[*] Binary protection state of pcregrep

  	Partial RELRO  No Canary found   NX disabled  No PIE       No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function strcpy tear down of pcregrep

    ; assembly                                                   | /* r2dec pseudo code output */
                                                                 | /* /logs/firmware/unblob_extracted/firmware_extract/56048-12514271.gzip_extract/gzip.uncompressed_extract/5243916-15068666.gzip_extract/gzip.uncompressed_extract/usr/bin/pcregrep @ 0x13ea4 */
                                                                 | #include <stdint.h>
                                                                 | #define BIT_MASK(t,v) ((t)(-((v)!= 0)))&(((t)-1)>>((sizeof(t)*CHAR_BIT)-(v)))
    ; (fcn) fcn.00013ea4 ()                                      | void fcn_00013ea4 (uint32_t arg1, int32_t arg2) {
                                                                 |     char * dest;
                                                                 |     int32_t var_ch;
                                                                 |     r0 = arg1;
                                                                 |     r1 = arg2;
    0x00013ea4 cmp r0, 0x63                                      |     
    0x00013ea8 push {r0, r1, r2, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, lr}     |     
    0x00013eac mov r4, r1                                        |     r4 = r1;
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x63) {
    0x00013eb0 beq 0x1419c                                       |         goto label_8;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013eb4 mov r2, r0                                        |     r2 = r0;
                                                                 |     if (r0 > 0x63) {
    0x00013eb8 bgt 0x14010                                       |         goto label_9;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013ebc cmp r0, 0x46                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x46) {
    0x00013ec0 beq 0x141ac                                       |         goto label_10;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 > 0x46) {
    0x00013ec4 bgt 0x13fb4                                       |         goto label_11;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013ec8 cmn r0, 0xb                                       |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0xb) {
    0x00013ecc beq 0x140cc                                       |         goto label_12;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 > 0xb) {
    0x00013ed0 bgt 0x13f08                                       |         goto label_13;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013ed4 cmn r0, 0x10                                      |     
    0x00013ed8 ldr r3, [pc, 0x390]                               |     r3 = *(0x1426c);
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x10) {
    0x00013edc beq 0x14184                                       |         goto label_14;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013ee0 cmn r0, 0xc                                       |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0xc) {
    0x00013ee4 moveq r2, 1                                       |         r2 = 1;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0xc) {
    0x00013ee8 streq r2, [r3, 0x40]                              |         *((r3 + 0x40)) = r2;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0xc) {
    0x00013eec beq 0x1403c                                       |         goto label_1;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     do {
                                                                 | label_0:
    0x00013ef0 ldr r3, [pc, 0x37c]                               |         r3 = *(0x14270);
    0x00013ef4 ldr r1, [pc, 0x37c]                               |         r1 = stderr;
    0x00013ef8 ldr r0, [r3]                                      |         r0 = *(0x14270);
    0x00013efc bl 0x10d34                                        |         r0 = fprintf (r0, r1, r2, r3);
    0x00013f00 bl 0x13d18                                        |         fcn_00013d18 ();
    0x00013f04 b 0x13fb0                                         |         goto label_15;
                                                                 | label_13:
    0x00013f08 cmn r0, 0xa                                       |         
                                                                 |         if (r0 == 0xa) {
    0x00013f0c beq 0x14170                                       |             goto label_16;
                                                                 |         }
    0x00013f10 cmn r0, 4                                         |         
    0x00013f14 bne 0x13ef0                                       |         
                                                                 |     } while (r0 != 4);
    0x00013f18 ldr r0, [pc, 0x35c]                               |     r0 = "pcregrep: Unknown option -%c\n";
    0x00013f1c bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("pcregrep: Unknown option -%c\n");
    0x00013f20 ldr r0, [pc, 0x358]                               |     r0 = "Usage:_pcregrep__OPTION_...__PATTERN___FILE1_FILE2_..._";
    0x00013f24 bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("Usage:_pcregrep__OPTION_...__PATTERN___FILE1_FILE2_..._");
    0x00013f28 ldr r0, [pc, 0x354]                               |     r0 = "Search_for_PATTERN_in_each_FILE_or_standard_input.";
    0x00013f2c bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("Search_for_PATTERN_in_each_FILE_or_standard_input.");
    0x00013f30 ldr r0, [pc, 0x350]                               |     r0 = "PATTERN must be present if neither -e nor -f is used.";
    0x00013f34 bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("PATTERN must be present if neither -e nor -f is used.");
    0x00013f38 ldr r0, [pc, 0x34c]                               |     r0 = "\"-\" can be used as a file name to mean STDIN.";
