[*] Binary protection state of libxtables.so.7.0.0

  	No RELRO       No Canary found   NX disabled  DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function sprintf tear down of libxtables.so.7.0.0

    409c:	00a03021 	move	a2,a1
    40a0:	8f85802c 	lw	a1,-32724(gp)
    40a4:	24040002 	li	a0,2
    40a8:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
    40ac:	8f190014 	lw	t9,20(t8)
    40b0:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    40b4:	24a58ec8 	addiu	a1,a1,-28984

000040b8 <xtables_ipaddr_to_numeric>:
    40b8:	3c1c0002 	lui	gp,0x2
    40bc:	279ce088 	addiu	gp,gp,-8056
    40c0:	0399e021 	addu	gp,gp,t9
    40c4:	27bdffd8 	addiu	sp,sp,-40
    40c8:	afbf0024 	sw	ra,36(sp)
    40cc:	afb00020 	sw	s0,32(sp)
    40d0:	0080c021 	move	t8,a0
    40d4:	afbc0018 	sw	gp,24(sp)
    40d8:	8f90801c 	lw	s0,-32740(gp)
    40dc:	93020002 	lbu	v0,2(t8)
    40e0:	8f85802c 	lw	a1,-32724(gp)
    40e4:	93180003 	lbu	t8,3(t8)
    40e8:	90860000 	lbu	a2,0(a0)
    40ec:	24a58eec 	addiu	a1,a1,-28948
    40f0:	90870001 	lbu	a3,1(a0)
    40f4:	2604a9d8 	addiu	a0,s0,-22056
    40f8:	8f9980c0 	lw	t9,sprintf
    40fc:	afa20010 	sw	v0,16(sp)
    4100:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    41e0:	afbc0010 	sw	gp,16(sp)
    41e4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    41e8:	00000000 	nop
    41ec:	2418ffff 	li	t8,-1
    41f0:	10580028 	beq	v0,t8,4294 <xtables_ipmask_to_numeric+0xd8>
    41f4:	8fbc0010 	lw	gp,16(sp)
    41f8:	2418fffe 	li	t8,-2
    41fc:	10580019 	beq	v0,t8,4264 <xtables_ipmask_to_numeric+0xa8>
    4200:	2418fffc 	li	t8,-4
    4204:	2406001e 	li	a2,30
    4208:	2403ffff 	li	v1,-1
    420c:	10580016 	beq	v0,t8,4268 <xtables_ipmask_to_numeric+0xac>
    4210:	00000000 	nop
    4214:	24c6ffff 	addiu	a2,a2,-1
    4218:	14c3fffc 	bne	a2,v1,420c <xtables_ipmask_to_numeric+0x50>
    421c:	0018c040 	sll	t8,t8,0x1
    4220:	8f998178 	lw	t9,-32392(gp)
    4224:	02002021 	move	a0,s0
    4228:	8f90801c 	lw	s0,-32740(gp)
    422c:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    4230:	00000000 	nop
    4234:	8fbc0010 	lw	gp,16(sp)
    4238:	2604a9c4 	addiu	a0,s0,-22076
    423c:	00403021 	move	a2,v0
    4240:	8f85802c 	lw	a1,-32724(gp)
    4244:	8f9980c0 	lw	t9,sprintf
    4248:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    424c:	24a58efc 	addiu	a1,a1,-28932
    4250:	2602a9c4 	addiu	v0,s0,-22076
    4254:	8fbf001c 	lw	ra,28(sp)
    4258:	8fb00018 	lw	s0,24(sp)
    425c:	03e00008 	jr	ra
    4260:	27bd0020 	addiu	sp,sp,32
    4264:	2406001f 	li	a2,31
    4268:	8f90801c 	lw	s0,-32740(gp)
    426c:	8f85802c 	lw	a1,-32724(gp)
    4270:	8f9980c0 	lw	t9,sprintf
    4274:	2604a9c4 	addiu	a0,s0,-22076
    4278:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    4bcc:	0601000d 	bgez	s0,4c04 <xtables_ip6mask_to_numeric+0xb0>
    4bd0:	8fbc0010 	lw	gp,16(sp)
    4bd4:	001127c2 	srl	a0,s1,0x1f
    4bd8:	24c60001 	addiu	a2,a2,1
    4bdc:	00108040 	sll	s0,s0,0x1
    4be0:	00121fc2 	srl	v1,s2,0x1f
    4be4:	0002c7c2 	srl	t8,v0,0x1f
    4be8:	00118840 	sll	s1,s1,0x1
    4bec:	00129040 	sll	s2,s2,0x1
    4bf0:	00908025 	or	s0,a0,s0
    4bf4:	00718825 	or	s1,v1,s1
    4bf8:	03129025 	or	s2,t8,s2
    4bfc:	0600fff5 	bltz	s0,4bd4 <xtables_ip6mask_to_numeric+0x80>
    4c00:	00021040 	sll	v0,v0,0x1
    4c04:	16000016 	bnez	s0,4c60 <xtables_ip6mask_to_numeric+0x10c>
    4c08:	00000000 	nop
    4c0c:	16200014 	bnez	s1,4c60 <xtables_ip6mask_to_numeric+0x10c>
    4c10:	00000000 	nop
    4c14:	16400012 	bnez	s2,4c60 <xtables_ip6mask_to_numeric+0x10c>
    4c18:	00000000 	nop
    4c1c:	14400010 	bnez	v0,4c60 <xtables_ip6mask_to_numeric+0x10c>
    4c20:	2418ffff 	li	t8,-1
    4c24:	10d8000e 	beq	a2,t8,4c60 <xtables_ip6mask_to_numeric+0x10c>
    4c28:	8f90801c 	lw	s0,-32740(gp)
    4c2c:	8f85802c 	lw	a1,-32724(gp)
    4c30:	8f9980c0 	lw	t9,sprintf
    4c34:	2604a54c 	addiu	a0,s0,-23220
    4c38:	0320f809 	jalr	t9

[*] Function sprintf used 4 times libxtables.so.7.0.0