[*] Binary protection state of libip6t_srh.so

  	Partial RELRO  No Canary found   NX disabled  DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function printf tear down of libip6t_srh.so

     c44:	e1c430b6 	strh	r3, [r4, #6]
     c48:	e5d53014 	ldrb	r3, [r5, #20]
     c4c:	e3530000 	cmp	r3, #0
     c50:	08bd8070 	popeq	{r4, r5, r6, pc}
     c54:	e1d430b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #8]
     c58:	e3833b01 	orr	r3, r3, #1024	; 0x400
     c5c:	eaffffa3 	b	af0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x4dc>
     c60:	e1d132b6 	ldrh	r3, [r1, #38]	; 0x26
     c64:	e92d4010 	push	{r4, lr}
     c68:	e3130001 	tst	r3, #1
     c6c:	e1a04001 	mov	r4, r1
     c70:	0a000008 	beq	c98 <libip6t_srh_init+0x684>
     c74:	e1d132b8 	ldrh	r3, [r1, #40]	; 0x28
     c78:	e3130001 	tst	r3, #1
     c7c:	1a00007e 	bne	e7c <libip6t_srh_init+0x868>
     c80:	e59f1278 	ldr	r1, [pc, #632]	; f00 <libip6t_srh_init+0x8ec>
     c84:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     c88:	e59f0274 	ldr	r0, [pc, #628]	; f04 <libip6t_srh_init+0x8f0>
     c8c:	e5d42020 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #32]
     c90:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     c94:	ebfffe40 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     c98:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     c9c:	e3130002 	tst	r3, #2
     ca0:	0a000008 	beq	cc8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x6b4>
     ca4:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     ca8:	e3130002 	tst	r3, #2
     cac:	1a000075 	bne	e88 <libip6t_srh_init+0x874>
     cb0:	e59f1250 	ldr	r1, [pc, #592]	; f08 <libip6t_srh_init+0x8f4>
     cb4:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     cb8:	e59f024c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #588]	; f0c <libip6t_srh_init+0x8f8>
     cbc:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
     cc0:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     cc4:	ebfffe34 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     cc8:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     ccc:	e3130004 	tst	r3, #4
     cd0:	0a000008 	beq	cf8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x6e4>
     cd4:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     cd8:	e3130004 	tst	r3, #4
     cdc:	1a00006c 	bne	e94 <libip6t_srh_init+0x880>
     ce0:	e59f1228 	ldr	r1, [pc, #552]	; f10 <libip6t_srh_init+0x8fc>
     ce4:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     ce8:	e59f0224 	ldr	r0, [pc, #548]	; f14 <libip6t_srh_init+0x900>
     cec:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
     cf0:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     cf4:	ebfffe28 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     cf8:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     cfc:	e3130008 	tst	r3, #8
     d00:	0a000008 	beq	d28 <libip6t_srh_init+0x714>
     d04:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     d08:	e3130008 	tst	r3, #8
     d0c:	1a000063 	bne	ea0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x88c>
     d10:	e59f1200 	ldr	r1, [pc, #512]	; f18 <libip6t_srh_init+0x904>
     d14:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     d18:	e59f01fc 	ldr	r0, [pc, #508]	; f1c <libip6t_srh_init+0x908>
     d1c:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
     d20:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     d24:	ebfffe1c 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     d28:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     d2c:	e3130010 	tst	r3, #16
     d30:	0a000008 	beq	d58 <libip6t_srh_init+0x744>
     d34:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     d38:	e3130010 	tst	r3, #16
     d3c:	1a00005a 	bne	eac <libip6t_srh_init+0x898>
     d40:	e59f11d8 	ldr	r1, [pc, #472]	; f20 <libip6t_srh_init+0x90c>
     d44:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     d48:	e59f01d4 	ldr	r0, [pc, #468]	; f24 <libip6t_srh_init+0x910>
     d4c:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
     d50:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     d54:	ebfffe10 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     d58:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     d5c:	e3130020 	tst	r3, #32
     d60:	0a000008 	beq	d88 <libip6t_srh_init+0x774>
     d64:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     d68:	e3130020 	tst	r3, #32
     d6c:	1a000051 	bne	eb8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x8a4>
     d70:	e59f11b0 	ldr	r1, [pc, #432]	; f28 <libip6t_srh_init+0x914>
     d74:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     d78:	e59f01ac 	ldr	r0, [pc, #428]	; f2c <libip6t_srh_init+0x918>
     d7c:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
     d80:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     d84:	ebfffe04 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     d88:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     d8c:	e3130040 	tst	r3, #64	; 0x40
