METRICS: Using configs from the Registry (like --config=p/ci) reports pseudonymous rule metrics to
To disable Registry rule metrics, use "--metrics=off".
Using configs only from local files (like --config=xyz.yml) does not enable metrics.

More information:

│ Scan Status │
  Scanning 2048 files tracked by git with 7 Code rules:
  Scanning 37 files with 7 bash rules.
│ 267 Code Findings │
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            3┆ awk -f - $* <<EOF
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           40┆ DATA="$(/sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} ${LOAD_STATE:+-P /var/state} -S -n export        
  "$PACKAGE" 2>/dev/null)"                                                                                              
           45┆ ${CONFIG_SECTION:+config_cb}
           51┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} -q show "$PACKAGE" > /dev/null && return 0
           52┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} import "$PACKAGE"
           53┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} commit "$PACKAGE"
           61┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} -P /var/state revert                                     
           71┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} -P /var/state set                                        
           85┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} set "$PACKAGE.$CONFIG.$OPTION=$VALUE"
           99┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} ${STATE:+-P $STATE} -q get                               
          113┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} set "$PACKAGE.$CONFIG=$TYPE"
          124┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} rename                                                   
          132┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} del "$PACKAGE.$CONFIG${OPTION:+.$OPTION}"
          137┆ /sbin/uci ${UCI_CONFIG_DIR:+-c $UCI_CONFIG_DIR} commit $PACKAGE
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           23┆ led_set_attr $1 "trigger" "timer"
           24┆ led_set_attr $1 "delay_on" "$2"
           25┆ led_set_attr $1 "delay_off" "$3"
           29┆ led_set_attr $1 "trigger" "none"
           30┆ led_set_attr $1 "brightness" 255
           34┆ led_set_attr $1 "trigger" "none"
           35┆ led_set_attr $1 "brightness" 0
           39┆ led_timer $status_led "$1" "$2"
           40┆ [ -n "$status_led2" ] && led_timer $status_led2 "$1" "$2"
           44┆ led_set_attr $status_led "trigger" "heartbeat"
           48┆ led_on $status_led
           49┆ [ -n "$status_led2" ] && led_on $status_led2
           53┆ led_off $status_led
           54┆ [ -n "$status_led2" ] && led_off $status_led2
           58┆ led_timer $status_led 1000 1000
           62┆ led_timer $status_led 100 100
           66┆ led_timer $status_led 100 100
           70┆ led_timer $status_led 50 50
           74┆ led_timer $status_led 200 200
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           18┆ __tmp="$(jsonfilter ${4:+-F "$4"} ${5:+-l "$5"} -s "${__NETWORK_CACHE:-{}}" -e                           
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           62┆ $func "$1" "$2"
           68┆ /bin/mount -o noatime,move /proc $1/proc && \
           69┆ pivot_root $1 $1$2 && {
           70┆ /bin/mount -o noatime,move $2/dev /dev
           71┆ /bin/mount -o noatime,move $2/tmp /tmp
           72┆ /bin/mount -o noatime,move $2/sys /sys 2>&-
           73┆ /bin/mount -o noatime,move $2/overlay /overlay 2>&-
           79┆ /bin/mount -o noatime,lowerdir=/,upperdir=$1,workdir=$2 -t overlay "overlayfs:$1" /mnt
           80┆ pivot /mnt $3
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
          250┆ json_add_int "$type" $(kill -l "$1")
          485┆ [ "$_error" = "0" ] || `/sbin/validate_data "$_package" "$_type" "$_name" "$@" 1> /dev/null`
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           43┆ local service_name="$(basename ${basescript:-$initscript})"
           60┆ json_set_namespace $old_cb
          100┆ _procd_ubus_call ${1:-set}
          290┆ local name=$(basename ${script:-$initscript})
          293┆ _procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*" $1 /etc/init.d/$name reload
          339┆ local name=$(basename ${script:-$initscript})
          344┆ _procd_add_config_trigger "config.change" "$file" /etc/init.d/$name reload
          351┆ $@
          387┆ _procd_add_array_data ${respawn_threshold:-3600} ${respawn_timeout:-5} ${respawn_retry:-5}
