
[*] Emulating binary name: pcregrep
[*] Emulator used: qemu-arm-static
[*] Using root directory: /logs/s115_usermode_emulator/firmware/unblob_extracted/firmware_extract/56048-12514271.gzip_extract/gzip.uncompressed_extract/5243916-15068666.gzip_extract/gzip.uncompressed_extract (1/1)
[*] Using CPU config: NONE
[*] Emulating binary: /usr/bin/pcregrep

[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/pcregrep with parameter NONE
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/pcregrep with parameter -v
Usage: pcregrep [-AaBCcDdeFfHhIilLMNnoqrsuVvwx] [long options] [pattern] [files]
Type `pcregrep --help' for more information and the long options.
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/pcregrep with parameter -V
pcregrep version 8.42 2018-03-20
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/pcregrep with parameter -h
Usage: pcregrep [-AaBCcDdeFfHhIilLMNnoqrsuVvwx] [long options] [pattern] [files]
Type `pcregrep --help' for more information and the long options.
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/pcregrep with parameter -help
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/pcregrep with parameter --help
Usage: pcregrep [OPTION]... [PATTERN] [FILE1 FILE2 ...]
Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input.
PATTERN must be present if neither -e nor -f is used.
"-" can be used as a file name to mean STDIN.
All files are read as plain files, without any interpretation.

Example: pcregrep -i 'hello.*world' menu.h main.c

      --                       terminate options
      --help                   display this help and exit
  -A, --after-context=number   set number of following context lines
  -a, --text                   treat binary files as text
  -B, --before-context=number  set number of prior context lines
      --binary-files=word      set treatment of binary files
      --buffer-size=number     set processing buffer size parameter
      --color=option           matched text color option
      --colour=option          matched text colour option
  -C, --context=number         set number of context lines, before & after
  -c, --count                  print only a count of matching lines per FILE
  -D, --devices=action         how to handle devices, FIFOs, and sockets
  -d, --directories=action     how to handle directories
  -e, --regex(p)=pattern       specify pattern (may be used more than once)
  -F, --fixed-strings          patterns are sets of newline-separated strings
  -f, --file=path              read patterns from file
      --file-list=path         read files to search from file
      --file-offsets           output file offsets, not text
  -H, --with-filename          force the prefixing filename on output
  -h, --no-filename            suppress the prefixing filename on output
  -I                           treat binary files as not matching (ignore)
  -i, --ignore-case            ignore case distinctions
      --no-jit                 ignored: this pcregrep does not support JIT
  -l, --files-with-matches     print only FILE names containing matches
  -L, --files-without-match    print only FILE names not containing matches
      --label=name             set name for standard input
      --line-buffered          use line buffering
      --line-offsets           output line numbers and offsets, not text
      --locale=locale          use the named locale
      --match-limit=number     set PCRE match limit option
      --recursion-limit=number set PCRE match recursion limit option
  -M, --multiline              run in multiline mode
  -N, --newline=type           set newline type (CR, LF, CRLF, ANYCRLF or ANY)
  -n, --line-number            print line number with output lines
  -o, --only-matching=n        show only the part of the line that matched
      --om-separator=text      set separator for multiple -o output
  -q, --quiet                  suppress output, just set return code
  -r, --recursive              recursively scan sub-directories
      --exclude=pattern        exclude matching files when recursing
      --include=pattern        include matching files when recursing
      --exclude-dir=pattern    exclude matching directories when recursing
      --include-dir=pattern    include matching directories when recursing
      --exclude-from=path      read exclude list from file
      --include-from=path      read include list from file
  -s, --no-messages            suppress error messages
  -u, --utf-8                  use UTF-8 mode
  -V, --version                print version information and exit
  -v, --invert-match           select non-matching lines
  -w, --word-regex(p)          force patterns to match only as words
  -x, --line-regex(p)          force patterns to match only whole lines

Numbers may be followed by K or M, e.g. --buffer-size=100K.
The default value for --buffer-size is 20480.
When reading patterns or file names from a file, trailing white
space is removed and blank lines are ignored.
The maximum size of any pattern is 8192 bytes.

With no FILEs, read standard input. If fewer than two FILEs given, assume -h.
Exit status is 0 if any matches, 1 if no matches, and 2 if trouble.
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/pcregrep with parameter --version
pcregrep version 8.42 2018-03-20
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/pcregrep with parameter version