     d90:	0a000008 	beq	db8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x7a4>
     d94:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     d98:	e3130040 	tst	r3, #64	; 0x40
     d9c:	1a000048 	bne	ec4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x8b0>
     da0:	e59f1188 	ldr	r1, [pc, #392]	; f30 <libip6t_srh_init+0x91c>
     da4:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     da8:	e59f0184 	ldr	r0, [pc, #388]	; f34 <libip6t_srh_init+0x920>
     dac:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
     db0:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     db4:	ebfffdf8 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     db8:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     dbc:	e3130080 	tst	r3, #128	; 0x80
     dc0:	0a000008 	beq	de8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x7d4>
     dc4:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     dc8:	e3130080 	tst	r3, #128	; 0x80
     dcc:	1a00003f 	bne	ed0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x8bc>
     dd0:	e59f1160 	ldr	r1, [pc, #352]	; f38 <libip6t_srh_init+0x924>
     dd4:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     dd8:	e59f015c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #348]	; f3c <libip6t_srh_init+0x928>
     ddc:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
     de0:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     de4:	ebfffdec 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     de8:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     dec:	e3130c01 	tst	r3, #256	; 0x100
     df0:	0a000008 	beq	e18 <libip6t_srh_init+0x804>
     df4:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     df8:	e3130c01 	tst	r3, #256	; 0x100
     dfc:	1a000036 	bne	edc <libip6t_srh_init+0x8c8>
     e00:	e59f1138 	ldr	r1, [pc, #312]	; f40 <libip6t_srh_init+0x92c>
     e04:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     e08:	e59f0134 	ldr	r0, [pc, #308]	; f44 <libip6t_srh_init+0x930>
     e0c:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
     e10:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     e14:	ebfffde0 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     e18:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     e1c:	e3130c02 	tst	r3, #512	; 0x200
     e20:	0a000008 	beq	e48 <libip6t_srh_init+0x834>
     e24:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     e28:	e3130c02 	tst	r3, #512	; 0x200
     e2c:	1a00002d 	bne	ee8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x8d4>
     e30:	e59f1110 	ldr	r1, [pc, #272]	; f48 <libip6t_srh_init+0x934>
     e34:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     e38:	e59f010c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #268]	; f4c <libip6t_srh_init+0x938>
     e3c:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
     e40:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     e44:	ebfffdd4 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     e48:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     e4c:	e3130b01 	tst	r3, #1024	; 0x400
     f44:	00000eaa 	andeq	r0, r0, sl, lsr #29
     f48:	00000dc6 	andeq	r0, r0, r6, asr #27
     f4c:	00000e94 	muleq	r0, r4, lr
     f50:	00000d96 	muleq	r0, r6, sp
     f54:	00000e7e 	andeq	r0, r0, lr, ror lr
     f58:	00000d78 	andeq	r0, r0, r8, ror sp
     f5c:	00000d6c 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, ror #26
     f60:	00000d60 	andeq	r0, r0, r0, ror #26
     f64:	00000d54 	andeq	r0, r0, r4, asr sp
     f68:	00000d48 	andeq	r0, r0, r8, asr #26
     f6c:	00000d3c 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, lsr sp
     f70:	00000d30 	andeq	r0, r0, r0, lsr sp
     f74:	00000d24 	andeq	r0, r0, r4, lsr #26
     f78:	00000d18 	andeq	r0, r0, r8, lsl sp
     f7c:	00000d0c 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, lsl #26
     f80:	00000d00 	andeq	r0, r0, r0, lsl #26
     f84:	e59f02a4 	ldr	r0, [pc, #676]	; 1230 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc1c>
     f88:	e92d4010 	push	{r4, lr}
     f8c:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     f90:	e1a04001 	mov	r4, r1
     f94:	ebfffd80 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     f98:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     f9c:	e3130001 	tst	r3, #1
     fa0:	0a000008 	beq	fc8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x9b4>
     fa4:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     fa8:	e3130001 	tst	r3, #1
     fac:	1a00007e 	bne	11ac <libip6t_srh_init+0xb98>
     fb0:	e59f127c 	ldr	r1, [pc, #636]	; 1234 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc20>
     fb4:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     fb8:	e59f0278 	ldr	r0, [pc, #632]	; 1238 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc24>
     fbc:	e5d42020 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #32]
