[*] Binary protection state of l2test

  	No RELRO       No Canary found   NX disabled  No PIE       No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function sprintf tear down of l2test

  4060b8:	8fd80038 	lw	t8,56(s8)
  4060bc:	93180000 	lbu	t8,0(t8)
  4060c0:	03001021 	move	v0,t8
  4060c4:	8fd80038 	lw	t8,56(s8)
  4060c8:	93180001 	lbu	t8,1(t8)
  4060cc:	8fc30038 	lw	v1,56(s8)
  4060d0:	90630002 	lbu	v1,2(v1)
  4060d4:	00603021 	move	a2,v1
  4060d8:	8fc30038 	lw	v1,56(s8)
  4060dc:	90630003 	lbu	v1,3(v1)
  4060e0:	00602821 	move	a1,v1
  4060e4:	8fc30038 	lw	v1,56(s8)
  4060e8:	90630004 	lbu	v1,4(v1)
  4060ec:	00602021 	move	a0,v1
  4060f0:	8fc30038 	lw	v1,56(s8)
  4060f4:	90630005 	lbu	v1,5(v1)
  4060f8:	afa60010 	sw	a2,16(sp)
  4060fc:	afa50014 	sw	a1,20(sp)
  406100:	afa40018 	sw	a0,24(sp)
  406104:	afa3001c 	sw	v1,28(sp)
  406108:	8fc40028 	lw	a0,40(s8)
  40610c:	8f838028 	lw	v1,-32728(gp)
  406110:	246541d0 	addiu	a1,v1,16848
  406114:	00403021 	move	a2,v0
  406118:	03003821 	move	a3,t8
  40611c:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  406120:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  406124:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  406224:	8fd80030 	lw	t8,48(s8)
  406228:	93180005 	lbu	t8,5(t8)
  40622c:	03001021 	move	v0,t8
  406230:	8fd80030 	lw	t8,48(s8)
  406234:	93180004 	lbu	t8,4(t8)
  406238:	8fc30030 	lw	v1,48(s8)
  40623c:	90630003 	lbu	v1,3(v1)
  406240:	00603021 	move	a2,v1
  406244:	8fc30030 	lw	v1,48(s8)
  406248:	90630002 	lbu	v1,2(v1)
  40624c:	00602821 	move	a1,v1
  406250:	8fc30030 	lw	v1,48(s8)
  406254:	90630001 	lbu	v1,1(v1)
  406258:	00602021 	move	a0,v1
  40625c:	8fc30030 	lw	v1,48(s8)
  406260:	90630000 	lbu	v1,0(v1)
  406264:	afa60010 	sw	a2,16(sp)
  406268:	afa50014 	sw	a1,20(sp)
  40626c:	afa40018 	sw	a0,24(sp)
  406270:	afa3001c 	sw	v1,28(sp)
  406274:	8fc40034 	lw	a0,52(s8)
  406278:	8f838028 	lw	v1,-32728(gp)
  40627c:	246541d0 	addiu	a1,v1,16848
  406280:	00403021 	move	a2,v0
  406284:	03003821 	move	a3,t8
  406288:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40628c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  406290:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  4063b8:	03e00008 	jr	ra
  4063bc:	00000000 	nop
  4063c0:	3c1c0003 	lui	gp,0x3
  4063c4:	279cb940 	addiu	gp,gp,-18112
  4063c8:	0399e021 	addu	gp,gp,t9
  4063cc:	27bdffd8 	addiu	sp,sp,-40
  4063d0:	afbf0024 	sw	ra,36(sp)
  4063d4:	afbe0020 	sw	s8,32(sp)
  4063d8:	03a0f021 	move	s8,sp
  4063dc:	afbc0018 	sw	gp,24(sp)
  4063e0:	afc40028 	sw	a0,40(s8)
  4063e4:	afc5002c 	sw	a1,44(s8)
  4063e8:	8fd80028 	lw	t8,40(s8)
  4063ec:	93180005 	lbu	t8,5(t8)
  4063f0:	03001021 	move	v0,t8
  4063f4:	8fd80028 	lw	t8,40(s8)
  4063f8:	93180004 	lbu	t8,4(t8)
  4063fc:	8fc30028 	lw	v1,40(s8)
  406400:	90630003 	lbu	v1,3(v1)
  406404:	afa30010 	sw	v1,16(sp)
  406408:	8fc4002c 	lw	a0,44(s8)
  40640c:	8f838028 	lw	v1,-32728(gp)
  406410:	246541f4 	addiu	a1,v1,16884
  406414:	00403021 	move	a2,v0
  406418:	03003821 	move	a3,t8
  40641c:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  406420:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  406424:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40a60c:	afd8001c 	sw	t8,28(s8)
