[*] Binary protection state of libwlan.so
No RELRO Canary found NX disabled DSO No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function sprintf tear down of libwlan.so
20238: afc40024 sw a0,36(s8)
2023c: afc50020 sw a1,32(s8)
20240: afc6001c sw a2,28(s8)
20244: 8f988488 lw t8,-31608(gp)
20248: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
2024c: afd8003c sw t8,60(s8)
20250: afc00028 sw zero,40(s8)
20254: afc0002c sw zero,44(s8)
20258: 1000003a b 20344 <_Z16string2hexStringPcPhi@@Base+0x12c>
2025c: 00000000 nop
20260: 8fd80028 lw t8,40(s8)
20264: 8fc20024 lw v0,36(s8)
20268: 0058c021 addu t8,v0,t8
2026c: 83180000 lb t8,0(t8)
20270: 0701001e bgez t8,202ec <_Z16string2hexStringPcPhi@@Base+0xd4>
20274: 00000000 nop
20278: 8fd80028 lw t8,40(s8)
2027c: 8fc20024 lw v0,36(s8)
20280: 0058c021 addu t8,v0,t8
20284: 83180000 lb t8,0(t8)
20288: 27c20030 addiu v0,s8,48
2028c: 00402021 move a0,v0
20290: 8f828030 lw v0,-32720(gp)
20294: 244591bc addiu a1,v0,-28228
20298: 03003021 move a2,t8
2029c: 8f988154 lw t8,sprintf
202a0: 0300c821 move t9,t8
202a4: 0320f809 jalr t9
202b4: 8fc20020 lw v0,32(s8)
202b8: 00581021 addu v0,v0,t8
202bc: 27d80030 addiu t8,s8,48
202c0: 27180006 addiu t8,t8,6
202c4: 00402021 move a0,v0
202c8: 03002821 move a1,t8
202cc: 24060002 li a2,2
202d0: 8f98845c lw t8,-31652(gp)
202d4: 0300c821 move t9,t8
202d8: 0320f809 jalr t9
202dc: 00000000 nop
202e0: 8fdc0010 lw gp,16(s8)
202e4: 10000011 b 2032c <_Z16string2hexStringPcPhi@@Base+0x114>
202e8: 00000000 nop
202ec: 8fd8002c lw t8,44(s8)
202f0: 8fc20020 lw v0,32(s8)
202f4: 00581021 addu v0,v0,t8
202f8: 8fd80028 lw t8,40(s8)
202fc: 8fc30024 lw v1,36(s8)
20300: 0078c021 addu t8,v1,t8
20304: 83180000 lb t8,0(t8)
20308: 00402021 move a0,v0
2030c: 8f828030 lw v0,-32720(gp)
20310: 244591c4 addiu a1,v0,-28220
20314: 03003021 move a2,t8
20318: 8f988154 lw t8,sprintf
2031c: 0300c821 move t9,t8
20320: 0320f809 jalr t9
[*] Function sprintf used 2 times libwlan.so