[*] Binary protection state of lighttpd-angel

  	Partial RELRO  No Canary found   NX disabled  No PIE       No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function fprintf tear down of lighttpd-angel

   106d4:	e353000a 	cmp	r3, #10
   106d8:	1affffe2 	bne	10668 <__register_frame_info@plt+0xdc>
   106dc:	e5964004 	ldr	r4, [r6, #4]
   106e0:	e3540000 	cmp	r4, #0
   106e4:	1affffdf 	bne	10668 <__register_frame_info@plt+0xdc>
   106e8:	e1a00004 	mov	r0, r4
   106ec:	e28dd024 	add	sp, sp, #36	; 0x24
   106f0:	e8bd83f0 	pop	{r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, pc}
   106f4:	e59d3008 	ldr	r3, [sp, #8]
   106f8:	e213407f 	ands	r4, r3, #127	; 0x7f
   106fc:	1a00000a 	bne	1072c <__register_frame_info@plt+0x1a0>
   10700:	e5962000 	ldr	r2, [r6]
   10704:	e59f006c 	ldr	r0, [pc, #108]	; 10778 <__register_frame_info@plt+0x1ec>
   10708:	e1a03443 	asr	r3, r3, #8
   1070c:	e20330ff 	and	r3, r3, #255	; 0xff
   10710:	e88d000c 	stm	sp, {r2, r3}
   10714:	e59f1060 	ldr	r1, [pc, #96]	; 1077c <__register_frame_info@plt+0x1f0>
   10718:	e3a03094 	mov	r3, #148	; 0x94
   1071c:	e59f205c 	ldr	r2, [pc, #92]	; 10780 <__register_frame_info@plt+0x1f4>
   10720:	e5900000 	ldr	r0, [r0]
   10724:	ebffff77 	bl	10508 <fprintf@plt>
   10728:	eaffffee 	b	106e8 <__register_frame_info@plt+0x15c>
   1072c:	e0033008 	and	r3, r3, r8
   10730:	e2433001 	sub	r3, r3, #1
   10734:	e35300fe 	cmp	r3, #254	; 0xfe
   10738:	8affffca 	bhi	10668 <__register_frame_info@plt+0xdc>
   1073c:	e5963000 	ldr	r3, [r6]
   10740:	e59f0030 	ldr	r0, [pc, #48]	; 10778 <__register_frame_info@plt+0x1ec>
   10744:	e88d0018 	stm	sp, {r3, r4}
   10748:	e59f2030 	ldr	r2, [pc, #48]	; 10780 <__register_frame_info@plt+0x1f4>
   1074c:	e3a0309c 	mov	r3, #156	; 0x9c
   10750:	e59f102c 	ldr	r1, [pc, #44]	; 10784 <__register_frame_info@plt+0x1f8>
   10754:	e5900000 	ldr	r0, [r0]
   10758:	ebffff6a 	bl	10508 <fprintf@plt>
   1075c:	e3a03001 	mov	r3, #1
   10760:	e5863004 	str	r3, [r6, #4]

[*] Function fprintf used 2 times lighttpd-angel