[*] Binary protection state of network_setup

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX disabled  No PIE       No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function fprintf tear down of network_setup

    ; assembly                                                                                       | /* r2dec pseudo code output */
                                                                                                     | /* /logs/firmware/patool_extraction/DUMP/mtdblock8_unblob_extracted/mtdblock8_extract/0-9650176.squashfs_v4_le_extract/sbin/network_setup @ 0x40b238 */
                                                                                                     | #include <stdint.h>
    ; (fcn) sym.gen_interface_config_mtk_apclient__Config__char_const__char_const__int_ ()           | void gen_interface_config_mtk_apclient_Config_char_const_char_const_int_ () {
                                                                                                     |     /* gen_interface_config_mtk_apclient(_Config*, char const*, char const*, int) */
    0x0040b238 lui gp, 2                                                                             |     
    0x0040b23c addiu gp, gp, 0xe08                                                                   |     
    0x0040b240 addu gp, gp, t9                                                                       |     gp += t9;
    0x0040b244 addiu sp, sp, -0x3570                                                                 |     
    0x0040b248 sw ra, 0x356c(sp)                                                                     |     *(arg_356ch) = ra;
    0x0040b24c sw fp, 0x3568(sp)                                                                     |     *(arg_3568h) = fp;
    0x0040b250 sw s0, 0x3564(sp)                                                                     |     *(arg_3564h) = s0;
    0x0040b254 move fp, sp                                                                           |     fp = sp;
    0x0040b258 sw gp, 0x10(sp)                                                                       |     *(arg_10h) = gp;
    0x0040b25c sw a0, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     *(arg_24h) = a0;
    0x0040b260 sw a1, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |     *(arg_20h) = a1;
    0x0040b264 sw a2, 0x1c(fp)                                                                       |     *(arg_1ch) = a2;
    0x0040b268 sw a3, 0x18(fp)                                                                       |     *(arg_18h) = a3;
    0x0040b26c lw t8, -0x7dd0(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *((gp - 8052));
    0x0040b270 lw t8, (t8)                                                                           |     t8 = *(t8);
    0x0040b274 sw t8, 0x355c(fp)                                                                     |     *(arg_355ch) = t8;
    0x0040b278 addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |     t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040b27c move a0, t8                                                                           |     a0 = t8;
    0x0040b280 lw t8, -0x7fb8(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040b284 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040b288 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040b28c nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040b290 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b294 lw a0, 0x1c(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_1ch);
    0x0040b298 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* esilref: 'w+' */
    0x0040b29c addiu a1, t8, 0x1cf4                                                                  |     a1 = t8 + 0x1cf4;
    0x0040b2a0 lw t8, -0x7e08(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.imp.fopen64;
    0x0040b2a4 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040b2a8 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040b2ac nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040b2b0 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b2b4 move t8, v0                                                                           |     t8 = v0;
    0x0040b2b8 sw t8, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     *(arg_30h) = t8;
    0x0040b2bc lw t8, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b2c0 sltiu t8, t8, 1                                                                       |     t8 = (t8 < 1) ? 1 : 0;
    0x0040b2c4 andi t8, t8, 0xff                                                                     |     t8 &= 0xff;
                                                                                                     |     if (t8 != 0) {
    0x0040b2c8 beqz t8, 0x40b2f8                                                                     |         
    0x0040b2cc nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b2d0 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.Open_file_fail */
    0x0040b2d4 addiu a0, t8, 0x20ec                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x20ec;
    0x0040b2d8 lw t8, -0x7e9c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.perror;
    0x0040b2dc move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b2e0 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b2e4 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b2e8 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b2ec addiu s0, zero, -1                                                                    |         s0 = -1;
    0x0040b2f0 b 0x40b898                                                                            |         goto label_0;
    0x0040b2f4 nop                                                                                   |         
                                                                                                     |     }
    0x0040b2f8 addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |     t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040b2fc move a0, t8                                                                           |     a0 = t8;
    0x0040b300 lw t8, -0x7ecc(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040b304 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040b308 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040b30c nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040b310 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b314 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b318 lw v0, 0x280(t8)                                                                      |     v0 = *((t8 + 160));
    0x0040b31c addiu t8, zero, 1                                                                     |     t8 = 1;
                                                                                                     |     if (v0 == t8) {
    0x0040b320 bne v0, t8, 0x40b528                                                                  |         
    0x0040b324 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b328 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.auto_eth0_n */
    0x0040b32c addiu a0, t8, 0x2118                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x2118;
    0x0040b330 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040b334 addiu a2, zero, 0xa                                                                   |         a2 = 0xa;
    0x0040b338 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b33c lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040b340 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b344 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b348 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b34c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b350 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b354 lw t8, 0xc0(t8)                                                                       |         t8 = *((t8 + 48));
                                                                                                     |         if (t8 != 0) {
    0x0040b358 beqz t8, 0x40b390                                                                     |             
    0x0040b35c nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040b360 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |             /* str.iface_eth0_inet_dhcp_n */
    0x0040b364 addiu a0, t8, 0x2124                                                                  |             a0 = t8 + 0x2124;
    0x0040b368 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |             a1 = 1;
    0x0040b36c addiu a2, zero, 0x15                                                                  |             a2 = 0x15;
    0x0040b370 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |             a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b374 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040b378 move t9, t8                                                                           |             t9 = t8;
    0x0040b37c jalr t9                                                                               |             t9 ();
    0x0040b380 nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040b384 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |             gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b388 b 0x40b43c                                                                            |             goto label_1;
    0x0040b38c nop                                                                                   |             
                                                                                                     |         }
    0x0040b390 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.iface_eth0_inet_static_n */
    0x0040b394 addiu a0, t8, 0x213c                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x213c;
    0x0040b398 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040b39c addiu a2, zero, 0x17                                                                  |         a2 = 0x17;
    0x0040b3a0 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b3a4 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040b3a8 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b3ac jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b3b0 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b3b4 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b3b8 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b3bc addiu t8, t8, 0x109                                                                   |         t8 += 0x109;