    0x00013f3c bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("\"-\" can be used as a file name to mean STDIN.");
    0x00013f40 ldr r0, [pc, 0x348]                               |     r0 = "All files are read as plain files, without any interpretation.\n";
    0x00013f44 bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("All files are read as plain files, without any interpretation.\n");
    0x00013f48 ldr r0, [pc, 0x344]                               |     r0 = "Example: pcregrep -i 'hello.*world' menu.h main.c\n";
    0x00013f4c bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("Example: pcregrep -i 'hello.*world' menu.h main.c\n");
    0x00013f50 ldr r4, [pc, 0x340]                               |     r4 = "Options:";
    0x00013f54 ldr r7, [pc, 0x340]                               |     r7 = *(0x14298);
    0x00013f58 ldr r8, [pc, 0x340]                               |     r8 = "___________________________";
    0x00013f5c ldr sb, [pc, 0x340]                               |     sb = "_s____s";
                                                                 | label_2:
    0x00013f60 ldr r5, [r4, 4]                                   |     r5 = *((r4 + 4));
    0x00013f64 cmp r5, 0                                         |     
                                                                 |     if (r5 != 0) {
    0x00013f68 bne 0x140dc                                       |         goto label_17;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013f6c ldr r0, [pc, 0x334]                               |     r0 = "_s____s";
    0x00013f70 bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("_s____s");
    0x00013f74 mov r1, 0x5000                                    |     r1 = 0x5000;
    0x00013f78 ldr r0, [pc, 0x32c]                               |     r0 = "Numbers_may_be_followed_by_K_or_M__e.g.___buffer_size100K.";
    0x00013f7c bl 0x10c80                                        |     printf ("Numbers_may_be_followed_by_K_or_M__e.g.___buffer_size100K.", r1);
    0x00013f80 ldr r0, [pc, 0x328]                               |     r0 = "The default value for --buffer-size is %d.\n";
    0x00013f84 bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("The default value for --buffer-size is %d.\n");
    0x00013f88 ldr r0, [pc, 0x324]                               |     r0 = "When reading patterns or file names from a file, trailing white";
    0x00013f8c bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("When reading patterns or file names from a file, trailing white");
    0x00013f90 mov r1, 0x2000                                    |     r1 = 0x2000;
    0x00013f94 ldr r0, [pc, 0x31c]                               |     r0 = "space is removed and blank lines are ignored.";
    0x00013f98 bl 0x10c80                                        |     printf ("space is removed and blank lines are ignored.", r1);
    0x00013f9c ldr r0, [pc, 0x318]                               |     r0 = "The maximum size of any pattern is %d bytes.\n";
    0x00013fa0 bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("The maximum size of any pattern is %d bytes.\n");
    0x00013fa4 ldr r0, [pc, 0x314]                               |     r0 = "\nWith no FILEs, read standard input. If fewer than two FILEs given, assume -h.";
    0x00013fa8 bl 0x10cd4                                        |     puts ("\nWith no FILEs, read standard input. If fewer than two FILEs given, assume -h.");
                                                                 | label_7:
    0x00013fac mov r0, 0                                         |     r0 = 0;
                                                                 | label_15:
    0x00013fb0 bl 0x127c8                                        |     r0 = fcn_000127c8 (r0);
                                                                 | label_11:
    0x00013fb4 cmp r0, 0x4c                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x4c) {
    0x00013fb8 beq 0x141f4                                       |         goto label_18;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 > 0x4c) {
    0x00013fbc bgt 0x13fe0                                       |         goto label_19;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013fc0 cmp r0, 0x48                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x48) {
    0x00013fc4 beq 0x141c0                                       |         goto label_20;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013fc8 cmp r0, 0x49                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0x49) {
    0x00013fcc ldreq r3, [pc, 0x29c]                             |         r3 = *(0x00014270);
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x49) {
    0x00013fd0 moveq r2, 1                                       |         r2 = 1;
                                                                 |         goto label_21;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0x49) {
                                                                 | label_21:
    0x00013fd4 bne 0x13ef0                                       |         goto label_0;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 | label_4:
    0x00013fd8 str r2, [r3, 0x44]                                |     *((r3 + 0x44)) = r2;
    0x00013fdc b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_19:
    0x00013fe0 cmp r0, 0x56                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x56) {
    0x00013fe4 beq 0x14250                                       |         goto label_22;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013fe8 cmp r0, 0x61                                      |     
    0x00013fec ldr r3, [pc, 0x27c]                               |     r3 = *(0x1426c);
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x61) {
    0x00013ff0 beq 0x14194                                       |         goto label_23;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013ff4 cmp r0, 0x4d                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0x4d) {
