[*] Binary protection state of librt-2.27.so

  	Partial RELRO  No Canary found   NX enabled   DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function mmap tear down of librt-2.27.so

    ; assembly                               | /* r2dec pseudo code output */
                                             | /* /logs/firmware/unblob_extracted/firmware_extract/1568982-13971496.squashfs_v4_le_extract/lib/librt-2.27.so @ 0x5be0 */
                                             | #include <stdint.h>
    ; (fcn) fcn.00005be0 ()                  | void fcn_00005be0 () {
    0x00005be0 lui gp, 2                     |     
    0x00005be4 addiu gp, gp, -0x6b90         |     
    0x00005be8 addu gp, gp, t9               |     gp += t9;
    0x00005bec addiu sp, sp, -0x28           |     
    0x00005bf0 sw s0, 0x1c(sp)               |     *(var_1ch_3) = s0;
    0x00005bf4 lw s0, -0x7fd8(gp)            |     s0 = *((gp - 8182));
    0x00005bf8 sw gp, 0x10(sp)               |     *(var_10h_3) = gp;
    0x00005bfc sw s1, 0x20(sp)               |     *(var_20h_2) = s1;
    0x00005c00 lw t9, (s0)                   |     t9 = *(s0);
    0x00005c04 sw ra, 0x24(sp)               |     *(var_24h_2) = ra;
    0x00005c08 move s1, a0                   |     s1 = a0;
    0x00005c0c beqz t9, 0x5c18               |     
                                             |     while (1) {
    0x00005c10 move a0, s1                   |         a0 = s1;
    0x00005c14 jalr t9                       |         t9 ();
    0x00005c18 lw t9, -0x7fd4(gp)            |         t9 = *((gp - 8181));
    0x00005c1c bal 0x1820                    |         entry0 ();
    0x00005c20 nop                           |         
    0x00005c24 lw t9, (s0)                   |         t9 = *(s0);
    0x00005c28 b 0x5c10                      |         
                                             |     }
                                             | }

[*] Function mmap used 1 times librt-2.27.so