    0x0040b3c0 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b3c4 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._taddress__s_n */
    0x0040b3c8 addiu a1, v0, 0x2154                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2154;
    0x0040b3cc move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040b3d0 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040b3d4 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b3d8 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b3dc nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b3e0 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b3e4 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b3e8 addiu t8, t8, 0x12a                                                                   |         t8 += 0x12a;
    0x0040b3ec lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b3f0 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tnetmask__s_n */
    0x0040b3f4 addiu a1, v0, 0x2164                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2164;
    0x0040b3f8 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040b3fc lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040b400 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b404 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b408 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b40c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b410 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b414 addiu t8, t8, 0x14b                                                                   |         t8 += 0x14b;
    0x0040b418 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b41c lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tgateway__s_n */
    0x0040b420 addiu a1, v0, 0x2174                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2174;
    0x0040b424 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040b428 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040b42c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b430 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b434 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b438 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
                                                                                                     | label_1:
    0x0040b43c addiu v0, fp, 0x28                                                                    |         v0 = fp + 0x28;
    0x0040b440 addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040b444 move a0, v0                                                                           |         a0 = v0;
    0x0040b448 move a1, t8                                                                           |         a1 = t8;
    0x0040b44c lw t8, -0x7e00(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040b450 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b454 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b458 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b45c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b460 addiu t8, fp, 0x28                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x28;
    0x0040b464 move a0, t8                                                                           |         a0 = t8;
    0x0040b468 lw t8, -0x7de4(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040b46c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b470 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b474 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b478 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b47c move t8, v0                                                                           |         t8 = v0;
    0x0040b480 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b484 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._thostname___s__n */
    0x0040b488 addiu a1, v0, 0x2184                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2184;
    0x0040b48c move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040b490 lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040b494 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b498 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b49c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b4a0 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b4a4 addiu t8, fp, 0x28                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x28;
    0x0040b4a8 move a0, t8                                                                           |         a0 = t8;
    0x0040b4ac lw t8, -0x7e3c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8079));
    0x0040b4b0 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b4b4 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b4b8 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b4bc lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b4c0 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b4c4 lw t8, 0x1f0(t8)                                                                      |         t8 = *((t8 + 124));
                                                                                                     |         if (t8 == 0) {
    0x0040b4c8 beqz t8, 0x40b7d0                                                                     |             goto label_2;
                                                                                                     |         }
    0x0040b4cc nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b4d0 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.iface_eth0:1_inet_ppp_n */
    0x0040b4d4 addiu a0, t8, 0x2194                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x2194;
    0x0040b4d8 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040b4dc addiu a2, zero, 0x16                                                                  |         a2 = 0x16;
    0x0040b4e0 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b4e4 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040b4e8 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b4ec jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b4f0 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b4f4 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b4f8 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tprovider_dsl_provider_n */
    0x0040b4fc addiu a0, t8, 0x21ac                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x21ac;
    0x0040b500 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040b504 addiu a2, zero, 0x17                                                                  |         a2 = 0x17;
    0x0040b508 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b50c lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040b510 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b514 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b518 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b51c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b520 b 0x40b7d0                                                                            |         goto label_2;
    0x0040b524 nop                                                                                   |         
                                                                                                     |     }
    0x0040b528 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b52c lw v0, (t8)                                                                           |     v0 = *(t8);
    0x0040b530 addiu t8, zero, 1                                                                     |     t8 = 1;
                                                                                                     |     if (v0 == t8) {
    0x0040b534 bne v0, t8, 0x40b7d0                                                                  |         
    0x0040b538 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b53c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b540 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.auto__s_n */
    0x0040b544 addiu a1, t8, 0x21c4                                                                  |         a1 = t8 + 0x21c4;
    0x0040b548 lw a2, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |         a2 = *(arg_20h);
    0x0040b54c lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040b550 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b554 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b558 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b55c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b560 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b564 lw t8, 0xc0(t8)                                                                       |         t8 = *((t8 + 48));
                                                                                                     |         if (t8 != 0) {
    0x0040b568 beqz t8, 0x40b59c                                                                     |             
    0x0040b56c nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040b570 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |             a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b574 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |             /* str.iface__s_inet_dhcp_n */
    0x0040b578 addiu a1, t8, 0x21d0                                                                  |             a1 = t8 + 0x21d0;
    0x0040b57c lw a2, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |             a2 = *(arg_20h);
    0x0040b580 lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040b584 move t9, t8                                                                           |             t9 = t8;
    0x0040b588 jalr t9                                                                               |             t9 ();
    0x0040b58c nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040b590 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |             gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b594 b 0x40b644                                                                            |             goto label_3;
    0x0040b598 nop                                                                                   |             
                                                                                                     |         }
