[*] Binary protection state of libLog4cppWrapper.so
No RELRO Canary found NX disabled DSO No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function printf tear down of libLog4cppWrapper.so
2ac0: afbf002c sw ra,44(sp)
2ac4: afbe0028 sw s8,40(sp)
2ac8: 03a0f021 move s8,sp
2acc: afbc0010 sw gp,16(sp)
2ad0: afc4001c sw a0,28(s8)
2ad4: afc50018 sw a1,24(s8)
2ad8: 8f988128 lw t8,-32472(gp)
2adc: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
2ae0: afd80024 sw t8,36(s8)
2ae4: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2ae8: 8f180004 lw t8,4(t8)
2aec: 33180100 andi t8,t8,0x100
2af0: 1300001d beqz t8,2b68 <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x188>
2af4: 00000000 nop
2af8: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2afc: 8f020004 lw v0,4(t8)
2b00: 3c184000 lui t8,0x4000
2b04: 0058c024 and t8,v0,t8
2b08: 1300000d beqz t8,2b40 <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x160>
2b0c: 00000000 nop
2b10: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2b14: 27180010 addiu t8,t8,16
2b18: 8f828028 lw v0,-32728(gp)
2b1c: 24443c9c addiu a0,v0,15516
2b20: 03002821 move a1,t8
2b24: 8f98804c lw t8,printf
2b28: 0300c821 move t9,t8
2b2c: 0320f809 jalr t9
2b30: 00000000 nop
2b34: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
2b38: 1000000b b 2b68 <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x188>
2b3c: 00000000 nop
2b40: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2b44: 27180010 addiu t8,t8,16
2b48: 8f828028 lw v0,-32728(gp)
2b4c: 24443cbc addiu a0,v0,15548
2b50: 03002821 move a1,t8
2b54: 8f98804c lw t8,printf
2b58: 0300c821 move t9,t8
2b5c: 0320f809 jalr t9
2b60: 00000000 nop
2b64: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
2b68: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2b6c: 8f180004 lw t8,4(t8)
2b70: 33180200 andi t8,t8,0x200
2b74: 1300001d beqz t8,2bec <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x20c>
2b78: 00000000 nop
2b7c: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2b80: 8f020004 lw v0,4(t8)
2b84: 3c184000 lui t8,0x4000
2b88: 0058c024 and t8,v0,t8
2b8c: 1300000d beqz t8,2bc4 <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x1e4>
2b90: 00000000 nop
2b94: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2b98: 27180010 addiu t8,t8,16
2b9c: 8f828028 lw v0,-32728(gp)
2ba0: 24443cd8 addiu a0,v0,15576
2ba4: 03002821 move a1,t8
2ba8: 8f98804c lw t8,printf
2bac: 0300c821 move t9,t8
2bb0: 0320f809 jalr t9
2bb4: 00000000 nop
2bb8: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
2bbc: 1000000b b 2bec <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x20c>
2bc0: 00000000 nop
2bc4: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2bc8: 27180010 addiu t8,t8,16
2bcc: 8f828028 lw v0,-32728(gp)
2bd0: 24443cf8 addiu a0,v0,15608
2bd4: 03002821 move a1,t8
2bd8: 8f98804c lw t8,printf
2bdc: 0300c821 move t9,t8
2be0: 0320f809 jalr t9
2be4: 00000000 nop
2be8: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
2bec: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2bf0: 8f180004 lw t8,4(t8)
2bf4: 33180002 andi t8,t8,0x2
2bf8: 13000023 beqz t8,2c88 <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x2a8>
2bfc: 00000000 nop
2c00: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2c04: 8f020004 lw v0,4(t8)
2c08: 3c184000 lui t8,0x4000
2c0c: 0058c024 and t8,v0,t8
2c10: 1300000d beqz t8,2c48 <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x268>
2c14: 00000000 nop
2c18: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2c1c: 27180010 addiu t8,t8,16
2c20: 8f828028 lw v0,-32728(gp)
2c24: 24443d14 addiu a0,v0,15636
2c28: 03002821 move a1,t8
2c2c: 8f98804c lw t8,printf
2c30: 0300c821 move t9,t8
2c34: 0320f809 jalr t9
2c38: 00000000 nop
2c3c: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
2c40: 10000011 b 2c88 <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x2a8>
2c44: 00000000 nop
2c48: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2c4c: 27180010 addiu t8,t8,16
2c50: 8f828028 lw v0,-32728(gp)
2c54: 24443d34 addiu a0,v0,15668
2c58: 03002821 move a1,t8
2c5c: 8f98804c lw t8,printf
2c60: 0300c821 move t9,t8
2c64: 0320f809 jalr t9
2c68: 00000000 nop
2c6c: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
2c70: 8f988028 lw t8,-32728(gp)
2c74: 27181820 addiu t8,t8,6176
2c78: 0300c821 move t9,t8
2c7c: 0320f809 jalr t9
2c80: 00000000 nop
2c84: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
2c88: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2c8c: 8f180004 lw t8,4(t8)
2c90: 33180001 andi t8,t8,0x1
2c94: 1300001d beqz t8,2d0c <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x32c>
2c98: 00000000 nop
2c9c: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2ca0: 8f020004 lw v0,4(t8)
2ca4: 3c184000 lui t8,0x4000
2ca8: 0058c024 and t8,v0,t8
2cac: 1300000d beqz t8,2ce4 <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x304>
2cb0: 00000000 nop
2cb4: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2cb8: 27180010 addiu t8,t8,16
2cbc: 8f828028 lw v0,-32728(gp)
2cc0: 24443d50 addiu a0,v0,15696
2cc4: 03002821 move a1,t8
2cc8: 8f98804c lw t8,printf
2ccc: 0300c821 move t9,t8
2cd0: 0320f809 jalr t9
2cd4: 00000000 nop
2cd8: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
2cdc: 1000000b b 2d0c <_ZN14Log4cppWrapper5debugEPKcz@@Base+0x32c>
2ce0: 00000000 nop
2ce4: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
2ce8: 27180010 addiu t8,t8,16
2cec: 8f828028 lw v0,-32728(gp)
2cf0: 24443d70 addiu a0,v0,15728
2cf4: 03002821 move a1,t8
2cf8: 8f98804c lw t8,printf
2cfc: 0300c821 move t9,t8
2d00: 0320f809 jalr t9
[*] Function printf used 8 times libLog4cppWrapper.so