// vim: ts=2 sw=2
include_once "base_controller.php";
include_once "data_formatters.php";
// include_once "elapsed_time.php";
class DataExportController extends BaseController {
var $special_keys = array('table', 'columns', 'dt_after', 'dt_before', 'dt_start', 'dt_end', 'dt_tz', 'dt_period', 'dt_week_start_on_sunday', 'format', 'file', 'true_text', 'false_text', 'null_text', 'last_n_row', 'save_to_local', 'zip_threshold', 'auth_key');
protected function signinRequired() {
return true;
protected function authKeyRequired() {
return true;
protected function sameHostAuthFree() {
return true;
protected function tz() {
$dt_tz = null;
if (isset($_GET['dt_tz']))
$dt_tz = $_GET['dt_tz'];
try {
$result = new DateTimeZone($dt_tz);
return $result;
} catch(Exception $e) {
$error = L('"dt_tz" is not valid: ') . $dt_tz;
// $default_tz = date_default_timezone_get();
$default_tz = 'UTC';
try {
$result = new DateTimeZone($default_tz);
return $result;
} catch(Exception $e) {
$error = 'default timezone "' . $default_tz .'" is not valid';
protected function convertTS($paramName, $tz) {
$timeString = array_key_exists($paramName, $_GET) ? $_GET[$paramName] : null;
$date = NULL;
if (empty($timeString))
return $date;
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('YmdHis', $timeString, $tz);
if (empty($date))
$this->renderErrorAndHelp(L('wrong datetime format: ') . $timeString);
$date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
return $date;
protected function tzOffset($userTZ) {
$utcTZ = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
$utcTime = new DateTime('now', $utcTZ);
return $userTZ->getOffset($utcTime)/3600;
protected function processDateTimePeriod($dt_tz, &$dt_after, &$dt_before) {
$dt_period_str = array_key_exists('dt_period', $_GET) ? $_GET['dt_period'] : null;
if (empty($dt_period_str))
$week_start_on_sunday = false;
$start_on_sunday = $_GET['dt_week_start_on_sunday'];
$week_start_on_sunday = (isset($start_on_sunday) && ($start_on_sunday == '1' || $start_on_sunday == 'true'));
$now = new DateTime('now', $dt_tz);
$today_no = $now->format('N');
$after_str = null;
$before_str = null;
if (strcasecmp($dt_period_str, 'today') == 0) {
$after_str = 'today';
$before_str = 'tomorrow';
} else if (strcasecmp($dt_period_str, 'yesterday') == 0) {
$after_str = 'yesterday';
$before_str = 'today';
} else if (strcasecmp($dt_period_str, 'last_24hr') == 0) {
$after_str = '-24 hours';
$before_str = 'now';
} else if (strcasecmp($dt_period_str, 'week_to_date') == 0) {
if ($week_start_on_sunday) {
if ($today_no == 7) // if today is Sunday
$after_str = 'today';
$after_str = 'Sunday last week';
else {
//GOTCHA: 'Monday this week' works well except on Sunday, it will return the Monday of next week on Sunday. Following logics fix this issue.