    0x0040b59c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b5a0 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.iface__s_inet_static_n */
    0x0040b5a4 addiu a1, t8, 0x21e4                                                                  |         a1 = t8 + 0x21e4;
    0x0040b5a8 lw a2, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |         a2 = *(arg_20h);
    0x0040b5ac lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040b5b0 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b5b4 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b5b8 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b5bc lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b5c0 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b5c4 addiu t8, t8, 0x109                                                                   |         t8 += 0x109;
    0x0040b5c8 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b5cc lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._taddress__s_n */
    0x0040b5d0 addiu a1, v0, 0x2154                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2154;
    0x0040b5d4 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040b5d8 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040b5dc move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b5e0 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b5e4 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b5e8 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b5ec lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b5f0 addiu t8, t8, 0x12a                                                                   |         t8 += 0x12a;
    0x0040b5f4 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b5f8 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tnetmask__s_n */
    0x0040b5fc addiu a1, v0, 0x2164                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2164;
    0x0040b600 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040b604 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040b608 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b60c jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b610 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b614 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b618 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b61c addiu t8, t8, 0x14b                                                                   |         t8 += 0x14b;
    0x0040b620 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b624 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tgateway__s_n */
    0x0040b628 addiu a1, v0, 0x2174                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2174;
    0x0040b62c move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040b630 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040b634 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b638 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b63c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b640 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
                                                                                                     | label_3:
    0x0040b644 addiu v0, fp, 0x2c                                                                    |         v0 = fp + 0x2c;
    0x0040b648 addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040b64c move a0, v0                                                                           |         a0 = v0;
    0x0040b650 move a1, t8                                                                           |         a1 = t8;
    0x0040b654 lw t8, -0x7e00(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040b658 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b65c jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b660 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b664 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b668 addiu t8, fp, 0x2c                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x2c;
    0x0040b66c move a0, t8                                                                           |         a0 = t8;
    0x0040b670 lw t8, -0x7de4(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040b674 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b678 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b67c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b680 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b684 move t8, v0                                                                           |         t8 = v0;
    0x0040b688 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b68c lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._thostname___s__n */
    0x0040b690 addiu a1, v0, 0x2184                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2184;
    0x0040b694 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040b698 lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040b69c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b6a0 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b6a4 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b6a8 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b6ac addiu t8, fp, 0x2c                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x2c;
    0x0040b6b0 move a0, t8                                                                           |         a0 = t8;
    0x0040b6b4 lw t8, -0x7e3c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8079));
    0x0040b6b8 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b6bc jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b6c0 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b6c4 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b6c8 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b6cc lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tpre_up_ifconfig__s_0.0.0.0_up_n */
    0x0040b6d0 addiu a1, t8, 0x21fc                                                                  |         a1 = t8 + 0x21fc;
    0x0040b6d4 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.wlan1 */
    0x0040b6d8 addiu a2, t8, 0x221c                                                                  |         a2 = t8 + 0x221c;
    0x0040b6dc lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040b6e0 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b6e4 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b6e8 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b6ec lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b6f0 lw t8, 0x18(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_18h);
                                                                                                     |         if (t8 != 0) {
    0x0040b6f4 beqz t8, 0x40b724                                                                     |             
    0x0040b6f8 nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040b6fc lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |             /* str._tpre_up_wifi_tool_channel_update_n */
    0x0040b700 addiu a0, t8, 0x2224                                                                  |             a0 = t8 + 0x2224;
    0x0040b704 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |             a1 = 1;
    0x0040b708 addiu a2, zero, 0x21                                                                  |             a2 = 0x21;
    0x0040b70c lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |             a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b710 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040b714 move t9, t8                                                                           |             t9 = t8;
    0x0040b718 jalr t9                                                                               |             t9 ();
    0x0040b71c nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040b720 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |             gp = *(arg_10h);
                                                                                                     |         }
    0x0040b724 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tpre_up_wlan_infra_n */
    0x0040b728 addiu a0, t8, 0x2248                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x2248;
    0x0040b72c addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040b730 addiu a2, zero, 0x13                                                                  |         a2 = 0x13;
    0x0040b734 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b738 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040b73c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b740 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b744 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b748 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b74c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b750 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tup_ifconfig__s_down_n */
    0x0040b754 addiu a1, t8, 0x225c                                                                  |         a1 = t8 + 0x225c;
    0x0040b758 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.wlan1 */
    0x0040b75c addiu a2, t8, 0x221c                                                                  |         a2 = t8 + 0x221c;
    0x0040b760 lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040b764 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b768 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b76c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b770 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b774 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b778 lw t8, 0x1f0(t8)                                                                      |         t8 = *((t8 + 124));
                                                                                                     |         if (t8 == 0) {
    0x0040b77c beqz t8, 0x40b7d0                                                                     |             goto label_2;
                                                                                                     |         }
    0x0040b780 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b784 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b788 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.iface__s:1_inet_ppp_n */
    0x0040b78c addiu a1, t8, 0x2274                                                                  |         a1 = t8 + 0x2274;
