[*] Binary protection state of wifiAutoReconnect
Full RELRO Canary found NX disabled No PIE No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function fprintf tear down of wifiAutoReconnect
402f48: 27d80044 addiu t8,s8,68
402f4c: 27c30050 addiu v1,s8,80
402f50: afa30010 sw v1,16(sp)
402f54: 2403008c li v1,140
402f58: afa30014 sw v1,20(sp)
402f5c: 00402021 move a0,v0
402f60: 8fc5002c lw a1,44(s8)
402f64: 03003021 move a2,t8
402f68: 2407000c li a3,12
402f6c: 8f9881c4 lw t8,-32316(gp)
402f70: 0300c821 move t9,t8
402f74: 0320f809 jalr t9
402f78: 00000000 nop
402f7c: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
402f80: 0040c021 move t8,v0
402f84: afd80034 sw t8,52(s8)
402f88: 8fd80034 lw t8,52(s8)
402f8c: 0701000f bgez t8,402fcc <_Z7sendCmdPKcjjj@@Base+0xfc>
402f90: 00000000 nop
402f94: 8f988194 lw t8,-32364(gp)
402f98: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
402f9c: 03002021 move a0,t8
402fa0: 8f98802c lw t8,-32724(gp)
402fa4: 2705aad8 addiu a1,t8,-21800
402fa8: 8fc60034 lw a2,52(s8)
402fac: 8f988148 lw t8,fprintf
402fb0: 0300c821 move t9,t8
402fb4: 0320f809 jalr t9
402fb8: 00000000 nop
402fbc: 8fdc0018 lw gp,24(s8)
402fc0: 8fd00034 lw s0,52(s8)
402fc4: 1000001d b 40303c <_Z7sendCmdPKcjjj@@Base+0x16c>
402fc8: 00000000 nop
402fcc: 8fd80050 lw t8,80(s8)
402fd0: 13000010 beqz t8,403014 <_Z7sendCmdPKcjjj@@Base+0x144>
402fd4: 00000000 nop
402fd8: 8f988194 lw t8,-32364(gp)
402fdc: 8f020000 lw v0,0(t8)
402fe0: 8fd80050 lw t8,80(s8)
402fe4: 00402021 move a0,v0
402fe8: 8f82802c lw v0,-32724(gp)
402fec: 2445aaf4 addiu a1,v0,-21772
402ff0: 03003021 move a2,t8
402ff4: 8f988148 lw t8,fprintf
402ff8: 0300c821 move t9,t8
402ffc: 0320f809 jalr t9
4043fc: 8f988080 lw t8,-32640(gp)
404400: 0300c821 move t9,t8
404404: 0320f809 jalr t9
404408: 00000000 nop
40440c: 8fdc0020 lw gp,32(s8)
404410: 8f988038 lw t8,-32712(gp)
404414: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
404418: 1700fec1 bnez t8,403f20 <_Z17wext_event_threadPv@@Base+0x30c>
40441c: 00000000 nop
404420: 8fd80038 lw t8,56(s8)
404424: 07000007 bltz t8,404444 <_Z17wext_event_threadPv@@Base+0x830>
404428: 00000000 nop
40442c: 8fc40038 lw a0,56(s8)
404430: 8f988178 lw t8,-32392(gp)
404434: 0300c821 move t9,t8
404438: 0320f809 jalr t9
40443c: 00000000 nop
404440: 8fdc0020 lw gp,32(s8)
404444: 8f988194 lw t8,-32364(gp)
404448: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
40444c: 03002021 move a0,t8
404450: 8f98802c lw t8,-32724(gp)
404454: 2705ae34 addiu a1,t8,-20940
404458: 8f98802c lw t8,-32724(gp)
40445c: 2706b538 addiu a2,t8,-19144
404460: 8f988148 lw t8,fprintf
404464: 0300c821 move t9,t8
404468: 0320f809 jalr t9
[*] Function fprintf used 3 times wifiAutoReconnect