  40a610:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
  40a614:	afd80018 	sw	t8,24(s8)
  40a618:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
  40a61c:	17000004 	bnez	t8,40a630 <bt_free+0x3e20>
  40a620:	00000000 	nop
  40a624:	0000c021 	move	t8,zero
  40a628:	10000022 	b	40a6b4 <bt_free+0x3ea4>
  40a62c:	00000000 	nop
  40a630:	8fd80018 	lw	t8,24(s8)
  40a634:	a3000000 	sb	zero,0(t8)
  40a638:	10000019 	b	40a6a0 <bt_free+0x3e90>
  40a63c:	00000000 	nop
  40a640:	8fd80028 	lw	t8,40(s8)
  40a644:	8f020004 	lw	v0,4(t8)
  40a648:	8fd8002c 	lw	t8,44(s8)
  40a64c:	0058c024 	and	t8,v0,t8
  40a650:	13000010 	beqz	t8,40a694 <bt_free+0x3e84>
  40a654:	00000000 	nop
  40a658:	8fd80028 	lw	t8,40(s8)
  40a65c:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
  40a660:	8fc40018 	lw	a0,24(s8)
  40a664:	8f828028 	lw	v0,-32728(gp)
  40a668:	244568a0 	addiu	a1,v0,26784
  40a66c:	03003021 	move	a2,t8
  40a670:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40a674:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40a678:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40a888:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
  40a88c:	afd80018 	sw	t8,24(s8)
  40a890:	8fd80018 	lw	t8,24(s8)
  40a894:	afd8001c 	sw	t8,28(s8)
  40a898:	8fd80018 	lw	t8,24(s8)
  40a89c:	17000004 	bnez	t8,40a8b0 <bt_free+0x40a0>
  40a8a0:	00000000 	nop
  40a8a4:	0000c021 	move	t8,zero
  40a8a8:	10000023 	b	40a938 <bt_free+0x4128>
  40a8ac:	00000000 	nop
  40a8b0:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
  40a8b4:	a3000000 	sb	zero,0(t8)
  40a8b8:	1000001a 	b	40a924 <bt_free+0x4114>
  40a8bc:	00000000 	nop
  40a8c0:	8fd80028 	lw	t8,40(s8)
  40a8c4:	8f020004 	lw	v0,4(t8)
  40a8c8:	8fd8002c 	lw	t8,44(s8)
  40a8cc:	14580012 	bne	v0,t8,40a918 <bt_free+0x4108>
  40a8d0:	00000000 	nop
  40a8d4:	8fd80028 	lw	t8,40(s8)
  40a8d8:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
  40a8dc:	8fc4001c 	lw	a0,28(s8)
  40a8e0:	8f828028 	lw	v0,-32728(gp)
  40a8e4:	244568a8 	addiu	a1,v0,26792
  40a8e8:	03003021 	move	a2,t8
  40a8ec:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40a8f0:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40a8f4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40ad40:	27180005 	addiu	t8,t8,5
  40ad44:	afd80018 	sw	t8,24(s8)
  40ad48:	10000022 	b	40add4 <hci_bustostr+0x320>
  40ad4c:	00000000 	nop
  40ad50:	10000020 	b	40add4 <hci_bustostr+0x320>
  40ad54:	00000000 	nop
  40ad58:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
  40ad5c:	8f180004 	lw	t8,4(t8)
  40ad60:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  40ad64:	27c50030 	addiu	a1,s8,48
  40ad68:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  40ad6c:	2718a3e4 	addiu	t8,t8,-23580
  40ad70:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40ad74:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40ad78:	00000000 	nop
  40ad7c:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  40ad80:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
  40ad84:	13000010 	beqz	t8,40adc8 <hci_bustostr+0x314>
  40ad88:	00000000 	nop
  40ad8c:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
  40ad90:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