    0x0040b790 lw a2, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |         a2 = *(arg_20h);
    0x0040b794 lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040b798 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b79c jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b7a0 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b7a4 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b7a8 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tprovider_dsl_provider_n */
    0x0040b7ac addiu a0, t8, 0x21ac                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x21ac;
    0x0040b7b0 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040b7b4 addiu a2, zero, 0x17                                                                  |         a2 = 0x17;
    0x0040b7b8 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b7bc lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040b7c0 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b7c4 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b7c8 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b7cc lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
                                                                                                     |     }
                                                                                                     | label_2:
    0x0040b7d0 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* str.iface_fallback_inet_static_n */
    0x0040b7d4 addiu a0, t8, 0x228c                                                                  |     a0 = t8 + 0x228c;
    0x0040b7d8 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |     a1 = 1;
    0x0040b7dc addiu a2, zero, 0x1b                                                                  |     a2 = 0x1b;
    0x0040b7e0 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b7e4 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040b7e8 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040b7ec jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040b7f0 nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040b7f4 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b7f8 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b7fc addiu t8, t8, 0x109                                                                   |     t8 += 0x109;
    0x0040b800 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b804 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* str._taddress__s_n */
    0x0040b808 addiu a1, v0, 0x2154                                                                  |     a1 = v0 + 0x2154;
    0x0040b80c move a2, t8                                                                           |     a2 = t8;
    0x0040b810 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040b814 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040b818 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040b81c nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040b820 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b824 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b828 addiu t8, t8, 0x12a                                                                   |     t8 += 0x12a;
    0x0040b82c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b830 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* str._tnetmask__s_n */
    0x0040b834 addiu a1, v0, 0x2164                                                                  |     a1 = v0 + 0x2164;
    0x0040b838 move a2, t8                                                                           |     a2 = t8;
    0x0040b83c lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040b840 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040b844 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040b848 nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040b84c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b850 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040b854 addiu t8, t8, 0x14b                                                                   |     t8 += 0x14b;
    0x0040b858 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b85c lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* str._tgateway__s_n */
    0x0040b860 addiu a1, v0, 0x2174                                                                  |     a1 = v0 + 0x2174;
    0x0040b864 move a2, t8                                                                           |     a2 = t8;
    0x0040b868 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040b86c move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040b870 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040b874 nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040b878 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b87c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040b880 lw t8, -0x7e54(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.imp.fclose;
    0x0040b884 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040b888 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040b88c nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040b890 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b894 move s0, zero                                                                         |     s0 = 0;
                                                                                                     | label_0:
    0x0040b898 addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |     t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040b89c move a0, t8                                                                           |     a0 = t8;
    0x0040b8a0 lw t8, -0x7db4(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.imp.PIB::PIB__;
    0x0040b8a4 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040b8a8 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040b8ac nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040b8b0 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040b8b4 move t8, s0                                                                           |     t8 = s0;
    0x0040b8b8 move v0, t8                                                                           |     v0 = t8;
    0x0040b8bc lw t8, -0x7dd0(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *((gp - 8052));
    0x0040b8c0 lw v1, 0x355c(fp)                                                                     |     v1 = *(arg_355ch);
    0x0040b8c4 lw t8, (t8)                                                                           |     t8 = *(t8);
                                                                                                     |     if (v1 != t8) {
    0x0040b8c8 beq v1, t8, 0x40b97c                                                                  |         
    0x0040b8cc nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040b8d0 b 0x40b96c                                                                            |         goto label_4;
    0x0040b8d4 nop                                                                                   |         
                                                                                                     | label_4:
    0x0040b96c lw t8, -0x7e5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.__stack_chk_fail;
    0x0040b970 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040b974 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040b978 nop                                                                                   |         
                                                                                                     |     }
    0x0040b97c move sp, fp                                                                           |     
    0x0040b980 lw ra, 0x356c(sp)                                                                     |     ra = *(arg_356ch);
    0x0040b984 lw fp, 0x3568(sp)                                                                     |     fp = *(arg_3568h);
    0x0040b988 lw s0, 0x3564(sp)                                                                     |     s0 = *(arg_3564h);
    0x0040b98c addiu sp, sp, 0x3570                                                                  |     
    0x0040b990 jr ra                                                                                 |     return v1;
    0x0040b994 nop                                                                                   |     
                                                                                                     | }
    ; assembly                                                                                       | /* r2dec pseudo code output */
                                                                                                     | /* /logs/firmware/patool_extraction/DUMP/mtdblock8_unblob_extracted/mtdblock8_extract/0-9650176.squashfs_v4_le_extract/sbin/network_setup @ 0x40bb7c */
                                                                                                     | #include <stdint.h>
    ; (fcn) sym.gen_interface_config_wireless_extension__Config__char_const__char_const_ ()          | void gen_interface_config_wireless_extension_Config_char_const_char_const_ () {
                                                                                                     |     /* gen_interface_config_wireless_extension(_Config*, char const*, char const*) */
    0x0040bb7c lui gp, 2                                                                             |     
    0x0040bb80 addiu gp, gp, 0x4c4                                                                   |     
    0x0040bb84 addu gp, gp, t9                                                                       |     gp += t9;
    0x0040bb88 addiu sp, sp, -0x3570                                                                 |     
    0x0040bb8c sw ra, 0x356c(sp)                                                                     |     *(arg_356ch) = ra;
    0x0040bb90 sw fp, 0x3568(sp)                                                                     |     *(arg_3568h) = fp;
    0x0040bb94 sw s0, 0x3564(sp)                                                                     |     *(arg_3564h) = s0;
    0x0040bb98 move fp, sp                                                                           |     fp = sp;
    0x0040bb9c sw gp, 0x10(sp)                                                                       |     *(arg_10h) = gp;
