METRICS: Using configs from the Registry (like --config=p/ci) reports pseudonymous rule metrics to
To disable Registry rule metrics, use "--metrics=off".
Using configs only from local files (like --config=xyz.yml) does not enable metrics.

More information:

│ Scan Status │
  Scanning 1045 files tracked by git with 7 Code rules:
  Scanning 58 files with 7 bash rules.
│ 574 Code Findings │
          Useless call to 'cat' in a pipeline. Use '<' and '>' for any command to read from a file or
          write to a file.                                                                           
          116┆ Free_Memory=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep 'MemFree:' | sed 's/^.*MemFree://g' | sed 's/kB*$//g'`
          116┆ Free_Memory=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep 'MemFree:' | sed 's/^.*MemFree://g' | sed 's/kB*$//g'`
          116┆ Free_Memory=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep 'MemFree:' | sed 's/^.*MemFree://g' | sed 's/kB*$//g'`
          135┆ MEM_PAGES=`cat /proc/${pid}/statm | awk '{print $1}'`
          157┆ state=`cat /proc/${pid}/stat | awk '{print $3}'`
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           72┆ `cp /mydlink/config/device.mmt /mydlink/config/device.cfg`
           74┆ `cp /mydlink/device.cfg /mydlink/config/device.cfg`
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           27┆ mkdir -p $TMP_MYDLINK
           28┆ mkdir -p $PID_BASE
           33┆ INTERFACE=`cat $INTERFACE_FILE`
           34┆ LANIP=`ifconfig $INTERFACE | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`
           60┆ wd_pid=`cat ${WATCHDOG_PID}`
           80┆ mdb_dev_list=`LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mydlink/lib" $mdb_path get dev_list`
           83┆ mdb_dev_model=`LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mydlink/lib" $mdb_path get dev_model`
          102┆ rm $PID_BASE/
          103┆ rm $PID_BASE/
          104┆ rm $PID_BASE/
          105┆ rm $PID_BASE/
          132┆ pid=`cat ${PID_BASE}/${1}.pid`
          135┆ MEM_PAGES=`cat /proc/${pid}/statm | awk '{print $1}'`
          136┆ allocated_memory=`expr $MEM_PAGES \* $FW_PAGE_SIZE`
          138┆ killall -9 $1
          154┆ pid=`cat ${PID_BASE}/${1}.pid`
          157┆ state=`cat /proc/${pid}/stat | awk '{print $3}'`
          164┆ restart_cnt=`expr $restart_cnt + 1`
          172┆ killall -9 $1 2>/dev/null
          179┆ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mydlink/lib" /mydlink/$1 "$2" "$3" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
          181┆ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mydlink/lib" /mydlink/$1 "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
          187┆ echo $pid > "${PID_BASE}/${1}.pid"
          194┆ ca_check_counter=`expr $ca_check_counter + 1`
          197┆ ca_next_check_time=`cat $CA_CHECK_FLAG`
          206┆ eval $MYDLINK_BASE/ca-refresh $CA_CHECK_URL /mydlink/config /tmp > /dev/null 2>&1
          209┆ mv /tmp/ca-bundle.crt $CA_CRT_FILE
          210┆ mv /tmp/ca-bundle.sig $CA_SIG_FILE
          218┆ echo -n $ca_next_check_time > $CA_CHECK_FLAG
          228┆ sleep $UNIT_CHECK_T
          242┆ pid=`cat ${PID_BASE}/${1}.pid`
          243┆ rm $PID_BASE/${1}.pid
          247┆ killall -9 $1 2>/dev/null
          252┆ pid=`pidof $1`
          254┆ killall -9 $1 2>/dev/null
          266┆ mdb_oob_st=`LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mydlink/lib" $mdb_path get oob_changed`
          275┆ curpid=`cat ${WATCHDOG_PID}`
          291┆ mdb_reg_st=`LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mydlink/lib" $mdb_path get register_st`
          300┆ check_memory da_adaptor $mem_max_da_adaptor
          301┆ check_memory cda $mem_max_cda
          302┆ check_memory sa $mem_max_sa
          303┆ check_memory strmsvr $mem_max_strmsvr
          310┆ sleep $UNIT_CHECK_T
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           34┆ country_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vCountry)
           35┆ state_province=$(tdb get $tdbname $vProvince | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           36┆ locality_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vLocality | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           37┆ organization_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vOrganization | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           38┆ organization_unit_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vOrganization_u | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           39┆ common_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vCommonName | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           40┆ validity=$(tdb get $tdbname $vValidity)
           41┆ keylen=$(tdb get $tdbname $vKeyLen)