  40ad94:	8fc40018 	lw	a0,24(s8)
  40ad98:	8f828028 	lw	v0,-32728(gp)
  40ad9c:	244568a0 	addiu	a1,v0,26784
  40ada0:	03003021 	move	a2,t8
  40ada4:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40ada8:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40adac:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40b3c8:	8fd80024 	lw	t8,36(s8)
  40b3cc:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  40b3d0:	8f988024 	lw	t8,-32732(gp)
  40b3d4:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40b3d8:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40b3dc:	00000000 	nop
  40b3e0:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  40b3e4:	afc2002c 	sw	v0,44(s8)
  40b3e8:	8fd8002c 	lw	t8,44(s8)
  40b3ec:	17000004 	bnez	t8,40b400 <hci_bustostr+0x94c>
  40b3f0:	00000000 	nop
  40b3f4:	0000c021 	move	t8,zero
  40b3f8:	1000006d 	b	40b5b0 <hci_bustostr+0xafc>
  40b3fc:	00000000 	nop
  40b400:	8fd8002c 	lw	t8,44(s8)
  40b404:	afd80020 	sw	t8,32(s8)
  40b408:	8fd80020 	lw	t8,32(s8)
  40b40c:	a3000000 	sb	zero,0(t8)
  40b410:	8fd80044 	lw	t8,68(s8)
  40b414:	1300000e 	beqz	t8,40b450 <hci_bustostr+0x99c>
  40b418:	00000000 	nop
  40b41c:	8fc40020 	lw	a0,32(s8)
  40b420:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  40b424:	270568a8 	addiu	a1,t8,26792
  40b428:	8fc60044 	lw	a2,68(s8)
  40b42c:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40b430:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40b434:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40b4c4:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
  40b4c8:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  40b4cc:	8f988084 	lw	t8,strlen
  40b4d0:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40b4d4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40b4d8:	00000000 	nop
  40b4dc:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  40b4e0:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
  40b4e4:	02181021 	addu	v0,s0,t8
  40b4e8:	8fd80028 	lw	t8,40(s8)
  40b4ec:	0302c02b 	sltu	t8,t8,v0
  40b4f0:	13000018 	beqz	t8,40b554 <hci_bustostr+0xaa0>
  40b4f4:	00000000 	nop
  40b4f8:	8fd80044 	lw	t8,68(s8)
  40b4fc:	13000004 	beqz	t8,40b510 <hci_bustostr+0xa5c>
  40b500:	00000000 	nop
  40b504:	8fd80044 	lw	t8,68(s8)
  40b508:	10000003 	b	40b518 <hci_bustostr+0xa64>
  40b50c:	00000000 	nop
  40b510:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  40b514:	27187e18 	addiu	t8,t8,32280
  40b518:	8fc40020 	lw	a0,32(s8)
  40b51c:	8f828028 	lw	v0,-32728(gp)
  40b520:	24457e1c 	addiu	a1,v0,32284
  40b524:	03003021 	move	a2,t8
  40b528:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40b52c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40b530:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40b534:	00000000 	nop
  40b538:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  40b53c:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
  40b540:	8fc20020 	lw	v0,32(s8)
  40b544:	0058c021 	addu	t8,v0,t8
  40b548:	afd80020 	sw	t8,32(s8)
  40b54c:	8fd80020 	lw	t8,32(s8)
  40b550:	afd8001c 	sw	t8,28(s8)
  40b554:	8fd80018 	lw	t8,24(s8)
  40b558:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
  40b55c:	8fc40020 	lw	a0,32(s8)
  40b560:	8f828028 	lw	v0,-32728(gp)
  40b564:	24457e20 	addiu	a1,v0,32288