    0x0040bba0 sw a0, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     *(arg_24h) = a0;
    0x0040bba4 sw a1, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |     *(arg_20h) = a1;
    0x0040bba8 sw a2, 0x1c(fp)                                                                       |     *(arg_1ch) = a2;
    0x0040bbac lw t8, -0x7dd0(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *((gp - 8052));
    0x0040bbb0 lw t8, (t8)                                                                           |     t8 = *(t8);
    0x0040bbb4 sw t8, 0x355c(fp)                                                                     |     *(arg_355ch) = t8;
    0x0040bbb8 addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |     t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040bbbc move a0, t8                                                                           |     a0 = t8;
    0x0040bbc0 lw t8, -0x7fb8(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040bbc4 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040bbc8 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040bbcc nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040bbd0 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bbd4 lw a0, 0x1c(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_1ch);
    0x0040bbd8 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* esilref: 'w+' */
    0x0040bbdc addiu a1, t8, 0x1cf4                                                                  |     a1 = t8 + 0x1cf4;
    0x0040bbe0 lw t8, -0x7e08(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.imp.fopen64;
    0x0040bbe4 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040bbe8 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040bbec nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040bbf0 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bbf4 move t8, v0                                                                           |     t8 = v0;
    0x0040bbf8 sw t8, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     *(arg_30h) = t8;
    0x0040bbfc lw t8, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bc00 sltiu t8, t8, 1                                                                       |     t8 = (t8 < 1) ? 1 : 0;
    0x0040bc04 andi t8, t8, 0xff                                                                     |     t8 &= 0xff;
                                                                                                     |     if (t8 != 0) {
    0x0040bc08 beqz t8, 0x40bc38                                                                     |         
    0x0040bc0c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bc10 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.Open_file_fail */
    0x0040bc14 addiu a0, t8, 0x20ec                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x20ec;
    0x0040bc18 lw t8, -0x7e9c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.perror;
    0x0040bc1c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bc20 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bc24 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bc28 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bc2c addiu s0, zero, -1                                                                    |         s0 = -1;
    0x0040bc30 b 0x40c254                                                                            |         goto label_0;
    0x0040bc34 nop                                                                                   |         
                                                                                                     |     }
    0x0040bc38 addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |     t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040bc3c move a0, t8                                                                           |     a0 = t8;
    0x0040bc40 lw t8, -0x7ecc(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040bc44 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040bc48 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040bc4c nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040bc50 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bc54 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bc58 lw v0, 0x280(t8)                                                                      |     v0 = *((t8 + 160));
    0x0040bc5c addiu t8, zero, 1                                                                     |     t8 = 1;
                                                                                                     |     if (v0 == t8) {
    0x0040bc60 bne v0, t8, 0x40bee8                                                                  |         
    0x0040bc64 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bc68 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.auto_eth0_n */
    0x0040bc6c addiu a0, t8, 0x2118                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x2118;
    0x0040bc70 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040bc74 addiu a2, zero, 0xa                                                                   |         a2 = 0xa;
    0x0040bc78 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bc7c lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040bc80 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bc84 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bc88 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bc8c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bc90 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bc94 lw t8, 0xc0(t8)                                                                       |         t8 = *((t8 + 48));
                                                                                                     |         if (t8 != 0) {
    0x0040bc98 beqz t8, 0x40bcfc                                                                     |             
    0x0040bc9c nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040bca0 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |             /* str.iface_eth0_inet_dhcp_n */
    0x0040bca4 addiu a0, t8, 0x2124                                                                  |             a0 = t8 + 0x2124;
    0x0040bca8 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |             a1 = 1;
    0x0040bcac addiu a2, zero, 0x15                                                                  |             a2 = 0x15;
    0x0040bcb0 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |             a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bcb4 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040bcb8 move t9, t8                                                                           |             t9 = t8;
    0x0040bcbc jalr t9                                                                               |             t9 ();
    0x0040bcc0 nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040bcc4 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |             gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bcc8 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |             t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bccc addiu t8, t8, 0x109                                                                   |             t8 += 0x109;
    0x0040bcd0 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |             a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bcd4 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |             v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |             /* str._taddress__s_n */
    0x0040bcd8 addiu a1, v0, 0x2154                                                                  |             a1 = v0 + 0x2154;
    0x0040bcdc move a2, t8                                                                           |             a2 = t8;
    0x0040bce0 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040bce4 move t9, t8                                                                           |             t9 = t8;
    0x0040bce8 jalr t9                                                                               |             t9 ();
    0x0040bcec nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040bcf0 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |             gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bcf4 b 0x40bdd0                                                                            |             goto label_1;
    0x0040bcf8 nop                                                                                   |             
                                                                                                     |         }
    0x0040bcfc lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.iface_eth0_inet_static_n */
    0x0040bd00 addiu a0, t8, 0x213c                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x213c;
    0x0040bd04 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040bd08 addiu a2, zero, 0x17                                                                  |         a2 = 0x17;
    0x0040bd0c lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bd10 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040bd14 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bd18 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bd1c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bd20 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bd24 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bd28 addiu t8, t8, 0x109                                                                   |         t8 += 0x109;
    0x0040bd2c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bd30 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._taddress__s_n */
    0x0040bd34 addiu a1, v0, 0x2154                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2154;
    0x0040bd38 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040bd3c lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040bd40 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bd44 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bd48 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bd4c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bd50 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bd54 addiu t8, t8, 0x12a                                                                   |         t8 += 0x12a;
