[*] Binary protection state of libxt_connmark.so

  	Partial RELRO  No Canary found   NX disabled  DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function printf tear down of libxt_connmark.so

 720:	e92d4070 	push	{r4, r5, r6, lr}
 724:	e590500c 	ldr	r5, [r0, #12]
 728:	e1a04000 	mov	r4, r0
 72c:	ebffff76 	bl	50c <xtables_option_parse@plt>
 730:	e5943018 	ldr	r3, [r4, #24]
 734:	e5853000 	str	r3, [r5]
 738:	e594301c 	ldr	r3, [r4, #28]
 73c:	e5853004 	str	r3, [r5, #4]
 740:	e5d43014 	ldrb	r3, [r4, #20]
 744:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0
 748:	13a03001 	movne	r3, #1
 74c:	15c53008 	strbne	r3, [r5, #8]
 750:	e8bd8070 	pop	{r4, r5, r6, pc}
 754:	e92d4010 	push	{r4, lr}
 758:	e5d13028 	ldrb	r3, [r1, #40]	; 0x28
 75c:	e1a04001 	mov	r4, r1
 760:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0
 764:	0a000002 	beq	774 <libxt_connmark_init+0x22c>
 768:	e59f0024 	ldr	r0, [pc, #36]	; 794 <libxt_connmark_init+0x24c>
 76c:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
 770:	ebffff59 	bl	4dc <printf@plt>
 774:	e59f001c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #28]	; 798 <libxt_connmark_init+0x250>
 778:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
 77c:	ebffff56 	bl	4dc <printf@plt>
 780:	e5941024 	ldr	r1, [r4, #36]	; 0x24
 784:	e5940020 	ldr	r0, [r4, #32]
 898:	e1a06000 	mov	r6, r0
 89c:	e2955000 	adds	r5, r5, #0
 8a0:	13a05001 	movne	r5, #1
 8a4:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
 8a8:	ebffff20 	bl	530 <xt_xlate_add@plt>
 8ac:	e5940020 	ldr	r0, [r4, #32]
 8b0:	e1a03005 	mov	r3, r5
 8b4:	e1a02006 	mov	r2, r6
 8b8:	e5941024 	ldr	r1, [r4, #36]	; 0x24
 8bc:	ebffffba 	bl	7ac <libxt_connmark_init+0x264>
 8c0:	e3a00001 	mov	r0, #1
 8c4:	e8bd8070 	pop	{r4, r5, r6, pc}
 8c8:	00000180 	andeq	r0, r0, r0, lsl #3
 8cc:	e92d4010 	push	{r4, lr}
 8d0:	e5d13028 	ldrb	r3, [r1, #40]	; 0x28
 8d4:	e1a04001 	mov	r4, r1
 8d8:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0
 8dc:	0a000002 	beq	8ec <libxt_connmark_init+0x3a4>
 8e0:	e59f0024 	ldr	r0, [pc, #36]	; 90c <libxt_connmark_init+0x3c4>
 8e4:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
 8e8:	ebfffefb 	bl	4dc <printf@plt>
 8ec:	e59f001c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #28]	; 910 <libxt_connmark_init+0x3c8>
 8f0:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
 8f4:	ebfffef8 	bl	4dc <printf@plt>
 8f8:	e5941024 	ldr	r1, [r4, #36]	; 0x24
 8fc:	e5940020 	ldr	r0, [r4, #32]
 900:	e3a02000 	mov	r2, #0
 904:	e8bd4010 	pop	{r4, lr}
 908:	eaffff02 	b	518 <xtables_print_val_mask@plt>
 90c:	000000b8 	strheq	r0, [r0], -r8
 910:	000000af 	andeq	r0, r0, pc, lsr #1
 914:	e59f0034 	ldr	r0, [pc, #52]	; 950 <libxt_connmark_init+0x408>
 918:	e92d4010 	push	{r4, lr}
 91c:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
 920:	e1a04001 	mov	r4, r1
 924:	ebfffeec 	bl	4dc <printf@plt>
 928:	e5d43028 	ldrb	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
 92c:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0
 930:	0a000001 	beq	93c <libxt_connmark_init+0x3f4>
 934:	e3a00021 	mov	r0, #33	; 0x21
 938:	ebfffee4 	bl	4d0 <putchar@plt>
 93c:	e5941024 	ldr	r1, [r4, #36]	; 0x24
 940:	e5940020 	ldr	r0, [r4, #32]
 944:	e3a02000 	mov	r2, #0
 948:	e8bd4010 	pop	{r4, lr}
 94c:	eafffef1 	b	518 <xtables_print_val_mask@plt>
 950:	00000110 	andeq	r0, r0, r0, lsl r1
 954:	e59f0034 	ldr	r0, [pc, #52]	; 990 <libxt_connmark_init+0x448>
 958:	e92d4010 	push	{r4, lr}
 95c:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
 960:	e1a04001 	mov	r4, r1
 964:	ebfffedc 	bl	4dc <printf@plt>
 968:	e5d43028 	ldrb	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
 96c:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0

[*] Function printf used 6 times libxt_connmark.so