[*] Binary protection state of libonig.so.5.3.0
Full RELRO Canary found NX enabled DSO No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function strcpy tear down of libonig.so.5.3.0
; assembly | /* r2dec pseudo code output */
| /* /logs/firmware/patool_extraction/rootfs.img_unblob_extracted/rootfs.img_extract/0-80367616.squashfs_v4_le_extract/usr/lib/libonig.so.5.3.0 @ 0xda9c */
| #include <stdint.h>
; (fcn) fcn.0000da9c () | void fcn_0000da9c (int16_t arg_0h, int16_t arg_110h, int16_t arg_13ch, int16_t arg1, int16_t arg2, int16_t arg3, int16_t arg4) {
| int16_t var_0h;
| int16_t var_4h_2;
| int16_t var_8h;
| int16_t var_ch_2;
| int16_t var_10h_2;
| int16_t var_14h_2;
| int16_t var_18h_2;
| int16_t var_1ch_2;
| int16_t var_24h;
| int16_t var_28h;
| int16_t var_2ch_2;
| int16_t var_30h;
| int16_t var_34h;
| int16_t var_38h;
| int16_t var_3ch;
| int16_t var_13ch;
| int16_t var_4h;
| int16_t var_10h;
| int16_t var_14h;
| r0 = arg1;
| r1 = arg2;
| r2 = arg3;
| r3 = arg4;
0x0000da9c svcmi 0xf0e92d | __asm ("svcmi aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000daa0 mov sb, r3 | sb = r3;
0x0000daa2 ldr.w r3, [pc, 0x944] |
0x0000daa6 sub sp, 0x144 |
0x0000daa8 mov r6, r2 | r6 = r2;
0x0000daaa add.w sl, sp, 0x28 | sl += var_28h;
0x0000daae ldr.w r2, [pc, 0x93c] |
0x0000dab2 mov r5, r0 | r5 = r0;
0x0000dab4 add r3, pc | r3 = 0x1bea2;
0x0000dab6 ldr r4, [r1] | r4 = *(r1);
0x0000dab8 str r3, [sp, 0x18] | var_18h_2 = r3;
0x0000daba mov fp, r1 |
0x0000dabc ldr.w r3, [pc, 0x930] | r3 = *(0xe3f0);
0x0000dac0 add r2, pc | r2 = 0x1beb2;
0x0000dac2 ldr r3, [r2, r3] |
0x0000dac4 ldrd r7, r2, [sb, 8] | __asm ("ldrd r7, r2, [sb, 8]");
0x0000dac8 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(0x1beb2);
0x0000daca str r3, [sp, 0x13c] | var_13ch = r3;
0x0000dacc mov.w r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
0x0000dad0 ldr r3, [r0, 4] | r3 = *((r0 + 4));
0x0000dad2 str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000dad6 str r2, [sp, 0x10] | var_10h_2 = r2;
0x0000dad8 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 != 0) {
0x0000dada bne.w 0xdc56 | goto label_61;
| }
| label_8:
0x0000dade cmp r6, r4 |
| if (r6 < r4) {
0x0000dae0 bls.w 0xddb2 | goto label_6;
| }
0x0000dae4 ldr.w r8, [sp, 0x10] | r8 = var_10h_2;
0x0000dae8 str.w sb, [sp, 0x14] | __asm ("str.w sb, [var_14h_2]");
| label_1:
0x0000daec movs r3, 3 | r3 = 3;
0x0000daee mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000daf0 str r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
0x0000daf2 movs r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
0x0000daf4 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000daf6 str r4, [r5, 0x10] | *((r5 + 0x10)) = r4;
0x0000daf8 str r3, [r5, 0xc] | *((r5 + 0xc)) = r3;
0x0000dafa ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000dafc blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000dafe ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000db00 mov sb, r0 | sb = r0;
0x0000db02 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000db04 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000db06 ldr.w r3, [r8, 0x10] | r3 = *((r8 + 0x10));
0x0000db0a add r4, r0 | r4 += r0;
0x0000db0c str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000db10 cmp r3, sb |
0x0000db12 beq.w 0xdc9a |
| while (r0 < r3) {
0x0000db16 movs r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
0x0000db18 str.w sb, [r5, 0x14] | __asm ("str.w sb, [r5, 0x14]");
0x0000db1c str r3, [r5, 8] | *((r5 + 8)) = r3;
0x0000db1e cmp.w sb, 0 |
| if (sb == 0) {
0x0000db22 beq.w 0xe472 | goto label_62;
| }
0x0000db26 ldr.w r1, [r8] | r1 = *(r8);
0x0000db2a lsls r0, r1, 0x1f | r0 = r1 << 0x1f;
| if (r0 < r1) {
0x0000db2c bpl 0xdb60 |
0x0000db2e ldr.w r3, [r8, 0x14] | r3 = *((r8 + 0x14));
0x0000db32 cmp r3, sb |
| if (r3 == sb) {
0x0000db34 beq.w 0xdf1c | goto label_63;
| }
0x0000db38 ldr.w r3, [r8, 0x18] | r3 = *((r8 + 0x18));
0x0000db3c cmp r3, sb |
| if (r3 == sb) {
0x0000db3e beq.w 0xdf54 | goto label_64;
| }
0x0000db42 ldr.w r3, [r8, 0x1c] | r3 = *((r8 + 0x1c));
0x0000db46 cmp r3, sb |
| if (r3 == sb) {
0x0000db48 beq.w 0xdf74 | goto label_65;
| }
0x0000db4c ldr.w r3, [r8, 0x20] | r3 = *((r8 + 0x20));
0x0000db50 cmp r3, sb |
| if (r3 == sb) {
0x0000db52 beq.w 0xdf7a | goto label_66;
| }
0x0000db56 ldr.w r3, [r8, 0x24] | r3 = *((r8 + 0x24));
0x0000db5a cmp r3, sb |
| if (r3 == sb) {
0x0000db5c beq.w 0xdfce | goto label_67;
| }
| }
0x0000db60 sub.w r3, sb, 9 | r3 = sb - 9;
0x0000db64 cmp r3, 0x73 |
| if (r3 > 0x73) {
0x0000db66 bhi.w 0xdd8a | goto label_68;
| }
| /* switch table (117 cases) at 0xdb6e */
0x0000db6a tbh [pc, r3, lsl 1] | __asm ("tbh [pc, r3, lsl 1]");
| label_61:
0x0000dc56 add.w r8, sp, 0x24 | r8 += var_24h;
0x0000dc5a movs r4, 0 | r4 = 0;
0x0000dc5c str.w r8, [sp, 4] | __asm ("str.w r8, [var_4h_2]");
0x0000dc60 mov r3, r7 | r3 = r7;
0x0000dc62 str r4, [sp] | *(sp) = r4;
0x0000dc64 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000dc66 ldr r2, [r0, 0xc] | r2 = *((r0 + 0xc));
0x0000dc68 mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000dc6a bl 0x977c | r0 = fcn_0000977c (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
0x0000dc6e cmp r0, 1 |
| if (r0 == 1) {
0x0000dc70 beq.w 0xdf14 | goto label_69;
| }
0x0000dc74 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 == 0) {
0x0000dc76 beq.w 0xdd92 | goto label_70;
| }
| label_0:
0x0000dc7a ldr.w r2, [pc, 0x778] | r2 = *(0x0000e3f4);
0x0000dc7e ldr.w r3, [pc, 0x770] | r3 = *(0xe3f2);
0x0000dc82 add r2, pc | r2 += pc;
0x0000dc84 ldr r3, [r2, r3] | r3 = *((r2 + r3));
0x0000dc86 ldr r2, [r3] | r2 = *(0xe3f2);
0x0000dc88 ldr r3, [sp, 0x13c] | r3 = *(arg_13ch);
0x0000dc8a eors r2, r3 | r2 ^= r3;
0x0000dc8c mov.w r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
| if (r2 != r3) {
0x0000dc90 bne.w 0xe67c | goto label_71;
| }
0x0000dc94 add sp, 0x144 |
0x0000dc96 pop.w {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, fp, pc} |
0x0000dc9a ldr.w r3, [r8, 4] | r3 = *((r8 + 4));
0x0000dc9e lsls r0, r3, 0xb | r0 = r3 << 0xb;
0x0000dca0 bmi.w 0xdb16 |
| }
0x0000dca4 cmp r4, r6 |
0x0000dca6 ldr.w sb, [sp, 0x14] | sb = var_14h_2;
| if (r4 >= r6) {
0x0000dcaa bhs.w 0xe696 | goto label_72;
| }
0x0000dcae ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000dcb0 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000dcb2 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000dcb4 str r4, [r5, 0x10] | *((r5 + 0x10)) = r4;
0x0000dcb6 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000dcb8 ldr r2, [r7] | r2 = *(r7);
0x0000dcba str r0, [sp, 0x18] | var_18h_2 = r0;
0x0000dcbc mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000dcbe blx r2 | uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r2);
0x0000dcc0 ldr r3, [sp, 0x18] | r3 = var_18h_2;
0x0000dcc2 adds r2, r4, r0 | r2 = r4 + r0;
0x0000dcc4 str r2, [sp, 0x14] | var_14h_2 = r2;
0x0000dcc6 str.w r2, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r2, [sl]");
0x0000dcca movs r2, 1 | r2 = 1;
0x0000dccc str r2, [r5, 8] | *((r5 + 8)) = r2;
0x0000dcce sub.w r2, r3, 0x27 | r2 = r3 - 0x27;
0x0000dcd2 str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000dcd4 cmp r2, 0x55 |
| if (r2 > 0x55) {
0x0000dcd6 bhi.w 0xdfd6 | goto label_73;
| }
| /* switch table (87 cases) at 0xdcde */
0x0000dcda tbh [pc, r2, lsl 1] | __asm ("tbh [pc, r2, lsl 1]");
| label_68:
0x0000dd8a ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| do {
| label_7:
0x0000dd8c str.w r4, [fp] | __asm ("str.w r4, [fp]");
0x0000dd90 b 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_70:
0x0000dd92 ldr.w r3, [r8] | r3 = *(r8);
0x0000dd96 movs r0, 4 | r0 = 4;
0x0000dd98 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000dd9c str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000dd9e str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000dda0 b 0xdd8c |
| } while (1);
0x0000dda2 ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000dda4 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000dda6 lsls r2, r3, 0x1e | r2 = r3 << 0x1e;
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000dda8 bpl.w 0xe532 | goto label_74;
| }
| label_2:
0x0000ddac cmp r6, r4 |
| if (r6 > r4) {
0x0000ddae bhi.w 0xdaec | goto label_1;
| }
| label_6:
0x0000ddb2 movs r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
0x0000ddb4 mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x0000ddb6 str r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
0x0000ddb8 b 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
0x0000ddba cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 >= r6) {
0x0000ddbc bhs.w 0xe08e | goto label_15;
| }
0x0000ddc0 ldr r2, [r7, 0x14] | r2 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000ddc2 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ddc4 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000ddc6 blx r2 | r0 = uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r2);
0x0000ddc8 cmp r0, 0x3f |
| if (r0 != 0x3f) {
0x0000ddca bne.w 0xe52c | goto label_75;
| }
0x0000ddce ldr.w r3, [r8, 4] | r3 = *((r8 + 4));
0x0000ddd2 lsls r1, r3, 0x1e | r1 = r3 << 0x1e;
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000ddd4 bpl.w 0xe52c | goto label_75;
| }
0x0000ddd8 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000ddda mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000dddc blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000ddde adds r3, r4, r0 | r3 = r4 + r0;
0x0000dde0 cmp r3, r6 |
0x0000dde2 str.w r3, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r3, [sl]");
| if (r3 >= r6) {
0x0000dde6 bhs.w 0xe086 | goto label_16;
| }
0x0000ddea mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x0000ddec ldr r2, [r7, 0x14] | r2 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000ddee mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ddf0 str r3, [sp, 0x1c] | var_1ch_2 = r3;
0x0000ddf2 blx r2 | r0 = uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r2, r3);
0x0000ddf4 cmp r0, 0x23 |
0x0000ddf6 ldr r3, [sp, 0x1c] | r3 = var_1ch_2;
| if (r0 != 0x23) {
0x0000ddf8 bne.w 0xe016 | goto label_76;
| }
0x0000ddfc ldr r2, [r7, 0x14] | r2 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000ddfe mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000de00 mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x0000de02 blx r2 | uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r2);
0x0000de04 ldr r3, [sp, 0x1c] | r3 = var_1ch_2;
0x0000de06 ldr r2, [r7] | r2 = *(r7);
0x0000de08 mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x0000de0a blx r2 | uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r2, r3);
0x0000de0c ldr r3, [sp, 0x1c] | r3 = var_1ch_2;
0x0000de0e adds r4, r3, r0 | r4 = r3 + r0;
0x0000de10 cmp r4, r6 |
0x0000de12 str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
| if (r4 <= r6) {
0x0000de16 blo 0xde26 | goto label_77;
| }
0x0000de18 b 0xe44c | goto label_17;
| label_3:
0x0000de1a cmp.w sb, 0x29 |
| if (sb == 0x29) {
0x0000de1e beq 0xddac | goto label_2;
| }
| label_4:
0x0000de20 cmp r6, r4 |
| if (r6 < r4) {
0x0000de22 bls.w 0xe44c | goto label_17;
| }
| label_77:
0x0000de26 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000de28 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000de2a mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000de2c blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000de2e ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000de30 mov sb, r0 | sb = r0;
0x0000de32 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000de34 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000de36 ldr.w r3, [r8, 0x10] | r3 = *((r8 + 0x10));
0x0000de3a add r4, r0 | r4 += r0;
0x0000de3c str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000de40 cmp r3, sb |
| if (r3 != sb) {
0x0000de42 bne 0xde1a | goto label_3;
| }
0x0000de44 cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 >= r6) {
0x0000de46 bhs.w 0xe44c | goto label_17;
| }
0x0000de4a ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000de4c mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000de4e mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000de50 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000de52 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000de54 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000de56 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000de58 add r4, r0 | r4 += r0;
0x0000de5a str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000de5e b 0xde20 | goto label_4;
0x0000de60 ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000de62 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000de64 lsls r1, r3, 0x1e | r1 = r3 << 0x1e;
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000de66 bmi 0xde8c | goto label_78;
| }
0x0000de68 b 0xe536 | goto label_79;
| label_5:
0x0000de6a mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000de6c ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000de6e mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000de70 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000de72 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000de74 mov sb, r0 | sb = r0;
0x0000de76 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000de78 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000de7a ldr r3, [r7, 0x30] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x30));
0x0000de7c add r4, r0 | r4 += r0;
0x0000de7e movs r1, 0 | r1 = 0;
0x0000de80 mov r0, sb | r0 = sb;
0x0000de82 str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000de86 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000de88 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 != 0) {
0x0000de8a bne 0xddac | goto label_2;
| }
| label_78:
0x0000de8c cmp r6, r4 |
| if (r6 > r4) {
0x0000de8e bhi 0xde6a | goto label_5;
| }
0x0000de90 b 0xddb2 | goto label_6;
0x0000de92 lsls r1, r1, 0x19 | r1 <<= 0x19;
| if (r1 < r1) {
0x0000de94 bmi 0xdf74 | goto label_65;
| }
0x0000de96 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000de98 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000de9a lsls r6, r1, 0xe | r6 = r1 << 0xe;
0x0000de9c itett mi |
| if (r6 >= r1) {
0x0000de9e movmi r3, 0x10 | r3 = 0x10;
| }
| if (r6 < r1) {
0x0000dea0 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r6 >= r1) {
0x0000dea2 movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
| if (r6 >= r1) {
0x0000dea4 strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000dea6 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000dea8 ldr.w sb, [sp, 0x14] | sb = var_14h_2;
0x0000deac ldr.w r2, [fp] | r2 = *(fp);
0x0000deb0 ldr.w r3, [sb, 0x1c] | r3 = *((sb + 0x1c));
0x0000deb4 cmp r2, r3 |
| if (r2 > r3) {
0x0000deb6 bhi 0xdfa4 | goto label_80;
| }
0x0000deb8 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000deba b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000debc lsls r3, r1, 8 | r3 = r1 << 8;
0x0000debe ldr.w sb, [sp, 0x14] | sb = var_14h_2;
| if (r3 >= r1) {
0x0000dec2 bmi 0xdf3e |
0x0000dec4 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000dec6 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000dec8 lsls r2, r1, 0x17 | r2 = r1 << 0x17;
0x0000deca ldr.w sb, [sp, 0x14] | sb = var_14h_2;
| if (r2 < r1) {
0x0000dece bmi 0xdf82 | goto label_81;
| }
0x0000ded0 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000ded2 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000ded4 lsls r0, r1, 0x15 | r0 = r1 << 0x15;
0x0000ded6 itett mi |
| if (r0 >= r1) {
0x0000ded8 movmi r3, 0xd | r3 = 0xd;
| }
| if (r0 < r1) {
0x0000deda ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r0 >= r1) {
0x0000dedc movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
| if (r0 >= r1) {
0x0000dede strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000dee0 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000dee2 lsls r2, r1, 0x13 | r2 = r1 << 0x13;
0x0000dee4 itett mi |
| if (r2 >= r1) {
0x0000dee6 movmi r3, 0xf | r3 = 0xf;
| }
| if (r2 < r1) {
0x0000dee8 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r2 >= r1) {
0x0000deea movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
| if (r2 >= r1) {
0x0000deec strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000deee b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000def0 lsls r3, r1, 0x1d | r3 = r1 << 0x1d;
| if (r3 < r1) {
0x0000def2 bmi 0xdf54 | goto label_64;
| }
0x0000def4 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000def6 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000def8 lsls r0, r1, 0x1b | r0 = r1 << 0x1b;
| if (r0 < r1) {
0x0000defa bmi 0xdf7a | goto label_66;
| }
0x0000defc ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000defe b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000df00 lsls r2, r1, 0x1e | r2 = r1 << 0x1e;
| if (r2 >= r1) {
0x0000df02 bmi 0xdf1c |
0x0000df04 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000df06 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000df08 lsls r7, r1, 8 | r7 = r1 << 8;
0x0000df0a ldr.w sb, [sp, 0x14] | sb = var_14h_2;
| if (r7 < r1) {
0x0000df0e bmi 0xdf24 | goto label_82;
| }
0x0000df10 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000df12 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_69:
0x0000df14 str r4, [r5, 4] | *((r5 + 4)) = r4;
0x0000df16 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000df1a b 0xdade | goto label_8;
| }
| label_63:
0x0000df1c movs r3, 5 | r3 = 5;
0x0000df1e mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x0000df20 str r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
0x0000df22 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_82:
0x0000df24 ldr.w r3, [sb] | r3 = *(sb);
0x0000df28 movs r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
0x0000df2a str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000df2c tst.w r3, 8 |
0x0000df30 ite eq |
| if ((r3 & 8) != 0) {
0x0000df32 moveq r3, 0x200 | r3 = 0x200;
| }
| if ((r3 & 8) != 0) {
0x0000df36 mov.w r3, 0x100 | r3 = 0x100;
| }
0x0000df3a str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000df3c b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000df3e ldr.w r3, [sb] | r3 = *(sb);
0x0000df42 movs r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
0x0000df44 str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000df46 tst.w r3, 8 |
0x0000df4a ite eq |
| if ((r3 & 8) != 0) {
0x0000df4c moveq r3, 0x20 | r3 = 0x20;
| }
| if ((r3 & 8) == 0) {
0x0000df4e movne r3, 0x10 | r3 = 0x10;
| }
0x0000df50 str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000df52 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_64:
0x0000df54 movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000df56 mov.w r3, -1 | r3 = -1;
| do {
| label_9:
0x0000df5a strd r2, r3, [r5, 0x14] | __asm ("strd r2, r3, [r5, 0x14]");
0x0000df5e movs r3, 0xa | r3 = 0xa;
0x0000df60 str r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
0x0000df62 movs r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
0x0000df64 str r3, [r5, 0x20] | *((r5 + 0x20)) = r3;
| label_10:
0x0000df66 cmp r6, r4 |
| if (r6 > r4) {
0x0000df68 bhi.w 0xe452 | goto label_83;
| }
0x0000df6c movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000df6e str r3, [r5, 0x1c] | *((r5 + 0x1c)) = r3;
| label_13:
0x0000df70 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000df72 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_65:
0x0000df74 movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000df76 movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000df78 b 0xdf5a |
| } while (1);
| label_66:
0x0000df7a movs r2, 1 | r2 = 1;
0x0000df7c mov.w r3, -1 | r3 = -1;
0x0000df80 b 0xdf5a | goto label_9;
| label_81:
0x0000df82 mov r3, sb | r3 = sb;
0x0000df84 mov r2, r5 | r2 = r5;
0x0000df86 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000df88 mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000df8a bl 0x84bc | r0 = fcn_000084bc (r0, r1, r2, r3);
0x0000df8e cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000df90 blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000df94 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
| if (r0 == 0) {
0x0000df98 beq 0xdf66 | goto label_10;
| }
0x0000df9a cmp r0, 2 |
| if (r0 == 2) {
0x0000df9c beq.w 0xe50e | goto label_44;
| }
0x0000dfa0 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000dfa2 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_80:
0x0000dfa4 ldr.w r6, [pc, 0x450] | r6 = *(0x0000e3f8);
0x0000dfa8 ldr r1, [sp, 0x18] | r1 = var_18h_2;
0x0000dfaa ldr.w r2, [pc, 0x450] | r2 = *(0xe3fe);
0x0000dfae add r6, pc | r6 += pc;
0x0000dfb0 ldr r2, [r1, r2] | r2 = *((r1 + r2));
0x0000dfb2 ldr r1, [r6] | r1 = *(r6);
0x0000dfb4 cmp r1, r2 |
0x0000dfb6 it eq |
| if (r1 == r2) {
0x0000dfb8 ldreq r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| goto label_84;
| }
| if (r1 == r2) {
| label_84:
0x0000dfba beq.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000dfbe ldr.w r2, [sb, 0xc] | r2 = *((sb + 0xc));
0x0000dfc2 ldr r2, [r2, 8] | r2 = *((r2 + 8));
0x0000dfc4 lsls r0, r2, 7 | r0 = r2 << 7;
| if (r0 < r2) {
0x0000dfc6 bmi.w 0xe4e0 | goto label_85;
| }
0x0000dfca ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000dfcc b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_67:
0x0000dfce movs r3, 0xc | r3 = 0xc;
0x0000dfd0 mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x0000dfd2 str r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
0x0000dfd4 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_73:
0x0000dfd6 str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000dfda add r4, sp, 0x38 | r4 += var_38h;
0x0000dfdc mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000dfde mov r2, sb | r2 = sb;
0x0000dfe0 mov r3, r4 | r3 = r4;
0x0000dfe2 mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000dfe4 bl 0x9168 | r0 = fcn_00009168 (r0, r1, r2, r3);
| if (r0 == 0) {
0x0000dfe8 cbnz r0, 0xdff8 |
0x0000dfea ldr.w r3, [sb, 8] | r3 = *((sb + 8));
0x0000dfee ldr r0, [r4] | r0 = *(r4);
0x0000dff0 ldr r3, [r3, 0x18] | r3 = *((r3 + 0x18));
0x0000dff2 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000dff4 and.w r0, r0, r0, asr 31 | r0 &= (r0 >> 31);
| }
0x0000dff8 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000dffa blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000dffe ldr r3, [r4] | r3 = *(r4);
0x0000e000 ldr r2, [r5, 0x14] | r2 = *((r5 + 0x14));
0x0000e002 cmp r2, r3 |
| if (r2 == r3) {
0x0000e004 beq.w 0xecc2 | goto label_86;
| }
0x0000e008 movs r2, 4 | r2 = 4;
0x0000e00a str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000e00c str r2, [r5] | *(r5) = r2;
| label_41:
0x0000e00e ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000e012 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e014 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_76:
0x0000e016 mov r8, r3 | r8 = r3;
0x0000e018 mov r3, sb | r3 = sb;
0x0000e01a ldrd r2, sb, [sp, 0x10] | __asm ("ldrd r2, sb, [var_10h_2]");
0x0000e01e ldr r2, [r2, 4] | r2 = *((r2 + 4));
0x0000e020 lsls r2, r2, 4 | r2 <<= 4;
| if (r2 >= r2) {
0x0000e022 bpl.w 0xe53a | goto label_87;
| }
0x0000e026 cmp r0, 0x2d |
| if (r0 == 0x2d) {
0x0000e028 beq.w 0xe5ee | goto label_19;
| }
| if (r0 > 0x2d) {
0x0000e02c bhi.w 0xe63c | goto label_88;
| }
0x0000e030 cmp r0, 0x26 |
| if (r0 != 0x26) {
0x0000e032 bne.w 0xe5e8 | goto label_89;
| }
0x0000e036 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000e038 mov r0, r8 | r0 = r8;
0x0000e03a blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000e03c movs r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
0x0000e03e add.w r4, r8, r0 | r4 = r8 + r0;
0x0000e042 str.w sb, [sp] | __asm ("str.w sb, [sp]");
0x0000e046 add r1, sp, 0x34 | r1 += var_34h;
0x0000e048 str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000e04c mov r2, r6 | r2 = r6;
0x0000e04e str r3, [sp, 0xc] | var_ch_2 = r3;
0x0000e050 add r3, sp, 0x38 | r3 += var_38h;
0x0000e052 str r3, [sp, 8] | var_8h = r3;
0x0000e054 add r3, sp, 0x30 | r3 += var_30h;
0x0000e056 str r3, [sp, 4] | var_4h_2 = r3;
0x0000e058 mov r6, r1 | r6 = r1;
0x0000e05a mov r3, r1 | r3 = r1;
0x0000e05c movs r0, 0x28 | r0 = 0x28;
0x0000e05e mov r1, sl | r1 = sl;
0x0000e060 bl 0xc208 | r0 = fcn_0000c208 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6);
0x0000e064 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000e066 blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000e06a ldr.w sb, [r6] | sb = *(r6);
0x0000e06e mov r3, r5 | r3 = r5;
0x0000e070 vmov.i32 d16, 0 | __asm ("vmov.i32 d16, 0");
0x0000e074 movs r2, 8 | r2 = 8;
0x0000e076 str r2, [r3], 0x1c | *(r3) = r2;
| r3 += 0x1c;
0x0000e07a vst1.32 {d16}, [r3] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r3]");
0x0000e07e str r4, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r4;
| label_18:
0x0000e080 mov r4, r8 | r4 = r8;
0x0000e082 str.w sb, [r5, 0x18] | __asm ("str.w sb, [r5, 0x18]");
| label_16:
0x0000e086 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e088 str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000e08c ldr r1, [r3] | r1 = *(r3);
| label_15:
0x0000e08e lsls r1, r1, 0x13 | r1 <<= 0x13;
0x0000e090 iteet mi |
| if (r1 >= r1) {
0x0000e092 movmi r3, 0xe | r3 = 0xe;
| }
| if (r1 < r1) {
0x0000e094 ldrpl r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
| }
| if (r1 >= r1) {
0x0000e098 ldrmi r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r1 < r1) {
0x0000e09a mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e09c itt mi |
| if (r1 >= r1) {
0x0000e09e ldrmi r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
| }
| if (r1 < r1) {
0x0000e0a2 str r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e0a4 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e0a6 mov r2, r7 | r2 = r7;
0x0000e0a8 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e0aa mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000e0ac str r3, [sp, 0x14] | var_14h_2 = r3;
0x0000e0ae str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000e0b2 bl 0x825c | r0 = fcn_0000825c (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
0x0000e0b6 cmp.w r0, 0x3e8 |
0x0000e0ba ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
| if (r0 > 0x3e8) {
0x0000e0bc bhi.w 0xe7f0 | goto label_42;
| }
0x0000e0c0 ldr r2, [sp, 0x10] | r2 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e0c2 ldr r1, [r2] | r1 = *(r2);
0x0000e0c4 lsls r1, r1, 0xf | r1 <<= 0xf;
| if (r1 >= r1) {
0x0000e0c6 bpl.w 0xe7f0 | goto label_42;
| }
0x0000e0ca ldr.w r1, [sb, 0x34] | r1 = *((sb + 0x34));
0x0000e0ce cmp r1, r0 |
| if (r1 < r0) {
0x0000e0d0 blt.w 0xed40 | goto label_90;
| }
0x0000e0d4 ldr r3, [r2, 8] | r3 = *((r2 + 8));
0x0000e0d6 lsls r1, r3, 0x1a | r1 = r3 << 0x1a;
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000e0d8 bpl 0xe0ee |
0x0000e0da ldr.w r3, [sb, 0x80] | r3 = *((sb + 0x80));
0x0000e0de cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 == 0) {
0x0000e0e0 beq.w 0xed7e | goto label_91;
| }
| label_45:
0x0000e0e4 ldr.w r3, [r3, r0, lsl 3] | offset_0 = r0 << 3;
| r3 = *((r3 + offset_0));
0x0000e0e8 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 == 0) {
0x0000e0ea beq.w 0xed50 | goto label_92;
| }
| }
| label_43:
0x0000e0ee vmov.i32 d16, 0 | __asm ("vmov.i32 d16, 0");
0x0000e0f2 add.w r3, r5, 0x20 | r3 = r5 + 0x20;
0x0000e0f6 str r0, [r5, 0x18] | *((r5 + 0x18)) = r0;
0x0000e0f8 movs r2, 1 | r2 = 1;
0x0000e0fa movs r0, 7 | r0 = 7;
0x0000e0fc str r2, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r2;
0x0000e0fe str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000e100 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000e104 vst1.32 {d16}, [r3] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r3]");
0x0000e108 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e10a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e10c cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 <= r6) {
0x0000e10e blo.w 0xe808 | goto label_93;
| }
0x0000e112 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e114 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e116 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e118 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e11a lsls r1, r3, 0xc | r1 = r3 << 0xc;
0x0000e11c ittee mi |
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e11e movmi r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
| }
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e120 movmi r3, 0x1000 | r3 = 0x1000;
| }
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000e124 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e126 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
0x0000e128 ittt mi |
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e12a ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e12c strmi r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
| }
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e12e strmi r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
| }
0x0000e130 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e132 ldr r2, [sp, 0x10] | r2 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e134 ldr r3, [r2, 8] | r3 = *((r2 + 8));
0x0000e136 lsls r7, r3, 0x13 | r7 = r3 << 0x13;
| if (r7 < r3) {
0x0000e138 bmi.w 0xedb8 | goto label_94;
| }
0x0000e13c ldr r3, [r2] | r3 = *(r2);
0x0000e13e lsls r6, r3, 0x11 | r6 = r3 << 0x11;
| if (r6 < r3) {
0x0000e140 bmi.w 0xe680 | goto label_95;
| }
0x0000e144 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e146 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e148 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e14a ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e14c ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e14e lsls r4, r3, 5 | r4 = r3 << 5;
0x0000e150 ittee mi |
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e152 movmi r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e154 movmi r3, 0x10000 | r3 = 0x10000;
| }
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e158 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e15a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
0x0000e15c ittt mi |
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e15e ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e160 strmi r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e162 strmi r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
| }
0x0000e164 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e166 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e168 cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 <= r6) {
0x0000e16a blo.w 0xe832 | goto label_96;
| }
0x0000e16e ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e170 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e172 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e174 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e176 lsls r2, r3, 0xd | r2 = r3 << 0xd;
| if (r2 < r3) {
0x0000e178 bmi.w 0xe734 | goto label_97;
| }
0x0000e17c ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e17e ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e180 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e182 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e184 cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 <= r6) {
0x0000e186 blo.w 0xe75e | goto label_98;
| }
0x0000e18a ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e18c b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e18e ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e190 cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 <= r6) {
0x0000e192 blo.w 0xe748 | goto label_99;
| }
0x0000e196 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e198 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e19a ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e19c ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e19e lsls r3, r3, 0xa | r3 <<= 0xa;
| if (r3 < r3) {
0x0000e1a0 bmi.w 0xe770 | goto label_100;
| }
0x0000e1a4 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e1a6 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e1a8 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e1aa ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e1ac cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 <= r6) {
0x0000e1ae blo.w 0xe84e | goto label_101;
| }
0x0000e1b2 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e1b4 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e1b6 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e1b8 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e1ba lsls r4, r3, 0x14 | r4 = r3 << 0x14;
0x0000e1bc iteet mi |
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e1be movmi r3, 0xd | r3 = 0xd;
| }
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e1c0 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e1c2 ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e1c4 movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e1c6 itt mi |
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e1c8 ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e1ca strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e1cc b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e1ce ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e1d0 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e1d2 lsls r3, r3, 0x16 | r3 <<= 0x16;
| if (r3 < r3) {
0x0000e1d4 bmi.w 0xed58 | goto label_102;
| }
0x0000e1d8 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e1da ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e1dc b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e1de ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e1e0 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e1e2 lsls r0, r3, 0x1f | r0 = r3 << 0x1f;
0x0000e1e4 iteet mi |
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e1e6 movmi r3, 0x11 | r3 = 0x11;
| }
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e1e8 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e1ea ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e1ec movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e1ee itt mi |
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e1f0 ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e1f2 strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e1f4 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e1f6 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e1f8 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e1fa lsls r0, r3, 3 | r0 = r3 << 3;
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e1fc bmi.w 0xe6b0 | goto label_103;
| }
0x0000e200 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e202 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e204 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e206 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e208 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e20a lsls r2, r3, 0x1a | r2 = r3 << 0x1a;
| if (r2 < r3) {
0x0000e20c bmi.w 0xee90 | goto label_104;
| }
0x0000e210 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e212 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e214 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e216 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e218 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e21a lsls r1, r3, 0x1c | r1 = r3 << 0x1c;
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000e21c bmi.w 0xed86 | goto label_105;
| }
0x0000e220 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e222 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e224 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e226 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e228 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e22a lsls r0, r3, 0xc | r0 = r3 << 0xc;
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e22c bmi.w 0xe7c8 | goto label_106;
| }
0x0000e230 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e232 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e234 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e236 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e238 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e23a lsls r2, r3, 9 | r2 = r3 << 9;
0x0000e23c iteet mi |
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e23e movmi r3, 0x13 | r3 = 0x13;
| }
| if (r2 < r3) {
0x0000e240 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r2 < r3) {
0x0000e242 ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e244 movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e246 itt mi |
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e248 ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e24a strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e24c b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e24e ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e250 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e252 lsls r3, r3, 0xd | r3 <<= 0xd;
| if (r3 < r3) {
0x0000e254 bmi.w 0xe7b4 | goto label_107;
| }
0x0000e258 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e25a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e25c b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e25e ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e260 cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 <= r6) {
0x0000e262 blo.w 0xe78e | goto label_108;
| }
0x0000e266 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e268 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e26a ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e26c ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e26e lsls r0, r3, 0x12 | r0 = r3 << 0x12;
0x0000e270 iteet mi |
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e272 movmi r3, 0xe | r3 = 0xe;
| }
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e274 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e276 ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e278 movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e27a itt mi |
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e27c ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e27e strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e280 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e282 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e284 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e286 lsls r0, r3, 0x10 | r0 = r3 << 0x10;
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e288 bmi.w 0xe712 | goto label_109;
| }
0x0000e28c ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e28e ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e290 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e292 ldr r2, [sp, 0x10] | r2 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e294 ldr r3, [r2, 8] | r3 = *((r2 + 8));
0x0000e296 lsls r1, r3, 0x13 | r1 = r3 << 0x13;
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000e298 bmi.w 0xe680 | goto label_95;
| }
0x0000e29c ldr r3, [r2] | r3 = *(r2);
0x0000e29e lsls r3, r3, 0x11 | r3 <<= 0x11;
0x0000e2a0 ittee mi |
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e2a2 movmi r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
| }
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e2a4 movmi r3, 0x100 | r3 = 0x100;
| }
| if (r3 < r3) {
0x0000e2a8 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e2aa ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
0x0000e2ac ittt mi |
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e2ae ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e2b0 strmi r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
| }
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e2b2 strmi r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
| }
0x0000e2b4 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e2b6 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e2b8 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e2ba lsls r0, r3, 5 | r0 = r3 << 5;
0x0000e2bc ittee mi |
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e2be movmi r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
| }
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e2c0 movmi r3, 0x20000 | r3 = 0x20000;
| }
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e2c4 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e2c6 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
0x0000e2c8 ittt mi |
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e2ca ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e2cc strmi r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
| }
| if (r0 >= r3) {
0x0000e2ce strmi r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
| }
0x0000e2d0 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e2d2 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e2d4 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e2d6 lsls r4, r3, 5 | r4 = r3 << 5;
0x0000e2d8 iteet mi |
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e2da movmi r3, 0x17 | r3 = 0x17;
| }
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e2dc ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e2de ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e2e0 movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e2e2 itt mi |
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e2e4 ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e2e6 strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e2e8 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e2ea ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e2ec ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e2ee lsls r6, r3, 9 | r6 = r3 << 9;
| if (r6 < r3) {