    0x0040bd58 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bd5c lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tnetmask__s_n */
    0x0040bd60 addiu a1, v0, 0x2164                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2164;
    0x0040bd64 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040bd68 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040bd6c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bd70 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bd74 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bd78 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bd7c lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bd80 addiu t8, t8, 0x14b                                                                   |         t8 += 0x14b;
    0x0040bd84 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bd88 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tgateway__s_n */
    0x0040bd8c addiu a1, v0, 0x2174                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2174;
    0x0040bd90 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040bd94 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040bd98 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bd9c jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bda0 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bda4 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bda8 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tpost_up__etc_rc.d_init.d_network_services.sh_restart_n */
    0x0040bdac addiu a0, t8, 0x22a8                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x22a8;
    0x0040bdb0 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040bdb4 addiu a2, zero, 0x36                                                                  |         a2 = 0x36;
    0x0040bdb8 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bdbc lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040bdc0 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bdc4 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bdc8 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bdcc lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
                                                                                                     | label_1:
    0x0040bdd0 addiu v0, fp, 0x28                                                                    |         v0 = fp + 0x28;
    0x0040bdd4 addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040bdd8 move a0, v0                                                                           |         a0 = v0;
    0x0040bddc move a1, t8                                                                           |         a1 = t8;
    0x0040bde0 lw t8, -0x7e00(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040bde4 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bde8 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bdec nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bdf0 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bdf4 addiu t8, fp, 0x28                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x28;
    0x0040bdf8 move a0, t8                                                                           |         a0 = t8;
    0x0040bdfc lw t8, -0x7de4(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040be00 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040be04 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040be08 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040be0c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040be10 move t8, v0                                                                           |         t8 = v0;
    0x0040be14 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040be18 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._thostname___s__n */
    0x0040be1c addiu a1, v0, 0x2184                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2184;
    0x0040be20 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040be24 lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040be28 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040be2c jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040be30 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040be34 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040be38 addiu t8, fp, 0x28                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x28;
    0x0040be3c move a0, t8                                                                           |         a0 = t8;
    0x0040be40 lw t8, -0x7e3c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8079));
    0x0040be44 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040be48 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040be4c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040be50 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040be54 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040be58 addiu t8, t8, 8                                                                       |         t8 += 8;
    0x0040be5c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040be60 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tvendor___s__n */
    0x0040be64 addiu a1, v0, 0x22e0                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x22e0;
    0x0040be68 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040be6c lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040be70 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040be74 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040be78 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040be7c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040be80 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040be84 lw t8, 0x1f0(t8)                                                                      |         t8 = *((t8 + 124));
                                                                                                     |         if (t8 == 0) {
    0x0040be88 beqz t8, 0x40c18c                                                                     |             goto label_2;
                                                                                                     |         }
    0x0040be8c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040be90 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.iface_eth0:1_inet_ppp_n */
    0x0040be94 addiu a0, t8, 0x2194                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x2194;
    0x0040be98 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040be9c addiu a2, zero, 0x16                                                                  |         a2 = 0x16;
    0x0040bea0 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bea4 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040bea8 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040beac jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040beb0 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040beb4 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040beb8 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tprovider_dsl_provider_n */
    0x0040bebc addiu a0, t8, 0x21ac                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x21ac;
    0x0040bec0 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040bec4 addiu a2, zero, 0x17                                                                  |         a2 = 0x17;
    0x0040bec8 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040becc lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040bed0 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bed4 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bed8 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bedc lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bee0 b 0x40c18c                                                                            |         goto label_2;
    0x0040bee4 nop                                                                                   |         
                                                                                                     |     }
    0x0040bee8 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040beec lw v0, (t8)                                                                           |     v0 = *(t8);
    0x0040bef0 addiu t8, zero, 1                                                                     |     t8 = 1;
                                                                                                     |     if (v0 == t8) {
    0x0040bef4 bne v0, t8, 0x40c18c                                                                  |         
    0x0040bef8 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040befc lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bf00 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.auto__s_n */
    0x0040bf04 addiu a1, t8, 0x21c4                                                                  |         a1 = t8 + 0x21c4;
    0x0040bf08 lw a2, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |         a2 = *(arg_20h);
    0x0040bf0c lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040bf10 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bf14 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bf18 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bf1c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bf20 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bf24 lw t8, 0xc0(t8)                                                                       |         t8 = *((t8 + 48));
                                                                                                     |         if (t8 != 0) {
    0x0040bf28 beqz t8, 0x40bf88                                                                     |             
    0x0040bf2c nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040bf30 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |             a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bf34 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |             /* str.iface__s_inet_dhcp_n */
    0x0040bf38 addiu a1, t8, 0x21d0                                                                  |             a1 = t8 + 0x21d0;
    0x0040bf3c lw a2, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |             a2 = *(arg_20h);
    0x0040bf40 lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040bf44 move t9, t8                                                                           |             t9 = t8;
