[+] Final aggregator

[+] Tested firmware: /home/genesis/firmwaretest/DUMP.tar
[+] EMBA start command: ./emba -l ../bashis -f ../DUMP.tar -p ./scan-profiles/default-scan.emba
[+] Detected architecture and endianness (verified): MIPS / EL
[+] Operating system detected (verified): Linux / v3.10.27

[+] 974 files and 135 directories detected.
[+] Entropy analysis of binary firmware is: 6.775706 bits per byte.
[+] Entropy analysis of binary firmware is available: /logs/firmware_entropy.png
[+] Found 807 issues in 84 shell scripts.

[+] Found the following configuration issues:
    Found 39 areas with weak permissions.
    Found 1 password related details.
    Found 7 password related details via STACS (1 passwords cracked.)
    Found 1 outdated certificates in 2 certificates.
    Found 53 kernel modules with 0 licensing issues.
    Found 0 interesting files and 1 files that could be useful for post-exploitation.

[+] Found 204 (69%) binaries without enabled RELRO in 295 binaries.
[+] Found 295 (100%) binaries without enabled NX in 295 binaries.
[+] Found 107 (36%) binaries without enabled PIE in 295 binaries.
[+] Found 239 (81%) stripped binaries without symbols in 295 binaries.

[+] Found 267 usages of strcpy in 295 binaries.

[+] STRCPY - top 10 results:
	17    : libasound.so.2. : common linux file: yes |  No RELRO  |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  Networking    |
	16    : tz_dst          : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	16    : libwifi.so      : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	16    : libiw.so.30     : common linux file: yes |  No RELRO  |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	16    : libdumpSiteSurv : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	16    : libcam.so       : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	14    : libpib.so       : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	13    : onvifbox        : common linux file: no  |  No RELRO  |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	13    : libglib-2.0.so. : common linux file: no  |  No RELRO  |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	12    : libonvifkit.so  : common linux file: no  |  No RELRO  |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |

[+] SYSTEM - top 10 results:
	70    : librtsnm.so     : common linux file: no  |  No RELRO  |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  Networking    |
	58    : start_wps       : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	50    : wifi-tool       : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	35    : cgihtmlbox      : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	32    : mfgbox          : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	27    : libwifi.so      : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	21    : libbuilt_in_cgi : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	16    : libwlan.so      : common linux file: no  |  No RELRO  |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	16    : libonvifkit.so  : common linux file: no  |  No RELRO  |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |
	16    : libcam.so       : common linux file: no  |  RELRO     |  Canary     |  NX disabled  |  No Symbols  |  No Networking |

[*] Identified the following software inventory, vulnerabilities and exploits:
[+] Found version details: 	alsa                :   1.0.28         :   CVEs: 1         :   Exploits: 0    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	ethtool             :   6              :   CVEs: 0         :   Exploits: 0    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	curl                :   1              :   CVEs: 0         :   Exploits: 0    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	busybox             :   1.22.1         :   CVEs: 18        :   Exploits: 15   :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	ncurses             :   6.0.20150808   :   CVEs: 0         :   Exploits: 0    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	sed                 :   4.0            :   CVEs: 0         :   Exploits: 0    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	curl                :   7.43.0         :   CVEs: 80        :   Exploits: 31   :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	iperf               :   2.0.5          :   CVEs: 0         :   Exploits: 0    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	expat               :   2.0.1          :   CVEs: 31        :   Exploits: 18   :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	libgjpeg-turbo      :   1.5.0          :   CVEs: 0         :   Exploits: 0    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	lighttpd            :   1.4.35         :   CVEs: 3         :   Exploits: 2    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	libcurl             :   7.43.0         :   CVEs: 24        :   Exploits: 12   :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	portmap             :   6.0            :   CVEs: 0         :   Exploits: 0    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	openssl             :   1.0.2t         :   CVEs: 18        :   Exploits: 17   :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	udhcp               :   1.22.1         :   CVEs: 0         :   Exploits: 0    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	zlib                :   1.2.5          :   CVEs: 5         :   Exploits: 2    :   Source: STAT           
[+] Found version details: 	kernel              :   3.10.27        :   CVEs: 1392      :   Exploits: 277  :   Source: STAT           

[+] Identified 17 software components with version details.

[+] Identified 1575 CVE entries.
    Identified 585 High rated CVE entries / Exploits: 211
    Identified 912 Medium rated CVE entries / Exploits: 137
    Identified 78 Low rated CVE entries /Exploits: 13
    361 possible exploits available (11 Metasploit modules).
    Remote exploits: 0 / Local exploits: 24 / DoS exploits: 9 / Github PoCs: 311 / Known exploited vulnerabilities: 4 / Verified Exploits: 0