0x0000e2f0 bmi.w 0xe720 | goto label_110;
| }
0x0000e2f4 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e2f6 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e2f8 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e2fa ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e2fc ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e2fe lsls r7, r3, 0xb | r7 = r3 << 0xb;
0x0000e300 ittee mi |
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e302 movmi r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
| }
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e304 movmi r3, 0x400 | r3 = 0x400;
| }
| if (r7 < r3) {
0x0000e308 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e30a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
0x0000e30c ittt mi |
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e30e ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e310 strmi r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
| }
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e312 strmi r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
| }
0x0000e314 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e316 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e318 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e31a lsls r6, r3, 0xb | r6 = r3 << 0xb;
0x0000e31c ittee mi |
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e31e movmi r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
| }
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e320 movmi r3, 0x800 | r3 = 0x800;
| }
| if (r6 < r3) {
0x0000e324 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e326 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
0x0000e328 ittt mi |
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e32a ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e32c strmi r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
| }
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e32e strmi r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
| }
0x0000e330 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e332 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e334 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e336 lsls r0, r3, 0x11 | r0 = r3 << 0x11;
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e338 bmi.w 0xe712 | goto label_109;
| }
0x0000e33c ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e33e ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e340 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e342 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e344 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e346 lsls r3, r3, 0x18 | r3 <<= 0x18;
| if (r3 < r3) {
0x0000e348 bmi.w 0xe784 | goto label_111;
| }
0x0000e34c ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e34e ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e350 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e352 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e354 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e356 lsls r2, r3, 0xc | r2 = r3 << 0xc;
0x0000e358 ittee mi |
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e35a movmi r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
| }
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e35c movmi r3, 0x2000 | r3 = 0x2000;
| }
| if (r2 < r3) {
0x0000e360 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e362 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
0x0000e364 ittt mi |
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e366 ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e368 strmi r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
| }
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e36a strmi r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
| }
0x0000e36c b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e36e ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e370 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e372 lsls r4, r3, 0x10 | r4 = r3 << 0x10;
0x0000e374 ittee mi |
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e376 movmi r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e378 movmi r3, 0x40 | r3 = 0x40;
| }
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e37a ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e37c ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
0x0000e37e ittt mi |
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e380 ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e382 strmi r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
| }
| if (r4 >= r3) {
0x0000e384 strmi r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
| }
0x0000e386 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e388 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e38a ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e38c lsls r4, r3, 9 | r4 = r3 << 9;
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e38e bmi.w 0xe7dc | goto label_112;
| }
0x0000e392 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e394 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e396 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e398 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e39a ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e39c lsls r1, r3, 0xc | r1 = r3 << 0xc;
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000e39e bmi.w 0xe7a0 | goto label_113;
| }
0x0000e3a2 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e3a4 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e3a6 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e3a8 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e3aa ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e3ac lsls r1, r3, 0x12 | r1 = r3 << 0x12;
0x0000e3ae iteet mi |
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e3b0 movmi r3, 0xf | r3 = 0xf;
| }
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000e3b2 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000e3b4 ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e3b6 movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e3b8 itt mi |
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e3ba ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e3bc strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e3be b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e3c0 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e3c2 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e3c4 lsls r1, r3, 0x10 | r1 = r3 << 0x10;
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000e3c6 bmi.w 0xe680 | goto label_95;
| }
0x0000e3ca ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e3cc ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e3ce b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e3d0 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e3d2 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e3d4 lsls r6, r3, 7 | r6 = r3 << 7;
0x0000e3d6 iteet mi |
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e3d8 movmi r3, 0x16 | r3 = 0x16;
| }
| if (r6 < r3) {
0x0000e3da ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r6 < r3) {
0x0000e3dc ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e3de movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e3e0 itt mi |
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e3e2 ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r6 >= r3) {
0x0000e3e4 strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e3e6 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e400 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e402 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e404 lsls r7, r3, 7 | r7 = r3 << 7;
0x0000e406 iteet mi |
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e408 movmi r3, 0x15 | r3 = 0x15;
| }
| if (r7 < r3) {
0x0000e40a ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r7 < r3) {
0x0000e40c ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e40e movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e410 itt mi |
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e412 ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000e414 strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e416 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e418 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e41a ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e41c lsls r7, r3, 0xa | r7 = r3 << 0xa;
| if (r7 < r3) {
0x0000e41e bmi.w 0xe6fe | goto label_114;
| }
0x0000e422 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e424 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e426 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e428 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e42a ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e42c lsls r3, r3, 8 | r3 <<= 8;
0x0000e42e iteet mi |
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e430 movmi r3, 0x14 | r3 = 0x14;
| }
| if (r3 < r3) {
0x0000e432 ldrpl r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r3 < r3) {
0x0000e434 ldrpl r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e436 movmi r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
| }
0x0000e438 itt mi |
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e43a ldrmi r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
| }
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e43c strmi r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
| }
0x0000e43e b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e440 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e442 cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 <= r6) {
0x0000e444 blo.w 0xe69e | goto label_115;
| }
0x0000e448 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e44a b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_17:
0x0000e44c mvn r0, 0x75 | r0 = ~0x75;
0x0000e450 b 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_83:
0x0000e452 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e454 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e456 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e458 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e45a cmp r0, 0x3f |
0x0000e45c beq 0xe476 |
| while (r0 >= r3) {
| label_11:
0x0000e45e movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000e460 str r3, [r5, 0x1c] | *((r5 + 0x1c)) = r3;
| label_14:
0x0000e462 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e464 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e466 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e468 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e46a cmp r0, 0x2b |
| if (r0 == 0x2b) {
0x0000e46c beq 0xe4a4 | goto label_116;
| }
0x0000e46e ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e470 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_62:
0x0000e472 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e474 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000e476 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h;
0x0000e478 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e47a lsls r0, r3, 6 | r0 = r3 << 6;
0x0000e47c bpl 0xe45e |
| }
0x0000e47e ldr r3, [r5, 0x20] | r3 = *((r5 + 0x20));
0x0000e480 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 != 0) {
0x0000e482 bne 0xe45e | goto label_11;
| }
0x0000e484 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e486 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e488 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e48a blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e48c ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000e48e mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e490 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000e492 vmov.i32 d16, 0 | __asm ("vmov.i32 d16, 0");
0x0000e496 add.w r3, r5, 0x1c | r3 = r5 + 0x1c;
0x0000e49a add r4, r0 | r4 += r0;
0x0000e49c vst1.32 {d16}, [r3] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r3]");
0x0000e4a0 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e4a2 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_116:
0x0000e4a4 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h;
0x0000e4a6 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e4a8 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e4aa lsls r1, r3, 0x1b | r1 = r3 << 0x1b;
| if (r1 >= r3) {
0x0000e4ac bpl 0xe4d2 | goto label_117;
| }
0x0000e4ae cmp r0, 0xb |
| if (r0 == 0xb) {
0x0000e4b0 beq 0xe526 | goto label_118;
| }
| label_12:
0x0000e4b2 ldr r3, [r5, 0x20] | r3 = *((r5 + 0x20));
0x0000e4b4 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 != 0) {
0x0000e4b6 bne.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000e4ba ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e4bc mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e4be mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e4c0 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e4c2 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000e4c4 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e4c6 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000e4c8 movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000e4ca add r4, r0 | r4 += r0;
0x0000e4cc str r3, [r5, 0x20] | *((r5 + 0x20)) = r3;
0x0000e4ce ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e4d0 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_117:
0x0000e4d2 lsls r2, r3, 0x1a | r2 = r3 << 0x1a;
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e4d4 bpl.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000e4d8 cmp r0, 0xb |
| if (r0 != 0xb) {
0x0000e4da bne.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000e4de b 0xe4b2 | goto label_12;
| label_85:
0x0000e4e0 ldr.w r1, [pc, 0x404] |
0x0000e4e4 add r7, sp, 0x3c | r7 += var_3ch;
0x0000e4e6 ldr.w r2, [sb, 0x20] | r2 = *((sb + 0x20));
0x0000e4ea mov r0, r7 | r0 = r7;
0x0000e4ec add r1, pc | r1 = 0x1cdd8;
0x0000e4ee str r2, [sp] | *(sp) = r2;
0x0000e4f0 ldr.w r2, [sb, 8] | r2 = *((sb + 8));
0x0000e4f4 str r1, [sp, 8] | var_8h = r1;
0x0000e4f6 ldr r1, [pc, 0x3f4] |
0x0000e4f8 add r1, pc | r1 = 0x1cdea;
0x0000e4fa str r1, [sp, 4] | var_4h_2 = r1;
0x0000e4fc mov.w r1, 0x100 | r1 = 0x100;
0x0000e500 blx 0x7a84 | fcn_00007a84 ();
0x0000e504 mov r0, r7 | r0 = r7;
0x0000e506 ldr r3, [r6] | r3 = *(r6);
0x0000e508 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000e50a ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e50c b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_44:
0x0000e50e ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h;
0x0000e510 ldr r3, [r3, 8] | r3 = *((r3 + 8));
0x0000e512 lsls r3, r3, 0x16 | r3 <<= 0x16;
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e514 bpl.w 0xdf66 | goto label_10;
| }
0x0000e518 cmp r6, r4 |
0x0000e51a mov.w r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000e51e str r3, [r5, 0x1c] | *((r5 + 0x1c)) = r3;
| if (r6 < r4) {
0x0000e520 bls.w 0xdf70 | goto label_13;
| }
0x0000e524 b 0xe462 | goto label_14;
| label_118:
0x0000e526 lsls r3, r3, 0x1a | r3 <<= 0x1a;
| if (r3 < r3) {
0x0000e528 bmi 0xe4b2 | goto label_12;
| }
0x0000e52a b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_75:
0x0000e52c ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e52e ldr r1, [r3] | r1 = *(r3);
0x0000e530 b 0xe08e | goto label_15;
| label_74:
0x0000e532 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e534 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_79:
0x0000e536 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e538 b 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_87:
0x0000e53a cmp r0, 0x50 |
| if (r0 != 0x50) {
0x0000e53c bne.w 0xe086 | goto label_16;
| }
0x0000e540 ldr.w r2, [sb, 0xc] | r2 = *((sb + 0xc));
0x0000e544 str r3, [sp, 0x14] | var_14h_2 = r3;
0x0000e546 ldr r2, [r2, 4] | r2 = *((r2 + 4));
0x0000e548 cmp r2, 0 |
| if (r2 >= 0) {
0x0000e54a bge.w 0xe086 | goto label_16;
| }
0x0000e54e mov r0, r8 | r0 = r8;
0x0000e550 ldr r2, [r7] | r2 = *(r7);
0x0000e552 blx r2 | r0 = uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r2);
0x0000e554 add r8, r0 | r8 += r0;
0x0000e556 cmp r8, r6 |
0x0000e558 str.w r8, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r8, [sl]");
| if (r8 >= r6) {
0x0000e55c bhs.w 0xe44c | goto label_17;
| }
0x0000e560 ldr r2, [r7, 0x14] | r2 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e562 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e564 mov r0, r8 | r0 = r8;
0x0000e566 blx r2 | uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r2);
0x0000e568 ldr r2, [r7] | r2 = *(r7);
0x0000e56a mov r7, r0 | r7 = r0;
0x0000e56c mov r0, r8 | r0 = r8;
0x0000e56e blx r2 | uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r2);
0x0000e570 cmp r7, 0x3d |
0x0000e572 add r0, r8 | r0 += r8;
0x0000e574 ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e576 str.w r0, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r0, [sl]");
| if (r7 == 0x3d) {
0x0000e57a beq.w 0xeaa2 | goto label_119;
| }
0x0000e57e cmp r7, 0x3e |
| if (r7 != 0x3e) {
0x0000e580 bne.w 0xe086 | goto label_16;
| }
0x0000e584 mov.w r8, 0 | r8 = 0;
| label_48:
0x0000e588 add r1, sp, 0x34 | r1 += var_34h;
0x0000e58a mov r2, r6 | r2 = r6;
0x0000e58c mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x0000e58e add r7, sp, 0x38 | r7 += var_38h;
0x0000e590 movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000e592 add r6, sp, 0x30 | r6 += var_30h;
0x0000e594 str r3, [sp, 0xc] | var_ch_2 = r3;
0x0000e596 mov r3, r1 | r3 = r1;
0x0000e598 str.w sb, [sp] | __asm ("str.w sb, [sp]");
0x0000e59c str r1, [sp, 0x14] | var_14h_2 = r1;
0x0000e59e mov r1, sl | r1 = sl;
0x0000e5a0 str r7, [sp, 8] | var_8h = r7;
0x0000e5a2 str r6, [sp, 4] | var_4h_2 = r6;
0x0000e5a4 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000e5a8 bl 0xc208 | r0 = fcn_0000c208 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6);
0x0000e5ac cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000e5ae blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000e5b2 ldr r3, [sp, 0x38] | r3 = var_38h;
0x0000e5b4 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 == 0) {
0x0000e5b6 beq.w 0xea9e | goto label_120;
| }
0x0000e5ba cmp.w r8, 0 |
| if (r8 == 0) {
0x0000e5be beq.w 0xea78 | goto label_24;
| }
0x0000e5c2 cmp r3, 2 |
0x0000e5c4 ldr r2, [r6] | r2 = *(r6);
| if (r3 == 2) {
0x0000e5c6 beq.w 0xea44 | goto label_121;
| }
| label_22:
0x0000e5ca ldr r3, [r6] | r3 = *(r6);
0x0000e5cc movs r2, 1 | r2 = 1;
0x0000e5ce str r2, [r5, 0x20] | *((r5 + 0x20)) = r2;
| label_25:
0x0000e5d0 str r3, [r5, 0x1c] | *((r5 + 0x1c)) = r3;
0x0000e5d2 ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e5d4 str r4, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r4;
0x0000e5d6 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000e5da ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e5dc str r3, [r5, 0x18] | *((r5 + 0x18)) = r3;
0x0000e5de movs r3, 8 | r3 = 8;
0x0000e5e0 mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x0000e5e2 str r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
0x0000e5e4 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_89:
0x0000e5e8 cmp r0, 0x2b |
| if (r0 != 0x2b) {
0x0000e5ea bne.w 0xe6f0 | goto label_122;
| }
| label_19:
0x0000e5ee add r1, sp, 0x34 | r1 += var_34h;
0x0000e5f0 mov r2, r6 | r2 = r6;
0x0000e5f2 movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000e5f4 add r7, sp, 0x38 | r7 += var_38h;
0x0000e5f6 add r6, sp, 0x30 | r6 += var_30h;
0x0000e5f8 str r1, [sp, 0x14] | var_14h_2 = r1;
0x0000e5fa str r3, [sp, 0xc] | var_ch_2 = r3;
0x0000e5fc movs r0, 0x28 | r0 = 0x28;
0x0000e5fe mov r3, r1 | r3 = r1;
0x0000e600 str.w sb, [sp] | __asm ("str.w sb, [sp]");
0x0000e604 mov r1, sl | r1 = sl;
0x0000e606 str r7, [sp, 8] | var_8h = r7;
0x0000e608 str r6, [sp, 4] | var_4h_2 = r6;
0x0000e60a bl 0xc208 | r0 = fcn_0000c208 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6);
0x0000e60e cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000e610 blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000e614 ldr r3, [sp, 0x38] | r3 = var_38h;
0x0000e616 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 == 0) {
0x0000e618 beq 0xe68e | goto label_123;
| }
0x0000e61a cmp r3, 2 |
0x0000e61c ldr r2, [r6] | r2 = *(r6);
| if (r3 == 2) {
0x0000e61e beq.w 0xedc0 | goto label_124;
| }
| label_23:
0x0000e622 ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e624 str.w r8, [r5, 0x14] | __asm ("str.w r8, [r5, 0x14]");
0x0000e628 mov r8, r4 | r8 = r4;
0x0000e62a ldr.w sb, [r3] | sb = *(r3);
0x0000e62e ldr r3, [r6] | r3 = *(r6);
0x0000e630 str r3, [r5, 0x1c] | *((r5 + 0x1c)) = r3;
0x0000e632 movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000e634 str r3, [r5, 0x20] | *((r5 + 0x20)) = r3;
0x0000e636 movs r3, 8 | r3 = 8;
0x0000e638 str r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
0x0000e63a b 0xe080 | goto label_18;
| label_88:
0x0000e63c cmp r0, 0x52 |
| if (r0 != 0x52) {
0x0000e63e bne 0xe6f0 | goto label_122;
| }
0x0000e640 mov r3, r5 | r3 = r5;
0x0000e642 vldr d16, [pc, 0x25c] | __asm ("vldr d16, aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000e646 movs r2, 8 | r2 = 8;
0x0000e648 mov r0, r8 | r0 = r8;
0x0000e64a str r2, [r3], 0x1c | *(r3) = r2;
| r3 += 0x1c;
0x0000e64e vst1.32 {d16}, [r3] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r3]");
0x0000e652 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000e654 str.w r8, [r5, 0x14] | __asm ("str.w r8, [r5, 0x14]");
0x0000e658 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r2, r3);
0x0000e65a add.w sb, r8, r0 | sb = r8 + r0;
0x0000e65e cmp sb, r6 |
0x0000e660 str.w sb, [sl] | __asm ("str.w sb, [sl]");
| if (sb >= r6) {
0x0000e664 bhs 0xe674 | goto label_125;
| }
0x0000e666 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e668 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e66a mov r0, sb | r0 = sb;
0x0000e66c blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e66e cmp r0, 0x29 |
| if (r0 == 0x29) {
0x0000e670 beq.w 0xe080 | goto label_18;
| }
| label_125:
0x0000e674 mvn r0, 0x76 | r0 = ~0x76;
0x0000e678 b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_71:
0x0000e67c blx 0x7b68 | fcn_00007b68 ();
| label_95:
0x0000e680 movs r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
0x0000e682 movs r3, 0x80 | r3 = 0x80;
0x0000e684 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h;
0x0000e686 str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000e688 str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000e68a b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_123:
0x0000e68e mvn r0, 0xd6 | r0 = ~0xd6;
0x0000e692 b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_72:
0x0000e696 mvn r0, 0x67 | r0 = ~0x67;
0x0000e69a b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_115:
0x0000e69e ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e6a0 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e6a2 lsls r4, r3, 0x16 | r4 = r3 << 0x16;
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e6a4 bmi.w 0xed92 | goto label_126;
| }
0x0000e6a8 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e6aa ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e6ac b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_103:
0x0000e6b0 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e6b2 movs r3, 2 | r3 = 2;
| label_20:
0x0000e6b4 add.w r8, sp, 0x24 | r8 += var_24h;
0x0000e6b8 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e6ba movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000e6bc mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000e6be str r7, [sp] | *(sp) = r7;
0x0000e6c0 str.w r8, [sp, 4] | __asm ("str.w r8, [var_4h_2]");
0x0000e6c4 bl 0x83c8 | r0 = fcn_000083c8 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
0x0000e6c8 cmp r0, 0xff |
| if (r0 > 0xff) {
0x0000e6ca bhi.w 0xecd4 | goto label_127;
| }
0x0000e6ce ldr.w r3, [sl] | r3 = *(sl);
0x0000e6d2 movs r0, 1 | r0 = 1;
0x0000e6d4 str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000e6d6 cmp r3, r4 |
0x0000e6d8 mov r4, r3 | r4 = r3;
0x0000e6da itt eq |
| if (r3 != r4) {
0x0000e6dc moveq r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
| }
| if (r3 != r4) {
0x0000e6de streq r2, [r8] | *(r8) = r2;
| }
0x0000e6e2 ldr.w r2, [r8] | r2 = *(r8);
0x0000e6e6 strb r2, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r2;
0x0000e6e8 movs r2, 8 | r2 = 8;
0x0000e6ea str r2, [r5, 0xc] | *((r5 + 0xc)) = r2;
0x0000e6ec b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_122:
0x0000e6f0 ldr r3, [r7, 0x30] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x30));
0x0000e6f2 movs r1, 4 | r1 = 4;
0x0000e6f4 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r1, r3);
0x0000e6f6 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 != 0) {
0x0000e6f8 bne.w 0xe5ee | goto label_19;
| }
0x0000e6fc b 0xe086 | goto label_16;
| label_114:
0x0000e6fe vldr d16, [pc, 0x1a8] | __asm ("vldr d16, aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000e702 movs r0, 6 | r0 = 6;
0x0000e704 str r0, [r5], 0x14 | *(r5) = r0;
| r5 += 0x14;
0x0000e708 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e70a vst1.32 {d16}, [r5] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r5]");
0x0000e70e b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_109:
0x0000e712 movs r0, 9 | r0 = 9;
0x0000e714 movs r3, 0x10 | r3 = 0x10;
0x0000e716 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e718 str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000e71a str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000e71c b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_110:
0x0000e720 vldr d16, [pc, 0x18c] | __asm ("vldr d16, aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000e724 movs r0, 6 | r0 = 6;
0x0000e726 str r0, [r5], 0x14 | *(r5) = r0;
| r5 += 0x14;
0x0000e72a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e72c vst1.32 {d16}, [r5] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r5]");
0x0000e730 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_97:
0x0000e734 vldr d16, [pc, 0x180] | __asm ("vldr d16, aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000e738 movs r0, 6 | r0 = 6;
0x0000e73a str r0, [r5], 0x14 | *(r5) = r0;
| r5 += 0x14;
0x0000e73e ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e740 vst1.32 {d16}, [r5] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r5]");
0x0000e744 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_99:
0x0000e748 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e74a mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e74c ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e74e mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e750 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e752 cmp r0, 0x7b |
| if (r0 == 0x7b) {
0x0000e754 beq.w 0xedec | goto label_128;
| }
0x0000e758 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e75a b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_98:
0x0000e75e ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e760 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e762 lsls r4, r3, 0x11 | r4 = r3 << 0x11;
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e764 bmi.w 0xedfc | goto label_129;
| }
0x0000e768 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e76a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e76c b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_100:
0x0000e770 vldr d16, [pc, 0x14c] | __asm ("vldr d16, aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000e774 movs r0, 6 | r0 = 6;
0x0000e776 str r0, [r5], 0x14 | *(r5) = r0;
| r5 += 0x14;
0x0000e77a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e77c vst1.32 {d16}, [r5] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r5]");
0x0000e780 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_111:
0x0000e784 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e786 movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000e788 movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000e78a b.w 0xdf5a | goto label_9;
| label_108:
0x0000e78e ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e790 ldr r3, [r3, 8] | r3 = *((r3 + 8));
0x0000e792 lsls r0, r3, 0x13 | r0 = r3 << 0x13;
| if (r0 < r3) {
0x0000e794 bmi.w 0xee9c | goto label_130;
| }
0x0000e798 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e79a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e79c b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_113:
0x0000e7a0 vldr d16, [pc, 0x124] | __asm ("vldr d16, aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000e7a4 movs r0, 6 | r0 = 6;
0x0000e7a6 str r0, [r5], 0x14 | *(r5) = r0;
| r5 += 0x14;
0x0000e7aa ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e7ac vst1.32 {d16}, [r5] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r5]");
0x0000e7b0 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_107:
0x0000e7b4 vldr d16, [pc, 0x118] | __asm ("vldr d16, aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000e7b8 movs r0, 6 | r0 = 6;
0x0000e7ba str r0, [r5], 0x14 | *(r5) = r0;
| r5 += 0x14;
0x0000e7be ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e7c0 vst1.32 {d16}, [r5] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r5]");
0x0000e7c4 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_106:
0x0000e7c8 vldr d16, [pc, 0x10c] | __asm ("vldr d16, aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000e7cc movs r0, 6 | r0 = 6;
0x0000e7ce str r0, [r5], 0x14 | *(r5) = r0;
| r5 += 0x14;
0x0000e7d2 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e7d4 vst1.32 {d16}, [r5] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r5]");
0x0000e7d8 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_112:
0x0000e7dc vldr d16, [pc, 0x100] | __asm ("vldr d16, aav.0x000000ff");
0x0000e7e0 movs r0, 6 | r0 = 6;
0x0000e7e2 str r0, [r5], 0x14 | *(r5) = r0;
| r5 += 0x14;
0x0000e7e6 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e7e8 vst1.32 {d16}, [r5] | __asm ("vst1.32 {d16}, [r5]");
0x0000e7ec b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_42:
0x0000e7f0 subs r3, 0x38 | r3 -= 0x38;
0x0000e7f2 cmp r3, 1 |
| if (r3 < 1) {
0x0000e7f4 bls.w 0xeca2 | goto label_131;
| }
0x0000e7f8 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e7fa str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000e7fe ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000e800 lsls r3, r3, 3 | r3 <<= 3;
| if (r3 < r3) {
0x0000e802 bpl 0xe822 |
0x0000e804 movs r3, 3 | r3 = 3;
0x0000e806 b 0xe6b4 | goto label_20;
| label_93:
0x0000e808 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e80a mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e80c ldr r2, [r7, 0x14] | r2 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e80e str r3, [sp, 0x18] | var_18h_2 = r3;
0x0000e810 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e812 blx r2 | r0 = uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r2, r3);
0x0000e814 cmp r0, 0x7b |
0x0000e816 ldr r3, [sp, 0x18] | r3 = var_18h_2;
| if (r0 == 0x7b) {
0x0000e818 beq.w 0xecb2 | goto label_132;
| }
0x0000e81c ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e81e b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000e822 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000e824 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e826 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000e828 mov r3, r0 | r3 = r0;
0x0000e82a ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e82c add r4, r3 | r4 += r3;
0x0000e82e b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_96:
0x0000e832 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e834 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e836 ldr r0, [sp, 0x14] | r0 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e838 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e83a ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e83c cmp r0, 0x7b |
0x0000e83e ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
| if (r0 == 0x7b) {
0x0000e840 beq 0xe8f0 | goto label_133;
| }
| label_21:
0x0000e842 lsls r3, r3, 2 | r3 <<= 2;
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000e844 bmi 0xe860 |
0x0000e846 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e848 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e84a b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_101:
0x0000e84e ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000e850 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000e852 lsls r1, r3, 0x17 | r1 = r3 << 0x17;
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000e854 bmi.w 0xe98e | goto label_134;
| }
0x0000e858 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e85a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e85c b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000e860 add.w r8, sp, 0x24 | r8 += var_24h;
0x0000e864 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e866 movs r3, 2 | r3 = 2;
0x0000e868 movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000e86a mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000e86c str r7, [sp] | *(sp) = r7;
0x0000e86e str.w r8, [sp, 4] | __asm ("str.w r8, [var_4h_2]");
0x0000e872 bl 0x82e4 | r0 = fcn_000082e4 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
0x0000e876 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000e878 blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000e87c ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e87e movs r0, 1 | r0 = 1;
0x0000e880 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000e884 str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000e886 cmp r3, r4 |
0x0000e888 itt eq |
| if (r3 != r4) {
0x0000e88a moveq r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
| }
| if (r3 != r4) {
0x0000e88c streq r3, [r8] | *(r8) = r3;
| }
0x0000e890 ldr.w r3, [r8] | r3 = *(r8);
0x0000e894 strb r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000e896 movs r3, 0x10 | r3 = 0x10;
0x0000e898 str r3, [r5, 0xc] | *((r5 + 0xc)) = r3;
0x0000e89a b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_133:
0x0000e8f0 lsls r2, r3, 1 | r2 = r3 << 1;
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000e8f2 bpl 0xe842 | goto label_21;
| }
0x0000e8f4 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e8f6 add.w r8, sp, 0x24 | r8 += var_24h;
0x0000e8fa ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000e8fc mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e8fe blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000e900 add r0, r4 | r0 += r4;
0x0000e902 movs r3, 8 | r3 = 8;
0x0000e904 str.w r0, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r0, [sl]");
0x0000e908 movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000e90a mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e90c mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000e90e str r7, [sp] | *(sp) = r7;
0x0000e910 str.w r8, [sp, 4] | __asm ("str.w r8, [var_4h_2]");
0x0000e914 bl 0x82e4 | r0 = fcn_000082e4 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
0x0000e918 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000e91a blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000e91e ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000e922 cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 < r6) {
0x0000e924 bhs 0xe944 |
0x0000e926 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e928 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e92a mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e92c blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e92e cmp r0, 0x7f |
| if (r0 > 0x7f) {
0x0000e930 bhi 0xe944 | goto label_135;
| }
0x0000e932 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e934 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e936 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e938 ldr r4, [r7, 0x30] | r4 = *((r7 + 0x30));
0x0000e93a blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e93c movs r1, 0xb | r1 = 0xb;
0x0000e93e blx r4 | r0 = uint32_t (*r4)(uint32_t) (r1);
0x0000e940 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 != 0) {
0x0000e942 bne 0xea3c | goto label_31;
| }
| }
| label_135:
0x0000e944 movs r3, 0x10 | r3 = 0x10;
| label_49:
0x0000e946 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e948 str r3, [r5, 0xc] | *((r5 + 0xc)) = r3;
0x0000e94a ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000e94c mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e94e blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000e950 mov r3, r4 | r3 = r4;
0x0000e952 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000e956 add r3, r0 | r3 += r0;
0x0000e958 cmp r4, r3 |
| if (r4 < r3) {
0x0000e95a bls.w 0xebea | goto label_136;
| }
0x0000e95e cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 >= r6) {
0x0000e960 bhs.w 0xebde | goto label_33;
| }
0x0000e964 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e966 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e968 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e96a blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e96c cmp r0, 0x7d |
| if (r0 == 0x7d) {
0x0000e96e bne 0xe9b8 |
0x0000e970 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000e972 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e974 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000e976 add r0, r4 | r0 += r4;
0x0000e978 str.w r0, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r0, [sl]");
| label_34:
0x0000e97c ldr.w r3, [r8] | r3 = *(r8);
0x0000e980 movs r0, 4 | r0 = 4;
0x0000e982 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000e986 str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000e988 str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000e98a b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_134:
0x0000e98e ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e990 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e992 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e994 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e996 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e998 ldr r2, [r7] | r2 = *(r7);
0x0000e99a str r0, [sp, 0x18] | var_18h_2 = r0;
0x0000e99c mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000e99e blx r2 | uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r2);
0x0000e9a0 ldr r3, [sp, 0x18] | r3 = var_18h_2;
0x0000e9a2 mov r2, r0 | r2 = r0;
0x0000e9a4 cmp r3, 0x3c |
| if (r3 == 0x3c) {
0x0000e9a6 beq.w 0xebf2 | goto label_137;
| }
0x0000e9aa cmp r3, 0x27 |
| if (r3 == 0x27) {
0x0000e9ac beq.w 0xebf2 | goto label_137;
| }
0x0000e9b0 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000e9b2 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000e9b4 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000e9b8 ldr.w ip, [r5, 0xc] | ip = *((r5 + 0xc));
0x0000e9bc movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000e9be add r3, sp, 0x34 | r3 += var_34h;
0x0000e9c0 str r4, [sp, 0x34] | var_34h = r4;
0x0000e9c2 strd r5, fp, [sp, 0x10] | __asm ("strd r5, fp, [arg_0hx10]");
0x0000e9c4 ldrh r4, [r0, r4] | r4 = *((r0 + r4));
0x0000e9c6 mov r4, r2 | r4 = r2;
0x0000e9c8 strd r8, sl, [sp, 0x18] | __asm ("strd r8, sl, [sp, 0x18]");
0x0000e9cc mov sb, ip | sb = ip;
0x0000e9ce mov fp, r2 |
0x0000e9d0 mov r8, r3 | r8 = r3;
| label_39:
0x0000e9d2 ldr.w r5, [r8] | r5 = *(r8);
0x0000e9d6 cmp r6, r5 |
| if (r6 < r5) {
0x0000e9d8 bls.w 0xebde | goto label_33;
| }
0x0000e9dc ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000e9de mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000e9e0 mov r0, r5 | r0 = r5;
0x0000e9e2 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000e9e4 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000e9e6 mov sl, r0 | sl = r0;
0x0000e9e8 mov r0, r5 | r0 = r5;
0x0000e9ea blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000e9ec cmp.w sl, 0x7d |
0x0000e9f0 add r0, r5 | r0 += r5;
0x0000e9f2 str.w r0, [r8] | __asm ("str.w r0, [r8]");
| if (sl == 0x7d) {
0x0000e9f6 beq.w 0xec76 | goto label_138;
| }
0x0000e9fa cmp.w sl, 0x20 |
| if (sl == 0x20) {
0x0000e9fe beq.w 0xec44 | goto label_36;
| }
0x0000ea02 cmp.w sl, 0xa |
| if (sl == 0xa) {
0x0000ea06 beq.w 0xec44 | goto label_36;
| }
0x0000ea0a cmp r4, 0 |
| if (r4 == 0) {
0x0000ea0c beq.w 0xec0c | goto label_37;
| }
0x0000ea10 cmp.w sb, 0x10 |
0x0000ea14 mov r4, sl | r4 = sl;
| if (sb == 0x10) {
0x0000ea16 beq.w 0xebcc | goto label_139;
| }
0x0000ea1a cmp.w sb, 8 |
| if (sb != 8) {
0x0000ea1e bne.w 0xebde | goto label_33;
| }
0x0000ea22 cmp r4, 0x7f |
| if (r4 > 0x7f) {
0x0000ea24 bhi.w 0xebde | goto label_33;
| }
0x0000ea28 ldr r3, [r7, 0x30] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x30));
0x0000ea2a movs r1, 4 | r1 = 4;
0x0000ea2c mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000ea2e blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000ea30 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 == 0) {
0x0000ea32 beq.w 0xebde | goto label_33;
| }
0x0000ea36 cmp r4, 0x37 |
| if (r4 > 0x37) {
0x0000ea38 bhi.w 0xebde | goto label_33;
| }
| label_31:
0x0000ea3c mvn r0, 0xd3 | r0 = ~0xd3;
0x0000ea40 b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_121:
0x0000ea44 cmp r2, 0 |
0x0000ea46 ldr.w r3, [sb, 0x34] | r3 = *((sb + 0x34));
| if (r2 <= 0) {
0x0000ea4a ble 0xea80 | goto label_140;
| }
0x0000ea4c mvn r1, 0x80000000 | r1 = ~0x80000000;
0x0000ea50 subs r1, r1, r3 | r1 -= r3;
0x0000ea52 cmp r1, r2 |
| if (r1 < r2) {
0x0000ea54 blt 0xea8c | goto label_141;
| }
0x0000ea56 add r2, r3 | r2 += r3;
0x0000ea58 str r2, [r6] | *(r6) = r2;
0x0000ea5a b 0xe5ca | goto label_22;
| label_46:
0x0000ea5c adds r3, 1 | r3++;
0x0000ea5e add r3, r2 | r3 += r2;