           55┆ openssl req -sha256 -new -newkey rsa:$keylen -x509 -keyout /tmp/server.key -out /tmp/server.crt -days    
  $validity -nodes -config $OPENSSL_CONF -subj /C=$country_n ...                                                     
            [shortened a long line from output, adjust with --max-chars-per-line]
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           13┆ country_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vCountry)
           14┆ state_province=$(tdb get $tdbname $vProvince | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           15┆ locality_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vLocality | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           16┆ organization_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vOrganization | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           17┆ organization_unit_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vOrganization_u | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           18┆ common_name=$(tdb get $tdbname $vCommonName | sed -re "s/\ /\\\ /g")
           19┆ validity=$(tdb get $tdbname $vValidity)
           20┆ keylen=$(tdb get $tdbname $vKeyLen)
           34┆ openssl req -config $OPENSSL_CONF -new -newkey rsa:$keylen -nodes -keyout /tmp/server.key -out           
  /tmp/server.csr -subj /C=$country_name/ST="$state_province"/L="$l ...                                              
            [shortened a long line from output, adjust with --max-chars-per-line]
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           22┆ kill -s SIGUSR2 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           27┆ eval $(dumpKeys | tdb get Microphone)
           30┆ eval $(dumpKeys | tdb get Speaker)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           20┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           22┆ kill -s SIGUSR2 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           36┆ $mixer igain $micVolume
           38┆ $mixer igain 0
           42┆ $mixer vol $speakerVolume
           44┆ $mixer vol 0
           54┆ $binary > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           57┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo -17 > /proc/$pids/oom_adj && break
           73┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           77┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && return 1 || return 0
           87┆ killall -USR1 $daemon
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           64┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           16┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && return 1 || return 0
           43┆ $binary -n -E -p "gatt, gatt_example" -q "$pincode" -s > /dev/null 2>&1 &
           46┆ $binary -n -E -p "gatt, gatt_example" -q "$pincode" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
           64┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           71┆ killall $daemon
           78┆ killall -9 $daemon
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           32┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           20┆ $binary > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           26┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           30┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           32┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           23┆ tdb set HTTPAccount AdminPasswd_ss=$(pibinfo Pincode)
           84┆ tdb set HTTPAccount AdminPasswd_ss=$(pibinfo FactoryPassword)
           87┆ tdb set HTTPAccount AdminPasswd_ss=$(pibinfo Pincode)
           89┆ tdb set Wireless AP_PW_ls=$(pibinfo ApKey)
           91┆ tdb set HTTPAccount AdminPasswd_ss=$(pibinfo FactoryPassword)
           93┆ tdb set Wireless AP_PW_ls=$(pibinfo ApKey)
          126┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           33┆ Last4Mac=$(echo $MacAddress | cut -b 9-12)
           43┆ rm -f $file
           50┆ major="$(echo $hwVer | cut -d '.' -f 1)"
           51┆ minor=$(echo $hwVer | cut -d '.' -f 2)
           59┆ echo "name=$model-$(echo $mac | cut -b 9-12)" >> $file
           71┆ tdb set Host CameraName_ms=$model
           72┆ tdb set OSD Text_ss=$model
           73┆ tdb set TargetSnapFTP Prefix_ss=$model
           74┆ tdb set TargetClipFTP Prefix_ss=$model
           75┆ tdb set TargetSamba ShareFolder_ss=$model
           76┆ tdb set Scopes Name_ls=$model
           77┆ tdb set Image Frequency_num=$power_freq
           79┆ mac_b5=$(echo $mac_addr | cut -d':' -f5)
           80┆ mac_b6=$(echo $mac_addr | cut -d':' -f6)
           88┆ tdb set Wireless AP_SSID_ms=${model}-${mac_b5}${mac_b6}
           92┆ tdb set Wireless AP_SSID_ms=${model}-${mac_b5}${mac_b6}
          108┆ $binary > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
