METRICS: Using configs from the Registry (like --config=p/ci) reports pseudonymous rule metrics to
To disable Registry rule metrics, use "--metrics=off".
Using configs only from local files (like --config=xyz.yml) does not enable metrics.

More information:

│ Scan Status │
  Scanning 158 files tracked by git with 7 Code rules:
  Scanning 9 files with 7 bash rules.
│ Scan Summary │
Some files were skipped or only partially analyzed.
  Partially scanned: 1 files only partially analyzed due to parsing or internal Semgrep errors

Ran 7 rules on 9 files: 47 findings.
│ 47 Code Findings │
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           27┆ echo $ready_msg
           28┆ $MIIO_SEND_LINE "$ready_msg"
           41┆ WIFI_SSID=`cat $wificonf_file | grep ssid`
           57┆ dinfo_did=`readFile $dinfo_file 'did='`
           60┆ dinfo_key=`readFile $dinfo_file 'key='`
           63┆ dinfo_vendor=`readFile $dinfo_file 'vendor='`
           66┆ dinfo_mac=`readFile $dinfo_file 'mac='`
           69┆ dinfo_model=`readFile $dinfo_file 'model='`
           75┆ echo "did:"$dinfo_did
           80┆ echo "key:"$dinfo_key
           85┆ echo "vendor:"$vendor
           90┆ echo "mac:"$mac
           95┆ echo "model:"$model
          110┆ rm -f ${dtoken_file}
          114┆ dtoken_token=`cat ${dtoken_file}`
          116┆ echo ${dtoken_token} > ${dtoken_file}
          124┆ BUF=`$MIIO_RECV_LINE`
          125┆ if contains $BUF ""; then
          142┆ bssid=`echo ${bssid} | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
          146┆ ip=`echo ${ip} | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
          149┆ STRING=`ifconfig ${ifname}`
          152┆ netmask=`echo ${netmask} | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
          177┆ echo $msg
          178┆ $MIIO_SEND_LINE "$msg"
          179┆ elif contains $BUF "_internal.req_wifi_conf_status"; then
          181┆ req_wifi_conf_status $BUF
          182┆ echo $REQ_WIFI_CONF_STATUS_RESPONSE
          184┆ elif contains $BUF "_internal.wifi_start"; then
          192┆ until [ $RETRY -gt $WIFI_MAX_RETRY ]
          196┆ ${CMD} && break
          197┆ let RETRY=$RETRY+1
          199┆ sleep $WIFI_RETRY_INTERVAL
          204┆ echo $msg
          205┆ $MIIO_SEND_LINE "$msg"
          207┆ rm $wificonf_file2
          210┆ ${CMD}
          212┆ echo $msg
          213┆ $MIIO_SEND_LINE "$msg"
          215┆ elif contains $BUF "_internal.request_dinfo"; then
          217┆ request_dinfo $BUF
          218┆ echo $RESPONSE_DINFO
          220┆ elif contains $BUF "_internal.request_dtoken"; then
          222┆ request_dtoken $BUF
          223┆ echo $RESPONSE_DTOKEN