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           74┆ $ssd${1:+ -- "$@"}
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           96┆ echo $((0x$size))
          108┆ nic=$(printf "%06x" $((0x${nic//:/} + $val & 0xffffff)) | sed                                            
          115┆ printf "%02x:%s" $((0x${mac%%:*} | 0x02)) ${mac#*:}
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           12┆ hexdump -v -n 6 -s $offset -e '5/1 "%02x:" 1/1 "%02x"' $path 2>/dev/null
           79┆ local ubidev=$(nand_find_ubi $CI_UBIPART)
           80┆ local part=$(nand_find_volume $ubidev $1)
           87┆ hexdump -v -n 6 -s $offset -e '5/1 "%02x:" 1/1 "%02x"' /dev/$part 2>/dev/null
           96┆ echo $((0x$size))
          108┆ nic=$(printf "%06x" $((0x${nic//:/} + $val & 0xffffff)) | sed                                            
          109┆ echo $oui:$nic
          115┆ printf "%02x:%s" $((0x${mac%%:*} | 0x02)) ${mac#*:}
          115┆ printf "%02x:%s" $((0x${mac%%:*} | 0x02)) ${mac#*:}
          121┆ echo -ne \\x${mac//:/\\x}
          128┆ mac=$(echo -n $mac | tr -d \")
          154┆ printf "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" 0x${canon// / 0x} 2>/dev/null
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
          404┆ _ucidef_set_led_timer $1 $2 $3 "oneshot" $4 $5
          475┆ _ucidef_set_led_timer $1 $2 $3 "timer" $4 $5
          582┆ [ -f ${CFG} ] && json_load "$(cat ${CFG})"
          597┆ mv /tmp/.board.json ${CFG}
          Iterating over ls output is fragile. Use globs, e.g. 'dir/*' instead of '$(ls dir)'.
          263┆ for file in $(ls $1/*.sh 2>/dev/null); do
          Useless call to 'cat' in a pipeline. Use '<' and '>' for any command to read from a file or
          write to a file.                                                                           
          304┆ gids=$(cat ${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/group | cut -d: -f3)
          332┆ uids=$(cat ${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            8┆ ${DEBUG:-:} "$@"
           57┆ export ${NO_EXPORT:+-n} CONFIG_NUM_SECTIONS=$(($CONFIG_NUM_SECTIONS + 1))
           80┆ len=$(($len + 1))
           96┆ *)  eval export ${NO_EXPORT:+-n} -- "${1}=\${CONFIG_${2}_${3}:-\${4}}";
          149┆ c="$(($c + 1))"
          155┆ local pkgname="$(basename ${1%.*})"
          166┆ ${shell:-/bin/sh} "$root/etc/rc.common" "$root$i" disable
          175┆ return $ret
          180┆ local rusers="$(sed -ne 's/^Require-User: *//p' $root/usr/lib/opkg/info/${pkgname}.control 2>/dev/null)"
          188┆ set -- $tuple; uname="$1"; gname="$2"
          190┆ set -- $uname; uname="$1"; uid="$2"
          191┆ set -- $gname; gname="$1"; gid="$2"
          215┆ local pkgname="$(basename ${1%.*})"
          226┆ cp -R $root/rootfs-overlay/. $root/
          227┆ rm -fR $root/rootfs-overlay/
          238┆ ( [ -f "$i" ] && cd "$(dirname $i)" && . "$i" ) && rm -f "$i"
          248┆ ${shell:-/bin/sh} "$root/etc/rc.common" "$root$i" enable
          257┆ return $ret
          263┆ for file in $(ls $1/*.sh 2>/dev/null); do
          264┆ . $file
          272┆ echo ${INDEX}
          294┆ grep -qs "^${1}:" ${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/group
          299┆ gid=$(grep -s "^${1}:" ${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/group | cut -d: -f3)
          301┆ echo $gid
          304┆ gids=$(cat ${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/group | cut -d: -f3)
          309┆ group_add $1 $gid
          310┆ echo $gid
          315┆ grp=$(grep -s "^${1}:" ${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/group)
          319┆ sed -i "s/$grp/$grp$delim$2/g" ${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/group
          332┆ uids=$(cat ${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3)
          347┆ grep -qs "^${1}:" ${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/passwd
          The special variable IFS affects how splitting takes place when expanding unquoted        
          variables. Don't set it globally. Prefer a dedicated utility such as 'cut' or 'awk' if you
          need to split input data. If you must use 'read', set IFS locally using e.g. 'IFS="," read
          -a my_array'.                                                                             
          187┆ IFS=":"
          189┆ IFS="="
          192┆ IFS="$oIFS"
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            5┆ local val="$(($2 / 1000))"
            7┆ append $var "$val" ","
            8┆ [ $sub -gt 0 ] && append $var "."