0x0000ea60 cmp r3, 0 |
0x0000ea62 str r3, [r6] | *(r6) = r3;
| if (r3 >= 0) {
0x0000ea64 bge.w 0xe622 | goto label_23;
| }
| label_47:
0x0000ea68 ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ea6a mov r2, r8 | r2 = r8;
0x0000ea6c mvn r1, 0xd8 | r1 = ~0xd8;
0x0000ea70 mov r0, sb | r0 = sb;
0x0000ea72 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000ea74 blx 0x7d38 | fcn_00007d38 ();
| label_24:
0x0000ea78 mvn r0, 0xd9 | r0 = ~0xd9;
0x0000ea7c b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_140:
0x0000ea80 adds r3, 1 | r3++;
0x0000ea82 add r3, r2 | r3 += r2;
0x0000ea84 cmp r3, 0 |
0x0000ea86 str r3, [r6] | *(r6) = r3;
| if (r3 >= 0) {
0x0000ea88 bge.w 0xe5ca | goto label_22;
| }
| label_141:
0x0000ea8c ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ea8e mov r2, r4 | r2 = r4;
0x0000ea90 mvn r1, 0xd8 | r1 = ~0xd8;
0x0000ea94 mov r0, sb | r0 = sb;
0x0000ea96 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000ea98 blx 0x7d38 | fcn_00007d38 ();
0x0000ea9c b 0xea78 | goto label_24;
| label_120:
0x0000ea9e str r3, [r5, 0x20] | *((r5 + 0x20)) = r3;
0x0000eaa0 b 0xe5d0 | goto label_25;
| label_119:
0x0000eaa2 movs r7, 0 | r7 = 0;
| label_32:
0x0000eaa4 add.w r1, r5, 0x28 | r1 = r5 + 0x28;
0x0000eaa8 mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x0000eaaa str r1, [sp, 8] | var_8h = r1;
0x0000eaac add r3, sp, 0x2c | r3 += var_2ch_2;
0x0000eaae add r1, sp, 0x34 | r1 += var_34h;
0x0000eab0 mov r2, r6 | r2 = r6;
0x0000eab2 add r4, sp, 0x38 | r4 += var_38h;
0x0000eab4 movs r6, 0 | r6 = 0;
0x0000eab6 str r1, [sp, 4] | var_4h_2 = r1;
0x0000eab8 str.w sb, [sp] | __asm ("str.w sb, [sp]");
0x0000eabc str r4, [sp, 0xc] | var_ch_2 = r4;
0x0000eabe str r1, [sp, 0x14] | var_14h_2 = r1;
0x0000eac0 mov r1, sl | r1 = sl;
0x0000eac2 str r6, [r3] | *(r3) = r6;
0x0000eac4 str r3, [sp, 0x18] | var_18h_2 = r3;
0x0000eac6 ldr.w r8, [sl] | r8 = *(sl);
0x0000eaca bl 0xd7e4 | r0 = fcn_0000d7e4 (r0, r1, r2, r3);
0x0000eace cmp r0, 1 |
0x0000ead0 ldr r3, [sp, 0x18] | r3 = var_18h_2;
| if (r0 == 1) {
0x0000ead2 beq 0xebc2 | goto label_142;
| }
0x0000ead4 cmp r0, 0 |
0x0000ead6 str r6, [r5, 0x24] | *((r5 + 0x24)) = r6;
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000ead8 blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
| label_29:
0x0000eadc ldr r4, [r4] | r4 = *(r4);
0x0000eade cmp r4, 0 |
| if (r4 == 0) {
0x0000eae0 beq 0xeb50 | goto label_143;
| }
0x0000eae2 cmp r7, 0 |
| if (r7 == 0) {
0x0000eae4 beq.w 0xed50 | goto label_92;
| }
0x0000eae8 cmp r4, 2 |
0x0000eaea beq 0xeb32 |
| while (1) {
0x0000eaec ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000eaee ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000eaf0 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 <= 0) {
0x0000eaf2 ble.w 0xed50 | goto label_92;
| }
0x0000eaf6 ldr r2, [sp, 0x10] | r2 = var_10h_2;
0x0000eaf8 ldr r2, [r2, 8] | r2 = *((r2 + 8));
0x0000eafa lsls r2, r2, 0x1a | r2 <<= 0x1a;
| if (r2 < r2) {
0x0000eafc bpl 0xeb1a |
0x0000eafe ldr.w r2, [sb, 0x34] | r2 = *((sb + 0x34));
0x0000eb02 cmp r3, r2 |
| if (r3 > r2) {
0x0000eb04 bgt.w 0xed50 | goto label_92;
| }
0x0000eb08 ldr.w r2, [sb, 0x80] | r2 = *((sb + 0x80));
0x0000eb0c cmp r2, 0 |
| if (r2 == 0) {
0x0000eb0e beq 0xebc6 | goto label_144;
| }
| label_30:
0x0000eb10 ldr.w r2, [r2, r3, lsl 3] | offset_1 = r3 << 3;
| r2 = *((r2 + offset_1));
0x0000eb14 cmp r2, 0 |
| if (r2 == 0) {
0x0000eb16 beq.w 0xed50 | goto label_92;
| }
| }
0x0000eb1a movs r2, 7 | r2 = 7;
0x0000eb1c str r3, [r5, 0x18] | *((r5 + 0x18)) = r3;
0x0000eb1e str r2, [r5] | *(r5) = r2;
0x0000eb20 movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000eb22 movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000eb24 str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000eb26 str r2, [r5, 0x20] | *((r5 + 0x20)) = r2;
| label_26:
0x0000eb28 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000eb2c movs r0, 7 | r0 = 7;
0x0000eb2e b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
0x0000eb32 ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000eb34 ldr.w r2, [sb, 0x34] | r2 = *((sb + 0x34));
0x0000eb38 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000eb3a cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 <= 0) {
0x0000eb3c ble 0xebbe | goto label_145;
| }
0x0000eb3e mvn r1, 0x80000000 | r1 = ~0x80000000;
0x0000eb42 subs r1, r1, r2 | r1 -= r2;
0x0000eb44 cmp r1, r3 |
| if (r1 < r3) {
0x0000eb46 blt 0xebb8 | goto label_146;
| }
| label_28:
0x0000eb48 add r3, r2 | r3 += r2;
| label_27:
0x0000eb4a ldr r2, [sp, 0x14] | r2 = var_14h_2;
0x0000eb4c str r3, [r2] | *(r2) = r3;
0x0000eb4e b 0xeaec |
| }
| label_143:
0x0000eb50 add r6, sp, 0x30 | r6 += var_30h;
0x0000eb52 ldr r2, [r3] | r2 = *(r3);
0x0000eb54 mov r1, r8 | r1 = r8;
0x0000eb56 mov r0, sb | r0 = sb;
0x0000eb58 mov r3, r6 | r3 = r6;
0x0000eb5a bl 0xc188 | r0 = fcn_0000c188 (r0, r1, r2, r3);
0x0000eb5e subs r2, r0, 0 | r2 = r0 - 0;
| if (r2 <= r0) {
0x0000eb60 ble 0xebb0 | goto label_147;
| }
0x0000eb62 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000eb64 ldr r1, [sp, 0x30] | r1 = var_30h;
0x0000eb66 ldr r3, [r3, 8] | r3 = *((r3 + 8));
0x0000eb68 lsls r7, r3, 0x1a | r7 = r3 << 0x1a;
| if (r7 >= r3) {
0x0000eb6a bpl 0xeb9a | goto label_148;
| }
0x0000eb6c ldr.w r7, [sb, 0x34] | r7 = *((sb + 0x34));
0x0000eb70 add.w r6, sb, 0x40 | r6 = sb + 0x40;
0x0000eb74 b 0xeb90 |
| while (r0 <= r7) {
0x0000eb76 ldr.w r3, [sb, 0x80] | r3 = *((sb + 0x80));
0x0000eb7a cmp r3, 0 |
0x0000eb7c it eq |
| if (r3 != 0) {
0x0000eb7e moveq r3, r6 | r3 = r6;
| }
0x0000eb80 ldr.w r3, [r3, r0, lsl 3] | offset_2 = r0 << 3;
| r3 = *((r3 + offset_2));
0x0000eb84 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 == 0) {
0x0000eb86 beq.w 0xed50 | goto label_92;
| }
0x0000eb8a adds r4, 1 | r4++;
0x0000eb8c cmp r2, r4 |
| if (r2 == r4) {
0x0000eb8e beq 0xeb9a | goto label_148;
| }
0x0000eb90 ldr.w r0, [r1, r4, lsl 2] | offset_3 = r4 << 2;
| r0 = *((r1 + offset_3));
0x0000eb94 cmp r0, r7 |
0x0000eb96 ble 0xeb76 |
| }
0x0000eb98 b 0xed50 | goto label_92;
| label_148:
0x0000eb9a movs r3, 7 | r3 = 7;
0x0000eb9c str r2, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r2;
0x0000eb9e str r3, [r5] | *(r5) = r3;
0x0000eba0 movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000eba2 cmp r2, r3 |
0x0000eba4 str r3, [r5, 0x20] | *((r5 + 0x20)) = r3;
0x0000eba6 itet eq |
| if (r2 != r3) {
0x0000eba8 ldreq r3, [r1] | r3 = *(r1);
| }
| if (r2 == r3) {
0x0000ebaa strne r1, [r5, 0x1c] | *((r5 + 0x1c)) = r1;
| }
| if (r2 != r3) {
0x0000ebac streq r3, [r5, 0x18] | *((r5 + 0x18)) = r3;
| }
0x0000ebae b 0xeb28 | goto label_26;
| label_147:
0x0000ebb0 mvn r0, 0xd8 | r0 = ~0xd8;
0x0000ebb4 b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_146:
0x0000ebb8 mvn r3, 0xcf | r3 = ~0xcf;
0x0000ebbc b 0xeb4a | goto label_27;
| label_145:
0x0000ebbe adds r2, 1 | r2++;
0x0000ebc0 b 0xeb48 | goto label_28;
| label_142:
0x0000ebc2 str r0, [r5, 0x24] | *((r5 + 0x24)) = r0;
0x0000ebc4 b 0xeadc | goto label_29;
| label_144:
0x0000ebc6 add.w r2, sb, 0x40 | r2 = sb + 0x40;
0x0000ebca b 0xeb10 | goto label_30;
| label_139:
0x0000ebcc cmp r4, 0x7f |
| if (r4 > 0x7f) {
0x0000ebce bhi 0xebde | goto label_33;
| }
0x0000ebd0 ldr r3, [r7, 0x30] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x30));
0x0000ebd2 movs r1, 0xb | r1 = 0xb;
0x0000ebd4 mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000ebd6 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000ebd8 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 != 0) {
0x0000ebda bne.w 0xea3c | goto label_31;
| }
| do {
| label_33:
0x0000ebde movw r0, 0xfe70 |
0x0000ebe2 movt r0, 0xffff | r0 = 0xfffffe70;
0x0000ebe6 b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_136:
0x0000ebea ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000ebec ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ebee b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_137:
0x0000ebf2 ldr r1, [sp, 0x14] | r1 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ebf4 movs r7, 1 | r7 = 1;
0x0000ebf6 add r1, r2 | r1 += r2;
0x0000ebf8 str.w r1, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r1, [sl]");
0x0000ebfc b 0xeaa4 | goto label_32;
| label_35:
0x0000ebfe cmp.w sl, 0xa |
0x0000ec02 beq 0xebde |
| } while (sl == 0xa);
0x0000ec04 cmp.w sl, 0x20 |
| if (sl == 0x20) {
0x0000ec08 beq 0xebde | goto label_33;
| }
0x0000ec0a mov r5, r3 | r5 = r3;
| label_37:
0x0000ec0c cmp.w sb, 0x10 |
0x0000ec10 str.w r5, [r8] | __asm ("str.w r5, [r8]");
| if (sb == 0x10) {
0x0000ec14 beq 0xec8e | goto label_149;
| }
0x0000ec16 cmp.w sb, 8 |
| if (sb != 8) {
0x0000ec1a bne 0xebde | goto label_33;
| }
0x0000ec1c add r3, sp, 0x38 | r3 += var_38h;
0x0000ec1e movs r2, 1 | r2 = 1;
0x0000ec20 str r3, [sp, 4] | var_4h_2 = r3;
0x0000ec22 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ec24 movs r3, 0xb | r3 = 0xb;
0x0000ec26 mov r0, r8 | r0 = r8;
0x0000ec28 str r7, [sp] | *(sp) = r7;
0x0000ec2a bl 0x83c8 | r0 = fcn_000083c8 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
| label_40:
0x0000ec2e cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 == 0) {
0x0000ec30 beq 0xec86 | goto label_150;
| }
0x0000ec32 ldrd r5, fp, [sp, 0x10] | __asm ("ldrd r5, fp, [var_10h_2]");
0x0000ec36 ldrd r8, sl, [sp, 0x18] | __asm ("ldrd r8, sl, [var_18h_2]");
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000ec3a blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
| label_38:
0x0000ec3e movs r3, 1 | r3 = 1;
0x0000ec40 str r3, [r5, 4] | *((r5 + 4)) = r3;
0x0000ec42 b 0xe97c | goto label_34;
| label_36:
0x0000ec44 mov r3, r5 | r3 = r5;
0x0000ec46 ldr.w r5, [r8] | r5 = *(r8);
0x0000ec4a cmp r6, r5 |
| if (r6 < r5) {
0x0000ec4c bls 0xebfe | goto label_35;
| }
0x0000ec4e ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000ec50 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ec52 mov r0, r5 | r0 = r5;
0x0000ec54 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000ec56 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000ec58 mov sl, r0 | sl = r0;
0x0000ec5a mov r0, r5 | r0 = r5;
0x0000ec5c blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000ec5e cmp.w sl, 0x20 |
0x0000ec62 add r0, r5 | r0 += r5;
0x0000ec64 str.w r0, [r8] | __asm ("str.w r0, [r8]");
| if (sl == 0x20) {
0x0000ec68 beq 0xec44 | goto label_36;
| }
0x0000ec6a cmp.w sl, 0xa |
| if (sl == 0xa) {
0x0000ec6e beq 0xec44 | goto label_36;
| }
0x0000ec70 cmp.w sl, 0x7d |
| if (sl != 0x7d) {
0x0000ec74 bne 0xec0c | goto label_37;
| }
| label_138:
0x0000ec76 mov r1, fp | r1 = fp;
0x0000ec78 ldrd r8, sl, [sp, 0x18] | __asm ("ldrd r8, sl, [var_18h_2]");
0x0000ec7c ldrd r5, fp, [sp, 0x10] | __asm ("ldrd r5, fp, [var_10h_2]");
0x0000ec80 cmp r1, 0 |
| if (r1 != 0) {
0x0000ec82 bne 0xec3e | goto label_38;
| }
0x0000ec84 b 0xebde | goto label_33;
| label_150:
0x0000ec86 add.w fp, fp, 1 |
0x0000ec8a movs r4, 1 | r4 = 1;
0x0000ec8c b 0xe9d2 | goto label_39;
| label_149:
0x0000ec8e add r3, sp, 0x38 | r3 += var_38h;
0x0000ec90 movs r2, 1 | r2 = 1;
0x0000ec92 str r3, [sp, 4] | var_4h_2 = r3;
0x0000ec94 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ec96 movs r3, 8 | r3 = 8;
0x0000ec98 mov r0, r8 | r0 = r8;
0x0000ec9a str r7, [sp] | *(sp) = r7;
0x0000ec9c bl 0x82e4 | fcn_000082e4 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
0x0000eca0 b 0xec2e | goto label_40;
| label_131:
0x0000eca2 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000eca4 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000eca6 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000eca8 mov r3, r0 | r3 = r0;
0x0000ecaa ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000ecac add r4, r3 | r4 += r3;
0x0000ecae b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_132:
0x0000ecb2 ldr r2, [sp, 0x10] | r2 = var_10h_2;
0x0000ecb4 ldr r2, [r2, 4] | r2 = *((r2 + 4));
0x0000ecb6 lsls r1, r2, 0xf | r1 = r2 << 0xf;
| if (r1 >= r2) {
0x0000ecb8 bmi 0xecdc |
0x0000ecba ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000ecbc ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ecbe b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_86:
0x0000ecc2 ldr r4, [r5, 0x10] | r4 = *((r5 + 0x10));
0x0000ecc4 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000ecc6 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000ecc8 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000ecca add r4, r0 | r4 += r0;
0x0000eccc str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000ecd0 b.w 0xe00e | goto label_41;
| label_127:
0x0000ecd4 mvn r0, 0xc7 | r0 = ~0xc7;
0x0000ecd8 b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000ecdc ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ecde ldr r2, [r7] | r2 = *(r7);
0x0000ece0 str r3, [sp, 0x18] | var_18h_2 = r3;
0x0000ece2 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000ece4 blx r2 | uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r2, r3);
0x0000ece6 ldr r3, [sp, 0x18] | r3 = var_18h_2;
0x0000ece8 add r4, r0 | r4 += r0;
0x0000ecea movs r0, 0x12 | r0 = 0x12;
0x0000ecec str.w r4, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r4, [sl]");
0x0000ecf0 str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000ecf2 sub.w r2, r3, 0x50 | r2 = r3 - 0x50;
0x0000ecf6 rsbs r3, r2, 0 | r3 = r2 - ;
0x0000ecf8 adcs r3, r2 | __asm ("adcs r3, r2");
0x0000ecfa cmp r4, r6 |
0x0000ecfc str r3, [r5, 0x18] | *((r5 + 0x18)) = r3;
| if (r4 >= r6) {
0x0000ecfe bhs.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000ed02 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000ed04 ldr r3, [r3, 4] | r3 = *((r3 + 4));
0x0000ed06 lsls r3, r3, 0xe | r3 <<= 0xe;
| if (r3 >= r3) {
0x0000ed08 bpl.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| }
0x0000ed0c mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ed0e ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000ed10 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000ed12 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000ed14 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000ed16 mov r6, r0 | r6 = r0;
0x0000ed18 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000ed1a blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000ed1c cmp r6, 0x5e |
0x0000ed1e add.w r2, r4, r0 | r2 = r4 + r0;
0x0000ed22 ittte eq |
| if (r6 != 0x5e) {
0x0000ed24 ldreq r3, [r5, 0x18] | r3 = *((r5 + 0x18));
| }
| if (r6 != 0x5e) {
0x0000ed26 moveq r4, r2 | r4 = r2;
| }
| if (r6 != 0x5e) {
0x0000ed28 ldreq r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
| if (r6 == 0x5e) {
0x0000ed2a ldrne r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
| }
0x0000ed2c it eq |
| if (r6 == 0x5e) {
0x0000ed2e clzeq r3, r3 | __asm ("clzeq r3, r3");
| }
0x0000ed32 str.w r2, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r2, [sl]");
0x0000ed36 itt eq |
| if (r6 != 0x5e) {
0x0000ed38 lsreq r3, r3, 5 | r3 >>= 5;
| }
| if (r6 != 0x5e) {
0x0000ed3a streq r3, [r5, 0x18] | *((r5 + 0x18)) = r3;
| }
0x0000ed3c b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_90:
0x0000ed40 cmp r0, 9 |
| if (r0 > 9) {
0x0000ed42 bgt.w 0xe7f0 | goto label_42;
| }
0x0000ed46 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000ed48 ldr r3, [r3, 8] | r3 = *((r3 + 8));
0x0000ed4a lsls r2, r3, 0x1a | r2 = r3 << 0x1a;
| if (r2 >= r3) {
0x0000ed4c bpl.w 0xe0ee | goto label_43;
| }
| label_92:
0x0000ed50 mvn r0, 0xcf | r0 = ~0xcf;
0x0000ed54 b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_102:
0x0000ed58 mov r3, sb | r3 = sb;
0x0000ed5a mov r2, r5 | r2 = r5;
0x0000ed5c mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ed5e mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000ed60 bl 0x84bc | r0 = fcn_000084bc (r0, r1, r2, r3);
0x0000ed64 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000ed66 blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000ed6a ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
| if (r0 == 0) {
0x0000ed6e beq.w 0xdf66 | goto label_10;
| }
0x0000ed72 cmp r0, 2 |
| if (r0 == 2) {
0x0000ed74 beq.w 0xe50e | goto label_44;
| }
0x0000ed78 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000ed7a b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_91:
0x0000ed7e add.w r3, sb, 0x40 | r3 = sb + 0x40;
0x0000ed82 b.w 0xe0e4 | goto label_45;
| label_105:
0x0000ed86 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ed88 movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000ed8a mov.w r3, -1 | r3 = -1;
0x0000ed8e b.w 0xdf5a | goto label_9;
| label_126:
0x0000ed92 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ed94 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ed96 ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000ed98 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000ed9a blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000ed9c ldr r2, [r7] | r2 = *(r7);
0x0000ed9e str r0, [sp, 0x10] | var_10h_2 = r0;
0x0000eda0 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000eda2 blx r2 | uint32_t (*r2)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r2);
0x0000eda4 ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000eda6 mov r2, r0 | r2 = r0;
0x0000eda8 cmp r3, 0x3c |
| if (r3 == 0x3c) {
0x0000edaa beq 0xeddc | goto label_151;
| }
0x0000edac cmp r3, 0x27 |
| if (r3 == 0x27) {
0x0000edae beq 0xeddc | goto label_151;
| }
0x0000edb0 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000edb2 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000edb4 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_94:
0x0000edb8 mvn r0, 0xd4 | r0 = ~0xd4;
0x0000edbc b.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| label_124:
0x0000edc0 cmp r2, 0 |
0x0000edc2 ldr.w r3, [sb, 0x34] | r3 = *((sb + 0x34));
| if (r2 <= 0) {
0x0000edc6 ble.w 0xea5c | goto label_46;
| }
0x0000edca mvn r1, 0x80000000 | r1 = ~0x80000000;
0x0000edce subs r1, r1, r3 | r1 -= r3;
0x0000edd0 cmp r1, r2 |
| if (r1 < r2) {
0x0000edd2 blt.w 0xea68 | goto label_47;
| }
0x0000edd6 add r3, r2 | r3 += r2;
0x0000edd8 str r3, [r6] | *(r6) = r3;
0x0000edda b 0xe622 | goto label_23;
| label_151:
0x0000eddc ldr r1, [sp, 0x14] | r1 = var_14h_2;
0x0000edde mov.w r8, 1 | r8 = 1;
0x0000ede2 add r1, r2 | r1 += r2;
0x0000ede4 str.w r1, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r1, [sl]");
0x0000ede8 b.w 0xe588 | goto label_48;
| label_128:
0x0000edec ldr r3, [sp, 0x10] | r3 = var_10h_2;
0x0000edee ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
0x0000edf0 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 < 0) {
0x0000edf2 blt 0xee3a | goto label_152;
| }
0x0000edf4 ldr r0, [r5] | r0 = *(r5);
0x0000edf6 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000edf8 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_129:
0x0000edfc movs r3, 4 | r3 = 4;
| label_50:
0x0000edfe add.w r8, sp, 0x24 | r8 += var_24h;
0x0000ee02 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ee04 mov r2, r3 | r2 = r3;
0x0000ee06 mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000ee08 str r7, [sp] | *(sp) = r7;
0x0000ee0a str.w r8, [sp, 4] | __asm ("str.w r8, [var_4h_2]");
0x0000ee0e bl 0x82e4 | r0 = fcn_000082e4 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
0x0000ee12 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000ee14 blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000ee16 add r7, sp, 0xc4 | r7 = sp + 0xc4;
0x0000ee18 ldr r3, [sp, 0x14] | r3 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ee1a movs r0, 4 | r0 = 4;
0x0000ee1c ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000ee20 str r0, [r5] | *(r5) = r0;
0x0000ee22 cmp r3, r4 |
0x0000ee24 itt eq |
| if (r3 != r4) {
0x0000ee26 moveq r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
| }
| if (r3 != r4) {
0x0000ee28 streq r3, [r8] | *(r8) = r3;
| }
0x0000ee2c ldr.w r3, [r8] | r3 = *(r8);
0x0000ee30 str r3, [r5, 0x14] | *((r5 + 0x14)) = r3;
0x0000ee32 movs r3, 0x10 | r3 = 0x10;
0x0000ee34 str r3, [r5, 0xc] | *((r5 + 0xc)) = r3;
0x0000ee36 b.w 0xdd8c | goto label_7;
| label_152:
0x0000ee3a ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ee3c add.w r8, sp, 0x24 | r8 += var_24h;
0x0000ee40 ldr r3, [r7] | r3 = *(r7);
0x0000ee42 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000ee44 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r3);
0x0000ee46 add r0, r4 | r0 += r4;
0x0000ee48 movs r3, 0xb | r3 = 0xb;
0x0000ee4a str.w r0, [sl] | __asm ("str.w r0, [sl]");
0x0000ee4e movs r2, 0 | r2 = 0;
0x0000ee50 mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ee52 mov r0, sl | r0 = sl;
0x0000ee54 str r7, [sp] | *(sp) = r7;
0x0000ee56 str.w r8, [sp, 4] | __asm ("str.w r8, [var_4h_2]");
0x0000ee5a bl 0x83c8 | r0 = fcn_000083c8 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
0x0000ee5e cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 < 0) {
0x0000ee60 blt.w 0xdc7a | goto label_0;
| }
0x0000ee64 ldr.w r4, [sl] | r4 = *(sl);
0x0000ee68 cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 >= r6) {
0x0000ee6a bhs 0xee8c | goto label_153;
| }
0x0000ee6c ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000ee6e mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ee70 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000ee72 blx r3 | r0 = uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000ee74 cmp r0, 0x7f |
| if (r0 > 0x7f) {
0x0000ee76 bhi 0xee8c | goto label_153;
| }
0x0000ee78 mov r0, r4 | r0 = r4;
0x0000ee7a mov r1, r6 | r1 = r6;
0x0000ee7c ldr r3, [r7, 0x14] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0000ee7e ldr r4, [r7, 0x30] | r4 = *((r7 + 0x30));
0x0000ee80 blx r3 | uint32_t (*r3)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) (r0, r1, r3);
0x0000ee82 movs r1, 4 | r1 = 4;
0x0000ee84 blx r4 | r0 = uint32_t (*r4)(uint32_t) (r1);
0x0000ee86 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 != 0) {
0x0000ee88 bne.w 0xea3c | goto label_31;
| }
| label_153:
0x0000ee8c movs r3, 8 | r3 = 8;
0x0000ee8e b 0xe946 | goto label_49;
| label_104:
0x0000ee90 ldr r4, [sp, 0x14] | r4 = var_14h_2;
0x0000ee92 movs r2, 1 | r2 = 1;
0x0000ee94 mov.w r3, -1 | r3 = -1;
0x0000ee98 b.w 0xdf5a | goto label_9;
| label_130:
0x0000ee9c movs r3, 8 | r3 = 8;
0x0000ee9e b 0xedfe | goto label_50;
| do {
0x00018040 ldr r3, [r7, 0x6c] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x6c));
0x00018042 ldr r3, [r3] | r3 = *(r3);
| label_56:
0x000182f2 ldr.w r2, [pc, 0x810] | r2 = *(0x00018b04);
0x000182f6 ldr.w r3, [pc, 0x804] | r3 = *(0x18afe);
0x000182fa add r2, pc | r2 += pc;
0x000182fc ldr r3, [r2, r3] | r3 = *((r2 + r3));
0x000182fe ldr r2, [r3] | r2 = *(0x18afe);
0x00018300 ldr.w r3, [r7, 0xfc] | r3 = *((r7 + 0xfc));
0x00018304 eors r2, r3 | r2 ^= r3;
0x00018306 mov.w r3, 0 | r3 = 0;
| if (r2 != r3) {
0x0001830a bne.w 0x1adce | goto label_154;
| }
0x0001830e ldr r0, [r7, 0x40] | r0 = *((r7 + 0x40));
0x00018310 add.w r7, r7, 0x104 | r7 += 0x104;
0x00018314 mov sp, r7 |
0x00018316 vpop {d8, d9} | __asm ("vpop {d8, d9}");
0x0001831a pop.w {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, fp, pc} |
| label_54:
0x00018480 add.w r2, sl, 0x14 | r2 = sl + 0x14;
0x00018484 ldr.w r3, [sl, 0x14] | r3 = *((sl + 0x14));
0x00018488 str r2, [r7, 0x6c] | *((r7 + 0x6c)) = r2;
0x0001848a b 0x18044 | void (*0x18044)() ();
| label_53:
0x000194e0 ldr r3, [r7, 0x6c] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x6c));
0x000194e2 adds r3, 0x14 | r3 += 0x14;
0x000194e4 str r3, [r7, 0x6c] | *((r7 + 0x6c)) = r3;
0x000194e6 b.w 0x18040 |
| } while (1);
| label_60:
0x00019d1c ldr.w r3, [r7, 0xb8] | r3 = *((r7 + 0xb8));
0x00019d20 subs r3, r3, r4 | r3 -= r4;
0x00019d22 cmp r3, 0 |
| if (r3 <= 0) {
0x00019d24 ble.w 0x1a940 | goto label_155;
| }
| label_55:
0x00019d28 mov.w r2, 0x5000 | r2 = 0x5000;
0x00019d2c ldr.w r3, [sl, 0x14] | r3 = *((sl + 0x14));
0x00019d30 str r2, [r4] | *(r4) = r2;
0x00019d32 add.w r2, r4, 0x14 | r2 = r4 + 0x14;
0x00019d36 str r5, [r4, 4] | *((r4 + 4)) = r5;
0x00019d38 str.w r2, [r7, 0xb4] | __asm ("str.w r2, [r7, 0xb4]");
0x00019d3c b.w 0x18044 | void (*0x18044)() ();
| do {
0x00019f94 cmp.w r0, 0x3000 |
| if (r0 == 0x3000) {
0x00019f98 beq.w 0x1a88c | goto label_156;
| }
0x00019f9c cmp.w r0, 0x5000 |
| if (r0 == 0x5000) {
0x00019fa0 bne 0x19fae |
0x00019fa2 ldr.w r0, [ip, 4] | r0 = *((ip + 4));
0x00019fa6 cmp r0, r5 |
0x00019fa8 it eq |
| if (r0 == r5) {
0x00019faa addeq r1, r1, -1 | r1 += -1;
| goto label_51;
| }
| }
| label_51:
0x00019fae cmp r2, ip |
| if (r2 >= ip) {
0x00019fb0 bhs 0x1a044 | goto label_157;
| }
0x00019fb2 ldr r0, [ip, -0x14]! | r0 = *((ip -= 0x14));
0x00019fb6 cmp r0, lr |
0x00019fb8 bne 0x19f94 |
| } while (r0 != lr);
0x00019fba cmp r1, 0 |
| if (r1 != 0) {
0x00019fbc bne 0x19fae | goto label_51;
| }
0x00019fbe ldr.w r4, [ip, 4] | r4 = *((ip + 4));
0x00019fc2 cmp r4, 0x1f |
| if (r4 > 0x1f) {
0x00019fc4 bgt 0x19fae | goto label_51;
| }
0x00019fc6 movs r0, 1 | r0 = 1;
0x00019fc8 lsl.w sb, r0, r4 | sb = r0 << r4;
0x00019fcc ldr r0, [r7, 0x14] | r0 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x00019fce tst.w sb, r0 |
| if ((sb & r0) == 0) {
0x00019fd2 beq 0x19fae | goto label_51;
| }
0x00019fd4 cmp r3, ip |
| if (r3 >= ip) {
0x00019fd6 bhs 0x19fae | goto label_51;
| }
0x00019fd8 mov r0, r3 | r0 = r3;
0x00019fda b 0x19fe2 | goto label_158;
| label_52:
0x00019fdc adds r0, 0x14 | r0 += 0x14;
0x00019fde cmp ip, r0 |
| if (ip < r0) {
0x00019fe0 bls 0x19fae | goto label_51;
| }
| label_158:
0x00019fe2 ldr r6, [r0] | r6 = *(r0);
0x00019fe4 cmp r6, 0x10 |
| if (r6 != 0x10) {
0x00019fe6 bne 0x19fdc | goto label_52;
| }
0x00019fe8 ldr r6, [r0, 4] | r6 = *((r0 + 4));
0x00019fea cmp r4, r6 |
| if (r4 != r6) {
0x00019fec bne 0x19fdc | goto label_52;
| }
0x00019fee ldr r6, [r0, 0x10] | r6 = *((r0 + 0x10));
0x00019ff0 adds r4, r6, 1 | r4 = r6 + 1;
| if (r4 == r6) {
0x00019ff2 beq.w 0x1adfe | goto label_159;
| }
0x00019ff6 ldr.w r8, [r7, 0xb0] | r8 = *((r7 + 0xb0));
0x00019ffa add.w r6, r6, r6, lsl 2 | r6 += (r6 << 2);
0x00019ffe ldr.w fp, [ip, 8] | fp = *((ip + 8));
0x0001a002 add.w r6, r8, r6, lsl 2 | r6 = r8 + (r6 << 2);
0x0001a006 ldr r4, [r6, 8] | r4 = *((r6 + 8));
0x0001a008 cmp r4, fp |
| if (r4 == fp) {
0x0001a00a beq.w 0x1add2 | goto label_160;
| }
0x0001a00e ldr.w r6, [ip, 0xc] | r6 = *((ip + 0xc));
0x0001a012 str r6, [r7, 8] | *((r7 + 8)) = r6;
| label_58:
0x0001a014 ldr r6, [r7, 8] | r6 = *((r7 + 8));
0x0001a016 add.w r6, r6, r6, lsl 2 | r6 += (r6 << 2);
0x0001a01a add.w r6, r8, r6, lsl 2 | r6 = r8 + (r6 << 2);
0x0001a01e ldr r6, [r6, 8] | r6 = *((r6 + 8));
0x0001a020 cmp fp, r6 |
| if (fp != r6) {
0x0001a022 bne.w 0x1adfe | goto label_159;
| }
0x0001a026 ldr r0, [r0, 0xc] | r0 = *((r0 + 0xc));
0x0001a028 add.w r0, r0, r0, lsl 2 | r0 += (r0 << 2);
0x0001a02c add.w r8, r8, r0, lsl 2 | r8 += (r0 << 2);
0x0001a030 ldr.w r0, [r8, 8] | r0 = *((r8 + 8));
0x0001a034 cmp r4, r0 |
| if (r4 != r0) {
0x0001a036 bne.w 0x1adfe | goto label_159;
| }
| label_59:
0x0001a03a ldr r0, [r7, 0x14] | r0 = *((r7 + 0x14));
0x0001a03c bics.w r0, r0, sb | __asm ("bics.w r0, r0, sb");
0x0001a040 str r0, [r7, 0x14] | *((r7 + 0x14)) = r0;
| if (r4 != r0) {
0x0001a042 bne 0x19fae | goto label_51;
| }
| label_157:
0x0001a044 ldrd sb, fp, [r7, 0x18] | __asm ("ldrd sb, fp, [r7, 0x18]");
0x0001a048 b.w 0x194e0 | goto label_53;
| label_57:
0x0001a762 ldr r3, [r7, 0x6c] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x6c));
0x0001a764 str.w r5, [r8, 0xc] | __asm ("str.w r5, [r8, 0xc]");
0x0001a768 strd r3, r6, [r8, 4] | __asm ("strd r3, r6, [r8, 4]");
0x0001a76c movs r3, 0x70 | r3 = 0x70;
0x0001a76e str.w r3, [r8] | __asm ("str.w r3, [r8]");
0x0001a772 add.w r3, r8, 0x14 | r3 = r8 + 0x14;
0x0001a776 str.w r3, [r7, 0xb4] | __asm ("str.w r3, [r7, 0xb4]");
0x0001a77a b.w 0x18480 | goto label_54;
| label_156:
0x0001a88c ldr.w r0, [ip, 4] | r0 = *((ip + 4));
0x0001a890 cmp r0, r5 |
0x0001a892 it eq |
| if (r0 != r5) {
0x0001a894 addeq r1, 1 | r1++;
| }
0x0001a896 b.w 0x19fae | goto label_51;
| label_155:
0x0001a940 ldr r3, [r7, 0x5c] | r3 = *((r7 + 0x5c));
0x0001a942 add.w r2, r7, 0xb0 | r2 = r7 + 0xb0;
0x0001a946 add.w r1, r7, 0xac | r1 = r7 + 0xac;
0x0001a94a add.w r0, r7, 0xa8 | r0 = r7 + 0xa8;
0x0001a94e str r3, [sp, 4] | var_4h = r3;
0x0001a950 add.w r3, r7, 0xb4 | r3 = r7 + 0xb4;
0x0001a954 str r3, [sp] | *(sp) = r3;
0x0001a956 add.w r3, r7, 0xb8 | r3 = r7 + 0xb8;
0x0001a95a bl 0x17c04 | r0 = fcn_00017c04 (r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6);
0x0001a95e mov r3, r0 | r3 = r0;
0x0001a960 cmp r0, 0 |
| if (r0 != 0) {
0x0001a962 bne.w 0x1abb6 | goto label_161;
| }
0x0001a966 ldr.w r3, [r7, 0xac] | r3 = *((r7 + 0xac));
0x0001a96a ldr r2, [r7, 0x48] | r2 = *((r7 + 0x48));
0x0001a96c ldr.w r4, [r7, 0xb4] | r4 = *((r7 + 0xb4));
0x0001a970 str r3, [r7, 0x64] | *((r7 + 0x64)) = r3;
0x0001a972 add r3, r2 | r3 += r2;
0x0001a974 str r3, [r7, 0x60] | *((r7 + 0x60)) = r3;
0x0001a976 b.w 0x19d28 | goto label_55;
| do {
| label_161:
0x0001abb6 str r3, [r7, 0x40] | *((r7 + 0x40)) = r3;
0x0001abb8 b.w 0x182f2 | goto label_56;
0x0001ad2e bne.w 0x1abb6 |
| } while (r0 != 0);
0x0001ad32 ldr.w r3, [r7, 0xac] | r3 = *((r7 + 0xac));
0x0001ad36 ldr r2, [r7, 0x48] | r2 = *((r7 + 0x48));
0x0001ad38 ldr.w r8, [r7, 0xb4] | r8 = *((r7 + 0xb4));
0x0001ad3c str r3, [r7, 0x64] | *((r7 + 0x64)) = r3;
0x0001ad3e add r3, r2 | r3 += r2;
0x0001ad40 str r3, [r7, 0x60] | *((r7 + 0x60)) = r3;
0x0001ad42 b 0x1a762 | goto label_57;
| label_154:
0x0001adce blx 0x7b68 | fcn_00007b68 ();
| label_160:
0x0001add2 ldr r6, [r0, 0xc] | r6 = *((r0 + 0xc));
0x0001add4 add.w r6, r6, r6, lsl 2 | r6 += (r6 << 2);
0x0001add8 add.w r6, r8, r6, lsl 2 | r6 = r8 + (r6 << 2);
0x0001addc ldr r6, [r6, 8] | r6 = *((r6 + 8));
0x0001adde str r6, [r7, 4] | *((r7 + 4)) = r6;
0x0001ade0 ldr.w r6, [ip, 0xc] | r6 = *((ip + 0xc));
0x0001ade4 str r6, [r7, 8] | *((r7 + 8)) = r6;
0x0001ade6 add.w sl, r6, r6, lsl 2 | sl = r6 + (r6 << 2);
0x0001adea ldr r6, [r7, 4] | r6 = *((r7 + 4));
0x0001adec add.w sl, r8, sl, lsl 2 | sl = r8 + (sl << 2);
0x0001adf0 ldr.w sl, [sl, 8] | sl = *((sl + 8));
0x0001adf4 cmp r6, sl |
| if (r6 != sl) {
0x0001adf6 bne.w 0x1a014 | goto label_58;
| }
0x0001adfa b.w 0x1a03a | goto label_59;
| label_159:
0x0001adfe ldr.w fp, [r7, 0x1c] | fp = *((r7 + 0x1c));
0x0001ae02 ldr.w sl, [r7, 0x10] | sl = *((r7 + 0x10));
0x0001ae06 ldr.w sb, [r7, 0x18] | sb = *((r7 + 0x18));
0x0001ae0a ldr r4, [r7, 0xc] | r4 = *((r7 + 0xc));
0x0001ae0c b.w 0x19d1c | goto label_60;
0x0002bd88 movs r7, r0 | r7 = r0;
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bd8c andeq r0, r0, r1, lsr lr | r0 &= (r1 >> lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bd90 andeq r0, r0, r1, lsr lr | r0 &= (r1 >> lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bd94 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bd98 andeq r0, r0, r3, lsr lr | r0 &= (r3 >> lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bd9c andeq r0, r0, r3, lsr lr | r0 &= (r3 >> lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bda0 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bda4 andeq r0, r0, r4, lsr lr | r0 &= (r4 >> lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bda8 andeq r0, r0, sl, lsr lr | r0 &= (sl >> lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdac andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdb0 andeq r0, r0, r7, asr 28 | r0 &= (r7 >> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdb4 andeq r0, r0, lr, asr 28 | r0 &= (lr >> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdb8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002bdbc strheq r0, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strheq r0, [r0], -r1");
0x0002bdc0 strheq r0, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strheq r0, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdc4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002bdc8 strheq r0, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq r0, [r0], -r3");
0x0002bdcc strheq r0, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq r0, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdd0 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
0x0002bdd4 strheq r0, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq r0, [r0], -r4");
0x0002bdd8 strheq r0, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq r0, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bddc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bde0 andeq r0, r0, r8, asr 29 | r0 &= (r8 >> 29);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bde4 andeq r0, r0, sp, asr 29 | r0 &= (sp >> 29);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bde8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdec andeq r0, r0, r8, lsl pc | r0 &= (r8 << pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdf0 andeq r0, r0, sb, lsl pc | r0 &= (sb << pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdf4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdf8 andeq r0, r0, r5, lsr pc | r0 &= (r5 >> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bdfc andeq r0, r0, r5, lsr pc | r0 &= (r5 >> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be00 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be04 andeq r0, r0, r7, lsr pc | r0 &= (r7 >> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be08 andeq r0, r0, r7, lsr pc | r0 &= (r7 >> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be0c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be10 andeq r0, r0, sb, lsr pc | r0 &= (sb >> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be14 andeq r0, r0, sb, lsr pc | r0 &= (sb >> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be18 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be1c andeq r0, r0, lr, lsr pc | r0 &= (lr >> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be20 andeq r0, r0, pc, lsr pc | r0 &= (pc >> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be24 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be28 andeq r0, r0, r1, ror pc | r0 &= (r1 >>> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be2c andeq r0, r0, lr, ror pc | r0 &= (lr >>> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be30 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be34 andeq r0, r0, pc, ror pc | r0 &= (pc >>> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be38 andeq r0, r0, pc, ror pc | r0 &= (pc >>> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be3c andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be40 andeq r0, r0, r0, lsl 31 | r0 &= (r0 << 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be44 andeq r0, r0, r4, lsl 31 | r0 &= (r4 << 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be48 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be4c andeq r0, r0, r6, lsl 31 | r0 &= (r6 << 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be50 andeq r0, r0, r7, lsl 31 | r0 &= (r7 << 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be54 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be58 andeq r0, r0, sp, lsl 31 | r0 &= (sp << 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be5c muleq r0, r7, pc | r0 = r7 * pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be60 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be64 muleq r0, sb, pc | r0 = sb * pc;
| }
0x0002be68 strheq r0, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq r0, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be6c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be70 andeq r0, r0, r6, asr 31 | r0 &= (r6 >> 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be74 andeq r0, r0, r6, asr 31 | r0 &= (r6 >> 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be78 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be7c andeq r1, r0, sp, lsr 32 | r1 = r0 & (sp >> 32);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be80 andeq r1, r0, r0, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (r0 >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be84 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be88 andeq r1, r0, r1, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (r1 >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be8c andeq r1, r0, r1, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (r1 >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be90 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be94 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be98 andeq r1, r0, r7, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (r7 >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002be9c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bea0 andeq r1, r0, sb, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (sb >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bea4 andeq r1, r0, sl, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (sl >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bea8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002beac andeq r1, r0, fp, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (fp >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002beb0 andeq r1, r0, ip, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (ip >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002beb4 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002beb8 andeq r1, r0, sp, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (sp >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bebc andeq r1, r0, lr, lsr r0 | r1 = r0 & (lr >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bec0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bec4 andeq r1, r0, r6, asr r0 | r1 = r0 & (r6 >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bec8 andeq r1, r0, r7, asr r0 | r1 = r0 & (r7 >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002becc andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bed0 andeq r1, r0, r8, asr r0 | r1 = r0 & (r8 >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bed4 andeq r1, r0, sb, asr r0 | r1 = r0 & (sb >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bed8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bedc andeq r1, r0, lr, asr r0 | r1 = r0 & (lr >> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bee0 andeq r1, r0, r0, rrx | r1 = r0 & (r0 >>> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bee4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bee8 andeq r1, r0, r1, ror r0 | r1 = r0 & (r1 >>> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002beec andeq r1, r0, r4, ror r0 | r1 = r0 & (r4 >>> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bef0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bef4 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsl 1 | r1 = r0 & (r2 << 1);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bef8 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsl 1 | r1 = r0 & (r2 << 1);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002befc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf00 andeq r1, r0, r4, lsl 1 | r1 = r0 & (r4 << 1);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf04 andeq r1, r0, r4, lsl 1 | r1 = r0 & (r4 << 1);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf08 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf0c andeq r1, r0, r5, lsl 1 | r1 = r0 & (r5 << 1);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf10 andeq r1, r0, r6, lsl 1 | r1 = r0 & (r6 << 1);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf14 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf18 andeq r1, r0, sp, lsl 1 | r1 = r0 & (sp << 1);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf1c andeq r1, r0, sp, lsl 1 | r1 = r0 & (sp << 1);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf20 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf24 muleq r0, sp, r0 | r0 = sp * r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf28 muleq r0, sp, r0 | r0 = sp * r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf2c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf30 andeq r1, r0, r0, lsl 2 | r1 = r0 & (r0 << 2);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf34 andeq r1, r0, pc, asr r1 | r1 = r0 & (pc >> r1);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf38 andeq r0, r0, sp | r0 &= sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf3c andeq r1, r0, r0, ror 2 | r1 = r0 & (r0 >>> 2);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf40 andeq r1, r0, r7, lsr 3 | r1 = r0 & (r7 >> 3);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf44 andeq r0, r0, r1, lsl r0 | r0 &= (r1 << r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf48 andeq r1, r0, r8, lsr 3 | r1 = r0 & (r8 >> 3);
| }
