[*] Binary protection state of libgio-2.0.so.0.7200.3

  	Full RELRO     No Canary found   NX enabled   DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function printf tear down of libgio-2.0.so.0.7200.3

add r6, sb
movs r0, r1
subs r0, r3, r6
movs r1, r1
subs r2, r0, r3
movs r1, r1
add r0, r1
movs r0, r1
subs r2, r0, r6
movs r1, r1
asrs r4, r4, 0x1d
movs r1, r1
mvns r2, r6
movs r0, r1
push {r4, r5, lr}
sub sp, 0x14
add r4, sp, 0x20
ldr r5, [r4], 4
strd r5, r4, [sp]
str r4, [sp, 0xc]
bl sym.g_output_stream_vprintf
add sp, 0x14
pop {r4, r5, pc}
asrs r0, r0, 2
movs r0, r0
lsls r7, r2, 0xc
movs r0, r0
mcrr p0, 0, r0, r4, c6
movs r3, 0xbc
movs r0, r1
push {r4, lr}
mov r4, r0
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r3, [r0, 0x34]
cbnz r3, 0x7ad62
blx 0x29800
mov r1, r4
movs r0, 8
blx 0x2bc70
movs r0, 0
pop {r4, pc}
ldr r1, [r4, 4]
mov r0, r3
blx sym.imp.g_string_append_printf
ldr r0, [r4]
b 0x7ad52
movs r1, 0x10
ldr r0, [0x000d356c]
ldr r3, [sp, 0x14]
add r2, pc
add r0, pc
blx 0x2bcdc
ldr r0, [sp, 0x14]
blx sym.imp.g_atomic_ref_count_inc
b 0xd33a6
ldr r5, [0x000d3570]
add r5, pc
b 0xd344e
ldr r3, [r4]
mov r0, r5
ldr.w r1, [r3, r7, lsl 2]
adds r7, 1
str r1, [sp, 0x18]
blx sym.imp.g_io_condition_get_type
ldr r0, [sp, 0x18]
movs r1, 0xf
blx sym.imp.g_string_append_printf
ldr r3, [r4, 4]
cmp r7, r3
ldrb r4, [r0, 0xa]
movs r1, r0
ldrb r4, [r4, 9]
movs r1, r0
rsbs r0, r3, 0
movs r4, r0
cmp r8, sb
movs r4, r0
tst r6, r1
movs r4, r0
rsbs r6, r3, 0
movs r4, r0
ldrb r4, [r3, 8]
movs r1, r0
push {r4, r5, r6, lr}
movs r1, 0xf
ldr r3, [r0, 0xc]
mov r4, r0
movs r6, 0
ldr r0, [r3, 8]
blx sym.imp.g_string_append_printf
ldr r3, [r4, 0xc]
ldr r0, [0x000d35e0]

[*] Function printf used 4 times libgio-2.0.so.0.7200.3