[*] Binary protection state of ubirename
Partial RELRO No Canary found NX disabled No PIE No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function strcpy tear down of ubirename
10a68: e59f20c0 ldr r2, [pc, #192] ; 10b30 <free@plt+0x2e4>
10a6c: e59f10f0 ldr r1, [pc, #240] ; 10b64 <free@plt+0x318>
10a70: eaffffb5 b 1094c <free@plt+0x100>
10a74: e28d10a4 add r1, sp, #164 ; 0xa4
10a78: e59d000c ldr r0, [sp, #12]
10a7c: ebffff5d bl 107f8 <strcmp@plt>
10a80: e250b000 subs fp, r0, #0
10a84: 1a000020 bne 10b0c <free@plt+0x2c0>
10a88: e51621c4 ldr r2, [r6, #-452] ; 0xfffffe3c
10a8c: e3720001 cmn r2, #1
10a90: 0afffff3 beq 10a64 <free@plt+0x218>
10a94: e594a004 ldr sl, [r4, #4]
10a98: e5082008 str r2, [r8, #-8]
10a9c: e1a0000a mov r0, sl
10aa0: ebffff5d bl 1081c <strlen@plt>
10aa4: e1a0100a mov r1, sl
10aa8: e2899001 add r9, r9, #1
10aac: e2844008 add r4, r4, #8
10ab0: e14800b4 strh r0, [r8, #-4]
10ab4: e1a00008 mov r0, r8
10ab8: ebffff0f bl 106fc <strcpy@plt>
10abc: e59d3010 ldr r3, [sp, #16]
10ac0: e2888088 add r8, r8, #136 ; 0x88
[*] Function strcpy used 1 times ubirename