[*] Binary protection state of libcurl.so.4.3.0

  	No RELRO       No Canary found   NX disabled  DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function sprintf tear down of libcurl.so.4.3.0

   1cf6c:	02e02821 	move	a1,s7
   1cf70:	24c62af4 	addiu	a2,a2,10996
   1cf74:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   1cf78:	03c03821 	move	a3,s8
   1cf7c:	8fbc0010 	lw	gp,16(sp)
   1cf80:	02c2b021 	addu	s6,s6,v0
   1cf84:	8e980004 	lw	t8,4(s4)
   1cf88:	33020020 	andi	v0,t8,0x20
   1cf8c:	10400005 	beqz	v0,1cfa4 <curl_msnprintf@@Base+0x930>
   1cf90:	3c020004 	lui	v0,0x4
   1cf94:	2418006c 	li	t8,108
   1cf98:	26d60001 	addiu	s6,s6,1
   1cf9c:	a2d8ffff 	sb	t8,-1(s6)
   1cfa0:	8e980004 	lw	t8,4(s4)
   1cfa4:	03021024 	and	v0,t8,v0
   1cfa8:	10400115 	beqz	v0,1d400 <curl_msnprintf@@Base+0xd8c>
   1cfac:	3c020008 	lui	v0,0x8
   1cfb0:	33181000 	andi	t8,t8,0x1000
   1cfb4:	24020045 	li	v0,69
   1cfb8:	24040065 	li	a0,101
   1cfbc:	26c30001 	addiu	v1,s6,1
   1cfc0:	0098100a 	0x98100a
   1cfc4:	a2c20000 	sb	v0,0(s6)
   1cfc8:	a0600000 	sb	zero,0(v1)
   1cfcc:	27b50e18 	addiu	s5,sp,3608
   1cfd0:	8f998604 	lw	t9,sprintf
   1cfd4:	02a02021 	move	a0,s5
   1cfd8:	8e860010 	lw	a2,16(s4)

[*] Function sprintf used 1 times libcurl.so.4.3.0