0x0002bf4c strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf50 andeq r0, r0, r0, lsl r0 | r0 &= (r0 << r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf54 andeq r1, r0, sp, asr r3 | r1 = r0 & (sp >> r3);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf58 andeq r1, r0, pc, asr r3 | r1 = r0 & (pc >> r3);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf5c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf60 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsl r7 | r1 = r0 & (r2 << r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf64 andeq r1, r0, r4, lsl r7 | r1 = r0 & (r4 << r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf68 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf6c andeq r1, r0, r5, lsl r7 | r1 = r0 & (r5 << r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf70 andeq r1, r0, r5, lsl r7 | r1 = r0 & (r5 << r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf74 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf78 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsr r7 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >> r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf7c andeq r1, r0, r3, lsr r7 | r1 = r0 & (r3 >> r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf80 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf84 andeq r1, r0, r4, lsr r7 | r1 = r0 & (r4 >> r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf88 andeq r1, r0, r4, lsr r7 | r1 = r0 & (r4 >> r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf8c andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf90 andeq r1, r0, r2, asr r7 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >> r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf94 andeq r1, r0, r3, asr r7 | r1 = r0 & (r3 >> r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf98 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bf9c andeq r1, r0, r2, ror r7 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >>> r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfa0 andeq r1, r0, r3, ror r7 | r1 = r0 & (r3 >>> r7);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfa4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002bfa8 strheq r1, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq r1, [r0], -r4");
0x0002bfac strheq r1, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strheq r1, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfb0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002bfb4 strheq r1, [r0], -r6 | __asm ("strheq r1, [r0], -r6");
0x0002bfb8 strheq r1, [r0], -r6 | __asm ("strheq r1, [r0], -r6");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfbc andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
0x0002bfc0 strheq r1, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strheq r1, [r0], -r7");
0x0002bfc4 strheq r1, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strheq r1, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfc8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002bfcc strheq r1, [r0], -lr | __asm ("strheq r1, [r0], -lr");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfd0 andeq r1, r0, r5, asr 15 | r1 = r0 & (r5 >> 15);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfd4 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfd8 andeq r1, r0, r6, asr 15 | r1 = r0 & (r6 >> 15);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfdc andeq r1, r0, r6, asr 15 | r1 = r0 & (r6 >> 15);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfe0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfe4 andeq r1, r0, r7, asr 15 | r1 = r0 & (r7 >> 15);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfe8 andeq r1, r0, r8, asr 15 | r1 = r0 & (r8 >> 15);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bfec andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bff0 andeq r1, r0, sb, asr 15 | r1 = r0 & (sb >> 15);
| }
0x0002bff4 ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002bff8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002bffc ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -sp | __asm ("ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -sp");
0x0002c000 ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -sp | __asm ("ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c004 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c008 andeq r1, r0, fp, lsl 16 | r1 = r0 & (fp << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c00c andeq r1, r0, sp, lsl 16 | r1 = r0 & (sp << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c010 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c014 andeq r1, r0, lr, lsl 16 | r1 = r0 & (lr << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c018 andeq r1, r0, lr, lsl 16 | r1 = r0 & (lr << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c01c andeq r0, r0, r3 | r0 &= r3;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c020 andeq r1, r0, pc, lsl 16 | r1 = r0 & (pc << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c024 andeq r1, r0, pc, lsl 16 | r1 = r0 & (pc << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c028 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c02c andeq r1, r0, r5, lsl 17 | r1 = r0 & (r5 << 17);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c030 andeq r1, r0, r6, lsl 17 | r1 = r0 & (r6 << 17);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c034 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c038 andeq r1, r0, sb, lsr 17 | r1 = r0 & (sb >> 17);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c03c andeq r1, r0, sb, lsr 17 | r1 = r0 & (sb >> 17);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c040 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c044 andeq r1, r0, r0, lsr 18 | r1 = r0 & (r0 >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c048 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsr 18 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c04c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c050 andeq r1, r0, r3, lsr 18 | r1 = r0 & (r3 >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c054 andeq r1, r0, r6, lsr 18 | r1 = r0 & (r6 >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c058 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c05c andeq r1, r0, r7, lsr 18 | r1 = r0 & (r7 >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c060 andeq r1, r0, r8, lsr 18 | r1 = r0 & (r8 >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c064 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c068 andeq r1, r0, sb, lsr 18 | r1 = r0 & (sb >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c06c andeq r1, r0, fp, lsr 18 | r1 = r0 & (fp >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c070 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c074 andeq r1, r0, r0, lsr sb | r1 = r0 & (r0 >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c078 andeq r1, r0, r1, lsr sb | r1 = r0 & (r1 >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c07c andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c080 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsr sb | r1 = r0 & (r2 >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c084 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsr sb | r1 = r0 & (r2 >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c088 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c08c andeq r1, r0, r3, lsr sb | r1 = r0 & (r3 >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c090 andeq r1, r0, r8, lsr sb | r1 = r0 & (r8 >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c094 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c098 andeq r1, r0, sb, lsr sb | r1 = r0 & (sb >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c09c andeq r1, r0, fp, lsr sb | r1 = r0 & (fp >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0a0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0a4 andeq r1, r0, r7, lsl sl | r1 = r0 & (r7 << sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0a8 andeq r1, r0, r8, lsl sl | r1 = r0 & (r8 << sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0ac andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0b0 andeq r1, r0, sb, lsl sl | r1 = r0 & (sb << sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0b4 andeq r1, r0, sl, lsl sl | r1 = r0 & (sl << sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0b8 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0bc andeq r1, r0, fp, lsl sl | r1 = r0 & (fp << sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0c0 andeq r1, r0, fp, lsl sl | r1 = r0 & (fp << sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0c4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0c8 andeq r1, r0, r5, asr sl | r1 = r0 & (r5 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0cc andeq r1, r0, r5, asr sl | r1 = r0 & (r5 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0d0 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0d4 andeq r1, r0, r6, asr sl | r1 = r0 & (r6 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0d8 andeq r1, r0, r6, asr sl | r1 = r0 & (r6 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0dc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0e0 andeq r1, r0, r7, asr sl | r1 = r0 & (r7 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0e4 andeq r1, r0, r7, asr sl | r1 = r0 & (r7 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0e8 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0ec andeq r1, r0, r8, asr sl | r1 = r0 & (r8 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0f0 andeq r1, r0, lr, asr sl | r1 = r0 & (lr >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0f4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0f8 andeq r1, r0, r0, ror 20 | r1 = r0 & (r0 >>> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c0fc andeq r1, r0, r0, ror 20 | r1 = r0 & (r0 >>> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c100 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c104 andeq r1, r0, r2, ror 20 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >>> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c108 andeq r1, r0, r2, ror 20 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >>> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c10c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c110 andeq r1, r0, r5, ror 20 | r1 = r0 & (r5 >>> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c114 andeq r1, r0, ip, ror 20 | r1 = r0 & (ip >>> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c118 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c11c andeq r1, r0, sp, ror 20 | r1 = r0 & (sp >>> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c120 andeq r1, r0, r2, ror sl | r1 = r0 & (r2 >>> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c124 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c128 andeq r1, r0, r3, ror sl | r1 = r0 & (r3 >>> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c12c andeq r1, r0, ip, ror sl | r1 = r0 & (ip >>> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c130 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c134 andeq r1, r0, pc, ror sl | r1 = r0 & (pc >>> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c138 andeq r1, r0, pc, ror sl | r1 = r0 & (pc >>> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c13c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c140 strheq r1, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq r1, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c144 andeq r1, r0, lr, asr 21 | r1 = r0 & (lr >> 21);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c148 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c14c andeq r1, r0, r0, lsl 22 | r1 = r0 & (r0 << 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c150 andeq r1, r0, r3, lsl 22 | r1 = r0 & (r3 << 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c154 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c158 andeq r1, r0, r4, lsl 22 | r1 = r0 & (r4 << 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c15c andeq r1, r0, r4, lsl 22 | r1 = r0 & (r4 << 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c160 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c164 andeq r1, r0, r4, lsr fp | r1 = r0 & (r4 >> fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c168 andeq r1, r0, sl, lsr fp | r1 = r0 & (sl >> fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c16c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c170 andeq r1, r0, fp, lsr fp | r1 = r0 & (fp >> fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c174 andeq r1, r0, fp, lsr fp | r1 = r0 & (fp >> fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c178 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c17c andeq r1, r0, ip, lsr fp | r1 = r0 & (ip >> fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c180 andeq r1, r0, ip, lsr fp | r1 = r0 & (ip >> fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c184 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c188 andeq r1, r0, sp, lsr fp | r1 = r0 & (sp >> fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c18c andeq r1, r0, r1, asr 22 | r1 = r0 & (r1 >> 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c190 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c194 andeq r1, r0, r2, asr 22 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >> 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c198 andeq r1, r0, r2, asr 22 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >> 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c19c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1a0 andeq r1, r0, r3, asr 22 | r1 = r0 & (r3 >> 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1a4 andeq r1, r0, r4, asr 22 | r1 = r0 & (r4 >> 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1a8 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1ac andeq r1, r0, fp, ror 22 | r1 = r0 & (fp >>> 22);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1b0 andeq r1, r0, r3, ror fp | r1 = r0 & (r3 >>> fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1b4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1b8 andeq r1, r0, r0, lsl 23 | r1 = r0 & (r0 << 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1bc andeq r1, r0, r1, lsl 23 | r1 = r0 & (r1 << 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1c0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1c4 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsl 23 | r1 = r0 & (r2 << 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1c8 andeq r1, r0, r2, lsl 23 | r1 = r0 & (r2 << 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1cc andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1d0 andeq r1, r0, r1, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (r1 >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1d4 andeq r1, r0, r1, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (r1 >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1d8 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1dc andeq r1, r0, r2, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1e0 andeq r1, r0, r5, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (r5 >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1e4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1e8 andeq r1, r0, r6, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (r6 >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1ec andeq r1, r0, r7, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (r7 >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1f0 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1f4 andeq r1, r0, r8, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (r8 >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1f8 andeq r1, r0, sb, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (sb >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c1fc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c200 andeq r1, r0, sl, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (sl >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c204 andeq r1, r0, sl, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (sl >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c208 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c20c andeq r1, r0, fp, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (fp >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c210 andeq r1, r0, sp, lsr 23 | r1 = r0 & (sp >> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c214 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c218 andeq r1, r0, r6, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (r6 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c21c andeq r1, r0, r6, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (r6 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c220 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c224 andeq r1, r0, r7, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (r7 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c228 andeq r1, r0, r7, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (r7 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c22c andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c230 andeq r1, r0, r8, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (r8 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c234 andeq r1, r0, sb, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (sb >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c238 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c23c andeq r1, r0, sl, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (sl >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c240 andeq r1, r0, ip, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (ip >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c244 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c248 andeq r1, r0, sp, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (sp >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c24c andeq r1, r0, sp, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (sp >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c250 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c254 andeq r1, r0, lr, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (lr >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c258 andeq r1, r0, lr, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (lr >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c25c andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c260 andeq r1, r0, pc, ror 23 | r1 = r0 & (pc >>> 23);
| }
0x0002c264 strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c268 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c26c strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r2 | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r2");
0x0002c270 strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c274 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c278 andeq r1, r0, r4, lsr 24 | r1 = r0 & (r4 >> 24);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c27c andeq r1, r0, fp, lsr 24 | r1 = r0 & (fp >> 24);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c280 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c284 andeq r1, r0, ip, lsr 24 | r1 = r0 & (ip >> 24);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c288 andeq r1, r0, r3, lsr ip | r1 = r0 & (r3 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c28c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c290 andeq r1, r0, r4, lsr ip | r1 = r0 & (r4 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c294 andeq r1, r0, r5, lsr ip | r1 = r0 & (r5 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c298 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c29c andeq r1, r0, r6, lsr ip | r1 = r0 & (r6 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2a0 andeq r1, r0, r7, lsr ip | r1 = r0 & (r7 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2a4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c2a8 ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r0");
0x0002c2ac ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r2 | __asm ("ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r2");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2b0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c2b4 ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2b8 andeq r1, r0, r0, ror 25 | r1 = r0 & (r0 >>> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2bc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2c0 andeq r1, r0, r1, ror 25 | r1 = r0 & (r1 >>> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2c4 andeq r1, r0, r1, ror 25 | r1 = r0 & (r1 >>> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2c8 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2cc andeq r1, r0, r2, ror 25 | r1 = r0 & (r2 >>> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2d0 andeq r1, r0, r8, ror 25 | r1 = r0 & (r8 >>> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2d4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2d8 andeq r1, r0, sp, ror 25 | r1 = r0 & (sp >>> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2dc andeq r1, r0, sp, ror 25 | r1 = r0 & (sp >>> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2e0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c2e4 strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r4");
0x0002c2e8 strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2ec andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c2f0 strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r7");
0x0002c2f4 strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c2f8 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
0x0002c2fc strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -r8");
0x0002c300 strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -sb");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c304 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c308 andeq r1, r0, r0, asr 27 | r1 = r0 & (r0 >> 27);
| }
0x0002c30c strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq r1, r2, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c310 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c314 andeq r2, r0, fp | r2 = r0 & fp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c318 andeq r2, r0, fp | r2 = r0 & fp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c31c andeq r0, r0, r3 | r0 &= r3;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c320 andeq r2, r0, ip | r2 = r0 & ip;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c324 andeq r2, r0, ip | r2 = r0 & ip;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c328 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c32c andeq r2, r0, sp | r2 = r0 & sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c330 andeq r2, r0, sp | r2 = r0 & sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c334 andeq r0, r0, r8 | r0 &= r8;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c338 andeq r2, r0, lr | r2 = r0 & lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c33c andeq r2, r0, pc | r2 = r0 & pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c340 andeq r0, r0, r3 | r0 &= r3;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c344 andeq r2, r0, r8, lsr 32 | r2 = r0 & (r8 >> 32);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c348 andeq r2, r0, lr, lsr 32 | r2 = r0 & (lr >> 32);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c34c andeq r0, r0, r3 | r0 &= r3;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c350 andeq r2, r0, r0, rrx | r2 = r0 & (r0 >>> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c354 andeq r2, r0, pc, rrx | r2 = r0 & (pc >>> r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c358 andeq r0, r0, r3 | r0 &= r3;
| }
0x0002c35c ldrdeq r2, r3, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq r2, r3, [r0], -r0");
0x0002c360 strdeq r2, r3, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq r2, r3, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c364 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c368 andeq r2, r0, pc, ror 25 | r2 = r0 & (pc >>> 25);
| }
0x0002c36c strdeq r2, r3, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq r2, r3, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c370 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c374 andeq r2, r0, pc, ror sp | r2 = r0 & (pc >>> sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c378 andeq r2, r0, pc, ror sp | r2 = r0 & (pc >>> sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c37c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c380 andeq r2, r0, r0, ror 27 | r2 = r0 & (r0 >>> 27);
| }
0x0002c384 strdeq r2, r3, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq r2, r3, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c388 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c38c andeq r3, r0, sl, lsr 32 | r3 = r0 & (sl >> 32);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c390 andeq r3, r0, pc, lsr 32 | r3 = r0 & (pc >> 32);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c394 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c398 muleq r0, sb, r0 | r0 = sb * r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c39c muleq r0, sl, r0 | r0 = sl * r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3a0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3a4 andeq sl, r0, pc, ror 12 | sl = r0 & (pc >>> 12);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3a8 andeq sl, r0, r2, ror r6 | sl = r0 & (r2 >>> r6);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3ac andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3b0 andeq sl, r0, r4, ror r6 | sl = r0 & (r4 >>> r6);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3b4 andeq sl, r0, sp, ror r6 | sl = r0 & (sp >>> r6);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3b8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3bc muleq r0, lr, r6 | r0 = lr * r6;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3c0 muleq r0, pc, r6 | r0 = pc * r6;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3c4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c3c8 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002c3cc strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3d0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3d4 andeq sl, r0, r2, lsl 16 | sl = r0 & (r2 << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3d8 andeq sl, r0, r2, lsl 16 | sl = r0 & (r2 << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3dc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3e0 andeq sl, r0, r6, lsl 16 | sl = r0 & (r6 << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3e4 andeq sl, r0, r6, lsl 16 | sl = r0 & (r6 << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3e8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3ec andeq sl, r0, fp, lsl 16 | sl = r0 & (fp << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3f0 andeq sl, r0, fp, lsl 16 | sl = r0 & (fp << 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3f4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3f8 andeq sl, r0, r3, lsr 16 | sl = r0 & (r3 >> 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c3fc andeq sl, r0, r4, lsr 16 | sl = r0 & (r4 >> 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c400 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c404 andeq sl, r0, r5, lsr 16 | sl = r0 & (r5 >> 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c408 andeq sl, r0, r6, lsr 16 | sl = r0 & (r6 >> 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c40c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c410 andeq sl, r0, r7, lsr 16 | sl = r0 & (r7 >> 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c414 andeq sl, r0, r7, lsr 16 | sl = r0 & (r7 >> 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c418 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c41c andeq sl, r0, ip, lsr 16 | sl = r0 & (ip >> 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c420 andeq sl, r0, ip, lsr 16 | sl = r0 & (ip >> 16);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c424 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c428 andeq sl, r0, r0, lsl 17 | sl = r0 & (r0 << 17);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c42c andeq sl, r0, r1, lsl 17 | sl = r0 & (r1 << 17);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c430 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
0x0002c434 strheq sl, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c438 andeq sl, r0, r3, asr 17 | sl = r0 & (r3 >> 17);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c43c andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c440 andeq sl, r0, r4, asr 17 | sl = r0 & (r4 >> 17);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c444 andeq sl, r0, r5, asr 17 | sl = r0 & (r5 >> 17);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c448 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c44c andeq sl, r0, r0, ror 17 | sl = r0 & (r0 >>> 17);
| }
0x0002c450 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c454 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c458 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c45c andeq r0, r0, r0 | r0 &= r0;
| }
| if (r7 <= r0) {
0x0002c460 andhi r5, r0, lr, asr 10 | r5 = r0 & (lr >> 10);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c464 andeq r0, r0, r0 | r0 &= r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c468 andeq sl, r0, sp, lsr 18 | sl = r0 & (sp >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c46c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c470 andeq sl, r0, r7, asr 18 | sl = r0 & (r7 >> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c474 andeq sl, r0, r1, asr sb | sl = r0 & (r1 >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c478 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c47c andeq sl, r0, r2, asr sb | sl = r0 & (r2 >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c480 andeq sl, r0, r3, asr sb | sl = r0 & (r3 >> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c484 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c488 andeq sl, r0, r0, ror 18 | sl = r0 & (r0 >>> 18);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c48c andeq sl, r0, ip, ror sb | sl = r0 & (ip >>> sb);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c490 andeq r0, r0, sp | r0 &= sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c494 andeq sl, r0, r0, lsl 19 | sl = r0 & (r0 << 19);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c498 andeq sl, r0, r2, lsl 19 | sl = r0 & (r2 << 19);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c49c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4a0 andeq sl, r0, r3, lsl 19 | sl = r0 & (r3 << 19);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4a4 andeq sl, r0, r3, lsl 19 | sl = r0 & (r3 << 19);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4a8 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
0x0002c4ac strheq sl, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r3");
0x0002c4b0 strheq sl, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4b4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c4b8 strheq sl, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r4");
0x0002c4bc strheq sl, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4c0 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
0x0002c4c4 strheq sl, [r0], -r6 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r6");
0x0002c4c8 strheq sl, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -sb");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4cc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c4d0 strheq sl, [r0], -sl | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -sl");
0x0002c4d4 strheq sl, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4d8 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
0x0002c4dc strheq sl, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -ip");
0x0002c4e0 strheq sl, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4e4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c4e8 strheq sl, [r0], -lr | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -lr");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4ec andeq sl, r0, r0, asr 19 | sl = r0 & (r0 >> 19);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4f0 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4f4 andeq sl, r0, r5, ror 19 | sl = r0 & (r5 >>> 19);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4f8 andeq sl, r0, r5, ror 19 | sl = r0 & (r5 >>> 19);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c4fc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c500 andeq sl, r0, sb, lsr 20 | sl = r0 & (sb >> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c504 andeq sl, r0, lr, lsr 20 | sl = r0 & (lr >> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c508 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c50c andeq sl, r0, pc, lsr 20 | sl = r0 & (pc >> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c510 andeq sl, r0, r0, lsr sl | sl = r0 & (r0 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c514 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c518 andeq sl, r0, r1, lsr sl | sl = r0 & (r1 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c51c andeq sl, r0, r2, lsr sl | sl = r0 & (r2 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c520 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c524 andeq sl, r0, r3, lsr sl | sl = r0 & (r3 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c528 andeq sl, r0, r4, lsr sl | sl = r0 & (r4 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c52c andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c530 andeq sl, r0, r5, lsr sl | sl = r0 & (r5 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c534 andeq sl, r0, r6, lsr sl | sl = r0 & (r6 >> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c538 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c53c andeq sl, r0, r3, asr 20 | sl = r0 & (r3 >> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c540 andeq sl, r0, r3, asr 20 | sl = r0 & (r3 >> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c544 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c548 andeq sl, r0, ip, asr 20 | sl = r0 & (ip >> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c54c andeq sl, r0, ip, asr 20 | sl = r0 & (ip >> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c550 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c554 andeq sl, r0, sp, asr 20 | sl = r0 & (sp >> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c558 andeq sl, r0, sp, asr 20 | sl = r0 & (sp >> 20);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c55c andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c560 andeq sl, r0, ip, ror sl | sl = r0 & (ip >>> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c564 andeq sl, r0, ip, ror sl | sl = r0 & (ip >>> sl);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c568 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c56c strheq sl, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r0");
0x0002c570 strheq sl, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c574 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c578 strheq sl, [r0], -r2 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r2");
0x0002c57c strheq sl, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c580 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c584 strheq sl, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r7");
0x0002c588 strheq sl, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c58c andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002c590 strheq sl, [r0], -lr | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -lr");
0x0002c594 strheq sl, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c598 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c59c andeq sl, r0, r1, asr 21 | sl = r0 & (r1 >> 21);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5a0 andeq sl, r0, r1, asr 21 | sl = r0 & (r1 >> 21);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5a4 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5a8 andeq sl, r0, fp, ror 21 | sl = r0 & (fp >>> 21);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5ac andeq sl, r0, fp, ror 21 | sl = r0 & (fp >>> 21);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5b0 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5b4 andeq sl, r0, ip, ror 21 | sl = r0 & (ip >>> 21);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5b8 andeq sl, r0, sp, ror 21 | sl = r0 & (sp >>> 21);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5bc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5c0 andeq sl, r0, lr, ror 21 | sl = r0 & (lr >>> 21);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5c4 andeq sl, r0, pc, ror 21 | sl = r0 & (pc >>> 21);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5c8 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
0x0002c5cc strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r5");
0x0002c5d0 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5d4 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
0x0002c5d8 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r6 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r6");
0x0002c5dc strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r6 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r6");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5e0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5e4 andeq sl, r0, r3, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (r3 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5e8 andeq sl, r0, r4, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (r4 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5ec andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5f0 andeq sl, r0, r5, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (r5 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5f4 andeq sl, r0, r5, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (r5 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5f8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c5fc andeq sl, r0, r6, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (r6 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c600 andeq sl, r0, r7, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (r7 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c604 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c608 andeq sl, r0, r8, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (r8 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c60c andeq sl, r0, r8, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (r8 >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c610 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c614 andeq sl, r0, sb, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (sb >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c618 andeq sl, r0, sl, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (sl >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c61c andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c620 andeq sl, r0, ip, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (ip >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c624 andeq sl, r0, ip, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (ip >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c628 andeq r0, r0, r7 | r0 &= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c62c andeq sl, r0, sp, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (sp >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c630 andeq sl, r0, sp, ror 23 | sl = r0 & (sp >>> 23);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c634 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c638 andeq sl, r0, r0, lsl 24 | sl = r0 & (r0 << 24);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c63c andeq sl, r0, r0, lsl 24 | sl = r0 & (r0 << 24);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c640 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c644 andeq sl, r0, r1, lsl 24 | sl = r0 & (r1 << 24);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c648 andeq sl, r0, fp, lsl ip | sl = r0 & (fp << ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c64c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c650 andeq sl, r0, ip, lsl ip | sl = r0 & (ip << ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c654 andeq sl, r0, ip, lsl ip | sl = r0 & (ip << ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c658 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c65c andeq sl, r0, sp, lsl ip | sl = r0 & (sp << ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c660 andeq sl, r0, r7, lsr ip | sl = r0 & (r7 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c664 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c668 andeq sl, r0, r8, lsr ip | sl = r0 & (r8 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c66c andeq sl, r0, r8, lsr ip | sl = r0 & (r8 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c670 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c674 andeq sl, r0, sb, lsr ip | sl = r0 & (sb >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c678 andeq sl, r0, r3, asr ip | sl = r0 & (r3 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c67c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c680 andeq sl, r0, r4, asr ip | sl = r0 & (r4 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c684 andeq sl, r0, r4, asr ip | sl = r0 & (r4 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c688 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c68c andeq sl, r0, r5, asr ip | sl = r0 & (r5 >> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c690 andeq sl, r0, pc, ror 24 | sl = r0 & (pc >>> 24);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c694 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c698 andeq sl, r0, r0, ror ip | sl = r0 & (r0 >>> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c69c andeq sl, r0, r0, ror ip | sl = r0 & (r0 >>> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6a0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6a4 andeq sl, r0, r1, ror ip | sl = r0 & (r1 >>> ip);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6a8 andeq sl, r0, fp, lsl 25 | sl = r0 & (fp << 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6ac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6b0 andeq sl, r0, ip, lsl 25 | sl = r0 & (ip << 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6b4 andeq sl, r0, ip, lsl 25 | sl = r0 & (ip << 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6b8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6bc andeq sl, r0, sp, lsl 25 | sl = r0 & (sp << 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6c0 andeq sl, r0, r7, lsr 25 | sl = r0 & (r7 >> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6c4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6c8 andeq sl, r0, r8, lsr 25 | sl = r0 & (r8 >> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6cc andeq sl, r0, r8, lsr 25 | sl = r0 & (r8 >> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6d0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6d4 andeq sl, r0, sb, lsr 25 | sl = r0 & (sb >> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6d8 andeq sl, r0, r3, asr 25 | sl = r0 & (r3 >> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6dc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6e0 andeq sl, r0, r4, asr 25 | sl = r0 & (r4 >> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6e4 andeq sl, r0, r4, asr 25 | sl = r0 & (r4 >> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6e8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6ec andeq sl, r0, r5, asr 25 | sl = r0 & (r5 >> 25);
