[*] Binary protection state of hciattach

  	No RELRO       No Canary found   NX disabled  No PIE       No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function strcat tear down of hciattach

  4117c8:	a3020006 	sb	v0,6(t8)
  4117cc:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  4117d0:	27040818 	addiu	a0,t8,2072
  4117d4:	8fc50028 	lw	a1,40(s8)
  4117d8:	8f988038 	lw	t8,-32712(gp)
  4117dc:	27180c68 	addiu	t8,t8,3176
  4117e0:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  4117e4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  4117e8:	00000000 	nop
  4117ec:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  4117f0:	afc2001c 	sw	v0,28(s8)
  4117f4:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
  4117f8:	1700000a 	bnez	t8,411824 <hci_bustostr+0x6d0>
  4117fc:	00000000 	nop
  411800:	8fc40018 	lw	a0,24(s8)
  411804:	8f988040 	lw	t8,-32704(gp)
  411808:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  41180c:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  411810:	00000000 	nop
  411814:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  411818:	0000c021 	move	t8,zero
  41181c:	1000000f 	b	41185c <hci_bustostr+0x708>
  411820:	00000000 	nop
  411824:	8fc40018 	lw	a0,24(s8)
  411828:	8fc5001c 	lw	a1,28(s8)
  41182c:	8f9880c0 	lw	t8,strcat
  411830:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  411834:	0320f809 	jalr	t9

[*] Function strcat used 1 times hciattach