    0x0040bf48 jalr t9                                                                               |             t9 ();
    0x0040bf4c nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040bf50 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |             gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bf54 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |             t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bf58 addiu t8, t8, 0x109                                                                   |             t8 += 0x109;
    0x0040bf5c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |             a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bf60 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |             v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |             /* str._taddress__s_n */
    0x0040bf64 addiu a1, v0, 0x2154                                                                  |             a1 = v0 + 0x2154;
    0x0040bf68 move a2, t8                                                                           |             a2 = t8;
    0x0040bf6c lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |             t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040bf70 move t9, t8                                                                           |             t9 = t8;
    0x0040bf74 jalr t9                                                                               |             t9 ();
    0x0040bf78 nop                                                                                   |             
    0x0040bf7c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |             gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bf80 b 0x40c058                                                                            |             goto label_3;
    0x0040bf84 nop                                                                                   |             
                                                                                                     |         }
    0x0040bf88 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bf8c lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.iface__s_inet_static_n */
    0x0040bf90 addiu a1, t8, 0x21e4                                                                  |         a1 = t8 + 0x21e4;
    0x0040bf94 lw a2, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |         a2 = *(arg_20h);
    0x0040bf98 lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040bf9c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bfa0 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bfa4 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bfa8 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bfac lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bfb0 addiu t8, t8, 0x109                                                                   |         t8 += 0x109;
    0x0040bfb4 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bfb8 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._taddress__s_n */
    0x0040bfbc addiu a1, v0, 0x2154                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2154;
    0x0040bfc0 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040bfc4 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040bfc8 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bfcc jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bfd0 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040bfd4 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040bfd8 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040bfdc addiu t8, t8, 0x12a                                                                   |         t8 += 0x12a;
    0x0040bfe0 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040bfe4 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tnetmask__s_n */
    0x0040bfe8 addiu a1, v0, 0x2164                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2164;
    0x0040bfec move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040bff0 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040bff4 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040bff8 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040bffc nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c000 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c004 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040c008 addiu t8, t8, 0x14b                                                                   |         t8 += 0x14b;
    0x0040c00c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c010 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tgateway__s_n */
    0x0040c014 addiu a1, v0, 0x2174                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2174;
    0x0040c018 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040c01c lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040c020 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c024 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c028 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c02c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c030 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tpost_up__etc_rc.d_init.d_network_service.sh_restart_n */
    0x0040c034 addiu a0, t8, 0x22f0                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x22f0;
    0x0040c038 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040c03c addiu a2, zero, 0x35                                                                  |         a2 = 0x35;
    0x0040c040 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c044 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040c048 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c04c jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c050 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c054 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
                                                                                                     | label_3:
    0x0040c058 addiu v0, fp, 0x2c                                                                    |         v0 = fp + 0x2c;
    0x0040c05c addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040c060 move a0, v0                                                                           |         a0 = v0;
    0x0040c064 move a1, t8                                                                           |         a1 = t8;
    0x0040c068 lw t8, -0x7e00(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040c06c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c070 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c074 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c078 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c07c addiu t8, fp, 0x2c                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x2c;
    0x0040c080 move a0, t8                                                                           |         a0 = t8;
    0x0040c084 lw t8, -0x7de4(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *(gp);
    0x0040c088 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c08c jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c090 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c094 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c098 move t8, v0                                                                           |         t8 = v0;
    0x0040c09c lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c0a0 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._thostname___s__n */
    0x0040c0a4 addiu a1, v0, 0x2184                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x2184;
    0x0040c0a8 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040c0ac lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040c0b0 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c0b4 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c0b8 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c0bc lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c0c0 addiu t8, fp, 0x2c                                                                    |         t8 = fp + 0x2c;
    0x0040c0c4 move a0, t8                                                                           |         a0 = t8;
    0x0040c0c8 lw t8, -0x7e3c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8079));
    0x0040c0cc move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c0d0 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c0d4 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c0d8 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c0dc lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040c0e0 addiu t8, t8, 8                                                                       |         t8 += 8;
    0x0040c0e4 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c0e8 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tvendor___s__n */
    0x0040c0ec addiu a1, v0, 0x22e0                                                                  |         a1 = v0 + 0x22e0;
    0x0040c0f0 move a2, t8                                                                           |         a2 = t8;
    0x0040c0f4 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040c0f8 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c0fc jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c100 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c104 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c108 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tpre_up_wlan_infra_n */
    0x0040c10c addiu a0, t8, 0x2248                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x2248;
    0x0040c110 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040c114 addiu a2, zero, 0x13                                                                  |         a2 = 0x13;
    0x0040c118 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c11c lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040c120 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c124 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c128 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c12c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c130 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |         t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040c134 lw t8, 0x1f0(t8)                                                                      |         t8 = *((t8 + 124));