     fc0:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     fc4:	ebfffd74 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     fc8:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     fcc:	e3130002 	tst	r3, #2
     fd0:	0a000008 	beq	ff8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x9e4>
     fd4:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
     fd8:	e3130002 	tst	r3, #2
     fdc:	1a000075 	bne	11b8 <libip6t_srh_init+0xba4>
     fe0:	e59f1254 	ldr	r1, [pc, #596]	; 123c <libip6t_srh_init+0xc28>
     fe4:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
     fe8:	e59f0250 	ldr	r0, [pc, #592]	; 1240 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc2c>
     fec:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
     ff0:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
     ff4:	ebfffd68 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
     ff8:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
     ffc:	e3130004 	tst	r3, #4
    1000:	0a000008 	beq	1028 <libip6t_srh_init+0xa14>
    1004:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
    1008:	e3130004 	tst	r3, #4
    100c:	1a00006c 	bne	11c4 <libip6t_srh_init+0xbb0>
    1010:	e59f122c 	ldr	r1, [pc, #556]	; 1244 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc30>
    1014:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1018:	e59f0228 	ldr	r0, [pc, #552]	; 1248 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc34>
    101c:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
    1020:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1024:	ebfffd5c 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1028:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
    102c:	e3130008 	tst	r3, #8
    1030:	0a000008 	beq	1058 <libip6t_srh_init+0xa44>
    1034:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
    1038:	e3130008 	tst	r3, #8
    103c:	1a000063 	bne	11d0 <libip6t_srh_init+0xbbc>
    1040:	e59f1204 	ldr	r1, [pc, #516]	; 124c <libip6t_srh_init+0xc38>
    1044:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1048:	e59f0200 	ldr	r0, [pc, #512]	; 1250 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc3c>
    104c:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
    1050:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1054:	ebfffd50 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1058:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
    105c:	e3130010 	tst	r3, #16
    1060:	0a000008 	beq	1088 <libip6t_srh_init+0xa74>
    1064:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
    1068:	e3130010 	tst	r3, #16
    106c:	1a00005a 	bne	11dc <libip6t_srh_init+0xbc8>
    1070:	e59f11dc 	ldr	r1, [pc, #476]	; 1254 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc40>
    1074:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1078:	e59f01d8 	ldr	r0, [pc, #472]	; 1258 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc44>
    107c:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
    1080:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1084:	ebfffd44 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1088:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
    108c:	e3130020 	tst	r3, #32
    1090:	0a000008 	beq	10b8 <libip6t_srh_init+0xaa4>
    1094:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
    1098:	e3130020 	tst	r3, #32
    109c:	1a000051 	bne	11e8 <libip6t_srh_init+0xbd4>
    10a0:	e59f11b4 	ldr	r1, [pc, #436]	; 125c <libip6t_srh_init+0xc48>
    10a4:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    10a8:	e59f01b0 	ldr	r0, [pc, #432]	; 1260 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc4c>
    10ac:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
    10b0:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    10b4:	ebfffd38 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    10b8:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
    10bc:	e3130040 	tst	r3, #64	; 0x40
    10c0:	0a000008 	beq	10e8 <libip6t_srh_init+0xad4>
    10c4:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
    10c8:	e3130040 	tst	r3, #64	; 0x40
    10cc:	1a000048 	bne	11f4 <libip6t_srh_init+0xbe0>
    10d0:	e59f118c 	ldr	r1, [pc, #396]	; 1264 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc50>
    10d4:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    10d8:	e59f0188 	ldr	r0, [pc, #392]	; 1268 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc54>
    10dc:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
    10e0:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    10e4:	ebfffd2c 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    10e8:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
    10ec:	e3130080 	tst	r3, #128	; 0x80
    10f0:	0a000008 	beq	1118 <libip6t_srh_init+0xb04>
    10f4:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
    10f8:	e3130080 	tst	r3, #128	; 0x80
    10fc:	1a00003f 	bne	1200 <libip6t_srh_init+0xbec>
    1100:	e59f1164 	ldr	r1, [pc, #356]	; 126c <libip6t_srh_init+0xc58>
    1104:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1108:	e59f0160 	ldr	r0, [pc, #352]	; 1270 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc5c>
