[*] Binary protection state of libwlan.so

  	No RELRO       Canary found      NX disabled  DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function popen tear down of libwlan.so

    bc2c:	03a0f021 	move	s8,sp
    bc30:	afbc0010 	sw	gp,16(sp)
    bc34:	8f988488 	lw	t8,-31608(gp)
    bc38:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
    bc3c:	afd800a4 	sw	t8,164(s8)
    bc40:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
    bc44:	27186f5c 	addiu	t8,t8,28508
    bc48:	afd8001c 	sw	t8,28(s8)
    bc4c:	afc00018 	sw	zero,24(s8)
    bc50:	8fc4001c 	lw	a0,28(s8)
    bc54:	00002821 	move	a1,zero
    bc58:	8f9882f4 	lw	t8,-32012(gp)
    bc5c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
    bc60:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    bc64:	00000000 	nop
    bc68:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
    bc6c:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
    bc70:	0018c02b 	sltu	t8,zero,t8
    bc74:	331800ff 	andi	t8,t8,0xff
    bc78:	1300003b 	beqz	t8,bd68 <_Z9isMtkWifiv@@Base+0x154>
    bc7c:	00000000 	nop
    bc80:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
    bc84:	27046f74 	addiu	a0,t8,28532
    bc88:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
    bc8c:	27056f7c 	addiu	a1,t8,28540
    bc90:	8f988094 	lw	t8,popen
    bc94:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
    bc98:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    dc0c:	00000000 	nop

0000dc10 <_Z10probe_linkv@@Base>:
    dc10:	3c1c0003 	lui	gp,0x3
    dc14:	279c7370 	addiu	gp,gp,29552
    dc18:	0399e021 	addu	gp,gp,t9
    dc1c:	27bdff58 	addiu	sp,sp,-168
    dc20:	afbf00a4 	sw	ra,164(sp)
    dc24:	afbe00a0 	sw	s8,160(sp)
    dc28:	03a0f021 	move	s8,sp
    dc2c:	afbc0010 	sw	gp,16(sp)
    dc30:	8f988488 	lw	t8,-31608(gp)
    dc34:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
    dc38:	afd8009c 	sw	t8,156(s8)
    dc3c:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
    dc40:	27047008 	addiu	a0,t8,28680
    dc44:	8f988470 	lw	t8,-31632(gp)
    dc48:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
    dc4c:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    dc50:	00000000 	nop
    dc54:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
    dc58:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
    dc5c:	27047008 	addiu	a0,t8,28680
    dc60:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
    dc64:	27056f7c 	addiu	a1,t8,28540
    dc68:	8f988094 	lw	t8,popen
    dc6c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
    dc70:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   10b58:	27c20044 	addiu	v0,s8,68
   10b5c:	24180080 	li	t8,128
   10b60:	00402021 	move	a0,v0
   10b64:	00002821 	move	a1,zero
   10b68:	03003021 	move	a2,t8
   10b6c:	8f9881c8 	lw	t8,-32312(gp)
   10b70:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   10b74:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   10b78:	00000000 	nop
   10b7c:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
   10b80:	27d80044 	addiu	t8,s8,68
   10b84:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   10b88:	24050080 	li	a1,128
   10b8c:	8f988030 	lw	t8,-32720(gp)
   10b90:	2706824c 	addiu	a2,t8,-32180
   10b94:	8fc70018 	lw	a3,24(s8)
   10b98:	8f98835c 	lw	t8,-31908(gp)
   10b9c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   10ba0:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   10ba4:	00000000 	nop
   10ba8:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
   10bac:	27d80044 	addiu	t8,s8,68
   10bb0:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
   10bb4:	8f98802c 	lw	t8,-32724(gp)
   10bb8:	27056f7c 	addiu	a1,t8,28540
   10bbc:	8f988094 	lw	t8,popen
   10bc0:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
   10bc4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9

[*] Function popen used 3 times libwlan.so