addiu a0,v0,30080
57c0: 8f828220 lw v0,printf
57c4: 0040c821 move t9,v0
57c8: 0320f809 jalr t9
58a4: 0320f809 jalr t9
58a8: 00000000 nop
58ac: 8fdc0020 lw gp,32(s8)
58b0: afc20028 sw v0,40(s8)
58b4: 8fc20028 lw v0,40(s8)
58b8: 1040000e beqz v0,58f4 <bedtls_x509_self_test+0x16c>
58bc: 00000000 nop
58c0: 8fc202a8 lw v0,680(s8)
58c4: 10400008 beqz v0,58e8 <bedtls_x509_self_test+0x160>
58c8: 00000000 nop
58cc: 8f828034 lw v0,-32716(gp)
58d0: 2444759c addiu a0,v0,30108
58d4: 8f8281c0 lw v0,-32320(gp)
58d8: 0040c821 move t9,v0
58dc: 0320f809 jalr t9
58e0: 00000000 nop
58e4: 8fdc0020 lw gp,32(s8)
58e8: 8fc20028 lw v0,40(s8)
58ec: 10000044 b 5a00 <bedtls_x509_self_test+0x278>
58f0: 00000000 nop
58f4: 8fc202a8 lw v0,680(s8)
58f8: 10400008 beqz v0,591c <bedtls_x509_self_test+0x194>
58fc: 00000000 nop
5900: 8f828034 lw v0,-32716(gp)
5904: 244475a4 addiu a0,v0,30116
5908: 8f828220 lw v0,printf
590c: 0040c821 move t9,v0
5910: 0320f809 jalr t9
[*] Function printf used 2 times libmbedx509.so