          119┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
          123┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
          126┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          128┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || break
          130┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          130┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          130┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           42┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           16┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && return 1 || return 0
           26┆ $binary --system > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           42┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           49┆ killall $daemon
           56┆ killall -9 $daemon
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           35┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           53┆ kill -s SIGUSR2 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           23┆ $binary start > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           29┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           33┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           35┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           44┆ killall -0 $daemon > /dev/null 2>&1
           45┆ while [ $? == 0 -a $((count++)) -le 6 ]; do sleep 1; killall -0 $daemon > /dev/null 2>&; done;
           49┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           51┆ $daemon stop &
           53┆ kill -s SIGUSR2 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           57┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "force kill $daemon" && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof      
  $daemon) && echo "force " && die "ng." || echo "ok."                                                                  
           57┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "force kill $daemon" && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof      
  $daemon) && echo "force " && die "ng." || echo "ok."                                                                  
           57┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "force kill $daemon" && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof      
  $daemon) && echo "force " && die "ng." || echo "ok."                                                                  
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           63┆ eval $(dumpSystemKeys | tdb get System)
           88┆ kill $(echo $pids)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            9┆ echo $@
           38┆ ethtool $1 2> /dev/null | grep -q "Link detected: yes"
           65┆ route add -host dev $median 2> /dev/null
           66┆ $binary -i $median "$debug" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           76┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           87┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           88┆ kill $(echo $pids)
           90┆ $binary -o "bye" -i $median
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           57┆ eval $(loadDBSetting)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            9┆ echo $@
           18┆ $binary_v4 -F
           19┆ $binary_v4 -X
           20┆ $binary_v4 -Z
           21┆ $binary_v4 -P INPUT ACCEPT
           23┆ $binary_v6 -F
           24┆ $binary_v6 -X
           25┆ $binary_v6 -Z
           26┆ $binary_v6 -P INPUT ACCEPT
           31┆ $binary_v4 -P INPUT $defaultAction
           33┆ $binary_v6 -P INPUT $defaultAction
           65┆ $binary_v4 -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
           67┆ $binary_v6 -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
           75┆ $binary_v4 -I INPUT -m iprange --src-range $ip -j $action
           77┆ $binary_v4 -A INPUT -s $ip -j $action
           86┆ $binary_v6 -I INPUT -m iprange --src-range $ip -j $action
           88┆ $binary_v6 -A INPUT -s $ip -j $action
           94┆ $binary_v6 -I INPUT -s $AdminAllowAddr_ss -j ACCEPT
           96┆ $binary_v4 -I INPUT -s $AdminAllowAddr_ss -j ACCEPT
          106┆ $binary_v4 -L -n
          109┆ $binary_v6 -L -n
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            5┆ echo $@
           15┆ $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           16┆ $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           17┆ $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           22┆ $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           23┆ $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           24┆ $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           39┆ echo Daemons are killed: $daemons ...
