[*] Binary protection state of check_dst
Full RELRO Canary found NX disabled No PIE No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function printf tear down of check_dst
00401260 <ain@@Base>:
401260: 3c1c0002 lui gp,0x2
401264: 279cadc0 addiu gp,gp,-21056
401268: 0399e021 addu gp,gp,t9
40126c: 27bdffc0 addiu sp,sp,-64
401270: afbf003c sw ra,60(sp)
401274: afbe0038 sw s8,56(sp)
401278: afb00034 sw s0,52(sp)
40127c: 03a0f021 move s8,sp
401280: afbc0010 sw gp,16(sp)
401284: afc4001c sw a0,28(s8)
401288: afc50018 sw a1,24(s8)
40128c: 8f9880c8 lw t8,-32568(gp)
401290: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
401294: afd8002c sw t8,44(s8)
401298: 8fd8001c lw t8,28(s8)
40129c: 2b180002 slti t8,t8,2
4012a0: 1300000e beqz t8,4012dc <ain@@Base+0x7c>
4012a4: 00000000 nop
4012a8: 8fd80018 lw t8,24(s8)
4012ac: 8f180000 lw t8,0(t8)
4012b0: 8f828024 lw v0,-32732(gp)
4012b4: 24442b00 addiu a0,v0,11008
4012b8: 03002821 move a1,t8
4012bc: 8f988084 lw t8,printf
4012c0: 0300c821 move t9,t8
4012c4: 0320f809 jalr t9
[*] Function printf used 1 times check_dst