[*] Binary protection state of libcgilet.so

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX disabled  DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function fprintf tear down of libcgilet.so

   2b4e8:	03e00008 	jr	ra
   2b4ec:	00000000 	nop

0002b4f0 <_ZN10BaseCgilet10jsonDecodeERSi@@Base>:
   2b4f0:	3c1c0007 	lui	gp,0x7
   2b4f4:	279cbb30 	addiu	gp,gp,-17616
   2b4f8:	0399e021 	addu	gp,gp,t9
   2b4fc:	27bdcfb0 	addiu	sp,sp,-12368
   2b500:	afbf304c 	sw	ra,12364(sp)
   2b504:	afbe3048 	sw	s8,12360(sp)
   2b508:	afb03044 	sw	s0,12356(sp)
   2b50c:	03a0f021 	move	s8,sp
   2b510:	afbc0018 	sw	gp,24(sp)
   2b514:	afc40024 	sw	a0,36(s8)
   2b518:	afc50020 	sw	a1,32(s8)
   2b51c:	8f988adc 	lw	t8,-29988(gp)
   2b520:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
   2b524:	afd8303c 	sw	t8,12348(s8)
   2b528:	8f988634 	lw	t8,-31180(gp)
   2b52c:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
   2b530:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2b534:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
   2b538:	2705fc2c 	addiu	a1,t8,-980
   2b53c:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
   2b540:	2706ff94 	addiu	a2,t8,-108
   2b544:	8f9883b8 	lw	t8,fprintf
   2b548:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2b54c:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2b5a4:	27d80034 	addiu	t8,s8,52
   2b5a8:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2b5ac:	8f98839c 	lw	t8,-31844(gp)
   2b5b0:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2b5b4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2b5b8:	00000000 	nop
   2b5bc:	8fdc0018 	lw	gp,24(s8)
   2b5c0:	1000014c 	b	2baf4 <_ZN10BaseCgilet10jsonDecodeERSi@@Base+0x604>
   2b5c4:	00000000 	nop
   2b5c8:	8f988634 	lw	t8,-31180(gp)
   2b5cc:	8f100000 	lw	s0,0(t8)
   2b5d0:	27d80030 	addiu	t8,s8,48
   2b5d4:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2b5d8:	8f988a20 	lw	t8,-30176(gp)
   2b5dc:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2b5e0:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2b5e4:	00000000 	nop
   2b5e8:	8fdc0018 	lw	gp,24(s8)
   2b5ec:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
   2b5f0:	02002021 	move	a0,s0
   2b5f4:	8f82802c 	lw	v0,-32724(gp)
   2b5f8:	2445fc34 	addiu	a1,v0,-972
   2b5fc:	8f82802c 	lw	v0,-32724(gp)
   2b600:	2446ff94 	addiu	a2,v0,-108
   2b604:	03003821 	move	a3,t8
   2b608:	8f9883b8 	lw	t8,fprintf
   2b60c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2b610:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2b614:	00000000 	nop
   2b618:	8fdc0018 	lw	gp,24(s8)
   2b61c:	8f988634 	lw	t8,-31180(gp)
   2b620:	8f100000 	lw	s0,0(t8)
   2b624:	27d80030 	addiu	t8,s8,48
   2b628:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2b62c:	8f9889a8 	lw	t8,-30296(gp)
   2b630:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2b634:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2b638:	00000000 	nop
   2b63c:	8fdc0018 	lw	gp,24(s8)
   2b640:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
   2b644:	02002021 	move	a0,s0
   2b648:	8f82802c 	lw	v0,-32724(gp)
   2b64c:	2445fc3c 	addiu	a1,v0,-964
   2b650:	8f82802c 	lw	v0,-32724(gp)
   2b654:	2446ff94 	addiu	a2,v0,-108
   2b658:	03003821 	move	a3,t8
   2b65c:	8f9883b8 	lw	t8,fprintf
   2b660:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2b664:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2b87c:	27c20030 	addiu	v0,s8,48
   2b880:	00402021 	move	a0,v0
   2b884:	03002821 	move	a1,t8
   2b888:	2406ffff 	li	a2,-1
   2b88c:	8f98816c 	lw	t8,-32404(gp)
   2b890:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2b894:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2b898:	00000000 	nop
   2b89c:	8fdc0018 	lw	gp,24(s8)
   2b8a0:	8f988634 	lw	t8,-31180(gp)
   2b8a4:	8f100000 	lw	s0,0(t8)
   2b8a8:	27d80030 	addiu	t8,s8,48
   2b8ac:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2b8b0:	8f988a20 	lw	t8,-30176(gp)
   2b8b4:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2b8b8:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2b8bc:	00000000 	nop
   2b8c0:	8fdc0018 	lw	gp,24(s8)
   2b8c4:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
   2b8c8:	02002021 	move	a0,s0
   2b8cc:	8f82802c 	lw	v0,-32724(gp)
   2b8d0:	2445fc34 	addiu	a1,v0,-972
   2b8d4:	8f82802c 	lw	v0,-32724(gp)
   2b8d8:	2446ff94 	addiu	a2,v0,-108
   2b8dc:	03003821 	move	a3,t8
   2b8e0:	8f9883b8 	lw	t8,fprintf
   2b8e4:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2b8e8:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2ba68:	27d80034 	addiu	t8,s8,52
   2ba6c:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2ba70:	8f9887dc 	lw	t8,-30756(gp)
   2ba74:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2ba78:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2ba7c:	00000000 	nop