$after_str = '-' . ($today_no-1) . ' days today';
$before_str = 'tomorrow';
} else if (strcasecmp($dt_period_str, 'last_week') == 0) {
if ($week_start_on_sunday) {
$before_str = 'Sunday last week';
if ($today_no == 7 )
$before_str = 'today';
$after_str = '-7 days ' . $before_str;
} else {
$after_str = '-' . ($today_no+6) . ' days today';
$before_str = '-' . ($today_no-1) . ' days today';
} else if (strcasecmp($dt_period_str, 'month_to_date') == 0) {
$after_str = 'midnight first day of this month';
$before_str = 'tomorrow';
} else if (strcasecmp($dt_period_str, 'last_month') == 0) {
$after_str = 'midnight first day of last month';
$before_str = 'midnight first day of this month';
} else if (strcasecmp($dt_period_str, 'year_to_date') == 0) {
$after_str = 'midnight first day of January this year';
$before_str = 'tomorrow';
} else if (strcasecmp($dt_period_str, 'last_year') == 0) {
$after_str = 'midnight first day of January last year';
$before_str = 'midnight first day of January this year';
} else {
$err_msg = $dt_period_str . L(' is not a valid date period value');
$utc_tz = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
if (!is_null($after_str))
$dt_after = new DateTime($after_str, $dt_tz);
if (!is_null($before_str))
$dt_before = new DateTime($before_str, $dt_tz);
protected function doAjaxGet() {
protected function doGet() {
$table = $_GET['table'];
$columns = array_key_exists('columns', $_GET) ? $_GET['columns'] : null;
$dt_tz = $this->tz();
$dt_start_param_name = 'dt_after';
if (array_key_exists('dt_start', $_GET))
$dt_start_param_name = 'dt_start';
$dt_after = $this->convertTS($dt_start_param_name, $dt_tz);
$dt_end_param_name = 'dt_before';
if (array_key_exists('dt_end', $_GET))
$dt_end_param_name = 'dt_end';
$dt_before = $this->convertTS($dt_end_param_name, $dt_tz);
if (is_null($dt_after) && is_null($dt_before)) {
$this->processDateTimePeriod($dt_tz, $dt_after, $dt_before);
// handle 'file' parameter
$download_file_name = null;
$file_param = array_key_exists('file', $_GET) ? $_GET['file'] : null;
if (!is_null($file_param)) {
if (preg_match('/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $file_param))
$download_file_name = $file_param;
$this->renderErrorAndHelp(L("invalid file name: ") . $file_param . L(" (only alphbet, number, dash and underscore are valid)"));
$true_text = null;
$false_text = null;
$null_text = null;
if (isset($_GET['true_text']))
$true_text = $_GET['true_text'];
if (isset($_GET['false_text']))
$false_text = $_GET['false_text'];
if (isset($_GET['null_text']))
$null_text = $_GET['null_text'];
$format = $_GET['format'];
$formatter = build_formatter($format);
if (is_null($formatter))
$this->renderErrorAndHelp(L("invalid format: ") . $format);
if (isset($_GET['save_to_local'])) {
$file_name = $_GET['save_to_local'];
if (preg_match('/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $file_name)) {
if (isset($_GET['zip_threshold'])) {
$zip_threshold = floatval($_GET['zip_threshold']);
$this->renderErrorAndHelp(L("invalid file name: ") . $file_name . L(" (only alphbet, number, dash and underscore are valid)"));
if (empty($table))
$this->renderErrorAndHelp(L("'table' is invalid"));
if (empty($columns))
$columns = '*';
//NOTE: convert dt in sqlite to get better performance
$orig_columns = $columns;
$tzOffset = $this->tzOffset($dt_tz);
$convertDTExpr = "datetime(dt, '{$tzOffset} hours') as _dt";
if ($columns == '*')
$columns = "*,{$convertDTExpr}";
} else {
$pieces = explode(",", $columns);
$selectors = array();
$foundDt = false;
foreach($pieces as $piece) {
$piece = trim($piece);
if (strcmp($piece, 'dt') == 0)
$foundDt = true;
$selectors[] = "\"$piece\"";
if ($foundDt)
$selectors[] = $convertDTExpr;
$columns = implode(",", $selectors);
//build and do sql query
$db = DBConn::instance()->history_db();
$conditions = array();
// if (isset($_GET['conditions']))
// $conditions[] = '(' . $_GET['conditions'] . ')';
// $conditions[] = "dt >= :dt_after";
// $conditions[] = "dt < :dt_before";
if (!is_null($dt_after))
$conditions[] = "dt >= '" . $dt_after->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'";
if (!is_null($dt_before))
$conditions[] = "dt < '" . $dt_before->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'";
$query = "SELECT {$columns} FROM {$table}"
foreach($_GET as $k=>$v) {
if (in_array($k, $this->special_keys))
$conditions[] = "\"$k\"=:$k";
if ($conditions)
