[*] Binary protection state of mixer

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX disabled  No PIE       No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function system tear down of mixer

  40181c:	10780005 	beq	v1,t8,401834 <_Z12setMic_8000bi@@Base+0x140>
  401820:	00000000 	nop
  401824:	8f9880cc 	lw	t8,-32564(gp)
  401828:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40182c:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401830:	00000000 	nop
  401834:	03c0e821 	move	sp,s8
  401838:	8fbf0034 	lw	ra,52(sp)
  40183c:	8fbe0030 	lw	s8,48(sp)
  401840:	27bd0038 	addiu	sp,sp,56
  401844:	03e00008 	jr	ra
  401848:	00000000 	nop
  40184c:	3c1c0002 	lui	gp,0x2
  401850:	279ca7d4 	addiu	gp,gp,-22572
  401854:	0399e021 	addu	gp,gp,t9
  401858:	27bdffd8 	addiu	sp,sp,-40
  40185c:	afbf0024 	sw	ra,36(sp)
  401860:	afbe0020 	sw	s8,32(sp)
  401864:	03a0f021 	move	s8,sp
  401868:	afbc0010 	sw	gp,16(sp)
  40186c:	8f988120 	lw	t8,-32480(gp)
  401870:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
  401874:	afd8001c 	sw	t8,28(s8)
  401878:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  40187c:	2704355c 	addiu	a0,t8,13660
  401880:	8f98811c 	lw	t8,system
  401884:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401888:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  4019e4:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  4019e8:	2705359c 	addiu	a1,t8,13724
  4019ec:	8f9880e0 	lw	t8,-32544(gp)
  4019f0:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  4019f4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  4019f8:	00000000 	nop
  4019fc:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  401a00:	27c20024 	addiu	v0,s8,36
  401a04:	27d80028 	addiu	t8,s8,40
  401a08:	00402021 	move	a0,v0
  401a0c:	03002821 	move	a1,t8
  401a10:	8f988104 	lw	t8,-32508(gp)
  401a14:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401a18:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401a1c:	00000000 	nop
  401a20:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  401a24:	27d80024 	addiu	t8,s8,36
  401a28:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  401a2c:	8f988118 	lw	t8,-32488(gp)
  401a30:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401a34:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401a38:	00000000 	nop
  401a3c:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  401a40:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
  401a44:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  401a48:	8f98811c 	lw	t8,system
  401a4c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401a50:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401c14:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  401c18:	2705359c 	addiu	a1,t8,13724
  401c1c:	8f9880e0 	lw	t8,-32544(gp)
  401c20:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401c24:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401c28:	00000000 	nop
  401c2c:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  401c30:	27c2001c 	addiu	v0,s8,28
  401c34:	27d80020 	addiu	t8,s8,32
  401c38:	00402021 	move	a0,v0
  401c3c:	03002821 	move	a1,t8
  401c40:	8f988104 	lw	t8,-32508(gp)
  401c44:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401c48:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401c4c:	00000000 	nop
  401c50:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  401c54:	27d8001c 	addiu	t8,s8,28
  401c58:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  401c5c:	8f988118 	lw	t8,-32488(gp)
  401c60:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401c64:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401c68:	00000000 	nop
  401c6c:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  401c70:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
  401c74:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  401c78:	8f98811c 	lw	t8,system
  401c7c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401c80:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401ed4:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  401ed8:	2705359c 	addiu	a1,t8,13724
  401edc:	8f9880e0 	lw	t8,-32544(gp)
  401ee0:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401ee4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401ee8:	00000000 	nop
  401eec:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  401ef0:	27c20024 	addiu	v0,s8,36
  401ef4:	27d80028 	addiu	t8,s8,40
  401ef8:	00402021 	move	a0,v0
  401efc:	03002821 	move	a1,t8
  401f00:	8f988104 	lw	t8,-32508(gp)
  401f04:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401f08:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401f0c:	00000000 	nop
  401f10:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  401f14:	27d80024 	addiu	t8,s8,36
  401f18:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  401f1c:	8f988118 	lw	t8,-32488(gp)
  401f20:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401f24:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  401f28:	00000000 	nop
  401f2c:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  401f30:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
  401f34:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  401f38:	8f98811c 	lw	t8,system
  401f3c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  401f40:	0320f809 	jalr	t9

[*] Function system used 4 times mixer