[*] Binary protection state of libasound.so.2.0.0
No RELRO No Canary found NX disabled DSO No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function mmap tear down of libasound.so.2.0.0
59560: 8f9980f4 lw t9,mmap
59564: 24070001 li a3,1
59568: 0320f809 jalr t9
5956c: afb80014 sw t8,20(sp)
59570: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
59574: 2458ffff addiu t8,v0,-1
59578: 2f18fffe sltiu t8,t8,-2
5957c: 17000034 bnez t8,59650 <snd1_pcm_hw_open_fd+0x520>
59580: 8f998c58 lw t9,-29608(gp)
59584: 27b40140 addiu s4,sp,320
59588: 02802021 move a0,s4
5958c: 00002821 move a1,zero
59590: 24060084 li a2,132
59594: 0320f809 jalr t9
59598: 24120001 li s2,1
5959c: 3c05c084 lui a1,0xc084
595a0: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
595a4: 24a54123 addiu a1,a1,16675
595a8: 8e040004 lw a0,4(s0)
595ac: 02803021 move a2,s4
595b0: 8f998e74 lw t9,-29068(gp)
596c0: 8f9980f4 lw t9,mmap
596c4: 24070001 li a3,1
596c8: 0320f809 jalr t9
596cc: afb80014 sw t8,20(sp)
596d0: 2458ffff addiu t8,v0,-1
596d4: 2f18fffe sltiu t8,t8,-2
596d8: 17000017 bnez t8,59738 <snd1_pcm_hw_open_fd+0x608>
596dc: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
596e0: 8f998458 lw t9,-31656(gp)
596e4: 0320f809 jalr t9
596e8: 00000000 nop
596ec: 2405036e li a1,878
596f0: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
596f4: 8c470000 lw a3,0(v0)
596f8: 8f98802c lw t8,-32724(gp)
596fc: 00078023 negu s0,a3
59700: 27187768 addiu t8,t8,30568
59704: afb80010 sw t8,16(sp)
59708: 8f9884d8 lw t8,-31528(gp)
5970c: 8f84802c lw a0,-32724(gp)
59710: 8f86802c lw a2,-32724(gp)
5be70: 8f9980f4 lw t9,mmap
5be74: 24060003 li a2,3
5be78: afa20010 sw v0,16(sp)
5be7c: 24070001 li a3,1
5be80: 8e820018 lw v0,24(s4)
5be84: 0320f809 jalr t9
5be88: afa20014 sw v0,20(sp)
5be8c: 145600bc bne v0,s6,5c180 <snd_pcm_mmap+0x660>
5be90: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
5be94: 8f988b1c lw t8,-29924(gp)
5be98: 8f998458 lw t9,-31656(gp)
5be9c: 0320f809 jalr t9
5bea0: 8f110000 lw s1,0(t8)
5bea4: 24050176 li a1,374
5bea8: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
5beac: 00408021 move s0,v0
5beb0: 8c470000 lw a3,0(v0)
5beb4: 8f988038 lw t8,-32712(gp)
5beb8: 8f848038 lw a0,-32712(gp)
5bebc: 27188144 addiu t8,t8,-32444
5bec0: afb80010 sw t8,16(sp)
72b2c: 8f9980f4 lw t9,mmap
72b30: 0320f809 jalr t9
72b34: afb80014 sw t8,20(sp)
72b38: 2458ffff addiu t8,v0,-1
72b3c: 2f18fffe sltiu t8,t8,-2
72b40: 17000015 bnez t8,72b98 <_snd_pcm_multi_open+0x1294>
72b44: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
72b48: 8f988b1c lw t8,-29924(gp)
72b4c: 8f998458 lw t9,-31656(gp)
72b50: 0320f809 jalr t9
72b54: 8f110000 lw s1,0(t8)
72b58: 24050065 li a1,101
72b5c: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
72b60: 00408021 move s0,v0
72b64: 8c470000 lw a3,0(v0)
72b68: 0220c821 move t9,s1
72b6c: 8f988038 lw t8,-32712(gp)
72b70: 8f848038 lw a0,-32712(gp)
72b74: 8f868038 lw a2,-32712(gp)
72b78: 27189420 addiu t8,t8,-27616
72b7c: afb80010 sw t8,16(sp)
[*] Function mmap used 4 times libasound.so.2.0.0