                                                                                                     |         if (t8 == 0) {
    0x0040c138 beqz t8, 0x40c18c                                                                     |             goto label_2;
                                                                                                     |         }
    0x0040c13c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c140 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c144 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str.iface__s:1_inet_ppp_n */
    0x0040c148 addiu a1, t8, 0x2274                                                                  |         a1 = t8 + 0x2274;
    0x0040c14c lw a2, 0x20(fp)                                                                       |         a2 = *(arg_20h);
    0x0040c150 lw t8, -0x7eac(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fprintf
    0x0040c154 move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c158 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c15c nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c160 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c164 lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |         /* str._tprovider_dsl_provider_n */
    0x0040c168 addiu a0, t8, 0x21ac                                                                  |         a0 = t8 + 0x21ac;
    0x0040c16c addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |         a1 = 1;
    0x0040c170 addiu a2, zero, 0x17                                                                  |         a2 = 0x17;
    0x0040c174 lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |         a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c178 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040c17c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c180 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c184 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c188 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |         gp = *(arg_10h);
                                                                                                     |     }
                                                                                                     | label_2:
    0x0040c18c lw t8, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* str.iface_fallback_inet_static_n */
    0x0040c190 addiu a0, t8, 0x228c                                                                  |     a0 = t8 + 0x228c;
    0x0040c194 addiu a1, zero, 1                                                                     |     a1 = 1;
    0x0040c198 addiu a2, zero, 0x1b                                                                  |     a2 = 0x1b;
    0x0040c19c lw a3, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a3 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c1a0 lw t8, -0x7dd8(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.imp.fwrite;
    0x0040c1a4 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040c1a8 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040c1ac nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040c1b0 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c1b4 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040c1b8 addiu t8, t8, 0x109                                                                   |     t8 += 0x109;
    0x0040c1bc lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c1c0 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* str._taddress__s_n */
    0x0040c1c4 addiu a1, v0, 0x2154                                                                  |     a1 = v0 + 0x2154;
    0x0040c1c8 move a2, t8                                                                           |     a2 = t8;
    0x0040c1cc lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040c1d0 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040c1d4 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040c1d8 nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040c1dc lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c1e0 lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040c1e4 addiu t8, t8, 0x12a                                                                   |     t8 += 0x12a;
    0x0040c1e8 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c1ec lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* str._tnetmask__s_n */
    0x0040c1f0 addiu a1, v0, 0x2164                                                                  |     a1 = v0 + 0x2164;
    0x0040c1f4 move a2, t8                                                                           |     a2 = t8;
    0x0040c1f8 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040c1fc move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040c200 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040c204 nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040c208 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c20c lw t8, 0x24(fp)                                                                       |     t8 = *(arg_24h);
    0x0040c210 addiu t8, t8, 0x14b                                                                   |     t8 += 0x14b;
    0x0040c214 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c218 lw v0, -0x7fdc(gp)                                                                    |     v0 = *((gp - 8183));
                                                                                                     |     /* str._tgateway__s_n */
    0x0040c21c addiu a1, v0, 0x2174                                                                  |     a1 = v0 + 0x2174;
    0x0040c220 move a2, t8                                                                           |     a2 = t8;
    0x0040c224 lw t8, -0x7f5c(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.fprintf_check_value___STDIO_FILE_STRUCT__char_const__char_const_
    0x0040c228 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040c22c jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040c230 nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040c234 lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c238 lw a0, 0x30(fp)                                                                       |     a0 = *(arg_30h);
    0x0040c23c lw t8, -0x7e54(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.imp.fclose;
    0x0040c240 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040c244 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040c248 nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040c24c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c250 move s0, zero                                                                         |     s0 = 0;
                                                                                                     | label_0:
    0x0040c254 addiu t8, fp, 0x34                                                                    |     t8 = fp + 0x34;
    0x0040c258 move a0, t8                                                                           |     a0 = t8;
    0x0040c25c lw t8, -0x7db4(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = sym.imp.PIB::PIB__;
    0x0040c260 move t9, t8                                                                           |     t9 = t8;
    0x0040c264 jalr t9                                                                               |     t9 ();
    0x0040c268 nop                                                                                   |     
    0x0040c26c lw gp, 0x10(fp)                                                                       |     gp = *(arg_10h);
    0x0040c270 move t8, s0                                                                           |     t8 = s0;
    0x0040c274 move v0, t8                                                                           |     v0 = t8;
    0x0040c278 lw t8, -0x7dd0(gp)                                                                    |     t8 = *((gp - 8052));
    0x0040c27c lw v1, 0x355c(fp)                                                                     |     v1 = *(arg_355ch);
    0x0040c280 lw t8, (t8)                                                                           |     t8 = *(t8);
                                                                                                     |     if (v1 != t8) {
    0x0040c284 beq v1, t8, 0x40c338                                                                  |         
    0x0040c288 nop                                                                                   |         
    0x0040c28c b 0x40c328                                                                            |         goto label_4;
    0x0040c290 nop                                                                                   |         
                                                                                                     | label_4:
    0x0040c328 lw t8, -0x7e5c(gp)                                                                    |         t8 = sym.imp.__stack_chk_fail;
    0x0040c32c move t9, t8                                                                           |         t9 = t8;
    0x0040c330 jalr t9                                                                               |         t9 ();
    0x0040c334 nop                                                                                   |         
                                                                                                     |     }
    0x0040c338 move sp, fp                                                                           |     
    0x0040c33c lw ra, 0x356c(sp)                                                                     |     ra = *(arg_356ch);
    0x0040c340 lw fp, 0x3568(sp)                                                                     |     fp = *(arg_3568h);
    0x0040c344 lw s0, 0x3564(sp)                                                                     |     s0 = *(arg_3564h);
    0x0040c348 addiu sp, sp, 0x3570                                                                  |     
    0x0040c34c jr ra                                                                                 |     return v1;
    0x0040c350 nop                                                                                   |     
                                                                                                     | }

[*] Function fprintf used 37 times network_setup