           40┆ killall $daemons
           43┆ pids=$(pidof $daemons) || return 0
           44┆ echo $daemons is not stop clearly
           45┆ killall $daemons
           49┆ killall -9 $daemons
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           97┆ $1:$mac_realm:$(md5hex "$1:$mac_realm:$2")
           98┆ $1:nipca:$(md5hex "$1:nipca:$2")
           99┆ $1:onvif:$(md5hex "$1:onvif:$2")
          427┆ eval $(dumpAccountKey | tdb get HTTPAccount)
          457┆ kill -USR1 $(pidof rtspd | cut -d' ' -f1)
          468┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          514┆ eval $(dumpAccountKey | tdb get HTTPAccount)
          520┆ kill -SIGHUP $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          522┆ kill -USR1 $(pidof rtspd | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           21┆ echo $@
           97┆ $1:$mac_realm:$(md5hex "$1:$mac_realm:$2")
           98┆ $1:nipca:$(md5hex "$1:nipca:$2")
           99┆ $1:onvif:$(md5hex "$1:onvif:$2")
          451┆ [ -d "/mnt/usb/$model" ] && [ ! -L "/var/www/volumes/local" ] && ln -sf /mnt/usb/$model                  
          452┆ [ -d "/mnt/usb/$model" ] && [ ! -L "/var/www/volumes2/local" ] && ln -sf /mnt/usb/$model                 
          455┆ $binary -f $prefix/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf -m $prefix/lib
          462┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
          466┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
          468┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          470┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          470┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          470┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          519┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
          520┆ kill -SIGHUP $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           88┆ eval $(dumpAccountKey | tdb get HTTPAccount)
           97┆ $1:$mac_realm:$(md5hex "$1:$mac_realm:$2")
           98┆ $1:nipca:$(md5hex "$1:nipca:$2")
           99┆ $1:onvif:$(md5hex "$1:onvif:$2")
          338┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           20┆ echo $@
           97┆ $1:$mac_realm:$(md5hex "$1:$mac_realm:$2")
           98┆ $1:nipca:$(md5hex "$1:nipca:$2")
           99┆ $1:onvif:$(md5hex "$1:onvif:$2")
          326┆ $binary -f $prefix/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd_ssl.conf -m $prefix/lib
          332┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
          336┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
          338┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          340┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          340┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          340┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          350┆ ln -sf $prefix/sbin/lighttpd $prefix/sbin/$daemon
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           33┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           41┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           21┆ $binary > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           27┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           31┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           33┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           35┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           35┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           35┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           39┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           41┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Useless call to 'cat' in a pipeline. Use '<' and '>' for any command to read from a file or
          write to a file.                                                                           
           24┆ MDVersion=$(cat /mydlink/version | sed 's/VERSION=//g')
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           90┆ kill -SIGQUIT $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          100┆ kill -SIGHUP $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           20┆ Last4Mac=$(echo $MacAddress | cut -b 9-12)
           78┆ $binary -b -f $conf > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
           84┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           88┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           90┆ kill -SIGQUIT $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           93┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           93┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           93┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           99┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
          100┆ kill -SIGHUP $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            9┆ tdb set $i Status_byte=0
           15┆ tdb set $i Status_byte=0
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           42┆ kill -TERM `cat /var/run/`
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           31┆ test -r $DAEMON || exit 0
           52┆ $START $DAEMON
           57┆ echo -n " mdnsd" ; $STOP $DAEMON
           62┆ $STOP $DAEMON
           64┆ $START $DAEMON
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           32┆ kill -s SIGTERM $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           40┆ kill -s SIGUSR2 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           48┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           56┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           64┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           20┆ $binary > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           26┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           30┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           32┆ kill -s SIGTERM $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           38┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && start && return 1; }
           40┆ kill -s SIGUSR2 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           45┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           48┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           53┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           56┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           61┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           64┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           20┆ base64 de `pibinfo MyDlinkPublicKey` > /mydlink/cert/client.crt.pem
           21┆ base64 de `pibinfo MyDlinkPrivateKey` > /mydlink/cert/client.crt.key
           31┆ echo `tdb get TimeZone POSIXTZ_ms` > /etc/TZ
           45┆ kill $(echo $pids)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            8┆ echo $@
           30┆ $binary --port 3012 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           38┆ /bin/$alexa_proxy &
           44┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           45┆ kill $(echo $pids)
          Useless call to 'cat' in a pipeline. Use '<' and '>' for any command to read from a file or
          write to a file.                                                                           
           24┆ cat /proc/bus/usb/devices | grep -q 'Vendor=148f'
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           15┆ echo $@
          130┆ [ "$DNS1_ss" ] && echo nameserver $DNS1_ss
          131┆ [ "$DNS2_ss" ] && echo nameserver $DNS2_ss
          161┆ dumpStatic $1 >> $interfaces
          167┆ dumpLinkLocalIP $1 >> $interfaces
          173┆ dumpDHCP $1 >> $interfaces
          197┆    echo -n
          198┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set           
          199┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set                   
          200┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set                 
          201┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set                                   
          202┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliKey"$WepKeyIndex_byte"=$(quote encode "$Key_ls") ||  
          203┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliSsid=$(quote encode          
          204┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set           
          205┆ "
          209┆    echo -n
          210┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set           
          211┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set                   
          212┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set                 
          213┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set                                   
          214┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliKey"$WepKeyIndex_byte"=$(quote encode "$Key_ls") ||  
