
[*] Emulating binary name: odhcp6c
[*] Emulator used: qemu-mipsel-static
[*] Using root directory: /logs/s115_usermode_emulator/firmware/unblob_extracted/firmware_extract/1568982-13971496.squashfs_v4_le_extract (1/1)
[*] Using CPU config: 
[*] Emulating binary: /usr/sbin/odhcp6c

[*] Change permissions +x to /logs/s115_usermode_emulator/firmware/unblob_extracted/firmware_extract/1568982-13971496.squashfs_v4_le_extract/./usr/sbin/odhcp6c.
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/sbin/odhcp6c with parameter NONE
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/sbin/odhcp6c with parameter -v
Usage: odhcp6c [options] <interface>

Feature options:
	-S <time>	Wait at least <time> sec for a DHCP-server (0)
	-N <ode>	Mode for requesting addresses [try|force|none]
	-P <length>	Request IPv6-Prefix (0 = auto)
	-F		Force IPv6-Prefix
	-V <class>	Set vendor-class option (base-16 encoded)
	-u <user-class> Set user-class option string
	-x <opt>:<val>	Add option opt (with value val) in sent packets (cumulative)
			Examples of IPv6 address, string and base-16 encoded options:
			-x dns:2001:2001::1,2001:2001::2 - option 23
			-x 15:office - option 15 (userclass)
			-x 0x1f4:ABBA - option 500
			-x 202:'"file"' - option 202
	-c <clientid>	Override client-ID (base-16 encoded 16-bit type + value)
	-i <iface-id>	Use a custom interface identifier for RA handling
	-r <options>	Options to be requested (comma-separated)
	-R		Do not request any options except those specified with -r
	-s <script>	Status update script (/usr/sbin/odhcp6c-update)
	-a		Don't send Accept Reconfigure option
	-f		Don't send Client FQDN option
	-k		Don't send a RELEASE when stopping
	-t <seconds>	Maximum timeout for DHCPv6-SOLICIT (120)
	-m <seconds>	Minimum time between accepting RA updates (3)
	-L		Ignore default lifetime for RDNSS records
	-U		Ignore Server Unicast option

Invocation options:
	-p <pidfile>	Set pidfile (/var/run/odhcp6c.pid)
	-d		Daemonize
	-e		Write logmessages to stderr
	-v		Increase logging verbosity
	-h		Show this help

[*] Emulating binary ./usr/sbin/odhcp6c with parameter -V
./usr/sbin/odhcp6c: option requires an argument -- 'V'
Usage: odhcp6c [options] <interface>

Feature options:
	-S <time>	Wait at least <time> sec for a DHCP-server (0)
	-N <ode>	Mode for requesting addresses [try|force|none]
	-P <length>	Request IPv6-Prefix (0 = auto)
	-F		Force IPv6-Prefix
	-V <class>	Set vendor-class option (base-16 encoded)
	-u <user-class> Set user-class option string
	-x <opt>:<val>	Add option opt (with value val) in sent packets (cumulative)
			Examples of IPv6 address, string and base-16 encoded options:
			-x dns:2001:2001::1,2001:2001::2 - option 23
			-x 15:office - option 15 (userclass)
			-x 0x1f4:ABBA - option 500
			-x 202:'"file"' - option 202
	-c <clientid>	Override client-ID (base-16 encoded 16-bit type + value)
	-i <iface-id>	Use a custom interface identifier for RA handling
	-r <options>	Options to be requested (comma-separated)
	-R		Do not request any options except those specified with -r
	-s <script>	Status update script (/usr/sbin/odhcp6c-update)
	-a		Don't send Accept Reconfigure option
	-f		Don't send Client FQDN option
	-k		Don't send a RELEASE when stopping
	-t <seconds>	Maximum timeout for DHCPv6-SOLICIT (120)
	-m <seconds>	Minimum time between accepting RA updates (3)
	-L		Ignore default lifetime for RDNSS records
	-U		Ignore Server Unicast option