    110c:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
    1110:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1114:	ebfffd20 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1118:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
    111c:	e3130c01 	tst	r3, #256	; 0x100
    1120:	0a000008 	beq	1148 <libip6t_srh_init+0xb34>
    1124:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
    1128:	e3130c01 	tst	r3, #256	; 0x100
    112c:	1a000036 	bne	120c <libip6t_srh_init+0xbf8>
    1130:	e59f113c 	ldr	r1, [pc, #316]	; 1274 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc60>
    1134:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1138:	e59f0138 	ldr	r0, [pc, #312]	; 1278 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc64>
    113c:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
    1140:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1144:	ebfffd14 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1148:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
    114c:	e3130c02 	tst	r3, #512	; 0x200
    1150:	0a000008 	beq	1178 <libip6t_srh_init+0xb64>
    1154:	e1d432b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #40]	; 0x28
    1158:	e3130c02 	tst	r3, #512	; 0x200
    115c:	1a00002d 	bne	1218 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc04>
    1160:	e59f1114 	ldr	r1, [pc, #276]	; 127c <libip6t_srh_init+0xc68>
    1164:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1168:	e59f0110 	ldr	r0, [pc, #272]	; 1280 <libip6t_srh_init+0xc6c>
    116c:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
    1170:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1174:	ebfffd08 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1178:	e1d432b6 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #38]	; 0x26
    117c:	e3130b01 	tst	r3, #1024	; 0x400
    129c:	00000a19 	andeq	r0, r0, r9, lsl sl
    12a0:	00000a0d 	andeq	r0, r0, sp, lsl #20
    12a4:	00000a01 	andeq	r0, r0, r1, lsl #20
    12a8:	000009f5 	strdeq	r0, [r0], -r5
    12ac:	000009e9 	andeq	r0, r0, r9, ror #19
    12b0:	000009dd 	ldrdeq	r0, [r0], -sp
    12b4:	000009d1 	ldrdeq	r0, [r0], -r1
    12b8:	e1d138b8 	ldrh	r3, [r1, #136]	; 0x88
    12bc:	e92d4070 	push	{r4, r5, r6, lr}
    12c0:	e3130001 	tst	r3, #1
    12c4:	e1a04001 	mov	r4, r1
    12c8:	0a000008 	beq	12f0 <libip6t_srh_init+0xcdc>
    12cc:	e1d138ba 	ldrh	r3, [r1, #138]	; 0x8a
    12d0:	e3130001 	tst	r3, #1
    12d4:	1a0000b7 	bne	15b8 <libip6t_srh_init+0xfa4>
    12d8:	e59f1380 	ldr	r1, [pc, #896]	; 1660 <libip6t_srh_init+0x104c>
    12dc:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    12e0:	e59f037c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #892]	; 1664 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1050>
    12e4:	e5d42020 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #32]
    12e8:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    12ec:	ebfffcaa 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    12f0:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    12f4:	e3130002 	tst	r3, #2
    12f8:	0a000008 	beq	1320 <libip6t_srh_init+0xd0c>
    12fc:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    1300:	e3130002 	tst	r3, #2
    1304:	1a0000ae 	bne	15c4 <libip6t_srh_init+0xfb0>
    1308:	e59f1358 	ldr	r1, [pc, #856]	; 1668 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1054>
    130c:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1310:	e59f0354 	ldr	r0, [pc, #852]	; 166c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1058>
    1314:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
    1318:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    131c:	ebfffc9e 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1320:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1324:	e3130004 	tst	r3, #4
    1328:	0a000008 	beq	1350 <libip6t_srh_init+0xd3c>
    132c:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    1330:	e3130004 	tst	r3, #4
    1334:	1a0000a5 	bne	15d0 <libip6t_srh_init+0xfbc>
    1338:	e59f1330 	ldr	r1, [pc, #816]	; 1670 <libip6t_srh_init+0x105c>
    133c:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1340:	e59f032c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #812]	; 1674 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1060>
    1344:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
    1348:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    134c:	ebfffc92 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1350:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1354:	e3130008 	tst	r3, #8
    1358:	0a000008 	beq	1380 <libip6t_srh_init+0xd6c>
    135c:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    1360:	e3130008 	tst	r3, #8
    1364:	1a00009c 	bne	15dc <libip6t_srh_init+0xfc8>
    1368:	e59f1308 	ldr	r1, [pc, #776]	; 1678 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1064>