          215┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliSsid=$(quote encode          
          216┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set           
          217┆ "
          221┆    echo -n
          222┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set           
          223┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set                   
          224┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set                 
          225┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set                                   
          226┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliKey"$WepKeyIndex_byte"=$(quote encode "$Key_ls") ||  
          227┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliSsid=$(quote encode          
          228┆    pre-up iwpriv apcli0 set           
          229┆ "
          295┆    echo -n
          296┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set               
          297┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set              
          298┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set            
          299┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set                              
          300┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set Key"$WepKeyIndex_byte"=$(quote encode "$Key_ls") ||  
          301┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set SSID=$(quote encode          
          302┆ "
          306┆    echo -n
          307┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set               
          308┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set              
          309┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set            
          310┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set                              
          311┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set Key"$WepKeyIndex_byte"=$(quote encode "$Key_ls") ||  
          312┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set SSID=$(quote encode          
          313┆ "
          317┆    echo -n
          318┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set               
          319┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set              
          320┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set            
          321┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set                              
          322┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set Key"$WepKeyIndex_byte"=$(quote encode "$Key_ls") ||  
          323┆    pre-up iwpriv ra0 set SSID=$(quote encode          
          324┆ "
          403┆    echo -n
          404┆    pre-up iwpriv wlan0 set               
          405┆    pre-up iwpriv wlan0 set              
          406┆    pre-up iwpriv wlan0 set            
          407┆    pre-up iwpriv wlan0 set                              
          408┆    $([ "$Channel_num" -ne 0 ] && echo -n "pre-up iwpriv wlan0 set                    
          409┆    pre-up iwpriv wlan0 set SSID=$(quote encode          
          410┆    pre-up iwpriv wlan0 set Key"$WepKeyIndex_byte"=$(quote encode "$Key_ls") ||  
          411┆ "
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            4┆ echo $@
           85┆ [ "$pidmDNSResponder" != "" ] && kill -s SIGQUIT $pidmDNSResponder > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
           87┆ killall -9 $daemons > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
           90┆ pids=$(pidof $daemons) || return 0
           91┆ echo $daemons is not stop clearly
           92┆ killall $daemons > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
           96┆ killall -9 $daemons > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            4┆ echo $@
           62┆ ip addr add $ipv6_address/$ipv6_prefix dev $ipv6_interface || return 1
           65┆ ipv6_gateway_network_id=$(/sbin/ipv6_get_network_id $ipv6_gateway $ipv6_prefix $ipv6_gateway)
           66┆ ipv6_gateway_network_id_prefix=$(echo $ipv6_gateway_network_id | cut -d ":" -f1)
           68┆ ip -6 route add $ipv6_gateway/$ipv6_prefix dev $ipv6_interface
           74┆ route -A inet6 add ::/0 gw $ipv6_gateway dev $ipv6_interface
           79┆ ip addr del $ipv6_address/$ipv6_prefix dev $ipv6_interface && return 1
          112┆ [ "$pidipv6_network_helper" != "" ] && kill -9 $pidipv6_network_helper > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
          113┆ [ "$piddibbler" != "" ] && kill -s SIGUSR2 $piddibbler > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           21┆ eval $(echo "Enable_byte DHCPNTPEnable_byte Server_ms Retry_byte" | tdb get NTPClient)
           66┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           12┆ echo $@
           28┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && return 1 || return 0
           45┆ $binary -s -r $Retry_byte -f $ntp_from_dhcp &
           47┆ $binary -s -r $Retry_byte -f $conf &
           66┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           73┆ killall $daemon
           80┆ killall -9 $daemon
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           41┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           16┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && return 1 || return 0
           26┆ $binary -H /etc/rdnssd/merge-hook -r /tmp/rdnssd-resolv.conf
           41┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           48┆ killall $daemon
           55┆ killall -9 $daemon
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           16┆ $binary > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           23┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           27┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           29┆ kill $pids
           31┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           31┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           31┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            4┆ echo $@
           14┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           15┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           16┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           18┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           19┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           20┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           21┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           22┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           23┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           24┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           27┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           28┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           29┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           30┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           31┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           32┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           33┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           34┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ start $prefix
           41┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           42┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           43┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           44┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           45┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           46┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           47┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           48┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           49┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           50┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           53┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           54┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status       
           55┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           56┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           57┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           58┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           59┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           60┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ status $prefix
           88┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ stop $prefix
           89┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ stop $prefix
           90┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ stop $prefix
           91┆ [ -x $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ ] && $prefix/etc/rc.d/init.d/ stop $prefix
           93┆ echo Daemons are killed: $daemons ...