           13┆ local val="$(($2 / 100))"
           14┆ append $var "$val" " "
           26┆ zidx=$(($idx - 1))
           29┆ append $var "wep_key${zidx}=$(prepare_key_wep "$ckey")" "$N$T"
           34┆ append $var "wep_key0=$(prepare_key_wep "$key")" "$N$T"
           40┆ local auth_type_l="$(echo $auth_type | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')"
          630┆ ($log_80211  << 0) | \
          631┆ ($log_8021x  << 1) | \
          632┆ ($log_radius << 2) | \
          633┆ ($log_wpa    << 3) | \
          634┆ ($log_driver << 4) | \
          635┆ ($log_iapp   << 5) | \
          636┆ ($log_mlme   << 6)   \
          708┆ $ap_scan
          709┆ $country_str
          927┆ /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -B -s \
          928┆    ${network_bridge:+-b                
  $network_bridge} \                                  
          929┆    -P                                       
  "/var/run/wpa_supplicant-${ifname}.pid" \                
          930┆    -D                  
  ${_w_driver:-wext} \                
          931┆    -i         
  "$ifname" \                
          932┆    -c          
  "$_config" \                
          933┆    -C         
  "$_rpath" \                
          941┆ return $ret
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            5┆ . $NETIFD_MAIN_DIR/
          265┆ ubus $options call network.interface notify_proto "$(json_dump)"
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            4┆ . $NETIFD_MAIN_DIR/
           99┆ json_set_namespace $old_cb
          124┆ ubus $options call network.wireless notify "$(json_dump)"
          142┆ _wdev_notify_init $CMD_SET_DATA "$name"
          149┆ _wdev_notify_init $CMD_UP
          154┆ _wdev_notify_init $CMD_SET_DATA
          160┆ _wdev_notify_init $CMD_PROCESS_ADD
          166┆ exe2="$(readlink -f /proc/$1/exe)"
          172┆ _wdev_notify_init $CMD_PROCESS_KILL_ALL
          178┆ _wdev_notify_init $CMD_SET_RETRY
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           64┆ proto_run_command "$config" udhcpc \
           65┆    -p                          
  /var/run/udhcpc-$ \                
           66┆    -s                       
  /lib/netifd/dhcp.script \                
           67┆    -f -t 0 -i        
  "$iface" \                        
           68┆    ${ipaddr:+-r        
  $ipaddr} \                          
           69┆    ${hostname:+-x                     
  "hostname:$hostname"} \                            
           70┆    ${vendorid:+-V            
  "$vendorid"} \                            
           71┆    $clientid $defaultreqopts $broadcast $release       
           78┆ [ -n "$sigusr1" ] && proto_kill_command "$interface" $sigusr1
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
          119┆ proto_run_command "$config" odhcp6c \
          120┆    -s                         
  /lib/netifd/dhcpv6.script \                
          121┆    $opts    
          128┆ [ -n "$sigusr1" ] && proto_kill_command "$interface" $sigusr1
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
          137┆ proto_run_command "$config" /usr/sbin/pppd \
          138┆    nodetach ipparam         
  "$config" \                              
          139┆    ifname          
  "$pppname" \                    
  ${localip:+$localip:} \             
          141┆    ${lcp_failure:+lcp-echo-interval $lcp_interval lcp-echo-failure $lcp_failure              
  $lcp_adaptive} \                                                                                          
  ${ipv6:++ipv6} \             
          143┆    ${autoipv6:+set           
  AUTOIPV6=1} \                             
          144┆    ${ip6table:+set                   
  IP6TABLE=$ip6table} \                             
          145┆    ${peerdns:+set                 
  PEERDNS=$peerdns} \                            
  nodefaultroute \             
             [hid 12 additional lines, adjust with --max-lines-per-finding] 
          163┆ local errorstring=$(ppp_exitcode_tostring $ERROR)
          221┆ /sbin/insmod $module 2>&- >&-
          231┆ ppp_generic_setup "$config" \
          232┆    plugin     \                    
          233┆    ${ac:+rp_pppoe_ac      
  "$ac"} \                               
          234┆    ${service:+rp_pppoe_service           
  "$service"} \                                         
          235┆    ${host_uniq:+host-uniq             
  "$host_uniq"} \                                    
          259┆ /sbin/insmod $module 2>&- >&-
          269┆ ppp_generic_setup "$config" \
          270┆    plugin    \                    
  ${atmdev:+$atmdev.}${vpi:-8}.${vci:-35} \             
          296┆ ( proto_add_host_dependency "$config" "$ip" $interface )
          310┆ /sbin/insmod $module 2>&- >&-
          315┆ ppp_generic_setup "$config" \
          316┆    plugin \                    
          317┆    pptp_server       
  $server \                         
          318┆    file                   
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           13┆ case "$(type $1 2>/dev/null)" in
          Iterating over ls output is fragile. Use globs, e.g. 'dir/*' instead of '$(ls dir)'.