$query = $query . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions);
if (isset($_GET['last_n_row']))
$lastNRow = $_GET['last_n_row'];
if (isset($lastNRow) && is_numeric($lastNRow)) {
$lastNRow = min(10000, intval($lastNRow));
$query = $query . ' ORDER BY dt DESC LIMIT ' . $lastNRow;
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ( ' . $query . ') ORDER BY dt ASC;'
} else {
$query = $query . ' ORDER BY dt LIMIT 10000 ;';
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
if (!isset($stmt) || !$stmt) {
$db_error = $db->errorInfo();
if (count($db_error) != 3)
$this->renderErrorAndHelp(L('unknown error'));
$this->renderErrorAndHelp(L('error: ') . $db_error[2]);
foreach($_GET as $k=>$v) {
if (in_array($k, $this->special_keys))
$stmt->bindValue(":$k", $v);
// $stmt->bindValue(':dt_after', '"' . $dt_after->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '"');
// $stmt->bindValue(':dt_before', '"' . $dt_before->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'). '"');
// $etime = new ElapsedTime();
// error_log("### elapsed after query: " . $etime->elapsed());
$bool_text_mappings = array('0' => $false_text, '1' => $true_text, '2' => $null_text);
output_history_data($stmt, $formatter, $download_file_name, $orig_columns, $bool_text_mappings, $db, $table);
protected function renderErrorAndHelp($error) {
$style = <<<STYLEDOC
.error_text { color: red; }
table, th, td { border: 1px solid grey; }
th,td { padding:15px; }
$help_desc = <<<HELPDOC
<p>data_exporter script will allow you to export data from database, the URL syntax looks like this: <b>http://DEVICE_IP/sdcard/cpt/app/data_exporter.php?PARAM=VALUEhttp://DEVICE_IP/sdcard/cpt/app/data_exporter.php?PARAM=VALUE&PARAM2=VALUE2...</b></p>amp;PARAM2=VALUE2...http://DEVICE_IP/sdcard/cpt/app/data_exporter.php?PARAM=VALUE&PARAM2=VALUE2...</b></p>lt;/bhttp://DEVICE_IP/sdcard/cpt/app/data_exporter.php?PARAM=VALUE&PARAM2=VALUE2...</b></p>gt;http://DEVICE_IP/sdcard/cpt/app/data_exporter.php?PARAM=VALUE&PARAM2=VALUE2...</b></p>lt;/phttp://DEVICE_IP/sdcard/cpt/app/data_exporter.php?PARAM=VALUE&PARAM2=VALUE2...</b></p>gt;
<div>Parameter details:
<table style="border:1px solid grey;">
<td>name of the database table, required.</td>
<td>column name list, seperated by ','. if missing will return all columns' data</td>
<td>returned data format, valid format value: csv, html, json. if missing, the default is html.</td>
<td>with this parameter in url value, the exported data will trigger a download file process in browser and the file's name will the content of this parameter; otherwise data will be rendered on browser page directly. for example, if this parameter is 'last_week_data' and 'format' parameter is 'csv', then the download file's default name will be 'last_week_data.csv'. if missing, the default is rendering on browser page.</td>
<td>only export data within this period. valid period value: today, yesterday, last_24hr, week_to_date, last_week, month_to_date, last_month, year_to_date, last_year. if missing, will export all.</td>
<td>export data after(inclusive) this timestamp. for example 20130515011025 will export data after 01:10:25 of May 15, 2013. if missing, will export data starting from the oldest record.</td>
<td>the same as 'dt_start'.</td>
<td>export data before(exclusive) this timestamp. the format is the same as 'dt_after'. if missing, will export data till now.</td>
<td>the same as 'dt_before'.</td>
<td>the timezone of 'dt_start'/'dt_end' or 'dt_after'/'dt_before' parameters. NOTE: the '/' character in the timezone's name must be encoded as '%2F', for example, 'Asia/Shanghai' should be 'Asia%2FShanghai'. </td>
<td>if this param passed in with '1' or 'true' as its value, week will start from Sunday, otherwise, week starts from Monday</td>
<td>replace any boolean column in TRUE value with given text</td>
<td>replace any boolean column in FALSE value with given text</td>
<td>replace any boolean column in NULL value with given text</td>
<td>only return the last N rows in the query, this parameter must be a valid integer</td>
<td>save exported data on controller, you can specify file's name here(for example: "last_month_temperature"). the response will be data file's full path on controller. </td>
<td>ust specify auth_key to export data, ask it from admin of CPT Graphics. </td>
$error_msg = $style . "<div class='error_text'>ERROR: " . $error . "</div>" . $help_desc;
$controller = new DataExportController();