| }
0x0002c6f0 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6f4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6f8 andeq sl, r0, r0, ror 25 | sl = r0 & (r0 >>> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c6fc andeq sl, r0, r0, ror 25 | sl = r0 & (r0 >>> 25);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c700 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c704 andeq sl, r0, r1, ror 25 | sl = r0 & (r1 >>> 25);
| }
0x0002c708 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c70c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002c710 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002c714 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c718 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002c71c strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c720 andeq sl, r0, r7, lsl sp | sl = r0 & (r7 << sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c724 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c728 andeq sl, r0, r8, lsl sp | sl = r0 & (r8 << sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c72c andeq sl, r0, r8, lsl sp | sl = r0 & (r8 << sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c730 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c734 andeq sl, r0, sb, lsl sp | sl = r0 & (sb << sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c738 andeq sl, r0, r3, lsr sp | sl = r0 & (r3 >> sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c73c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c740 andeq sl, r0, r4, lsr sp | sl = r0 & (r4 >> sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c744 andeq sl, r0, r4, lsr sp | sl = r0 & (r4 >> sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c748 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c74c andeq sl, r0, r5, lsr sp | sl = r0 & (r5 >> sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c750 andeq sl, r0, pc, asr 26 | sl = r0 & (pc >> 26);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c754 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c758 andeq sl, r0, r0, asr sp | sl = r0 & (r0 >> sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c75c andeq sl, r0, r0, asr sp | sl = r0 & (r0 >> sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c760 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c764 andeq sl, r0, r1, asr sp | sl = r0 & (r1 >> sp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c768 andeq sl, r0, fp, ror 26 | sl = r0 & (fp >>> 26);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c76c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c770 andeq sl, r0, ip, ror 26 | sl = r0 & (ip >>> 26);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c774 andeq sl, r0, ip, ror 26 | sl = r0 & (ip >>> 26);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c778 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c77c andeq sl, r0, sp, ror 26 | sl = r0 & (sp >>> 26);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c780 andeq sl, r0, r7, lsl 27 | sl = r0 & (r7 << 27);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c784 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c788 andeq sl, r0, r8, lsl 27 | sl = r0 & (r8 << 27);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c78c andeq sl, r0, r8, lsl 27 | sl = r0 & (r8 << 27);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c790 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c794 andeq sl, r0, sb, lsl 27 | sl = r0 & (sb << 27);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c798 andeq sl, r0, r3, lsr 27 | sl = r0 & (r3 >> 27);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c79c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7a0 andeq sl, r0, r4, lsr 27 | sl = r0 & (r4 >> 27);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7a4 andeq sl, r0, r4, lsr 27 | sl = r0 & (r4 >> 27);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7a8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7ac andeq sl, r0, r5, lsr 27 | sl = r0 & (r5 >> 27);
| }
0x0002c7b0 strheq sl, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7b4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7b8 andeq sl, r0, r0, asr 27 | sl = r0 & (r0 >> 27);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7bc andeq sl, r0, r0, asr 27 | sl = r0 & (r0 >> 27);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7c0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7c4 andeq sl, r0, r1, asr 27 | sl = r0 & (r1 >> 27);
| }
0x0002c7c8 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7cc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002c7d0 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002c7d4 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7d8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002c7dc ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -sp");
0x0002c7e0 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7e4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002c7e8 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r8");
0x0002c7ec strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7f0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002c7f4 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -sb");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7f8 andeq sl, r0, r3, lsl lr | sl = r0 & (r3 << lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c7fc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c800 andeq sl, r0, r4, lsl lr | sl = r0 & (r4 << lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c804 andeq sl, r0, r4, lsl lr | sl = r0 & (r4 << lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c808 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c80c andeq sl, r0, r5, lsl lr | sl = r0 & (r5 << lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c810 andeq sl, r0, pc, lsr 28 | sl = r0 & (pc >> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c814 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c818 andeq sl, r0, r0, lsr lr | sl = r0 & (r0 >> lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c81c andeq sl, r0, r0, lsr lr | sl = r0 & (r0 >> lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c820 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c824 andeq sl, r0, r1, lsr lr | sl = r0 & (r1 >> lr);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c828 andeq sl, r0, fp, asr 28 | sl = r0 & (fp >> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c82c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c830 andeq sl, r0, ip, asr 28 | sl = r0 & (ip >> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c834 andeq sl, r0, ip, asr 28 | sl = r0 & (ip >> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c838 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c83c andeq sl, r0, sp, asr 28 | sl = r0 & (sp >> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c840 andeq sl, r0, r7, ror 28 | sl = r0 & (r7 >>> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c844 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c848 andeq sl, r0, r8, ror 28 | sl = r0 & (r8 >>> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c84c andeq sl, r0, r8, ror 28 | sl = r0 & (r8 >>> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c850 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c854 andeq sl, r0, sb, ror 28 | sl = r0 & (sb >>> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c858 andeq sl, r0, r3, lsl 29 | sl = r0 & (r3 << 29);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c85c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c860 andeq sl, r0, r4, lsl 29 | sl = r0 & (r4 << 29);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c864 andeq sl, r0, r4, lsl 29 | sl = r0 & (r4 << 29);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c868 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c86c andeq sl, r0, r5, lsl 29 | sl = r0 & (r5 << 29);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c870 muleq r0, pc, lr | r0 = pc * lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c874 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c878 andeq sl, r0, r0, lsr 29 | sl = r0 & (r0 >> 29);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c87c andeq sl, r0, r0, lsr 29 | sl = r0 & (r0 >> 29);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c880 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c884 andeq sl, r0, r1, lsr 29 | sl = r0 & (r1 >> 29);
| }
0x0002c888 strheq sl, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c88c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002c890 strheq sl, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -ip");
0x0002c894 strheq sl, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c898 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002c89c strheq sl, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -sp");
0x0002c8a0 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8a4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002c8a8 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r8");
0x0002c8ac ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8b0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002c8b4 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -sb | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -sb");
0x0002c8b8 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8bc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002c8c0 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002c8c4 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8c8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002c8cc strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8d0 andeq sl, r0, pc, lsl 30 | sl = r0 & (pc << 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8d4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8d8 andeq sl, r0, r0, lsl pc | sl = r0 & (r0 << pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8dc andeq sl, r0, r0, lsl pc | sl = r0 & (r0 << pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8e0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8e4 andeq sl, r0, r1, lsl pc | sl = r0 & (r1 << pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8e8 andeq sl, r0, fp, lsr 30 | sl = r0 & (fp >> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8ec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8f0 andeq sl, r0, ip, lsr 30 | sl = r0 & (ip >> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8f4 andeq sl, r0, ip, lsr 30 | sl = r0 & (ip >> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8f8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c8fc andeq sl, r0, sp, lsr 30 | sl = r0 & (sp >> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c900 andeq sb, r5, r0, lsr 6 | sb = r5 & (r0 >> 6);
| }
| if (r7 <= r0) {
0x0002c904 andhi r5, r0, lr, asr 10 | r5 = r0 & (lr >> 10);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c908 andeq r0, r0, r0 | r0 &= r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c90c andeq sl, r0, r8, asr 30 | sl = r0 & (r8 >> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c910 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c914 andeq sl, r0, sb, asr 30 | sl = r0 & (sb >> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c918 andeq sl, r0, r3, ror 30 | sl = r0 & (r3 >>> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c91c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c920 andeq sl, r0, r4, ror 30 | sl = r0 & (r4 >>> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c924 andeq sl, r0, r4, ror 30 | sl = r0 & (r4 >>> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c928 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c92c andeq sl, r0, r5, ror 30 | sl = r0 & (r5 >>> 30);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c930 andeq sl, r0, pc, ror pc | sl = r0 & (pc >>> pc);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c934 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c938 andeq sl, r0, r0, lsl 31 | sl = r0 & (r0 << 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c93c andeq sl, r0, r0, lsl 31 | sl = r0 & (r0 << 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c940 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c944 andeq sl, r0, r1, lsl 31 | sl = r0 & (r1 << 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c948 muleq r0, fp, pc | r0 = fp * pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c94c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c950 muleq r0, ip, pc | r0 = ip * pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c954 muleq r0, ip, pc | r0 = ip * pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c958 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c95c muleq r0, sp, pc | r0 = sp * pc;
| }
0x0002c960 strheq sl, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c964 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002c968 strheq sl, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r8");
0x0002c96c strheq sl, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c970 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002c974 strheq sl, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strheq sl, [r0], -sb");
0x0002c978 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c97c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002c980 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002c984 ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c988 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002c98c ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("ldrdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c990 andeq sl, r0, pc, ror 31 | sl = r0 & (pc >>> 31);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c994 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002c998 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002c99c strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9a0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002c9a4 strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq sl, fp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9a8 andeq fp, r0, fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9ac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9b0 andeq fp, r0, ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9b4 andeq fp, r0, ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9b8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9bc andeq fp, r0, sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9c0 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9c4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9c8 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9cc andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9d0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9d4 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9d8 andeq fp, r0, r3, asr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9dc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9e0 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9e4 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9e8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9ec andeq fp, r0, r5, asr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9f0 andeq fp, r0, pc, asr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9f4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9f8 andeq fp, r0, r0, rrx |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002c9fc andeq fp, r0, r0, rrx |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca00 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca04 andeq fp, r0, r1, rrx |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca08 andeq fp, r0, fp, ror r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca0c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca10 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca14 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca18 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca1c andeq fp, r0, sp, ror r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca20 muleq r0, r7, r0 | r0 = r7 * r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca24 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca28 muleq r0, r8, r0 | r0 = r8 * r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca2c muleq r0, r8, r0 | r0 = r8 * r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca30 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca34 muleq r0, sb, r0 | r0 = sb * r0;
| }
0x0002ca38 strheq fp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca3c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002ca40 strheq fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002ca44 strheq fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca48 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002ca4c strheq fp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca50 andeq fp, r0, pc, asr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca54 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002ca58 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
0x0002ca5c ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca60 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002ca64 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca68 andeq fp, r0, fp, ror 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca6c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca70 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca74 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca78 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca7c andeq fp, r0, sp, ror 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca80 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsl 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca84 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca88 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca8c andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca90 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca94 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsl 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca98 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ca9c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002caa0 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002caa4 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002caa8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002caac andeq fp, r0, r5, lsr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cab0 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cab4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cab8 andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cabc andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cac0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cac4 andeq fp, r0, r1, asr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cac8 andeq fp, r0, fp, asr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cacc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cad0 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cad4 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cad8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cadc andeq fp, r0, sp, asr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cae0 andeq fp, r0, r7, ror r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cae4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cae8 andeq fp, r0, r8, ror r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002caec andeq fp, r0, r8, ror r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002caf0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002caf4 andeq fp, r0, sb, ror r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002caf8 muleq r0, r3, r1 | r0 = r3 * r1;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cafc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb00 muleq r0, r4, r1 | r0 = r4 * r1;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb04 muleq r0, r4, r1 | r0 = r4 * r1;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb08 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb0c muleq r0, r5, r1 | r0 = r5 * r1;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb10 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb14 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002cb18 strheq fp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002cb1c strheq fp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb20 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002cb24 strheq fp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb28 andeq fp, r0, fp, asr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb2c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb30 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb34 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb38 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb3c andeq fp, r0, sp, asr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb40 andeq fp, r0, r7, ror 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb44 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb48 andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb4c andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb50 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb54 andeq fp, r0, sb, ror 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb58 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsl 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb5c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb60 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb64 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb68 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb6c andeq fp, r0, r5, lsl 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb70 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsl r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb74 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb78 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb7c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb80 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb84 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb88 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb8c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb90 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb94 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb98 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cb9c andeq fp, r0, sp, lsr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cba0 andeq fp, r0, r7, asr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cba4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cba8 andeq fp, r0, r8, asr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbac andeq fp, r0, r8, asr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbb0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbb4 andeq fp, r0, sb, asr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbb8 andeq fp, r0, r3, ror r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbbc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbc0 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbc4 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbc8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbcc andeq fp, r0, r5, ror r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbd0 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsl 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbd4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbd8 muleq r0, r0, r2 | r0 *= r2;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbdc muleq r0, r0, r2 | r0 *= r2;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbe0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbe4 muleq r0, r1, r2 | r0 = r1 * r2;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbe8 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbf0 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbf4 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbf8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cbfc andeq fp, r0, sp, lsr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc00 andeq fp, r0, r7, asr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc04 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc08 andeq fp, r0, r8, asr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc0c andeq fp, r0, r8, asr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc10 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc14 andeq fp, r0, sb, asr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc18 andeq fp, r0, r3, ror 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc1c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc20 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc24 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc28 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc2c andeq fp, r0, r5, ror 5 |
| }
0x0002cc30 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc34 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc38 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc3c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc40 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc44 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsl 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc48 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsl r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc4c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc50 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc54 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc58 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc5c andeq fp, r0, sp, lsl r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc60 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc64 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc68 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc6c andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc70 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc74 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc78 andeq fp, r0, r3, asr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc7c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc80 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc84 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc88 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc8c andeq fp, r0, r5, asr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc90 andeq fp, r0, pc, ror 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc94 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc98 andeq fp, r0, r0, ror r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cc9c andeq fp, r0, r0, ror r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cca0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cca4 andeq fp, r0, r1, ror r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cca8 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsl 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccb0 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccb4 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccb8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccbc andeq fp, r0, sp, lsl 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccc0 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccc4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccc8 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cccc andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccd0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccd4 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccd8 andeq fp, r0, r3, asr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccdc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cce0 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cce4 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cce8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccec andeq fp, r0, r5, asr 7 |
| }
0x0002ccf0 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -pc | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccf4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccf8 andeq fp, r0, r0, ror 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ccfc andeq fp, r0, r0, ror 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd00 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd04 andeq fp, r0, r1, ror 7 |
| }
0x0002cd08 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd0c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002cd10 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip");
0x0002cd14 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd18 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002cd1c strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd20 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsl r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd24 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd28 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd2c andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd30 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd34 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsl r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd38 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd3c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd40 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd44 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd48 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd4c andeq fp, r0, r5, lsr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd50 andeq fp, r0, pc, asr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd54 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd58 andeq fp, r0, r0, asr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd5c andeq fp, r0, r0, asr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd60 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd64 andeq fp, r0, r1, asr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd68 andeq fp, r0, fp, ror 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd6c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd70 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd74 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd78 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd7c andeq fp, r0, sp, ror 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd80 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsl 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd84 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd88 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd8c andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd90 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd94 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsl 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd98 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cd9c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cda0 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cda4 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cda8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdac andeq fp, r0, r5, lsr 9 |
| }
0x0002cdb0 strheq fp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdb4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdb8 andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdbc andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdc0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdc4 andeq fp, r0, r1, asr 9 |
| }
0x0002cdc8 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -fp | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdcc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002cdd0 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip");
0x0002cdd4 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdd8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002cddc ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sp | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sp");
0x0002cde0 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cde4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002cde8 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8");
0x0002cdec strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdf0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002cdf4 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sb");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdf8 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsl r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cdfc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce00 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce04 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce08 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce0c andeq fp, r0, r5, lsl r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce10 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce14 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce18 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce1c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce20 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce24 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce28 andeq fp, r0, fp, asr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce2c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce30 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce34 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce38 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce3c andeq fp, r0, sp, asr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce40 andeq fp, r0, r7, ror 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce44 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce48 andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce4c andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce50 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce54 andeq fp, r0, sb, ror 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce58 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsl 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce5c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce60 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce64 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce68 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce6c andeq fp, r0, r5, lsl 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce70 muleq r0, pc, r5 | r0 = pc * r5;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce74 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce78 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce7c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce80 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce84 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsr 11 |
| }
0x0002ce88 strheq fp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce8c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002ce90 strheq fp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002ce94 strheq fp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ce98 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002ce9c strheq fp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -sp");
0x0002cea0 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cea4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002cea8 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8");
0x0002ceac ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ceb0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002ceb4 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sb | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sb");
0x0002ceb8 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cebc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002cec0 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4");
0x0002cec4 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cec8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002cecc strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ced0 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsl 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ced4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ced8 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cedc andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cee0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cee4 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsl r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cee8 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ceec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cef0 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cef4 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cef8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cefc andeq fp, r0, sp, lsr 12 |
| }
0x0002cf00 stcvc p0, c0, [r0], 0 | __asm ("stcvc p0, c0, [r0], 0");
| if (r7 <= r0) {
0x0002cf04 andhi r5, r0, lr, asr 10 | r5 = r0 & (lr >> 10);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf08 andeq r0, r0, r0 | r0 &= r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf0c andeq fp, r0, r8, asr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf10 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf14 andeq fp, r0, sb, asr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf18 andeq fp, r0, r3, ror 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf1c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf20 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf24 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf28 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf2c andeq fp, r0, r5, ror 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf30 andeq fp, r0, pc, ror r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf34 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf38 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf3c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf40 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf44 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsl 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf48 muleq r0, fp, r6 | r0 = fp * r6;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf4c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf50 muleq r0, ip, r6 | r0 = ip * r6;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf54 muleq r0, ip, r6 | r0 = ip * r6;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf58 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf5c muleq r0, sp, r6 | r0 = sp * r6;
| }
0x0002cf60 strheq fp, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf64 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002cf68 strheq fp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r8");
0x0002cf6c strheq fp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf70 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002cf74 strheq fp, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -sb");
0x0002cf78 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf7c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002cf80 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4");
0x0002cf84 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf88 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002cf8c ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf90 andeq fp, r0, pc, ror 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cf94 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002cf98 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