    136c:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1370:	e59f0304 	ldr	r0, [pc, #772]	; 167c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1068>
    1374:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
    1378:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    137c:	ebfffc86 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1380:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1384:	e3130010 	tst	r3, #16
    1388:	0a000008 	beq	13b0 <libip6t_srh_init+0xd9c>
    138c:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    1390:	e3130010 	tst	r3, #16
    1394:	1a000093 	bne	15e8 <libip6t_srh_init+0xfd4>
    1398:	e59f12e0 	ldr	r1, [pc, #736]	; 1680 <libip6t_srh_init+0x106c>
    139c:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    13a0:	e59f02dc 	ldr	r0, [pc, #732]	; 1684 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1070>
    13a4:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
    13a8:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    13ac:	ebfffc7a 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    13b0:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    13b4:	e3130020 	tst	r3, #32
    13b8:	0a000008 	beq	13e0 <libip6t_srh_init+0xdcc>
    13bc:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    13c0:	e3130020 	tst	r3, #32
    13c4:	1a00008a 	bne	15f4 <libip6t_srh_init+0xfe0>
    13c8:	e59f12b8 	ldr	r1, [pc, #696]	; 1688 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1074>
    13cc:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    13d0:	e59f02b4 	ldr	r0, [pc, #692]	; 168c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1078>
    13d4:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
    13d8:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    13dc:	ebfffc6e 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    13e0:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    13e4:	e3130040 	tst	r3, #64	; 0x40
    13e8:	0a000008 	beq	1410 <libip6t_srh_init+0xdfc>
    13ec:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    13f0:	e3130040 	tst	r3, #64	; 0x40
    13f4:	1a000081 	bne	1600 <libip6t_srh_init+0xfec>
    13f8:	e59f1290 	ldr	r1, [pc, #656]	; 1690 <libip6t_srh_init+0x107c>
    13fc:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1400:	e59f028c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #652]	; 1694 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1080>
    1404:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
    1408:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    140c:	ebfffc62 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1410:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1414:	e3130080 	tst	r3, #128	; 0x80
    1418:	0a000008 	beq	1440 <libip6t_srh_init+0xe2c>
    141c:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    1420:	e3130080 	tst	r3, #128	; 0x80
    1424:	1a000078 	bne	160c <libip6t_srh_init+0xff8>
    1428:	e59f1268 	ldr	r1, [pc, #616]	; 1698 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1084>
    142c:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1430:	e59f0264 	ldr	r0, [pc, #612]	; 169c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1088>
    1434:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
    1438:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    143c:	ebfffc56 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1440:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1444:	e3130c01 	tst	r3, #256	; 0x100
    1448:	0a000008 	beq	1470 <libip6t_srh_init+0xe5c>
    144c:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    1450:	e3130c01 	tst	r3, #256	; 0x100
    1454:	1a00006f 	bne	1618 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1004>
    1458:	e59f1240 	ldr	r1, [pc, #576]	; 16a0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x108c>
    145c:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1460:	e59f023c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #572]	; 16a4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1090>
    1464:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
    1468:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    146c:	ebfffc4a 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1470:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1474:	e3130c02 	tst	r3, #512	; 0x200
    1478:	0a000008 	beq	14a0 <libip6t_srh_init+0xe8c>
    147c:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    1480:	e3130c02 	tst	r3, #512	; 0x200
    1484:	1a000066 	bne	1624 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1010>
    1488:	e59f1218 	ldr	r1, [pc, #536]	; 16a8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1094>
    148c:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    1490:	e59f0214 	ldr	r0, [pc, #532]	; 16ac <libip6t_srh_init+0x1098>
    1494:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
    1498:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    149c:	ebfffc3e 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    14a0:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    14a4:	e3130b01 	tst	r3, #1024	; 0x400