          400┆ for phy in $(ls /sys/class/ieee80211 2>/dev/null); do
          407┆ for phy in $(ls /sys/class/ieee80211 2>/dev/null); do
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
          347┆ head -n $(($macidx + 1)) /sys/class/ieee80211/${phy}/addresses | tail -n1
          386┆ printf "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%02x" $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $(( 0x$6 ^ $id ))
          391┆ printf "%s:%s:%s:%s:%02x:%02x" \
          392┆    $1 $2 $3  
  $4 \                      
          393┆    $(( (0x$5 + $off2) % 0x100  
  )) \                                        
          394┆    $(( (0x$6 + $id) % 0x100
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           18┆ command iw $@ || logger -t mac80211 "Failed command: iw $@"
           67┆ config_add_int $MP_CONFIG_INT
           68┆ config_add_boolean $MP_CONFIG_BOOL
           69┆ config_add_string $MP_CONFIG_STRING
           80┆ set -- $capab
          109┆ case "$(( ($channel / 4) % 2 ))" in
          151┆ ht_cap_mask="$(($ht_cap_mask | $cap))"
          151┆ ht_cap_mask="$(($ht_cap_mask | $cap))"
          156┆ ht_cap_mask="$(( ($ht_cap_mask & ~(0x300)) | ($cap_rx_stbc << 8) ))"
          156┆ ht_cap_mask="$(( ($ht_cap_mask & ~(0x300)) | ($cap_rx_stbc << 8) ))"
          158┆ mac80211_add_capabilities ht_capab_flags $ht_cap_mask \
  LDPC:0x1::$ldpc \             
  GF:0x10::$greenfield \             
  SHORT-GI-20:0x20::$short_gi_20 \             
  SHORT-GI-40:0x40::$short_gi_40 \             
  TX-STBC:0x80::$tx_stbc \             
  RX-STBC1:0x300:0x100:1 \             
  RX-STBC12:0x300:0x200:1 \             
  RX-STBC123:0x300:0x300:1 \             
  MAX-AMSDU-7935:0x800::$max_amsdu \             
             [hid 1 additional lines, adjust with --max-lines-per-finding] 
          180┆ case "$(( ($channel / 4) % 2 ))" in
          181┆ 1) idx=$(($channel + 2));
          182┆ 0) idx=$(($channel - 2));
          189┆ case "$(( ($channel / 4) % 4 ))" in
          190┆ 1) idx=$(($channel + 6));
          191┆ 2) idx=$(($channel + 2));
          192┆ 3) idx=$(($channel - 2));
          193┆ 0) idx=$(($channel - 6));
          233┆ vht_cap="$(($vht_cap | $cap))"
          233┆ vht_cap="$(($vht_cap | $cap))"
          238┆ vht_cap="$(( ($vht_cap & ~(0x700)) | ($cap_rx_stbc << 8) ))"
          238┆ vht_cap="$(( ($vht_cap & ~(0x700)) | ($cap_rx_stbc << 8) ))"
          240┆ mac80211_add_capabilities vht_capab $vht_cap \
  RXLDPC:0x10::$rxldpc \             
  SHORT-GI-80:0x20::$short_gi_80 \             
  SHORT-GI-160:0x40::$short_gi_160 \             
  TX-STBC-2BY1:0x80::$tx_stbc_2by1 \             
  SU-BEAMFORMER:0x800::$su_beamformer \             
  SU-BEAMFORMEE:0x1000::$su_beamformee \             
  MU-BEAMFORMER:0x80000::$mu_beamformer \             
  MU-BEAMFORMEE:0x100000::$mu_beamformee \             
  VHT-TXOP-PS:0x200000::$vht_txop_ps \             
             [hid 7 additional lines, adjust with --max-lines-per-finding] 
          308┆ ${channel:+channel=$channel}
          309┆ ${channel_list:+chanlist=$channel_list}
          310┆ ${noscan:+noscan=$noscan}
          311┆ $base_cfg
          345┆ local idx="$(($2 + 1))"
          347┆ head -n $(($macidx + 1)) /sys/class/ieee80211/${phy}/addresses | tail -n1
          347┆ head -n $(($macidx + 1)) /sys/class/ieee80211/${phy}/addresses | tail -n1
          354┆ local ref="$(cat /sys/class/ieee80211/${phy}/macaddress)"
          355┆ local mask="$(cat /sys/class/ieee80211/${phy}/address_mask)"