0x0002cf9c strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfa0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002cfa4 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfa8 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsl 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfb0 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfb4 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfb8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfbc andeq fp, r0, sp, lsl 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfc0 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfc4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfc8 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfcc andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfd0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfd4 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfd8 andeq fp, r0, r3, asr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfdc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfe0 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfe4 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfe8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cfec andeq fp, r0, r5, asr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cff0 andeq fp, r0, pc, asr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cff4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cff8 andeq fp, r0, r0, ror 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002cffc andeq fp, r0, r0, ror 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d000 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d004 andeq fp, r0, r1, ror 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d008 andeq fp, r0, fp, ror r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d00c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d010 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d014 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d018 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d01c andeq fp, r0, sp, ror r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d020 muleq r0, r7, r7 | r0 = r7 * r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d024 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d028 muleq r0, r8, r7 | r0 = r8 * r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d02c muleq r0, r8, r7 | r0 = r8 * r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d030 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d034 muleq r0, sb, r7 | r0 = sb * r7;
| }
0x0002d038 strheq fp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d03c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d040 strheq fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002d044 strheq fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d048 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d04c strheq fp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d050 andeq fp, r0, pc, asr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d054 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d058 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
0x0002d05c ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d060 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d064 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d068 andeq fp, r0, fp, ror 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d06c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d070 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d074 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d078 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d07c andeq fp, r0, sp, ror 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d080 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsl 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d084 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d088 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d08c andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d090 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d094 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsl 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d098 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsr 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d09c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0a0 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0a4 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0a8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0ac andeq fp, r0, r5, lsr 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0b0 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0b4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0b8 andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0bc andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0c0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0c4 andeq fp, r0, r1, asr 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0c8 andeq fp, r0, fp, asr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0cc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0d0 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0d4 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0d8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0dc andeq fp, r0, sp, asr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0e0 andeq fp, r0, r7, ror r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0e4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0e8 andeq fp, r0, r8, ror r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0ec andeq fp, r0, r8, ror r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0f0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0f4 andeq fp, r0, sb, ror r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0f8 muleq r0, r3, r8 | r0 = r3 * r8;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d0fc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d100 muleq r0, r4, r8 | r0 = r4 * r8;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d104 muleq r0, r4, r8 | r0 = r4 * r8;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d108 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d10c muleq r0, r5, r8 | r0 = r5 * r8;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d110 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d114 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d118 strheq fp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002d11c strheq fp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d120 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d124 strheq fp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d128 andeq fp, r0, fp, asr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d12c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d130 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d134 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d138 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d13c andeq fp, r0, sp, asr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d140 andeq fp, r0, r7, ror 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d144 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d148 andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d14c andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d150 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d154 andeq fp, r0, sb, ror 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d158 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsl 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d15c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d160 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d164 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d168 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d16c andeq fp, r0, r5, lsl 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d170 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsl sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d174 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d178 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d17c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d180 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d184 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsr 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d188 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d18c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d190 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d194 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d198 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d19c andeq fp, r0, sp, lsr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1a0 andeq fp, r0, r7, asr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1a4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1a8 andeq fp, r0, r8, asr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1ac andeq fp, r0, r8, asr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1b0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1b4 andeq fp, r0, sb, asr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1b8 andeq fp, r0, r3, ror sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1bc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1c0 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1c4 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1c8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1cc andeq fp, r0, r5, ror sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1d0 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsl 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1d4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1d8 muleq r0, r0, sb | r0 *= sb;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1dc muleq r0, r0, sb | r0 *= sb;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1e0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1e4 muleq r0, r1, sb | r0 = r1 * sb;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1e8 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1ec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1f0 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1f4 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1f8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d1fc andeq fp, r0, sp, lsr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d200 andeq fp, r0, r7, asr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d204 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d208 andeq fp, r0, r8, asr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d20c andeq fp, r0, r8, asr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d210 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d214 andeq fp, r0, sb, asr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d218 andeq fp, r0, r3, ror 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d21c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d220 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d224 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d228 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d22c andeq fp, r0, r5, ror 19 |
| }
0x0002d230 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d234 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d238 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d23c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d240 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d244 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsl 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d248 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsl sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d24c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d250 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d254 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d258 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d25c andeq fp, r0, sp, lsl sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d260 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d264 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d268 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d26c andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d270 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d274 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d278 andeq fp, r0, r3, asr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d27c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d280 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d284 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d288 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d28c andeq fp, r0, r5, asr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d290 andeq fp, r0, pc, ror 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d294 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d298 andeq fp, r0, r0, ror sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d29c andeq fp, r0, r0, ror sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2a0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2a4 andeq fp, r0, r1, ror sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2a8 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsl 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2ac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2b0 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2b4 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2b8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2bc andeq fp, r0, sp, lsl 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2c0 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsr 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2c4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2c8 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2cc andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2d0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2d4 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsr 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2d8 andeq fp, r0, r3, asr 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2dc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2e0 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2e4 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2e8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2ec andeq fp, r0, r5, asr 21 |
| }
0x0002d2f0 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -pc | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2f4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2f8 andeq fp, r0, r0, ror 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d2fc andeq fp, r0, r0, ror 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d300 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d304 andeq fp, r0, r1, ror 21 |
| }
0x0002d308 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d30c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d310 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip");
0x0002d314 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d318 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d31c strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d320 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsl fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d324 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d328 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d32c andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d330 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d334 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsl fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d338 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsr fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d33c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d340 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d344 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d348 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d34c andeq fp, r0, r5, lsr fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d350 andeq fp, r0, pc, asr 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d354 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d358 andeq fp, r0, r0, asr fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d35c andeq fp, r0, r0, asr fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d360 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d364 andeq fp, r0, r1, asr fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d368 andeq fp, r0, fp, ror 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d36c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d370 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d374 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d378 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d37c andeq fp, r0, sp, ror 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d380 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsl 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d384 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d388 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d38c andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d390 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d394 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsl 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d398 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsr 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d39c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3a0 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3a4 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3a8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3ac andeq fp, r0, r5, lsr 23 |
| }
0x0002d3b0 strheq fp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3b4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3b8 andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3bc andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3c0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3c4 andeq fp, r0, r1, asr 23 |
| }
0x0002d3c8 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -fp | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3cc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d3d0 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip");
0x0002d3d4 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3d8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d3dc ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sp | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sp");
0x0002d3e0 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3e4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d3e8 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8");
0x0002d3ec strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3f0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d3f4 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sb");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3f8 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsl ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d3fc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d400 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d404 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d408 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d40c andeq fp, r0, r5, lsl ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d410 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d414 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d418 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d41c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d420 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d424 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsr ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d428 andeq fp, r0, fp, asr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d42c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d430 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d434 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d438 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d43c andeq fp, r0, sp, asr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d440 andeq fp, r0, r7, ror 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d444 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d448 andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d44c andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d450 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d454 andeq fp, r0, sb, ror 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d458 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsl 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d45c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d460 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d464 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsl 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d468 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d46c andeq fp, r0, r5, lsl 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d470 muleq r0, pc, ip | r0 = pc * ip;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d474 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d478 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d47c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsr 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d480 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d484 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsr 25 |
| }
0x0002d488 strheq fp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d48c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d490 strheq fp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002d494 strheq fp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d498 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d49c strheq fp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -sp");
0x0002d4a0 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4a4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d4a8 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8");
0x0002d4ac ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4b0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d4b4 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sb | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -sb");
0x0002d4b8 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4bc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d4c0 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4");
0x0002d4c4 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4c8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d4cc strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4d0 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsl 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4d4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4d8 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4dc andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4e0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4e4 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsl sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4e8 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4ec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4f0 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4f4 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4f8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d4fc andeq fp, r0, sp, lsr 26 |
| }
0x0002d500 subseq fp, sl, r0, lsl 4 | __asm ("subseq fp, sl, r0, lsl 4");
| if (r7 <= r0) {
0x0002d504 andhi r5, r0, lr, asr 10 | r5 = r0 & (lr >> 10);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d508 andeq r0, r0, r0 | r0 &= r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d50c andeq fp, r0, r8, asr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d510 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d514 andeq fp, r0, sb, asr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d518 andeq fp, r0, r3, ror 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d51c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d520 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d524 andeq fp, r0, r4, ror 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d528 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d52c andeq fp, r0, r5, ror 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d530 andeq fp, r0, pc, ror sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d534 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d538 andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d53c andeq fp, r0, r0, lsl 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d540 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d544 andeq fp, r0, r1, lsl 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d548 muleq r0, fp, sp | r0 = fp * sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d54c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d550 muleq r0, ip, sp | r0 = ip * sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d554 muleq r0, ip, sp | r0 = ip * sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d558 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d55c muleq r0, sp, sp | r0 = sp * sp;
| }
0x0002d560 strheq fp, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d564 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d568 strheq fp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r8");
0x0002d56c strheq fp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d570 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d574 strheq fp, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -sb");
0x0002d578 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d57c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d580 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4");
0x0002d584 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d588 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d58c ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d590 andeq fp, r0, pc, ror 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d594 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d598 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
0x0002d59c strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5a0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d5a4 strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5a8 andeq fp, r0, fp, lsl 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5ac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5b0 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5b4 andeq fp, r0, ip, lsl 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5b8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5bc andeq fp, r0, sp, lsl 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5c0 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5c4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5c8 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5cc andeq fp, r0, r8, lsr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5d0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5d4 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5d8 andeq fp, r0, r3, asr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5dc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5e0 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5e4 andeq fp, r0, r4, asr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5e8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5ec andeq fp, r0, r5, asr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5f0 andeq fp, r0, pc, asr lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5f4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5f8 andeq fp, r0, r0, ror 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d5fc andeq fp, r0, r0, ror 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d600 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d604 andeq fp, r0, r1, ror 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d608 andeq fp, r0, fp, ror lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d60c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d610 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d614 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d618 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d61c andeq fp, r0, sp, ror lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d620 muleq r0, r7, lr | r0 = r7 * lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d624 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d628 muleq r0, r8, lr | r0 = r8 * lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d62c muleq r0, r8, lr | r0 = r8 * lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d630 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d634 muleq r0, sb, lr | r0 = sb * lr;
| }
0x0002d638 strheq fp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d63c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d640 strheq fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002d644 strheq fp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d648 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d64c strheq fp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d650 andeq fp, r0, pc, asr 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d654 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d658 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
0x0002d65c ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d660 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d664 ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("ldrdeq fp, ip, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d668 andeq fp, r0, fp, ror 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d66c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d670 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d674 andeq fp, r0, ip, ror 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d678 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d67c andeq fp, r0, sp, ror 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d680 andeq fp, r0, r7, lsl 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d684 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d688 andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d68c andeq fp, r0, r8, lsl 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d690 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d694 andeq fp, r0, sb, lsl 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d698 andeq fp, r0, r3, lsr 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d69c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6a0 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6a4 andeq fp, r0, r4, lsr 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6a8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6ac andeq fp, r0, r5, lsr 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6b0 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6b4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6b8 andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6bc andeq fp, r0, r0, asr 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6c0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6c4 andeq fp, r0, r1, asr 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6c8 andeq fp, r0, fp, asr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6cc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6d0 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6d4 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6d8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6dc andeq fp, r0, sp, asr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6e0 andeq fp, r0, r7, ror pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6e4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6e8 andeq fp, r0, r8, ror pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6ec andeq fp, r0, r8, ror pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6f0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6f4 andeq fp, r0, sb, ror pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6f8 muleq r0, r3, pc | r0 = r3 * pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d6fc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d700 muleq r0, r4, pc | r0 = r4 * pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d704 muleq r0, r4, pc | r0 = r4 * pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d708 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d70c muleq r0, r5, pc | r0 = r5 * pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d710 andeq fp, r0, pc, lsr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d714 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d718 strheq fp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002d71c strheq fp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d720 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d724 strheq fp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strheq fp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d728 andeq fp, r0, fp, asr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d72c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d730 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d734 andeq fp, r0, ip, asr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d738 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d73c andeq fp, r0, sp, asr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d740 andeq fp, r0, r7, ror 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d744 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d748 andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d74c andeq fp, r0, r8, ror 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d750 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d754 andeq fp, r0, sb, ror 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d758 andeq ip, r0, r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d75c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d760 andeq ip, r0, r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d764 andeq ip, r0, r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d768 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d76c andeq ip, r0, r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d770 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsl r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d774 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d778 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d77c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d780 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d784 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d788 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d78c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d790 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d794 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d798 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d79c andeq ip, r0, sp, lsr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7a0 andeq ip, r0, r7, asr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7a4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7a8 andeq ip, r0, r8, asr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7ac andeq ip, r0, r8, asr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7b0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7b4 andeq ip, r0, sb, asr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7b8 andeq ip, r0, r3, ror r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7bc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7c0 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7c4 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7c8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7cc andeq ip, r0, r5, ror r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7d0 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsl 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7d4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7d8 muleq r0, r0, r0 | r0 *= r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7dc muleq r0, r0, r0 | r0 *= r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7e0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7e4 muleq r0, r1, r0 | r0 = r1 * r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7e8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7ec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7f0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7f4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7f8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d7fc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d800 andeq ip, r0, r7, asr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d804 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d808 andeq ip, r0, r8, asr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d80c andeq ip, r0, r8, asr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d810 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d814 andeq ip, r0, sb, asr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d818 andeq ip, r0, r3, ror 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d81c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d820 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d824 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d828 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d82c andeq ip, r0, r5, ror 1 |
| }
0x0002d830 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d834 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d838 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d83c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d840 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d844 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsl 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d848 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsl r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d84c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d850 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d854 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d858 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d85c andeq ip, r0, sp, lsl r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d860 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d864 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d868 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d86c andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d870 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d874 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d878 andeq ip, r0, r3, asr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d87c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d880 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d884 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d888 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d88c andeq ip, r0, r5, asr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d890 andeq ip, r0, pc, ror 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d894 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d898 andeq ip, r0, r0, ror r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d89c andeq ip, r0, r0, ror r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8a0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8a4 andeq ip, r0, r1, ror r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8a8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsl 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8ac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8b0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8b4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8b8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8bc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsl 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8c0 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8c4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8c8 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8cc andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8d0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8d4 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8d8 andeq ip, r0, r3, asr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8dc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8e0 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8e4 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8e8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8ec andeq ip, r0, r5, asr 3 |
| }
0x0002d8f0 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8f4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8f8 andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d8fc andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d900 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d904 andeq ip, r0, r1, ror 3 |
| }
0x0002d908 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d90c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d910 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002d914 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d918 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d91c strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d920 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsl r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d924 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d928 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d92c andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d930 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d934 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsl r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d938 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d93c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d940 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d944 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d948 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d94c andeq ip, r0, r5, lsr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d950 andeq ip, r0, pc, asr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d954 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d958 andeq ip, r0, r0, asr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d95c andeq ip, r0, r0, asr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d960 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d964 andeq ip, r0, r1, asr r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d968 andeq ip, r0, fp, ror 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d96c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d970 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d974 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d978 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d97c andeq ip, r0, sp, ror 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d980 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsl 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d984 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d988 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d98c andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d990 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d994 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsl 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d998 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d99c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9a0 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9a4 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9a8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9ac andeq ip, r0, r5, lsr 5 |