    14a8:	0a000008 	beq	14d0 <libip6t_srh_init+0xebc>
    14ac:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    14b0:	e3130b01 	tst	r3, #1024	; 0x400
    14b4:	1a00005d 	bne	1630 <libip6t_srh_init+0x101c>
    14b8:	e59f11f0 	ldr	r1, [pc, #496]	; 16b0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x109c>
    14bc:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    14c0:	e59f01ec 	ldr	r0, [pc, #492]	; 16b4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x10a0>
    14c4:	e1d422b4 	ldrh	r2, [r4, #36]	; 0x24
    14c8:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    14cc:	ebfffc32 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    14d0:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    14d4:	e3130b02 	tst	r3, #2048	; 0x800
    14d8:	0a00000f 	beq	151c <libip6t_srh_init+0xf08>
    14dc:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    14e0:	e3130b02 	tst	r3, #2048	; 0x800
    14e4:	1a000054 	bne	163c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1028>
    14e8:	e59f51c8 	ldr	r5, [pc, #456]	; 16b8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x10a4>
    14ec:	e08f5005 	add	r5, pc, r5
    14f0:	e2840028 	add	r0, r4, #40	; 0x28
    14f4:	ebfffc34 	bl	5cc <xtables_ip6addr_to_numeric@plt>
    14f8:	e1a06000 	mov	r6, r0
    14fc:	e2840058 	add	r0, r4, #88	; 0x58
    1500:	ebfffc28 	bl	5a8 <xtables_ip6mask_to_cidr@plt>
    1504:	e1a02006 	mov	r2, r6
    1508:	e1a01005 	mov	r1, r5
    150c:	e1a03000 	mov	r3, r0
    1510:	e59f01a4 	ldr	r0, [pc, #420]	; 16bc <libip6t_srh_init+0x10a8>
    1514:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1518:	ebfffc1f 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    151c:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1520:	e3130a01 	tst	r3, #4096	; 0x1000
    1524:	0a00000f 	beq	1568 <libip6t_srh_init+0xf54>
    1528:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    152c:	e3130a01 	tst	r3, #4096	; 0x1000
    1530:	1a000044 	bne	1648 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1034>
    1534:	e59f5184 	ldr	r5, [pc, #388]	; 16c0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x10ac>
    1538:	e08f5005 	add	r5, pc, r5
    153c:	e2840038 	add	r0, r4, #56	; 0x38
    1540:	ebfffc21 	bl	5cc <xtables_ip6addr_to_numeric@plt>
    1544:	e1a06000 	mov	r6, r0
    1548:	e2840068 	add	r0, r4, #104	; 0x68
    154c:	ebfffc15 	bl	5a8 <xtables_ip6mask_to_cidr@plt>
    1550:	e1a02006 	mov	r2, r6
    1554:	e1a01005 	mov	r1, r5
    1558:	e1a03000 	mov	r3, r0
    155c:	e59f0160 	ldr	r0, [pc, #352]	; 16c4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x10b0>
    1560:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1564:	ebfffc0c 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1568:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    156c:	e3130a02 	tst	r3, #8192	; 0x2000
    16c8:	00000676 	andeq	r0, r0, r6, ror r6
    16cc:	0000083c 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, lsr r8
    16d0:	0000063c 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, lsr r6
    16d4:	00000630 	andeq	r0, r0, r0, lsr r6
    16d8:	00000624 	andeq	r0, r0, r4, lsr #12
    16dc:	00000618 	andeq	r0, r0, r8, lsl r6
    16e0:	0000060c 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, lsl #12
    16e4:	00000600 	andeq	r0, r0, r0, lsl #12
    16e8:	000005f4 	strdeq	r0, [r0], -r4
    16ec:	000005e8 	andeq	r0, r0, r8, ror #11
    16f0:	000005dc 	ldrdeq	r0, [r0], -ip
    16f4:	000005d0 	ldrdeq	r0, [r0], -r0	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    16f8:	000005c4 	andeq	r0, r0, r4, asr #11
    16fc:	000005b8 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x000005b8
    1700:	000005ac 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, lsr #11
    1704:	000005a0 	andeq	r0, r0, r0, lsr #11
    1708:	e59f03ac 	ldr	r0, [pc, #940]	; 1abc <libip6t_srh_init+0x14a8>
    170c:	e92d4070 	push	{r4, r5, r6, lr}
    1710:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1714:	e1a04001 	mov	r4, r1
    1718:	ebfffb9f 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    171c:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1720:	e3130001 	tst	r3, #1
    1724:	0a000008 	beq	174c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1138>
    1728:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    172c:	e3130001 	tst	r3, #1
    1730:	1a0000b7 	bne	1a14 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1400>
    1734:	e59f1384 	ldr	r1, [pc, #900]	; 1ac0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14ac>
    1738:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    173c:	e59f0380 	ldr	r0, [pc, #896]	; 1ac4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14b0>
    1740:	e5d42020 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #32]
    1744:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1748:	ebfffb93 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    174c:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1750:	e3130002 	tst	r3, #2