  40b568:	03003021 	move	a2,t8
  40b56c:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40b570:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40b574:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40b998:	8fd80024 	lw	t8,36(s8)
  40b99c:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  40b9a0:	8f988024 	lw	t8,-32732(gp)
  40b9a4:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40b9a8:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40b9ac:	00000000 	nop
  40b9b0:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  40b9b4:	afc20034 	sw	v0,52(s8)
  40b9b8:	8fd80034 	lw	t8,52(s8)
  40b9bc:	17000004 	bnez	t8,40b9d0 <hci_bustostr+0xf1c>
  40b9c0:	00000000 	nop
  40b9c4:	0000c021 	move	t8,zero
  40b9c8:	10000077 	b	40bba8 <hci_bustostr+0x10f4>
  40b9cc:	00000000 	nop
  40b9d0:	8fd80034 	lw	t8,52(s8)
  40b9d4:	afd8001c 	sw	t8,28(s8)
  40b9d8:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
  40b9dc:	a3000000 	sb	zero,0(t8)
  40b9e0:	8fd8004c 	lw	t8,76(s8)
  40b9e4:	1300000e 	beqz	t8,40ba20 <hci_bustostr+0xf6c>
  40b9e8:	00000000 	nop
  40b9ec:	8fc4001c 	lw	a0,28(s8)
  40b9f0:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  40b9f4:	270568a8 	addiu	a1,t8,26792
  40b9f8:	8fc6004c 	lw	a2,76(s8)
  40b9fc:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40ba00:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40ba04:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40baa0:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
  40baa4:	03002021 	move	a0,t8
  40baa8:	8f988084 	lw	t8,strlen
  40baac:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40bab0:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40bab4:	00000000 	nop
  40bab8:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  40babc:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
  40bac0:	02181021 	addu	v0,s0,t8
  40bac4:	8fd80030 	lw	t8,48(s8)
  40bac8:	0302c02b 	sltu	t8,t8,v0
  40bacc:	13000018 	beqz	t8,40bb30 <hci_bustostr+0x107c>
  40bad0:	00000000 	nop
  40bad4:	8fd8004c 	lw	t8,76(s8)
  40bad8:	13000004 	beqz	t8,40baec <hci_bustostr+0x1038>
  40badc:	00000000 	nop
  40bae0:	8fd8004c 	lw	t8,76(s8)
  40bae4:	10000003 	b	40baf4 <hci_bustostr+0x1040>
  40bae8:	00000000 	nop
  40baec:	8f988028 	lw	t8,-32728(gp)
  40baf0:	27187e18 	addiu	t8,t8,32280
  40baf4:	8fc4001c 	lw	a0,28(s8)
  40baf8:	8f828028 	lw	v0,-32728(gp)
  40bafc:	24457e1c 	addiu	a1,v0,32284
  40bb00:	03003021 	move	a2,t8
  40bb04:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40bb08:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40bb0c:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
  40bb10:	00000000 	nop
  40bb14:	8fdc0010 	lw	gp,16(s8)
  40bb18:	0040c021 	move	t8,v0
  40bb1c:	8fc2001c 	lw	v0,28(s8)
  40bb20:	0058c021 	addu	t8,v0,t8
  40bb24:	afd8001c 	sw	t8,28(s8)
  40bb28:	8fd8001c 	lw	t8,28(s8)
  40bb2c:	afd80018 	sw	t8,24(s8)
  40bb30:	8fd8002c 	lw	t8,44(s8)
  40bb34:	8f180000 	lw	t8,0(t8)
  40bb38:	8fc4001c 	lw	a0,28(s8)
  40bb3c:	8f828028 	lw	v0,-32728(gp)
  40bb40:	244568a0 	addiu	a1,v0,26784
  40bb44:	03003021 	move	a2,t8
  40bb48:	8f988090 	lw	t8,sprintf
  40bb4c:	0300c821 	move	t9,t8
  40bb50:	0320f809 	jalr	t9

[*] Function sprintf used 12 times l2test