| }
0x0002d9b0 strheq ip, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9b4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9b8 andeq ip, r0, r0, asr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9bc andeq ip, r0, r0, asr 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9c0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9c4 andeq ip, r0, r1, asr 5 |
| }
0x0002d9c8 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9cc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d9d0 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002d9d4 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9d8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d9dc ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp");
0x0002d9e0 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9e4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002d9e8 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8");
0x0002d9ec strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9f0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002d9f4 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sb");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9f8 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsl r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002d9fc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da00 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da04 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da08 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da0c andeq ip, r0, r5, lsl r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da10 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da14 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da18 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da1c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da20 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da24 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da28 andeq ip, r0, fp, asr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da2c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da30 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da34 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da38 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da3c andeq ip, r0, sp, asr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da40 andeq ip, r0, r7, ror 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da44 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da48 andeq ip, r0, r8, ror 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da4c andeq ip, r0, r8, ror 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da50 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da54 andeq ip, r0, sb, ror 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da58 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsl 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da5c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da60 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da64 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da68 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da6c andeq ip, r0, r5, lsl 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da70 muleq r0, pc, r3 | r0 = pc * r3;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da74 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da78 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da7c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da80 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da84 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsr 7 |
| }
0x0002da88 strheq ip, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da8c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002da90 strheq ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -ip");
0x0002da94 strheq ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002da98 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002da9c strheq ip, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -sp");
0x0002daa0 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002daa4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002daa8 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8");
0x0002daac ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dab0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002dab4 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sb | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sb");
0x0002dab8 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dabc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002dac0 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002dac4 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dac8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002dacc strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dad0 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsl 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dad4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dad8 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dadc andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dae0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dae4 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsl r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dae8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002daec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002daf0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002daf4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002daf8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dafc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 <= r0) {
0x0002db00 bgt 0x2e088 |
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db04 andeq r0, r0, r5, lsl 2 | r0 &= (r5 << 2);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db08 andeq r0, r0, r0 | r0 &= r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db0c andeq ip, r0, r8, asr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db10 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db14 andeq ip, r0, sb, asr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db18 andeq ip, r0, r3, ror 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db1c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db20 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db24 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db28 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db2c andeq ip, r0, r5, ror 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db30 andeq ip, r0, pc, ror r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db34 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db38 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db3c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db40 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db44 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsl 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db48 muleq r0, fp, r4 | r0 = fp * r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db4c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db50 muleq r0, ip, r4 | r0 = ip * r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db54 muleq r0, ip, r4 | r0 = ip * r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db58 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db5c muleq r0, sp, r4 | r0 = sp * r4;
| }
0x0002db60 strheq ip, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db64 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002db68 strheq ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r8");
0x0002db6c strheq ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db70 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002db74 strheq ip, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -sb");
0x0002db78 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db7c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002db80 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002db84 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db88 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002db8c ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db90 andeq ip, r0, pc, ror 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002db94 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002db98 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002db9c strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dba0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002dba4 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dba8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsl 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbb0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbb4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbb8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbbc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsl 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbc0 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbc4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbc8 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbcc andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbd0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbd4 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbd8 andeq ip, r0, r3, asr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbdc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbe0 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbe4 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbe8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbec andeq ip, r0, r5, asr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbf0 andeq ip, r0, pc, asr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbf4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbf8 andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dbfc andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc00 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc04 andeq ip, r0, r1, ror 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc08 andeq ip, r0, fp, ror r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc0c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc10 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc14 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc18 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc1c andeq ip, r0, sp, ror r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc20 muleq r0, r7, r5 | r0 = r7 * r5;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc24 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc28 muleq r0, r8, r5 | r0 = r8 * r5;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc2c muleq r0, r8, r5 | r0 = r8 * r5;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc30 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc34 muleq r0, sb, r5 | r0 = sb * r5;
| }
0x0002dc38 strheq ip, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc3c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002dc40 strheq ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r4");
0x0002dc44 strheq ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc48 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002dc4c strheq ip, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc50 andeq ip, r0, pc, asr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc54 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002dc58 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002dc5c ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc60 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002dc64 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc68 andeq ip, r0, fp, ror 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc6c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc70 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc74 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc78 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc7c andeq ip, r0, sp, ror 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc80 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsl 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc84 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc88 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc8c andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc90 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc94 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsl 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc98 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dc9c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dca0 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dca4 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dca8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcac andeq ip, r0, r5, lsr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcb0 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcb4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcb8 andeq ip, r0, r0, asr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcbc andeq ip, r0, r0, asr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcc0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcc4 andeq ip, r0, r1, asr 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcc8 andeq ip, r0, fp, asr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dccc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcd0 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcd4 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcd8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcdc andeq ip, r0, sp, asr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dce0 andeq ip, r0, r7, ror r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dce4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dce8 andeq ip, r0, r8, ror r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcec andeq ip, r0, r8, ror r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcf0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcf4 andeq ip, r0, sb, ror r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcf8 muleq r0, r3, r6 | r0 = r3 * r6;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dcfc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd00 andeq r0, r0, r0 | r0 &= r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd04 muleq r0, r4, r6 | r0 = r4 * r6;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd08 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd0c muleq r0, r5, r6 | r0 = r5 * r6;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd10 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd14 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002dd18 strheq ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r0");
0x0002dd1c strheq ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd20 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002dd24 strheq ip, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd28 andeq ip, r0, fp, asr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd2c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd30 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd34 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd38 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd3c andeq ip, r0, sp, asr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd40 andeq ip, r0, r7, ror 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd44 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd48 andeq ip, r0, r8, ror 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd4c andeq ip, r0, r8, ror 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd50 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd54 andeq ip, r0, sb, ror 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd58 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsl 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd5c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd60 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd64 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd68 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd6c andeq ip, r0, r5, lsl 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd70 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsl r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd74 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd78 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd7c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd80 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd84 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd88 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd8c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd90 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd94 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd98 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dd9c andeq ip, r0, sp, lsr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dda0 andeq ip, r0, r7, asr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dda4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dda8 andeq ip, r0, r8, asr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddac andeq ip, r0, r8, asr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddb0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddb4 andeq ip, r0, sb, asr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddb8 andeq ip, r0, r3, ror r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddbc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddc0 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddc4 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddc8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddcc andeq ip, r0, r5, ror r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddd0 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsl 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddd4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddd8 muleq r0, r0, r7 | r0 *= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dddc muleq r0, r0, r7 | r0 *= r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dde0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dde4 muleq r0, r1, r7 | r0 = r1 * r7;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dde8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddf0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddf4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddf8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ddfc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de00 andeq ip, r0, r7, asr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de04 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de08 andeq ip, r0, r8, asr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de0c andeq ip, r0, r8, asr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de10 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de14 andeq ip, r0, sb, asr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de18 andeq ip, r0, r3, ror 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de1c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de20 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de24 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de28 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de2c andeq ip, r0, r5, ror 15 |
| }
0x0002de30 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de34 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de38 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de3c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de40 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de44 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsl 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de48 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsl r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de4c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de50 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de54 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de58 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de5c andeq ip, r0, sp, lsl r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de60 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de64 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de68 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de6c andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de70 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de74 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de78 andeq ip, r0, r3, asr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de7c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de80 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de84 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de88 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de8c andeq ip, r0, r5, asr r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de90 andeq ip, r0, pc, ror 16 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de94 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de98 andeq ip, r0, r0, ror r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002de9c andeq ip, r0, r0, ror r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dea0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dea4 andeq ip, r0, r1, ror r8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dea8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsl 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002deac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002deb0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002deb4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002deb8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002debc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsl 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dec0 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dec4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dec8 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002decc andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ded0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ded4 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ded8 andeq ip, r0, r3, asr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dedc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dee0 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dee4 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dee8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002deec andeq ip, r0, r5, asr 17 |
| }
0x0002def0 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002def4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002def8 andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002defc andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 17 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df00 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df04 andeq ip, r0, r1, ror 17 |
| }
0x0002df08 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df0c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002df10 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002df14 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df18 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002df1c strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df20 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsl sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df24 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df28 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df2c andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df30 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df34 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsl sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df38 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df3c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df40 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df44 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df48 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df4c andeq ip, r0, r5, lsr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df50 andeq ip, r0, pc, asr 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df54 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df58 andeq ip, r0, r0, asr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df5c andeq ip, r0, r0, asr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df60 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df64 andeq ip, r0, r1, asr sb |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df68 andeq ip, r0, fp, ror 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df6c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df70 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df74 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df78 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df7c andeq ip, r0, sp, ror 18 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df80 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsl 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df84 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df88 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df8c andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df90 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df94 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsl 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df98 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002df9c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfa0 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfa4 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfa8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfac andeq ip, r0, r5, lsr 19 |
| }
0x0002dfb0 strheq ip, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfb4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfb8 andeq ip, r0, r0, asr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfbc andeq ip, r0, r0, asr 19 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfc0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfc4 andeq ip, r0, r1, asr 19 |
| }
0x0002dfc8 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfcc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002dfd0 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002dfd4 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfd8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002dfdc ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp");
0x0002dfe0 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dfe4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002dfe8 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8");
0x0002dfec strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dff0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002dff4 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sb");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dff8 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsl sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002dffc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e000 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e004 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e008 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e00c andeq ip, r0, r5, lsl sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e010 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsr 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e014 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e018 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e01c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e020 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e024 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsr sl |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e028 andeq ip, r0, fp, asr 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e02c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e030 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e034 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e038 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e03c andeq ip, r0, sp, asr 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e040 andeq ip, r0, r7, ror 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e044 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e048 andeq ip, r0, r8, ror 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e04c andeq ip, r0, r8, ror 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e050 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e054 andeq ip, r0, sb, ror 20 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e058 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsl 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e05c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e060 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e064 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e068 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e06c andeq ip, r0, r5, lsl 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e070 muleq r0, pc, sl | r0 = pc * sl;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e074 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e078 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e07c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 21 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e080 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 == r0) {
0x0002e084 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsr 21 | goto label_162;
| }
| }
| label_162:
0x0002e088 strheq ip, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e08c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e090 strheq ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -ip");
0x0002e094 strheq ip, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e098 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e09c strheq ip, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -sp");
0x0002e0a0 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0a4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e0a8 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8");
0x0002e0ac ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0b0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e0b4 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sb | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sb");
0x0002e0b8 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0bc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e0c0 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002e0c4 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0c8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e0cc strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0d0 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsl 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0d4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0d8 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0dc andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0e0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0e4 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsl fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0e8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsr 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0ec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0f0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0f4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0f8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e0fc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsr 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e100 strbeq r2, [r3, 0x800] | *((r3 + 0x800)) = r2;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e104 andeq r0, r0, r5, lsl 2 | r0 &= (r5 << 2);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e108 andeq r0, r0, r0 | r0 &= r0;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e10c andeq ip, r0, r8, asr 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e110 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e114 andeq ip, r0, sb, asr 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e118 andeq ip, r0, r3, ror 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e11c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e120 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e124 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e128 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e12c andeq ip, r0, r5, ror 22 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e130 andeq ip, r0, pc, ror fp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e134 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e138 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e13c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e140 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e144 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsl 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e148 muleq r0, fp, fp | r0 = fp * fp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e14c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e150 muleq r0, ip, fp | r0 = ip * fp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e154 muleq r0, ip, fp | r0 = ip * fp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e158 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e15c muleq r0, sp, fp | r0 = sp * fp;
| }
0x0002e160 strheq ip, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e164 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e168 strheq ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r8");
0x0002e16c strheq ip, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e170 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e174 strheq ip, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -sb");
0x0002e178 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e17c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e180 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002e184 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e188 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e18c ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e190 andeq ip, r0, pc, ror 23 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e194 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e198 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002e19c strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1a0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e1a4 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1a8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsl 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1ac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1b0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1b4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1b8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1bc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsl 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1c0 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1c4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1c8 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1cc andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1d0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1d4 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1d8 andeq ip, r0, r3, asr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1dc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1e0 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1e4 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1e8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1ec andeq ip, r0, r5, asr 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1f0 andeq ip, r0, pc, asr ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1f4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1f8 andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e1fc andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e200 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e204 andeq ip, r0, r1, ror 24 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e208 andeq ip, r0, fp, ror ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e20c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e210 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e214 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e218 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e21c andeq ip, r0, sp, ror ip |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e220 muleq r0, r7, ip | r0 = r7 * ip;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e224 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e228 muleq r0, r8, ip | r0 = r8 * ip;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e22c muleq r0, r8, ip | r0 = r8 * ip;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e230 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e234 muleq r0, sb, ip | r0 = sb * ip;
| }
0x0002e238 strheq ip, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e23c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e240 strheq ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r4");
0x0002e244 strheq ip, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e248 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e24c strheq ip, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e250 andeq ip, r0, pc, asr 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e254 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e258 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002e25c ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e260 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e264 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e268 andeq ip, r0, fp, ror 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e26c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e270 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e274 andeq ip, r0, ip, ror 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e278 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e27c andeq ip, r0, sp, ror 25 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e280 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsl 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e284 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e288 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e28c andeq ip, r0, r8, lsl 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e290 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e294 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsl 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e298 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e29c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2a0 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2a4 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2a8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2ac andeq ip, r0, r5, lsr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2b0 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsr sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2b4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2b8 andeq ip, r0, r0, asr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2bc andeq ip, r0, r0, asr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2c0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2c4 andeq ip, r0, r1, asr 26 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2c8 andeq ip, r0, fp, asr sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2cc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2d0 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2d4 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2d8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2dc andeq ip, r0, sp, asr sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2e0 andeq ip, r0, r7, ror sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2e4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2e8 andeq ip, r0, r8, ror sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2ec andeq ip, r0, r8, ror sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2f0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2f4 andeq ip, r0, sb, ror sp |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2f8 muleq r0, r3, sp | r0 = r3 * sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e2fc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e300 muleq r0, r4, sp | r0 = r4 * sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e304 muleq r0, r4, sp | r0 = r4 * sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e308 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e30c muleq r0, r5, sp | r0 = r5 * sp;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e310 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsr 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e314 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e318 strheq ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r0");