    1754:	0a000008 	beq	177c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1168>
    1758:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    175c:	e3130002 	tst	r3, #2
    1760:	1a0000ae 	bne	1a20 <libip6t_srh_init+0x140c>
    1764:	e59f135c 	ldr	r1, [pc, #860]	; 1ac8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14b4>
    1768:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    176c:	e59f0358 	ldr	r0, [pc, #856]	; 1acc <libip6t_srh_init+0x14b8>
    1770:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
    1774:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1778:	ebfffb87 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    177c:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1780:	e3130004 	tst	r3, #4
    1784:	0a000008 	beq	17ac <libip6t_srh_init+0x1198>
    1788:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    178c:	e3130004 	tst	r3, #4
    1790:	1a0000a5 	bne	1a2c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1418>
    1794:	e59f1334 	ldr	r1, [pc, #820]	; 1ad0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14bc>
    1798:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    179c:	e59f0330 	ldr	r0, [pc, #816]	; 1ad4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14c0>
    17a0:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
    17a4:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    17a8:	ebfffb7b 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    17ac:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    17b0:	e3130008 	tst	r3, #8
    17b4:	0a000008 	beq	17dc <libip6t_srh_init+0x11c8>
    17b8:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    17bc:	e3130008 	tst	r3, #8
    17c0:	1a00009c 	bne	1a38 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1424>
    17c4:	e59f130c 	ldr	r1, [pc, #780]	; 1ad8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14c4>
    17c8:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    17cc:	e59f0308 	ldr	r0, [pc, #776]	; 1adc <libip6t_srh_init+0x14c8>
    17d0:	e5d42021 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #33]	; 0x21
    17d4:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    17d8:	ebfffb6f 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    17dc:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    17e0:	e3130010 	tst	r3, #16
    17e4:	0a000008 	beq	180c <libip6t_srh_init+0x11f8>
    17e8:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    17ec:	e3130010 	tst	r3, #16
    17f0:	1a000093 	bne	1a44 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1430>
    17f4:	e59f12e4 	ldr	r1, [pc, #740]	; 1ae0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14cc>
    17f8:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    17fc:	e59f02e0 	ldr	r0, [pc, #736]	; 1ae4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14d0>
    1800:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
    1804:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1808:	ebfffb63 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    180c:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1810:	e3130020 	tst	r3, #32
    1814:	0a000008 	beq	183c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1228>
    1818:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    181c:	e3130020 	tst	r3, #32
    1820:	1a00008a 	bne	1a50 <libip6t_srh_init+0x143c>
    1824:	e59f12bc 	ldr	r1, [pc, #700]	; 1ae8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14d4>
    1828:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    182c:	e59f02b8 	ldr	r0, [pc, #696]	; 1aec <libip6t_srh_init+0x14d8>
    1830:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
    1834:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1838:	ebfffb57 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    183c:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1840:	e3130040 	tst	r3, #64	; 0x40
    1844:	0a000008 	beq	186c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1258>
    1848:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    184c:	e3130040 	tst	r3, #64	; 0x40
    1850:	1a000081 	bne	1a5c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1448>
    1854:	e59f1294 	ldr	r1, [pc, #660]	; 1af0 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14dc>
    1858:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    185c:	e59f0290 	ldr	r0, [pc, #656]	; 1af4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14e0>
    1860:	e5d42022 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #34]	; 0x22
    1864:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1868:	ebfffb4b 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    186c:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1870:	e3130080 	tst	r3, #128	; 0x80
    1874:	0a000008 	beq	189c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1288>
    1878:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    187c:	e3130080 	tst	r3, #128	; 0x80