    0x00013ff8 bne 0x13ef0                                       |         goto label_0;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00013ffc mov r2, 1                                         |     r2 = 1;
    0x00014000 orr r4, r1, 0x40000                               |     r4 = r1 | 0x40000;
    0x00014004 str r2, [r3, 0x48]                                |     *((r3 + 0x48)) = r2;
    0x00014008 orr r4, r4, 2                                     |     r4 |= 2;
    0x0001400c b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_9:
    0x00014010 cmp r0, 0x71                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x71) {
    0x00014014 beq 0x1420c                                       |         goto label_24;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 > 0x71) {
    0x00014018 bgt 0x1407c                                       |         goto label_25;
                                                                 |     }
    0x0001401c cmp r0, 0x6c                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x6c) {
    0x00014020 beq 0x141dc                                       |         goto label_26;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 > 0x6c) {
    0x00014024 bgt 0x14048                                       |         goto label_27;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00014028 cmp r0, 0x68                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x68) {
    0x0001402c beq 0x141d0                                       |         goto label_28;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00014030 cmp r0, 0x69                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x69) {
    0x00014034 orreq r4, r1, 1                                   |         r4 = r1 | 1;
                                                                 |         goto label_29;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0x69) {
                                                                 | label_29:
    0x00014038 bne 0x13ef0                                       |         goto label_0;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 | label_1:
    0x0001403c mov r0, r4                                        |     r0 = r4;
    0x00014040 add sp, sp, 0xc                                   |     
    0x00014044 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, pc}                  |     
                                                                 | label_27:
    0x00014048 cmp r0, 0x6e                                      |     
    0x0001404c ldr r5, [pc, 0x21c]                               |     r5 = *(0x1426c);
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x6e) {
    0x00014050 beq 0x14200                                       |         goto label_30;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00014054 cmp r0, 0x6f                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0x6f) {
    0x00014058 bne 0x13ef0                                       |         goto label_0;
                                                                 |     }
    0x0001405c ldr r1, [r5, 0x94]                                |     r1 = *((r5 + 0x94));
    0x00014060 mov r0, 0                                         |     r0 = 0;
    0x00014064 bl 0x12a88                                        |     fcn_00012a88 (r0, r1);
    0x00014068 ldr r3, [r5, 0x60]                                |     r3 = *((r5 + 0x60));
    0x0001406c cmp r3, 0                                         |     
    0x00014070 str r0, [r5, 0x94]                                |     *((r5 + 0x94)) = r0;
                                                                 |     if (r3 != 0) {
    0x00014074 streq r0, [r5, 0x60]                              |         *((r5 + 0x60)) = r0;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00014078 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_25:
    0x0001407c cmp r0, 0x75                                      |     
    0x00014080 ldr r3, [pc, 0x1e8]                               |     r3 = *(0x1426c);
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x75) {
    0x00014084 beq 0x14228                                       |         goto label_31;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 > 0x75) {
    0x00014088 bgt 0x140a8                                       |         goto label_32;
                                                                 |     }
    0x0001408c cmp r0, 0x72                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x72) {
    0x00014090 beq 0x1421c                                       |         goto label_33;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00014094 cmp r0, 0x73                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0x73) {
    0x00014098 moveq r2, 1                                       |         r2 = 1;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x73) {
    0x0001409c streq r2, [r3, 0x7c]                              |         *((r3 + 0x7c)) = r2;
                                                                 |         goto label_34;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x73) {
                                                                 | label_34:
    0x000140a0 beq 0x1403c                                       |         goto label_1;
                                                                 |     }
    0x000140a4 b 0x13ef0                                         |     goto label_0;
                                                                 | label_32:
    0x000140a8 cmp r0, 0x77                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x77) {
    0x000140ac beq 0x14244                                       |         goto label_35;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 < 0x77) {
    0x000140b0 blt 0x14238                                       |         goto label_36;
                                                                 |     }
    0x000140b4 cmp r0, 0x78                                      |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0x78) {
