[*] Binary protection state of avcd
Full RELRO Canary found NX disabled No PIE No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function system tear down of avcd
407100: 8f030000 lw v1,0(t8)
407104: 8f988040 lw t8,-32704(gp)
407108: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
40710c: 8f020008 lw v0,8(t8)
407110: 8f988040 lw t8,-32704(gp)
407114: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
407118: 8f18000c lw t8,12(t8)
40711c: 00602021 move a0,v1
407120: 00402821 move a1,v0
407124: 03003021 move a2,t8
407128: 8f9880e0 lw t8,-32544(gp)
40712c: 0300c821 move t9,t8
407130: 0320f809 jalr t9
407134: 00000000 nop
407138: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
40713c: 0040c021 move t8,v0
407140: 2f180001 sltiu t8,t8,1
407144: 331800ff andi t8,t8,0xff
407148: 13000030 beqz t8,40720c <ain@@Base+0xb00>
40714c: 00000000 nop
407150: 8fd8007c lw t8,124(s8)
407154: 13000022 beqz t8,4071e0 <ain@@Base+0xad4>
407158: 00000000 nop
40715c: 8f988038 lw t8,-32712(gp)
407160: 2704205c addiu a0,t8,8284
407164: 8f98822c lw t8,system
407168: 0300c821 move t9,t8
40716c: 0320f809 jalr t9
40720c: 8f9880d8 lw t8,-32552(gp)
407210: 8f100000 lw s0,0(t8)
407214: 1200000d beqz s0,40724c <ain@@Base+0xb40>
407218: 00000000 nop
40721c: 02002021 move a0,s0
407220: 8f9880ec lw t8,-32532(gp)
407224: 0300c821 move t9,t8
407228: 0320f809 jalr t9
40722c: 00000000 nop
407230: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
407234: 02002021 move a0,s0
407238: 8f9883a4 lw t8,-31836(gp)
40723c: 0300c821 move t9,t8
407240: 0320f809 jalr t9
407244: 00000000 nop
407248: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
40724c: 8f9880d8 lw t8,-32552(gp)
407250: af000000 sw zero,0(t8)
407254: 8f9880f0 lw t8,-32528(gp)
407258: 0300c821 move t9,t8
40725c: 0320f809 jalr t9
407260: 00000000 nop
407264: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
407268: 8f988038 lw t8,-32712(gp)
40726c: 27042070 addiu a0,t8,8304
407270: 8f98822c lw t8,system
407274: 0300c821 move t9,t8
407278: 0320f809 jalr t9
407680: 00002021 move a0,zero
407684: 8f9880ac lw t8,-32596(gp)
407688: 27184eb4 addiu t8,t8,20148
40768c: 0300c821 move t9,t8
407690: 0320f809 jalr t9
407694: 00000000 nop
407698: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
40769c: 8f988040 lw t8,-32704(gp)
4076a0: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
4076a4: 03002021 move a0,t8
4076a8: 8f988100 lw t8,-32512(gp)
4076ac: 0300c821 move t9,t8
4076b0: 0320f809 jalr t9
4076b4: 00000000 nop
4076b8: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
4076bc: 8f988040 lw t8,-32704(gp)
4076c0: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
4076c4: 03002021 move a0,t8
4076c8: 8f9880d0 lw t8,-32560(gp)
4076cc: 0300c821 move t9,t8
4076d0: 0320f809 jalr t9
4076d4: 00000000 nop
4076d8: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
4076dc: 8f988038 lw t8,-32712(gp)
4076e0: 270420e8 addiu a0,t8,8424
4076e4: 8f98822c lw t8,system
4076e8: 0300c821 move t9,t8
4076ec: 0320f809 jalr t9
407704: 8f988024 lw t8,-32732(gp)
407708: 93180000 lbu t8,0(t8)
40770c: 3b180001 xori t8,t8,0x1
407710: 331800ff andi t8,t8,0xff
407714: 1300009c beqz t8,407988 <ain@@Base+0x127c>
407718: 00000000 nop
40771c: afc00068 sw zero,104(s8)
407720: 8f988040 lw t8,-32704(gp)
407724: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
407728: 03002021 move a0,t8
40772c: 8f988100 lw t8,-32512(gp)
407730: 0300c821 move t9,t8
407734: 0320f809 jalr t9
407738: 00000000 nop
40773c: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
407740: 8f988040 lw t8,-32704(gp)
407744: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
407748: 03002021 move a0,t8
40774c: 8f988104 lw t8,-32508(gp)
407750: 0300c821 move t9,t8
407754: 0320f809 jalr t9
407758: 00000000 nop
40775c: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
407760: 8f988038 lw t8,-32712(gp)
407764: 27042128 addiu a0,t8,8488
407768: 8f98822c lw t8,system
40776c: 0300c821 move t9,t8
407770: 0320f809 jalr t9
411248: 27052f20 addiu a1,t8,12064
41124c: 24060010 li a2,16
411250: 8f988514 lw t8,-31468(gp)
411254: 0300c821 move t9,t8
411258: 0320f809 jalr t9
41125c: 00000000 nop
411260: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
411264: 00000000 nop
411268: 83d80024 lb t8,36(s8)
41126c: 13000014 beqz t8,4112c0 <_ZN10VCD_RUNNER10suspend_mdEi@@Base+0x19c>
411270: 00000000 nop
411274: 27c20034 addiu v0,s8,52
411278: 27d80024 addiu t8,s8,36
41127c: 00402021 move a0,v0
411280: 24050080 li a1,128
411284: 8f828038 lw v0,-32712(gp)
411288: 24462f2c addiu a2,v0,12076
41128c: 03003821 move a3,t8
411290: 8f988438 lw t8,-31688(gp)
411294: 0300c821 move t9,t8
411298: 0320f809 jalr t9
41129c: 00000000 nop
4112a0: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
4112a4: 27d80034 addiu t8,s8,52
4112a8: 03002021 move a0,t8
4112ac: 8f98822c lw t8,system
4112b0: 0300c821 move t9,t8
4112b4: 0320f809 jalr t9
[*] Function system used 5 times avcd