    1880:	1a000078 	bne	1a68 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1454>
    1884:	e59f126c 	ldr	r1, [pc, #620]	; 1af8 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14e4>
    1888:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    188c:	e59f0268 	ldr	r0, [pc, #616]	; 1afc <libip6t_srh_init+0x14e8>
    1890:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
    1894:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1898:	ebfffb3f 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    189c:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    18a0:	e3130c01 	tst	r3, #256	; 0x100
    18a4:	0a000008 	beq	18cc <libip6t_srh_init+0x12b8>
    18a8:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    18ac:	e3130c01 	tst	r3, #256	; 0x100
    18b0:	1a00006f 	bne	1a74 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1460>
    18b4:	e59f1244 	ldr	r1, [pc, #580]	; 1b00 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14ec>
    18b8:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    18bc:	e59f0240 	ldr	r0, [pc, #576]	; 1b04 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14f0>
    18c0:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
    18c4:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    18c8:	ebfffb33 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    18cc:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    18d0:	e3130c02 	tst	r3, #512	; 0x200
    18d4:	0a000008 	beq	18fc <libip6t_srh_init+0x12e8>
    18d8:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    18dc:	e3130c02 	tst	r3, #512	; 0x200
    18e0:	1a000066 	bne	1a80 <libip6t_srh_init+0x146c>
    18e4:	e59f121c 	ldr	r1, [pc, #540]	; 1b08 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14f4>
    18e8:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    18ec:	e59f0218 	ldr	r0, [pc, #536]	; 1b0c <libip6t_srh_init+0x14f8>
    18f0:	e5d42023 	ldrb	r2, [r4, #35]	; 0x23
    18f4:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    18f8:	ebfffb27 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    18fc:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1900:	e3130b01 	tst	r3, #1024	; 0x400
    1904:	0a000008 	beq	192c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1318>
    1908:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    190c:	e3130b01 	tst	r3, #1024	; 0x400
    1910:	1a00005d 	bne	1a8c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1478>
    1914:	e59f11f4 	ldr	r1, [pc, #500]	; 1b10 <libip6t_srh_init+0x14fc>
    1918:	e08f1001 	add	r1, pc, r1
    191c:	e59f01f0 	ldr	r0, [pc, #496]	; 1b14 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1500>
    1920:	e1d422b4 	ldrh	r2, [r4, #36]	; 0x24
    1924:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1928:	ebfffb1b 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    192c:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    1930:	e3130b02 	tst	r3, #2048	; 0x800
    1934:	0a00000f 	beq	1978 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1364>
    1938:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    193c:	e3130b02 	tst	r3, #2048	; 0x800
    1940:	1a000054 	bne	1a98 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1484>
    1944:	e59f51cc 	ldr	r5, [pc, #460]	; 1b18 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1504>
    1948:	e08f5005 	add	r5, pc, r5
    194c:	e2840028 	add	r0, r4, #40	; 0x28
    1950:	ebfffb1d 	bl	5cc <xtables_ip6addr_to_numeric@plt>
    1954:	e1a06000 	mov	r6, r0
    1958:	e2840058 	add	r0, r4, #88	; 0x58
    195c:	ebfffb11 	bl	5a8 <xtables_ip6mask_to_cidr@plt>
    1960:	e1a02006 	mov	r2, r6
    1964:	e1a01005 	mov	r1, r5
    1968:	e1a03000 	mov	r3, r0
    196c:	e59f01a8 	ldr	r0, [pc, #424]	; 1b1c <libip6t_srh_init+0x1508>
    1970:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    1974:	ebfffb08 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    1978:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    197c:	e3130a01 	tst	r3, #4096	; 0x1000
    1980:	0a00000f 	beq	19c4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x13b0>
    1984:	e1d438ba 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #138]	; 0x8a
    1988:	e3130a01 	tst	r3, #4096	; 0x1000
    198c:	1a000044 	bne	1aa4 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1490>
    1990:	e59f5188 	ldr	r5, [pc, #392]	; 1b20 <libip6t_srh_init+0x150c>
    1994:	e08f5005 	add	r5, pc, r5
    1998:	e2840038 	add	r0, r4, #56	; 0x38
    199c:	ebfffb0a 	bl	5cc <xtables_ip6addr_to_numeric@plt>
    19a0:	e1a06000 	mov	r6, r0
    19a4:	e2840068 	add	r0, r4, #104	; 0x68
    19a8:	ebfffafe 	bl	5a8 <xtables_ip6mask_to_cidr@plt>
    19ac:	e1a02006 	mov	r2, r6
    19b0:	e1a01005 	mov	r1, r5
    19b4:	e1a03000 	mov	r3, r0
    19b8:	e59f0164 	ldr	r0, [pc, #356]	; 1b24 <libip6t_srh_init+0x1510>
    19bc:	e08f0000 	add	r0, pc, r0
    19c0:	ebfffaf5 	bl	59c <printf@plt>
    19c4:	e1d438b8 	ldrh	r3, [r4, #136]	; 0x88
    19c8:	e3130a02 	tst	r3, #8192	; 0x2000

[*] Function printf used 48 times libip6t_srh.so