0x0002e31c strheq ip, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e320 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e324 strheq ip, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strheq ip, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e328 andeq ip, r0, fp, asr 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e32c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e330 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e334 andeq ip, r0, ip, asr 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e338 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e33c andeq ip, r0, sp, asr 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e340 andeq ip, r0, r7, ror 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e344 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e348 andeq ip, r0, r8, ror 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e34c andeq ip, r0, r8, ror 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e350 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e354 andeq ip, r0, sb, ror 27 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e358 andeq ip, r0, r3, lsl 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e35c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e360 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e364 andeq ip, r0, r4, lsl 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e368 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e36c andeq ip, r0, r5, lsl 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e370 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsl lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e374 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e378 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e37c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e380 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e384 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsr 28 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e388 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsr lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e38c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e390 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e394 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e398 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e39c andeq ip, r0, sp, lsr lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3a0 andeq ip, r0, r7, asr lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3a4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3a8 andeq ip, r0, r8, asr lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3ac andeq ip, r0, r8, asr lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3b0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3b4 andeq ip, r0, sb, asr lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3b8 andeq ip, r0, r3, ror lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3bc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3c0 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3c4 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3c8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3cc andeq ip, r0, r5, ror lr |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3d0 andeq ip, r0, pc, lsl 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3d4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3d8 muleq r0, r0, lr | r0 *= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3dc muleq r0, r0, lr | r0 *= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3e0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3e4 muleq r0, r1, lr | r0 = r1 * lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3e8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsr 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3ec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3f0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3f4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsr 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3f8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e3fc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsr 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e400 andeq ip, r0, r7, asr 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e404 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e408 andeq ip, r0, r8, asr 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e40c andeq ip, r0, r8, asr 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e410 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e414 andeq ip, r0, sb, asr 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e418 andeq ip, r0, r3, ror 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e41c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e420 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e424 andeq ip, r0, r4, ror 29 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e428 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e42c andeq ip, r0, r5, ror 29 |
| }
0x0002e430 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e434 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e438 andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e43c andeq ip, r0, r0, lsl 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e440 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e444 andeq ip, r0, r1, lsl 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e448 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsl pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e44c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e450 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e454 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e458 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e45c andeq ip, r0, sp, lsl pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e460 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e464 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e468 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e46c andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e470 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e474 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e478 andeq ip, r0, r3, asr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e47c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e480 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e484 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e488 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e48c andeq ip, r0, r5, asr pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e490 andeq ip, r0, pc, ror 30 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e494 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e498 andeq ip, r0, r0, ror pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e49c andeq ip, r0, r0, ror pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4a0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4a4 andeq ip, r0, r1, ror pc |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4a8 andeq ip, r0, fp, lsl 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4ac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4b0 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4b4 andeq ip, r0, ip, lsl 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4b8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4bc andeq ip, r0, sp, lsl 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4c0 andeq ip, r0, r7, lsr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4c4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4c8 andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4cc andeq ip, r0, r8, lsr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4d0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4d4 andeq ip, r0, sb, lsr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4d8 andeq ip, r0, r3, asr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4dc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4e0 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4e4 andeq ip, r0, r4, asr 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4e8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4ec andeq ip, r0, r5, asr 31 |
| }
0x0002e4f0 ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("ldrdeq ip, sp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4f4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4f8 andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e4fc andeq ip, r0, r0, ror 31 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e500 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e504 andeq ip, r0, r1, ror 31 |
| }
0x0002e508 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e50c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e510 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002e514 strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e518 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e51c strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strdeq ip, sp, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e520 andeq sp, r0, r7, lsl r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e524 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e528 andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e52c andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e530 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e534 andeq sp, r0, sb, lsl r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e538 andeq sp, r0, r3, lsr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e53c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e540 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e544 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e548 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e54c andeq sp, r0, r5, lsr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e550 andeq sp, r0, pc, asr 32 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e554 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e558 andeq sp, r0, r0, asr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e55c andeq sp, r0, r0, asr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e560 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e564 andeq sp, r0, r1, asr r0 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e568 andeq sp, r0, fp, rrx |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e56c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e570 andeq sp, r0, ip, rrx |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e574 andeq sp, r0, ip, rrx |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e578 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e57c andeq sp, r0, sp, rrx |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e580 andeq sp, r0, r7, lsl 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e584 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e588 andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e58c andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e590 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e594 andeq sp, r0, sb, lsl 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e598 andeq sp, r0, r3, lsr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e59c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5a0 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5a4 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5a8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5ac andeq sp, r0, r5, lsr 1 |
| }
0x0002e5b0 strheq sp, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5b4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5b8 andeq sp, r0, r0, asr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5bc andeq sp, r0, r0, asr 1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5c0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5c4 andeq sp, r0, r1, asr 1 |
| }
0x0002e5c8 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -fp | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5cc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e5d0 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -ip");
0x0002e5d4 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -ip | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5d8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e5dc ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -sp | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -sp");
0x0002e5e0 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5e4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e5e8 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r8");
0x0002e5ec strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5f0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e5f4 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -sb");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5f8 andeq sp, r0, r3, lsl r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e5fc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e600 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsl r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e604 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsl r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e608 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e60c andeq sp, r0, r5, lsl r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e610 andeq sp, r0, pc, lsr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e614 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e618 andeq sp, r0, r0, lsr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e61c andeq sp, r0, r0, lsr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e620 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e624 andeq sp, r0, r1, lsr r1 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e628 andeq sp, r0, fp, asr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e62c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e630 andeq sp, r0, ip, asr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e634 andeq sp, r0, ip, asr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e638 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e63c andeq sp, r0, sp, asr 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e640 andeq sp, r0, r7, ror 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e644 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e648 andeq sp, r0, r8, ror 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e64c andeq sp, r0, r8, ror 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e650 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e654 andeq sp, r0, sb, ror 2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e658 andeq sp, r0, r3, lsl 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e65c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e660 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsl 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e664 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsl 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e668 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e66c andeq sp, r0, r5, lsl 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e670 muleq r0, pc, r1 | r0 = pc * r1;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e674 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e678 andeq sp, r0, r0, lsr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e67c andeq sp, r0, r0, lsr 3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e680 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e684 andeq sp, r0, r1, lsr 3 |
| }
0x0002e688 strheq sp, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e68c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e690 strheq sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -ip");
0x0002e694 strheq sp, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e698 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e69c strheq sp, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -sp");
0x0002e6a0 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6a4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e6a8 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r8");
0x0002e6ac ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6b0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e6b4 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -sb | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -sb");
0x0002e6b8 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6bc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e6c0 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r4");
0x0002e6c4 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6c8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e6cc strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6d0 andeq sp, r0, pc, lsl 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6d4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6d8 andeq sp, r0, r0, lsl r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6dc andeq sp, r0, r0, lsl r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6e0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6e4 andeq sp, r0, r1, lsl r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6e8 andeq sp, r0, fp, lsr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6ec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6f0 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6f4 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6f8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e6fc andeq sp, r0, sp, lsr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e700 andeq sp, r0, r7, asr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e704 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e708 andeq sp, r0, r8, asr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e70c andeq sp, r0, r8, asr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e710 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e714 andeq sp, r0, sb, asr 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e718 andeq sp, r0, r3, ror 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e71c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e720 andeq sp, r0, r4, ror 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e724 andeq sp, r0, r4, ror 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e728 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e72c andeq sp, r0, r5, ror 4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e730 andeq sp, r0, pc, ror r2 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e734 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e738 andeq sp, r0, r0, lsl 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e73c andeq sp, r0, r0, lsl 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e740 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e744 andeq sp, r0, r1, lsl 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e748 muleq r0, fp, r2 | r0 = fp * r2;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e74c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e750 muleq r0, ip, r2 | r0 = ip * r2;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e754 muleq r0, ip, r2 | r0 = ip * r2;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e758 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e75c muleq r0, sp, r2 | r0 = sp * r2;
| }
0x0002e760 strheq sp, [r0], -r7 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r7");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e764 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e768 strheq sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r8");
0x0002e76c strheq sp, [r0], -r8 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r8");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e770 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e774 strheq sp, [r0], -sb | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -sb");
0x0002e778 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e77c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e780 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r4");
0x0002e784 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e788 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e78c ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e790 andeq sp, r0, pc, ror 5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e794 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e798 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r0");
0x0002e79c strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7a0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e7a4 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7a8 andeq sp, r0, fp, lsl 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7ac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7b0 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsl 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7b4 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsl 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7b8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7bc andeq sp, r0, sp, lsl 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7c0 andeq sp, r0, r7, lsr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7c4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7c8 andeq sp, r0, r8, lsr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7cc andeq sp, r0, r8, lsr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7d0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7d4 andeq sp, r0, sb, lsr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7d8 andeq sp, r0, r3, asr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7dc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7e0 andeq sp, r0, r4, asr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7e4 andeq sp, r0, r4, asr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7e8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7ec andeq sp, r0, r5, asr 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7f0 andeq sp, r0, pc, asr r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7f4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7f8 andeq sp, r0, r0, ror 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e7fc andeq sp, r0, r0, ror 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e800 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e804 andeq sp, r0, r1, ror 6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e808 andeq sp, r0, fp, ror r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e80c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e810 andeq sp, r0, ip, ror r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e814 andeq sp, r0, ip, ror r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e818 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e81c andeq sp, r0, sp, ror r3 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e820 muleq r0, r7, r3 | r0 = r7 * r3;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e824 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e828 muleq r0, r8, r3 | r0 = r8 * r3;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e82c muleq r0, r8, r3 | r0 = r8 * r3;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e830 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e834 muleq r0, sb, r3 | r0 = sb * r3;
| }
0x0002e838 strheq sp, [r0], -r3 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r3");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e83c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e840 strheq sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r4");
0x0002e844 strheq sp, [r0], -r4 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r4");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e848 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e84c strheq sp, [r0], -r5 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r5");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e850 andeq sp, r0, pc, asr 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e854 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e858 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r0");
0x0002e85c ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e860 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e864 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e868 andeq sp, r0, fp, ror 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e86c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e870 andeq sp, r0, ip, ror 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e874 andeq sp, r0, ip, ror 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e878 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e87c andeq sp, r0, sp, ror 7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e880 andeq sp, r0, r7, lsl 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e884 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e888 andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e88c andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e890 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e894 andeq sp, r0, sb, lsl 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e898 andeq sp, r0, r3, lsr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e89c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8a0 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8a4 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8a8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8ac andeq sp, r0, r5, lsr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8b0 andeq sp, r0, pc, lsr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8b4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8b8 andeq sp, r0, r0, asr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8bc andeq sp, r0, r0, asr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8c0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8c4 andeq sp, r0, r1, asr 8 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8c8 andeq sp, r0, fp, asr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8cc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8d0 andeq sp, r0, ip, asr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8d4 andeq sp, r0, ip, asr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8d8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8dc andeq sp, r0, sp, asr r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8e0 andeq sp, r0, r7, ror r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8e4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8e8 andeq sp, r0, r8, ror r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8ec andeq sp, r0, r8, ror r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8f0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8f4 andeq sp, r0, sb, ror r4 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8f8 muleq r0, r3, r4 | r0 = r3 * r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e8fc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e900 muleq r0, r4, r4 | r0 = r4 * r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e904 muleq r0, r4, r4 | r0 = r4 * r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e908 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e90c muleq r0, r5, r4 | r0 = r5 * r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e910 andeq sp, r0, pc, lsr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e914 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002e918 strheq sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r0");
0x0002e91c strheq sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e920 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002e924 strheq sp, [r0], -r1 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r1");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e928 andeq sp, r0, fp, asr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e92c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e930 andeq sp, r0, ip, asr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e934 andeq sp, r0, ip, asr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e938 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e93c andeq sp, r0, sp, asr 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e940 andeq sp, r0, r7, ror 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e944 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e948 andeq sp, r0, r8, ror 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e94c andeq sp, r0, r8, ror 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e950 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e954 andeq sp, r0, sb, ror 9 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e958 andeq sp, r0, r3, lsl 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e95c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e960 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsl 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e964 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsl 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e968 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e96c andeq sp, r0, r5, lsl 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e970 andeq sp, r0, pc, lsl r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e974 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e978 andeq sp, r0, r0, lsr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e97c andeq sp, r0, r0, lsr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e980 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e984 andeq sp, r0, r1, lsr 10 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e988 andeq sp, r0, fp, lsr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e98c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e990 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e994 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e998 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e99c andeq sp, r0, sp, lsr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9a0 andeq sp, r0, r7, asr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9a4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9a8 andeq sp, r0, r8, asr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9ac andeq sp, r0, r8, asr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9b0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9b4 andeq sp, r0, sb, asr r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9b8 andeq sp, r0, r3, ror r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9bc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9c0 andeq sp, r0, r4, ror r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9c4 andeq sp, r0, r4, ror r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9c8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9cc andeq sp, r0, r5, ror r5 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9d0 andeq sp, r0, pc, lsl 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9d4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9d8 muleq r0, r0, r5 | r0 *= r5;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9dc muleq r0, r0, r5 | r0 *= r5;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9e0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9e4 muleq r0, r1, r5 | r0 = r1 * r5;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9e8 andeq sp, r0, fp, lsr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9ec andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9f0 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9f4 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9f8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002e9fc andeq sp, r0, sp, lsr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea00 andeq sp, r0, r7, asr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea04 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea08 andeq sp, r0, r8, asr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea0c andeq sp, r0, r8, asr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea10 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea14 andeq sp, r0, sb, asr 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea18 andeq sp, r0, r3, ror 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea1c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea20 andeq sp, r0, r4, ror 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea24 andeq sp, r0, r4, ror 11 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea28 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea2c andeq sp, r0, r5, ror 11 |
| }
0x0002ea30 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -pc | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea34 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea38 andeq sp, r0, r0, lsl 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea3c andeq sp, r0, r0, lsl 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea40 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea44 andeq sp, r0, r1, lsl 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea48 andeq sp, r0, fp, lsl r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea4c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea50 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsl r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea54 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsl r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea58 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea5c andeq sp, r0, sp, lsl r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea60 andeq sp, r0, r7, lsr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea64 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea68 andeq sp, r0, r8, lsr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea6c andeq sp, r0, r8, lsr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea70 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea74 andeq sp, r0, sb, lsr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea78 andeq sp, r0, r3, asr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea7c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea80 andeq sp, r0, r4, asr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea84 andeq sp, r0, r4, asr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea88 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea8c andeq sp, r0, r5, asr r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea90 andeq sp, r0, pc, ror 12 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea94 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea98 andeq sp, r0, r0, ror r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ea9c andeq sp, r0, r0, ror r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eaa0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eaa4 andeq sp, r0, r1, ror r6 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eaa8 andeq sp, r0, fp, lsl 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eaac andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eab0 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsl 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eab4 andeq sp, r0, ip, lsl 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eab8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eabc andeq sp, r0, sp, lsl 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eac0 andeq sp, r0, r7, lsr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eac4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eac8 andeq sp, r0, r8, lsr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eacc andeq sp, r0, r8, lsr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ead0 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ead4 andeq sp, r0, sb, lsr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ead8 andeq sp, r0, r3, asr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eadc andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eae0 andeq sp, r0, r4, asr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eae4 andeq sp, r0, r4, asr 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eae8 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eaec andeq sp, r0, r5, asr 13 |
| }
0x0002eaf0 ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -pc | __asm ("ldrdeq sp, lr, [r0], -pc");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eaf4 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eaf8 andeq sp, r0, r0, ror 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eafc andeq sp, r0, r0, ror 13 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb00 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb04 andeq sp, r0, r1, ror 13 |
| }
0x0002eb08 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb0c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002eb10 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -ip");
0x0002eb14 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -ip | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -ip");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb18 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
0x0002eb1c strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -sp | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -sp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb20 andeq sp, r0, r7, lsl r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb24 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb28 andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb2c andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb30 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb34 andeq sp, r0, sb, lsl r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb38 andeq sp, r0, r3, lsr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb3c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb40 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb44 andeq sp, r0, r4, lsr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb48 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb4c andeq sp, r0, r5, lsr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb50 andeq sp, r0, pc, asr 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb54 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb58 andeq sp, r0, r0, asr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb5c andeq sp, r0, r0, asr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb60 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb64 andeq sp, r0, r1, asr r7 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb68 andeq sp, r0, fp, ror 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb6c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb70 andeq sp, r0, ip, ror 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb74 andeq sp, r0, ip, ror 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb78 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb7c andeq sp, r0, sp, ror 14 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb80 andeq sp, r0, r7, lsl 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb84 andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb88 andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb8c andeq sp, r0, r8, lsl 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb90 andeq r0, r0, lr | r0 &= lr;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb94 andeq sp, r0, sb, lsl 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb98 andeq sp, r0, r3, lsr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eb9c andeq r0, r0, pc | r0 &= pc;
| }
0x0002eba0 strheq sp, [r0], -r0 | __asm ("strheq sp, [r0], -r0");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eba4 andeq sp, r0, r6, asr 15 |
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002eba8 andeq r0, r0, r1, lsl r0 | r0 &= (r1 << r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebac andeq sp, r0, fp, asr 15 |
| }
0x0002ebb0 strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -fp | __asm ("strdeq sp, lr, [r0], -fp");
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebb4 andeq r0, r0, r0, lsl r0 | r0 &= (r0 << r0);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebb8 andeq pc, r0, lr, lsl fp | pc = r0 & (lr << fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebbc andeq pc, r0, lr, lsl fp | pc = r0 & (lr << fp);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebc0 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebc4 andeq pc, r0, r0, lsl 28 | pc = r0 & (r0 << 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebc8 andeq pc, r0, pc, lsl 28 | pc = r0 & (pc << 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebcc andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebd0 andeq pc, r0, r0, lsr 28 | pc = r0 & (r0 >> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebd4 andeq pc, r0, pc, lsr 28 | pc = r0 & (pc >> 28);
| }
| if (r7 != r0) {
0x0002ebd8 andeq r0, r0, r4 | r0 &= r4;
| }
0x0002ebdc invalid |
| }
[*] Function strcpy used 1 times libonig.so.5.3.0