[*] Binary protection state of libsystemd.so.0.34.0

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX enabled   DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function fprintf tear down of libsystemd.so.0.34.0

bne.w 0x6e614
cmp.w sl, 0
mov r0, r6
ite eq
moveq r2, sl
movne r2, 3
mov r1, r7
bl 0x6d8fc
subs r4, r0, 0
blt 0x6e32e
bne.w 0x6e66e
cmp.w r8, 0
beq 0x6e32c
str.w r7, [r8]
movs r4, 1
cmp r5, 0
beq 0x6e280
movs r2, 0
mov r1, r5
movs r0, 2
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
b 0x6e280
add r5, sp, 0xa4
it lt
rsblt r4, r4, 0
bic r4, r4, 0x40000000
rsbs r4, r4, 0
cmp r4, 0
it ge
mvnge r4, 0x55
b 0x6e32e
add r5, sp, 0xa4
mov r0, r5
blx 0xeef4
cmp r0, 0
itt ge
movge r3, 1
strge r3, [sp, 0x10]
blt.w 0x6e6b0
mov r1, r5
add r5, sp, 0x24
mov r2, r5
movs r0, 2
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
cmp r0, 0
itt ge
add r4, pc
adds r2, 7
add r3, pc
strd r3, r4, [sp]
movw r3, 0x549
bl 0x68ca8
b 0x6e682
blx sym.imp.sigaddset
cmp r0, 0
it ne
cmpne fp, r0
beq.w 0x6e248
bl 0x68450
cmp r0, 6
bgt.w 0x6e728
movs r0, 0xf
blx sym.imp.pwrite64
b 0x6e682
add r1, sp, 0x24
movs r0, 2
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
cmp r0, 0
bge.w 0x6e242
add r4, pc
adds r2, 7
add r3, pc
strd r3, r4, [sp]
mov.w r3, 0x568
bl 0x68ca8
b 0x6e682
add r4, sp, 0xa4
movs r2, 0x80
add r1, sp, 0x24
mov r0, r4
blx 0xe8b0
movs r1, 0x11
mov r0, r4
blx sym.imp.memmem
cmp r0, 0
blt 0x6e6c6
mov r1, r4
movs r2, 0
movs r0, 2
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
b 0x6e308
ldr r1, [0x0006e7dc]
asrs r0, r0, 0x1e
movs r2, r0
ldr r2, [0x0006f054]
ldr r3, [0x0006f058]
push {r4, lr}
sub sp, 0x88
add r2, pc
add r4, sp, 4
mov r0, r4
ldr r3, [r2, r3]
ldr r3, [r3]
str r3, [sp, 0x84]
mov.w r3, 0
blx sym.imp.sigemptyset
cmp r0, 0
blt 0x6f01e
movs r2, 0
mov r1, r4
movs r0, 2
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
cmp r0, 0
blt 0x6f028

[*] Function fprintf used 5 times libsystemd.so.0.34.0