           94┆ killall $daemons
           97┆ pids=$(pidof $daemons) || return 0
           98┆ echo $daemons is not stop clear
           99┆ killall $daemons
          103┆ killall -9 $daemons
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            4┆ echo $@
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           30┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           19┆ $binary > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           28┆ pids=$(pidof $app) || { echo "$app is not running." && return 1; }
           30┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           32┆ pids=$(pidof $app) && killall -9 $app && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $app) && die "ng." || echo "ok."
           32┆ pids=$(pidof $app) && killall -9 $app && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $app) && die "ng." || echo "ok."
           32┆ pids=$(pidof $app) && killall -9 $app && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $app) && die "ng." || echo "ok."
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           32┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           20┆ $binary > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           26┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           30┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           32┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           38┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           29┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           16┆ $binary  > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           22┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && echo "($pids) is running." || echo " is stop."
           26┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           29┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           31┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || break
           33┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           33┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
           33┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           55┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ echo $@
           16┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && return 1 || return 0
           38┆ $binary -d -n -E -p "gatt, gatt_example" -q "$pincode" -s > /dev/null 2>&1 &
           55┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           62┆ killall $daemon
           69┆ killall -9 $daemon
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           13┆ M=`mount | grep $1`
           16┆ $MKDIR -p "$MOUNT_PATH"
           18┆ $MOUNT -t vfat -o fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022 /dev/$1 "$MOUNT_PATH" && echo -n "/dev/$1" >    
           20┆ [ ! -d $MOUNT_PATH/$model ] && $MKDIR $MOUNT_PATH/$model
           22┆ [ $model != "" ] && ln -sf $MOUNT_PATH/$model $VOLUME_PATH
           25┆ $UMOUNT -lf "$MOUNT_PATH" && rm /tmp/sddev
           26┆ rm $VOLUME_PATH
           30┆ test=$(echo $1 | grep -re "mmcblk[0-9]$")
           33┆ domount ${test}p1
           37┆ domount $test
          Useless call to 'cat' in a pipeline. Use '<' and '>' for any command to read from a file or
          write to a file.                                                                           
            4┆ target=$(cat $p/ | grep "Target" | cut -d":" -f2)
            4┆ target=$(cat $p/ | grep "Target" | cut -d":" -f2)
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
            8┆ eval $(cat $p/keysuit)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            4┆ target=$(cat $p/ | grep "Target" | cut -d":" -f2)
            5┆ openssl rsautl -decrypt -in $p/keysuit.enc -inkey "$1" -out $p/keysuit || ret=1
            8┆ eval $(cat $p/keysuit)
            9┆ openssl aes-256-cbc -k $key -iv $iv -S $salt -d -in $p/$target.aes -out "$2" || ret=1
           10┆ chmod u+x $2
           11┆ exit $ret
          Useless call to 'cat' in a pipeline. Use '<' and '>' for any command to read from a file or
          write to a file.                                                                           
            8┆ target=$(cat $p/ | grep "Target" | cut -d":" -f2)
            8┆ target=$(cat $p/ | grep "Target" | cut -d":" -f2)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            4┆ mkdir $p
            5┆ tar -xf "$1" -C $p
            6┆ tar -xf "$1" keysuit.enc -C $p
            7┆ tar -xf "$1" sign.sha1.enc -C $p
            8┆ target=$(cat $p/ | grep "Target" | cut -d":" -f2)
            9┆ tar -xf "$1" $target.aes -C $p
           10┆ file=$(echo $target | cut -d'.' -f 0)
           11┆ tar -xOf "$1" $file.aes | openssl dgst -sha256 | cut -d' ' -f2 > $p/$file.sha1
           12┆ sum1=`cat $p/$target.aes $p/keysuit.enc $p/ $p/$file.sha1 | openssl dgst -sha256 | cut   