Invocation options:
	-p <pidfile>	Set pidfile (/var/run/odhcp6c.pid)
	-d		Daemonize
	-e		Write logmessages to stderr
	-v		Increase logging verbosity
	-h		Show this help

[*] Emulating binary ./usr/sbin/odhcp6c with parameter -h
Usage: odhcp6c [options] <interface>

Feature options:
	-S <time>	Wait at least <time> sec for a DHCP-server (0)
	-N <ode>	Mode for requesting addresses [try|force|none]
	-P <length>	Request IPv6-Prefix (0 = auto)
	-F		Force IPv6-Prefix
	-V <class>	Set vendor-class option (base-16 encoded)
	-u <user-class> Set user-class option string
	-x <opt>:<val>	Add option opt (with value val) in sent packets (cumulative)
			Examples of IPv6 address, string and base-16 encoded options:
			-x dns:2001:2001::1,2001:2001::2 - option 23
			-x 15:office - option 15 (userclass)
			-x 0x1f4:ABBA - option 500
			-x 202:'"file"' - option 202
	-c <clientid>	Override client-ID (base-16 encoded 16-bit type + value)
	-i <iface-id>	Use a custom interface identifier for RA handling
	-r <options>	Options to be requested (comma-separated)
	-R		Do not request any options except those specified with -r
	-s <script>	Status update script (/usr/sbin/odhcp6c-update)
	-a		Don't send Accept Reconfigure option
	-f		Don't send Client FQDN option
	-k		Don't send a RELEASE when stopping
	-t <seconds>	Maximum timeout for DHCPv6-SOLICIT (120)
	-m <seconds>	Minimum time between accepting RA updates (3)
	-L		Ignore default lifetime for RDNSS records
	-U		Ignore Server Unicast option

Invocation options:
	-p <pidfile>	Set pidfile (/var/run/odhcp6c.pid)
	-d		Daemonize
	-e		Write logmessages to stderr
	-v		Increase logging verbosity
	-h		Show this help

[*] Emulating binary ./usr/sbin/odhcp6c with parameter -help
./usr/sbin/odhcp6c: invalid option -- 'l'
./usr/sbin/odhcp6c: option requires an argument -- 'p'
Usage: odhcp6c [options] <interface>

Feature options:
	-S <time>	Wait at least <time> sec for a DHCP-server (0)
	-N <ode>	Mode for requesting addresses [try|force|none]
	-P <length>	Request IPv6-Prefix (0 = auto)
	-F		Force IPv6-Prefix
	-V <class>	Set vendor-class option (base-16 encoded)
	-u <user-class> Set user-class option string
	-x <opt>:<val>	Add option opt (with value val) in sent packets (cumulative)
			Examples of IPv6 address, string and base-16 encoded options:
			-x dns:2001:2001::1,2001:2001::2 - option 23
			-x 15:office - option 15 (userclass)
			-x 0x1f4:ABBA - option 500
			-x 202:'"file"' - option 202
	-c <clientid>	Override client-ID (base-16 encoded 16-bit type + value)
	-i <iface-id>	Use a custom interface identifier for RA handling
	-r <options>	Options to be requested (comma-separated)
	-R		Do not request any options except those specified with -r
	-s <script>	Status update script (/usr/sbin/odhcp6c-update)
	-a		Don't send Accept Reconfigure option
	-f		Don't send Client FQDN option
	-k		Don't send a RELEASE when stopping
	-t <seconds>	Maximum timeout for DHCPv6-SOLICIT (120)
	-m <seconds>	Minimum time between accepting RA updates (3)
	-L		Ignore default lifetime for RDNSS records
	-U		Ignore Server Unicast option

Invocation options:
	-p <pidfile>	Set pidfile (/var/run/odhcp6c.pid)
	-d		Daemonize
	-e		Write logmessages to stderr
	-v		Increase logging verbosity
	-h		Show this help

