[*] Binary protection state of motion_detection_bgm
Full RELRO Canary found NX disabled No PIE No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function printf tear down of motion_detection_bgm
40c918: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
40c91c: afd80034 sw t8,52(s8)
40c920: afc00028 sw zero,40(s8)
40c924: afc0002c sw zero,44(s8)
40c928: 8fc20020 lw v0,32(s8)
40c92c: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
40c930: 00580018 mult v0,t8
40c934: 00001012 mflo v0
40c938: afc20030 sw v0,48(s8)
40c93c: 10000031 b 40ca04 <_ZN3AMD12set_pd_paramEv@@Base+0xc44>
40c940: 00000000 nop
40c944: 8fd80028 lw t8,40(s8)
40c948: 8fc20024 lw v0,36(s8)
40c94c: 0058c021 addu t8,v0,t8
40c950: 93020000 lbu v0,0(t8)
40c954: 24180001 li t8,1
40c958: 14580004 bne v0,t8,40c96c <_ZN3AMD12set_pd_paramEv@@Base+0xbac>
40c95c: 00000000 nop
40c960: 24180001 li t8,1
40c964: 10000002 b 40c970 <_ZN3AMD12set_pd_paramEv@@Base+0xbb0>
40c968: 00000000 nop
40c96c: 0000c021 move t8,zero
40c970: 8f828028 lw v0,-32728(gp)
40c974: 244429ac addiu a0,v0,10668
40c978: 03002821 move a1,t8
40c97c: 8f98809c lw t8,printf
40c980: 0300c821 move t9,t8
40c984: 0320f809 jalr t9
[*] Function printf used 1 times motion_detection_bgm