    0x000140b8 ldreq r2, [r3, 0x90]                              |         r2 = *((r3 + 0x90));
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 == 0x78) {
    0x000140bc orreq r2, r2, 2                                   |         r2 |= 2;
                                                                 |         goto label_37;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0x78) {
                                                                 | label_37:
    0x000140c0 bne 0x13ef0                                       |         goto label_0;
                                                                 |     }
                                                                 | label_6:
    0x000140c4 str r2, [r3, 0x90]                                |     *((r3 + 0x90)) = r2;
    0x000140c8 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_12:
    0x000140cc ldr r3, [pc, 0x19c]                               |     r3 = *(0x1426c);
    0x000140d0 mov r2, 1                                         |     r2 = 1;
    0x000140d4 str r2, [r3, 0x5c]                                |     *((r3 + 0x5c)) = r2;
    0x000140d8 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_17:
    0x000140dc ldr r6, [r4, 0xc]                                 |     r6 = *((r4 + 0xc));
    0x000140e0 mov r1, 0x5f                                      |     r1 = 0x5f;
    0x000140e4 mov r0, r6                                        |     r0 = r6;
    0x000140e8 bl 0x10e54                                        |     r0 = strchr (r0, r1);
    0x000140ec cmp r0, 0                                         |     
                                                                 |     if (r0 != 0) {
    0x000140f0 bne 0x14134                                       |         goto label_38;
                                                                 |     }
    0x000140f4 cmp r5, 0                                         |     
                                                                 |     if (r5 <= 0) {
    0x000140f8 ble 0x14160                                       |         goto label_39;
                                                                 |     }
    0x000140fc ldrb r3, [r6]                                     |     r3 = *(r6);
    0x00014100 cmp r3, 0                                         |     
                                                                 |     if (r3 != 0) {
    0x00014104 bne 0x1413c                                       |         goto label_40;
                                                                 |     }
    0x00014108 mov r1, r5                                        |     r1 = r5;
    0x0001410c ldr r0, [pc, 0x1b0]                               |     r0 = "Exit_status_is_0_if_any_matches__1_if_no_matches__and_2_if_trouble.";
    0x00014110 bl 0x10c80                                        |     r0 = printf ("Exit_status_is_0_if_any_matches__1_if_no_matches__and_2_if_trouble.", r1);
                                                                 |     do {
    0x00014114 rsb r0, r0, 0x1f                                  |         r0 = 0x1f - r0;
    0x00014118 cmp r0, 1                                         |         
                                                                 |         if (r0 < 1) {
    0x0001411c movge r1, r0                                      |             r1 = r0;
                                                                 |         }
    0x00014120 ldr r3, [r4, 0x10]                                |         r3 = *((r4 + 0x10));
    0x00014124 mov r2, r7                                        |         r2 = r7;
                                                                 |         if (r0 >= 1) {
    0x00014128 movlt r1, 1                                       |             r1 = 1;
                                                                 |         }
    0x0001412c mov r0, r8                                        |         r0 = r8;
    0x00014130 bl 0x10c80                                        |         printf (r0, r1, r2, r3);
                                                                 | label_38:
    0x00014134 add r4, r4, 0x14                                  |         r4 += 0x14;
    0x00014138 b 0x13f60                                         |         goto label_2;
                                                                 | label_40:
    0x0001413c mov r2, r5                                        |         r2 = r5;
    0x00014140 ldr r1, [pc, 0x180]                               |         r1 = "  -%c";
    0x00014144 add r0, sp, 4                                     |         r0 += dest;
    0x00014148 bl 0x10dd0                                        |         sprintf (r0, "  -%c", r2);
                                                                 | label_3:
    0x0001414c ldr r2, [r4, 0xc]                                 |         r2 = *((r4 + 0xc));
    0x00014150 add r1, sp, 4                                     |         r1 += dest;
    0x00014154 mov r0, sb                                        |         r0 = sb;
    0x00014158 bl 0x10c80                                        |         printf (r0, r1, r2);
    0x0001415c b 0x14114                                         |         
                                                                 |     } while (1);
                                                                 | label_39:
    0x00014160 ldr r1, [pc, 0x164]                               |     r1 = "-%c,";
    0x00014164 add r0, sp, 4                                     |     r0 += dest;
    0x00014168 bl 0x10c74                                        |     strcpy (r0, "-%c,")
    0x0001416c b 0x1414c                                         |     goto label_3;
                                                                 | label_16:
    0x00014170 ldr r3, [pc, 0xf8]                                |     r3 = *(0x1426c);
    0x00014174 mov r2, 1                                         |     r2 = 1;