          369┆ local oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=":"; set -- $mask; IFS="$oIFS"
          374┆ local oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=":"; set -- $ref; IFS="$oIFS"
          376┆ macidx=$(($id + 1))
          381┆ printf "%02x:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" $b1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
          386┆ printf "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%02x" $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $(( 0x$6 ^ $id ))
          386┆ printf "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%02x" $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $(( 0x$6 ^ $id ))
          390┆ off2=$(( (0x$6 + $id) / 0x100 ))
          391┆ printf "%s:%s:%s:%s:%02x:%02x" \
          392┆    $1 $2 $3  
  $4 \                      
          393┆    $(( (0x$5 + $off2) % 0x100  
  )) \                                        
          394┆    $(( (0x$6 + $id) % 0x100
          393┆ $(( (0x$5 + $off2) % 0x100 )) \
          394┆ $(( (0x$6 + $id) % 0x100 ))
          401┆ case "$(readlink -f /sys/class/ieee80211/$phy/device)" in
          425┆ iw phy "$phy" interface add "$ifname" type "$type" $wdsflag
          432┆ iw phy "$phy" interface add "$ifname" type "$type" $wdsflag
          443┆ return $rc
          452┆ if_idx=$((${if_idx:-0} + 1))
          460┆ macaddr="$(mac80211_generate_mac $phy)"
          461┆ macidx="$(($macidx + 1))"
          498┆ staidx="$(($staidx + 1))"
          508┆ [ "$auto_channel" -gt 0 ] || iw dev "$ifname" set channel "$channel" $htmode
          530┆ wpa_supplicant_run "$ifname" ${hostapd_ctrl:+-H $hostapd_ctrl}
          545┆ case "$(( ($channel / 4) % 2 ))" in
          590┆ ikey="$(($idx - 1)):$(prepare_key_wep "$ikey")"
          610┆ iw dev "$ifname" ibss join "$ssid" $freq $ibss_htmode fixed-freq $bssid \
          611┆    beacon-interval           
  $beacon_int \                             
          612┆    ${brstr:+basic-rates       
  $brstr} \                                  
          613┆    ${mcval:+mcast-rate       
  $mcval} \                                 
          614┆    ${keyspec:+keys       
          629┆ case "$(( ($channel / 4) % 2 ))" in
          657┆ iw dev "$ifname" mesh join "$ssid" freq $freq $mesh_htmode \
          658┆    ${mcval:+mcast-rate       
  $mcval} \                                 
          659┆    beacon-interval         
          789┆ iw phy "$phy" set antenna $txantenna $rxantenna >/dev/null 2>&1
          790┆ iw phy "$phy" set antenna_gain $antenna_gain
          807┆ /usr/sbin/hostapd -s -P /var/run/wifi-$ -B "$hostapd_conf_file"
          809┆ wireless_add_process "$(cat /var/run/wifi-$" "/usr/sbin/hostapd" 1
          The special variable IFS affects how splitting takes place when expanding unquoted        
          variables. Don't set it globally. Prefer a dedicated utility such as 'cut' or 'awk' if you
          need to split input data. If you must use 'read', set IFS locally using e.g. 'IFS="," read
          -a my_array'.                                                                             
           78┆ IFS=:
           86┆ IFS="$oifs"
          369┆ local oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=":"; set -- $mask; IFS="$oIFS"
          369┆ local oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=":"; set -- $mask; IFS="$oIFS"
          374┆ local oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=":"; set -- $ref; IFS="$oIFS"
          374┆ local oIFS="$IFS"; IFS=":"; set -- $ref; IFS="$oIFS"