[*] Emulating binary ./usr/sbin/odhcp6c with parameter --help
./usr/sbin/odhcp6c: invalid option -- '-'
./usr/sbin/odhcp6c: invalid option -- 'l'
./usr/sbin/odhcp6c: option requires an argument -- 'p'
Usage: odhcp6c [options] <interface>

Feature options:
	-S <time>	Wait at least <time> sec for a DHCP-server (0)
	-N <ode>	Mode for requesting addresses [try|force|none]
	-P <length>	Request IPv6-Prefix (0 = auto)
	-F		Force IPv6-Prefix
	-V <class>	Set vendor-class option (base-16 encoded)
	-u <user-class> Set user-class option string
	-x <opt>:<val>	Add option opt (with value val) in sent packets (cumulative)
			Examples of IPv6 address, string and base-16 encoded options:
			-x dns:2001:2001::1,2001:2001::2 - option 23
			-x 15:office - option 15 (userclass)
			-x 0x1f4:ABBA - option 500
			-x 202:'"file"' - option 202
	-c <clientid>	Override client-ID (base-16 encoded 16-bit type + value)
	-i <iface-id>	Use a custom interface identifier for RA handling
	-r <options>	Options to be requested (comma-separated)
	-R		Do not request any options except those specified with -r
	-s <script>	Status update script (/usr/sbin/odhcp6c-update)
	-a		Don't send Accept Reconfigure option
	-f		Don't send Client FQDN option
	-k		Don't send a RELEASE when stopping
	-t <seconds>	Maximum timeout for DHCPv6-SOLICIT (120)
	-m <seconds>	Minimum time between accepting RA updates (3)
	-L		Ignore default lifetime for RDNSS records
	-U		Ignore Server Unicast option

Invocation options:
	-p <pidfile>	Set pidfile (/var/run/odhcp6c.pid)
	-d		Daemonize
	-e		Write logmessages to stderr
	-v		Increase logging verbosity
	-h		Show this help

[*] Emulating binary ./usr/sbin/odhcp6c with parameter --version
./usr/sbin/odhcp6c: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: odhcp6c [options] <interface>

Feature options:
	-S <time>	Wait at least <time> sec for a DHCP-server (0)
	-N <ode>	Mode for requesting addresses [try|force|none]
	-P <length>	Request IPv6-Prefix (0 = auto)
	-F		Force IPv6-Prefix
	-V <class>	Set vendor-class option (base-16 encoded)
	-u <user-class> Set user-class option string
	-x <opt>:<val>	Add option opt (with value val) in sent packets (cumulative)
			Examples of IPv6 address, string and base-16 encoded options:
			-x dns:2001:2001::1,2001:2001::2 - option 23
			-x 15:office - option 15 (userclass)
			-x 0x1f4:ABBA - option 500
			-x 202:'"file"' - option 202
	-c <clientid>	Override client-ID (base-16 encoded 16-bit type + value)
	-i <iface-id>	Use a custom interface identifier for RA handling
	-r <options>	Options to be requested (comma-separated)
	-R		Do not request any options except those specified with -r
	-s <script>	Status update script (/usr/sbin/odhcp6c-update)
	-a		Don't send Accept Reconfigure option
	-f		Don't send Client FQDN option
	-k		Don't send a RELEASE when stopping
	-t <seconds>	Maximum timeout for DHCPv6-SOLICIT (120)
	-m <seconds>	Minimum time between accepting RA updates (3)
	-L		Ignore default lifetime for RDNSS records
	-U		Ignore Server Unicast option

Invocation options:
	-p <pidfile>	Set pidfile (/var/run/odhcp6c.pid)
	-d		Daemonize
	-e		Write logmessages to stderr
	-v		Increase logging verbosity
	-h		Show this help

[*] Emulating binary ./usr/sbin/odhcp6c with parameter version