    0x00014178 str r2, [r3, 0x1c]                                |     *((r3 + 0x1c)) = r2;
    0x0001417c str r2, [r3, 0x58]                                |     *((r3 + 0x58)) = r2;
    0x00014180 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_14:
    0x00014184 ldr r2, [r3, 0x8c]                                |     r2 = *((r3 + 0x8c));
    0x00014188 bic r2, r2, 1                                     |     r2 = BIT_MASK (r2, 1);
    0x0001418c str r2, [r3, 0x8c]                                |     *((r3 + 0x8c)) = r2;
    0x00014190 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_23:
    0x00014194 mov r2, 2                                         |     r2 = 2;
    0x00014198 b 0x13fd8                                         |     goto label_4;
                                                                 | label_8:
    0x0001419c ldr r3, [pc, 0xcc]                                |     r3 = *(0x1426c);
    0x000141a0 mov r2, 1                                         |     r2 = 1;
    0x000141a4 str r2, [r3, 0x50]                                |     *((r3 + 0x50)) = r2;
    0x000141a8 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_10:
    0x000141ac ldr r2, [pc, 0xbc]                                |     r2 = *(0x1426c);
    0x000141b0 ldr r3, [r2, 0x90]                                |     r3 = *(0x142fc);
    0x000141b4 orr r3, r3, 4                                     |     r3 |= 4;
    0x000141b8 str r3, [r2, 0x90]                                |     *((r2 + 0x90)) = r3;
    0x000141bc b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_20:
    0x000141c0 ldr r3, [pc, 0x108]                               |     r3 = "___";
    0x000141c4 mov r2, 4                                         |     r2 = 4;
                                                                 |     do {
                                                                 | label_5:
    0x000141c8 str r2, [r3, 8]                                   |         *((r3 + 8)) = r2;
    0x000141cc b 0x1403c                                         |         goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_28:
    0x000141d0 ldr r3, [pc, 0xf8]                                |         r3 = "___";
    0x000141d4 mov r2, 0                                         |         r2 = 0;
    0x000141d8 b 0x141c8                                         |         
                                                                 |     } while (1);
                                                                 | label_26:
    0x000141dc ldr r3, [pc, 0x8c]                                |     r3 = *(0x1426c);
    0x000141e0 mov r2, 1                                         |     r2 = 1;
    0x000141e4 str r2, [r3, 0x6c]                                |     *((r3 + 0x6c)) = r2;
    0x000141e8 ldr r3, [pc, 0xe0]                                |     r3 = "___";
    0x000141ec mov r2, 2                                         |     r2 = 2;
    0x000141f0 b 0x141c8                                         |     goto label_5;
                                                                 | label_18:
    0x000141f4 ldr r3, [pc, 0xd4]                                |     r3 = "___";
    0x000141f8 mov r2, 3                                         |     r2 = 3;
    0x000141fc b 0x141c8                                         |     goto label_5;
                                                                 | label_30:
    0x00014200 mov r3, 1                                         |     r3 = 1;
    0x00014204 str r3, [r5, 0x1c]                                |     *((r5 + 0x1c)) = r3;
    0x00014208 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_24:
    0x0001420c ldr r3, [pc, 0x5c]                                |     r3 = *(0x1426c);
    0x00014210 mov r2, 1                                         |     r2 = 1;
    0x00014214 str r2, [r3, 0x4c]                                |     *((r3 + 0x4c)) = r2;
    0x00014218 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_33:
    0x0001421c mov r2, 2                                         |     r2 = 2;
    0x00014220 str r2, [r3, 0x70]                                |     *((r3 + 0x70)) = r2;
    0x00014224 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_31:
    0x00014228 mov r2, 1                                         |     r2 = 1;
    0x0001422c orr r4, r1, 0x800                                 |     r4 = r1 | 0x800;
    0x00014230 str r2, [r3, 4]                                   |     *((r3 + 4)) = r2;
    0x00014234 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_36:
    0x00014238 mov r2, 1                                         |     r2 = 1;
    0x0001423c str r2, [r3, 0x14]                                |     *((r3 + 0x14)) = r2;
    0x00014240 b 0x1403c                                         |     goto label_1;
                                                                 | label_35:
    0x00014244 ldr r2, [r3, 0x90]                                |     r2 = *((r3 + 0x90));
    0x00014248 orr r2, r2, 1                                     |     r2 |= 1;
    0x0001424c b 0x140c4                                         |     goto label_6;
                                                                 | label_22:
    0x00014250 ldr r3, [pc, 0x7c]                                |     r3 = "_standard_input_";
    0x00014254 ldr r4, [r3]                                      |     r4 = "_standard_input_";
    0x00014258 bl 0x10d28                                        |     pcre_version ();
    0x0001425c ldr r1, [pc, 0x74]                                |     r1 = stdout;
    0x00014260 mov r2, r0                                        |     r2 = r0;
    0x00014264 mov r0, r4                                        |     r0 = r4;
    0x00014268 bl 0x10d34                                        |     fprintf (r0, r1, r2);
    0x0001426c b 0x13fac                                         |     goto label_7;
                                                                 | }

[*] Function strcpy used 2 times pcregrep