  -d' ' -f2`                                                                                                            
           16┆ openssl rsautl -verify -inkey "$2" -pubin -in $p/sign.sha1.enc > $p/sign.sha1
           18┆ sum2=`cat $p/sign.sha1`
           20┆ echo $sum1
           21┆ echo $sum2
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           27┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           36┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           43┆ kill -s SIGUSR2 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            6┆ echo $@
           20┆ $binary > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
           25┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           27┆ kill $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           29┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && sleep 2
           30┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
  "stop $daemon ok."                                                                                                    
           30┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
  "stop $daemon ok."                                                                                                    
           30┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) && killall -9 $daemon && sleep 1 && pids=$(pidof $daemon) && die "ng." || echo     
  "stop $daemon ok."                                                                                                    
           34┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           36┆ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
           41┆ pids=$(pidof $daemon) || { echo "$daemon is not running." && return 1; }
           43┆ kill -s SIGUSR2 $(echo $pids | cut -d' ' -f1)
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           24┆ [ -f /tmp/ ] && kill -USR1 `cat /tmp/`
           35┆ eval $(dumpNetworkKeys | tdb get Network)
           54┆ eval $(dumpNetworkKeys | tdb get Network)
          135┆ [ $interface = "wlan0" ] && kill -USR1 `cat /tmp/`
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           40┆ /sbin/ifconfig $interface
           46┆ /sbin/ifconfig $interface $Address_ss netmask $Netmask_ss
           47┆ route add default gw $Gateway_ss $interface
           58┆ /sbin/ifconfig $interface $ip $BROADCAST $NETMASK
           64┆ printf "ip='%s'\n" $ip > /tmp/
           65┆ printf "interface='%s'\n" $interface >> /tmp/
           66┆ printf "broadcast='%s'\n" $broadcast >> /tmp/
           67┆ printf "subnet='%s'\n" $subnet >> /tmp/
           68┆ printf "router='%s'\n" $router >> /tmp/
           69┆ printf "meteric='%s'\n" $metric >> /tmp/
           70┆ printf "domain='%s'\n" $domain >> /tmp/
           71┆ printf "dns='%s'\n" $dns >> /tmp/
           96┆ while route del default gw dev $interface ; do
          102┆ metric=`expr $metric + 1`
          103┆ route add default gw $i dev $interface metric $metric
          112┆ /sbin/ifconfig $interface $Address_ss netmask $Netmask_ss up
          113┆ while route del default gw dev $interface ; do
          116┆ route add default gw $Gateway_ss dev $interface
          122┆ [ -n "$domain" ] && echo search $domain >> $RESOLV_CONF
          125┆ echo nameserver $i >> $RESOLV_CONF
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           31┆ kill -SIGUSR1 $udhcpd_pid
           33┆ lease_str=`/usr/bin/dumpleases -f /tmp/udhcpd.leases | grep $ip_mask`
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           41┆ printf "pibinfo MacAddress:\t%s\n" `pibinfo MacAddress`
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            4┆ mac_b1=$(echo $mac_addr | cut -d':' -f1)
            5┆ mac_b2=$(echo $mac_addr | cut -d':' -f2)
            6┆ mac_b3=$(echo $mac_addr | cut -d':' -f3)
            7┆ mac_b4=$(echo $mac_addr | cut -d':' -f4)
            8┆ mac_b5=$(echo $mac_addr | cut -d':' -f5)
            9┆ mac_b6=$(echo $mac_addr | cut -d':' -f6)
           16┆ echo rtwpriv wlan0 efuse_set btwmap,3C,$mac_b6$mac_b5$mac_b4$mac_b3$mac_b2$mac_b1
           18┆ echo MacAddress=$mac_addr | pibinfo set
           22┆ rtwpriv wlan0 efuse_set btwmap,3C,$mac_b6$mac_b5$mac_b4$mac_b3$mac_b2$mac_b1
           42┆ printf "BT MAC address:\t\t%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" $bt_mac_b1 $bt_mac_b2 $bt_mac_b3 $bt_mac_b4 $bt_mac_b5   
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           21┆ eval $( dumpBurnInKeys | tdb get BurnIn )
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            6┆ echo $@
           24┆ let sleepSecs=$BurnInWMins_num*60
           26┆ sleep $sleepSecs
           30┆ sleep  $intervalSecs
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            6┆ echo $0 will write the efusebuffer from PATH to PIB with uuencode.