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           12┆ json_load "$(ifstatus $interface)"
          Useless call to 'cat' in a pipeline. Use '<' and '>' for any command to read from a file or
          write to a file.                                                                           
           92┆ cat "$from" 2>/dev/null | $cmd
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
          124┆ set -- $(dd if=$disk bs=1 skip=440 count=4 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%02x "')
          191┆ set -- $(hexdump -v -n 12 -s "$((0x1B2 + $part * 16))" -e '3/4 "0x%08X "' "$disk")
          193┆ local type="$(( $(hex_le32_to_cpu $1) % 256))"
          194┆ local lba="$(( $(hex_le32_to_cpu $2) ))"
          195┆ local num="$(( $(hex_le32_to_cpu $3) ))"
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            5┆ [ -x /usr/bin/ldd ] || ldd() { LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 $*; }
            6┆ libs() { ldd $* 2>/dev/null | sed -r 's/(.* => )?(.*) .*/\2/'; }
           34┆ [ -x "$src" ] && files="$src $(libs $src)"
           35┆ install_file $files
           92┆ cat "$from" 2>/dev/null | $cmd
          124┆ set -- $(dd if=$disk bs=1 skip=440 count=4 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%02x "')
          191┆ set -- $(hexdump -v -n 12 -s "$((0x1B2 + $part * 16))" -e '3/4 "0x%08X "' "$disk")
          193┆ local type="$(( $(hex_le32_to_cpu $1) % 256))"
          194┆ local lba="$(( $(hex_le32_to_cpu $2) ))"
          195┆ local num="$(( $(hex_le32_to_cpu $3) ))"
          199┆ printf "%2d %5d %7d\n" $part $lba $num >> "/tmp/partmap.$filename"
          226┆ get_image "$1" "$2" | mtd $MTD_ARGS $MTD_CONFIG_ARGS -j "$CONF_TAR" write - "${PART_NAME:-image}"
          228┆ get_image "$1" "$2" | mtd $MTD_ARGS write - "${PART_NAME:-image}"
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           13┆ local current_kernel_index=$(hexdump -s $UBNT_ERX_KERNEL_INDEX_OFFSET -n 1 -e '/1 "%X "' ${factory_mtd})
           36┆ if ! (echo -e $new_kernel_index | dd of=${factory_mtd} bs=1 count=1 seek=$UBNT_ERX_KERNEL_INDEX_OFFSET); 
           36┆ if ! (echo -e $new_kernel_index | dd of=${factory_mtd} bs=1 count=1 seek=$UBNT_ERX_KERNEL_INDEX_OFFSET); 
           49┆ local kernel_part="$(ubnt_get_target_kernel ${factory_mtd})"
           71┆ local troot_ubivol="$( nand_find_volume $ubidev troot )"
           72┆ [ -n "$troot_ubivol" ] && ubirmvol /dev/$ubidev -N troot || true
           75┆ ubnt_update_target_kernel ${factory_mtd} ${kernel_part} || exit 1
          Iterating over ls output is fragile. Use globs, e.g. 'dir/*' instead of '$(ls dir)'.
           12┆ for phy in $(ls /sys/class/ieee80211 2>/dev/null); do
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           13┆ case "$(readlink -f /sys/class/ieee80211/$phy/device)" in
           46┆ config_set "$device" macaddr "$(cat /sys/class/ieee80211/${phy}/macaddress)"
           67┆ devidx=$(($devidx + 1))
           95┆ path="$(readlink -f /sys/class/ieee80211/${dev}/device)"
          106┆ dev_id="set${devidx}.macaddr=$(cat /sys/class/ieee80211/${dev}/macaddress)"
          127┆ devidx=$(($devidx + 1))
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           10┆ config_get name $1 name
           11┆ config_get sysfs $1 sysfs
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
          188┆ jshn "$@" ${JSON_PREFIX:+-p "$JSON_PREFIX"} -w
│ Scan Summary │
Some files were skipped or only partially analyzed.
  Partially scanned: 3 files only partially analyzed due to parsing or internal Semgrep errors

Ran 7 rules on 37 files: 267 findings.