   2ba80:	8fdc0018 	lw	gp,24(s8)
   2ba84:	27d8002c 	addiu	t8,s8,44
   2ba88:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2ba8c:	8f98839c 	lw	t8,-31844(gp)
   2ba90:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2ba94:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2ba98:	00000000 	nop
   2ba9c:	8fdc0018 	lw	gp,24(s8)
   2baa0:	8f988634 	lw	t8,-31180(gp)
   2baa4:	8f020000 	lw	v0,0(t8)
   2baa8:	27d8103c 	addiu	t8,s8,4156
   2baac:	27c3203c 	addiu	v1,s8,8252
   2bab0:	afa30010 	sw	v1,16(sp)
   2bab4:	00402021 	move	a0,v0
   2bab8:	8f82802c 	lw	v0,-32724(gp)
   2babc:	2445fc4c 	addiu	a1,v0,-948
   2bac0:	8f82802c 	lw	v0,-32724(gp)
   2bac4:	2446ff94 	addiu	a2,v0,-108
   2bac8:	03003821 	move	a3,t8
   2bacc:	8f9883b8 	lw	t8,fprintf
   2bad0:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2bad4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2d048:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2d04c:	00000000 	nop
   2d050:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
   2d054:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
   2d058:	10000002 	b	2d064 <_Z13saveUntilNextSsRSs@@Base+0x270>
   2d05c:	00000000 	nop
   2d060:	8fd80034 	lw	t8,52(s8)
   2d064:	afd80034 	sw	t8,52(s8)
   2d068:	8fc20034 	lw	v0,52(s8)
   2d06c:	2418ffff 	li	t8,-1
   2d070:	14580022 	bne	v0,t8,2d0fc <_Z13saveUntilNextSsRSs@@Base+0x308>
   2d074:	00000000 	nop
   2d078:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
   2d07c:	2704fcb8 	addiu	a0,t8,-840
   2d080:	8f9883fc 	lw	t8,-31748(gp)
   2d084:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2d088:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2d08c:	00000000 	nop
   2d090:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
   2d094:	8f988634 	lw	t8,-31180(gp)
   2d098:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
   2d09c:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2d0a0:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
   2d0a4:	2705fcc4 	addiu	a1,t8,-828
   2d0a8:	8fc60038 	lw	a2,56(s8)
   2d0ac:	8f9883b8 	lw	t8,fprintf
   2d0b0:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2d0b4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2e5a0:	10000072 	b	2e76c <_ZN10BaseCgilet9parseHttpEv@@Base+0x798>
   2e5a4:	00000000 	nop
   2e5a8:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
   2e5ac:	2718000c 	addiu	t8,t8,12
   2e5b0:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2e5b4:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
   2e5b8:	2705fd90 	addiu	a1,t8,-624
   2e5bc:	00003021 	move	a2,zero
   2e5c0:	8f988848 	lw	t8,-30648(gp)
   2e5c4:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2e5c8:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2e5cc:	00000000 	nop
   2e5d0:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
   2e5d4:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
   2e5d8:	2f180001 	sltiu	t8,t8,1
   2e5dc:	331800ff 	andi	t8,t8,0xff
   2e5e0:	1300001b 	beqz	t8,2e650 <_ZN10BaseCgilet9parseHttpEv@@Base+0x67c>
   2e5e4:	00000000 	nop
   2e5e8:	8f988634 	lw	t8,-31180(gp)
   2e5ec:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
   2e5f0:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   2e5f4:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
   2e5f8:	2705fda4 	addiu	a1,t8,-604
   2e5fc:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
   2e600:	2706ffa0 	addiu	a2,t8,-96
   2e604:	8f9883b8 	lw	t8,fprintf
   2e608:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2e60c:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2edec:	afd80224 	sw	t8,548(s8)
   2edf0:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
   2edf4:	8f180044 	lw	t8,68(t8)
   2edf8:	1300001a 	beqz	t8,2ee64 <_ZN10BaseCgilet4termEPKcz@@Base+0xb0>
   2edfc:	00000000 	nop
   2ee00:	27d80238 	addiu	t8,s8,568
   2ee04:	afd80020 	sw	t8,32(s8)
   2ee08:	8fd80020 	lw	t8,32(s8)
   2ee0c:	27c20024 	addiu	v0,s8,36
   2ee10:	00402021 	move	a0,v0
   2ee14:	24050200 	li	a1,512
   2ee18:	8fc60018 	lw	a2,24(s8)
   2ee1c:	03003821 	move	a3,t8
   2ee20:	8f98836c 	lw	t8,-31892(gp)
   2ee24:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2ee28:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   2ee2c:	00000000 	nop
   2ee30:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
   2ee34:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
   2ee38:	8f020044 	lw	v0,68(t8)
   2ee3c:	27d80024 	addiu	t8,s8,36
   2ee40:	00402021 	move	a0,v0
   2ee44:	8f82802c 	lw	v0,-32724(gp)
   2ee48:	2445fe0c 	addiu	a1,v0,-500
   2ee4c:	03003021 	move	a2,t8
   2ee50:	8f9883b8 	lw	t8,fprintf
   2ee54:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   2ee58:	0320f809 	jalr	t9

[*] Function fprintf used 8 times libcgilet.so