[*] Binary protection state of watchDog

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX disabled  No PIE       No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function sprintf tear down of watchDog

  40b850:	27b8003c 	addiu	t8,sp,60
  40b854:	afb80024 	sw	t8,36(sp)
  40b858:	24180002 	li	t8,2
  40b85c:	8e440004 	lw	a0,4(s2)
  40b860:	27a60020 	addiu	a2,sp,32
  40b864:	afb30030 	sw	s3,48(sp)
  40b868:	afa20034 	sw	v0,52(sp)
  40b86c:	afb80028 	sw	t8,40(sp)
  40b870:	8c980000 	lw	t8,0(a0)
  40b874:	8f190018 	lw	t9,24(t8)
  40b878:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40b87c:	00003821 	move	a3,zero
  40b880:	14400005 	bnez	v0,40b898 <_ZN19GC5251TCLightSensor7gen_bufEPciz@@Base+0x33c>
  40b884:	8fbc0018 	lw	gp,24(sp)
  40b888:	8fa20024 	lw	v0,36(sp)
  40b88c:	90580000 	lbu	t8,0(v0)
  40b890:	10000003 	b	40b8a0 <_ZN19GC5251TCLightSensor7gen_bufEPciz@@Base+0x344>
  40b894:	90520001 	lbu	s2,1(v0)
  40b898:	0000c021 	move	t8,zero
  40b89c:	00009021 	move	s2,zero
  40b8a0:	00129200 	sll	s2,s2,0x8
  40b8a4:	8f85803c 	lw	a1,-32708(gp)
  40b8a8:	02589025 	or	s2,s2,t8
  40b8ac:	24180094 	li	t8,148
  40b8b0:	02580018 	mult	s2,t8
  40b8b4:	8f99819c 	lw	t9,sprintf
  40b8b8:	27b30040 	addiu	s3,sp,64
  40b8bc:	02403021 	move	a2,s2

[*] Function sprintf used 1 times watchDog