            8┆ echo $0 [PATH]
            9┆ echo default : $0 $EFUSEBUFFER_PATH
           16┆ cat $EFUSEBUFFER_PATH | uuencode $EFUSEBUFFER_PATH | pibinfo setEfuseBuffer && echo set PIB OK || echo   
  set PIB FAILED                                                                                                        
           16┆ cat $EFUSEBUFFER_PATH | uuencode $EFUSEBUFFER_PATH | pibinfo setEfuseBuffer && echo set PIB OK || echo   
  set PIB FAILED                                                                                                        
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            4┆ echo $0 host [prefix] [mntPoint]
           17┆ mount -o nolock $host:$prefix $mntPoint
          Iterating over ls output is fragile. Use globs, e.g. 'dir/*' instead of '$(ls dir)'.
           12┆ for i in $(ls $1); do
           16┆ for i in $(ls $1); do
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            7┆ if ! ls $1 > /dev/null; then
           12┆ for i in $(ls $1); do
           14┆ [ -d $1/$i ] && catFiles $1/$i
           16┆ for i in $(ls $1); do
           19┆ if ! cat $1/$i > /dev/null; then
           30┆ catFiles $dir
           31┆ exit $exitCode
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           18┆ while sleep $interval; do
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           13┆ eval $(urlDecode "$PARAMETERS") || exit 1
           17┆ eval $(memfree)
           18┆ eval $(formData "$CONTENT_TYPE") || exit 1
           23┆ eval $(urlDecode "$QUERY_STRING") || exit 1
           28┆ eval $(urlDecode "$QUERY_STRING") || exit 1
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            2┆ echo $@ >> /tmp/debuglog
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           50┆ eval $(urlDecode "$PARAMETERS") || exit 1
           54┆ eval $(formData "$CONTENT_TYPE") || exit 1
           59┆ eval $(urlDecode "$QUERY_STRING") || exit 1
           64┆ eval $(urlDecode "$QUERY_STRING") || exit 1
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
            9┆ ls -l $1 | cut -b 39-43
           22┆ Content-Length: $(sizeof $infFile)\r
           26┆ [ -f "$infFile" ] && cat $infFile
           39┆ echo $@ >> /tmp/debuglog
           76┆ [ -f "$infFile" ] && rm -f $infFile
          112┆ SeparateStr=$(echo $Str | cut -d$SeparateChar -f${n})
          112┆ SeparateStr=$(echo $Str | cut -d$SeparateChar -f${n})
          132┆ SeparateStr=$(echo $Str | cut -d$SeparateChar -f${n})
          132┆ SeparateStr=$(echo $Str | cut -d$SeparateChar -f${n})
          142┆ n=$(expr $n - 1)
          144┆ return $n
          The result of command substitution $(...) or `...`, if unquoted, is split on whitespace or  
          other separators specified by the IFS variable. You should surround it with double quotes to
          avoid splitting the result.                                                                 
           14┆ eval $(pibinfo Peripheral)
           81┆ eval $(dumpSystemKeys | tdb get System) || return 1
          Variable expansions must be double-quoted so as to prevent being split into multiple pieces 
          according to whitespace or whichever separator is specified by the IFS variable. If you     
          really wish to split the variable's contents, you may use a variable that starts with an    
          underscore e.g. $_X instead of $X, and semgrep will ignore it. If what you need is an array,
          consider using a proper bash array.                                                         
           73┆ [ -f "$2" ] && cat $2
           74┆ [ -f "$3" ] && cat $3
           78┆ ipv4address=$(ifconfig $median | grep "inet addr:" | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1)
│ Scan Summary │
Some files were skipped or only partially analyzed.
  Partially scanned: 17 files only partially analyzed due to parsing or internal Semgrep errors

Ran 7 rules on 58 files: 574 findings.