[*] Binary protection state of libc.so.6

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX enabled   DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function fprintf tear down of libc.so.6

   3c1a2:	4604      	mov	r4, r0
   3c1a4:	b11e      	cbz	r6, 3c1ae <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x2e>
   3c1a6:	7833      	ldrb	r3, [r6, #0]
   3c1a8:	2b00      	cmp	r3, #0
   3c1aa:	f040 8082 	bne.w	3c2b2 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x132>
   3c1ae:	682e      	ldr	r6, [r5, #0]
   3c1b0:	2e40      	cmp	r6, #64	; 0x40
   3c1b2:	d83a      	bhi.n	3c22a <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xaa>
   3c1b4:	4bba      	ldr	r3, [pc, #744]	; (3c4a0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x320>)
   3c1b6:	447b      	add	r3, pc
   3c1b8:	f853 1026 	ldr.w	r1, [r3, r6, lsl #2]
   3c1bc:	b359      	cbz	r1, 3c216 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x96>
   3c1be:	48b9      	ldr	r0, [pc, #740]	; (3c4a4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x324>)
   3c1c0:	2205      	movs	r2, #5
   3c1c2:	4478      	add	r0, pc
   3c1c4:	f7ec fa60 	bl	28688 <__dcgettext@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c1c8:	49b7      	ldr	r1, [pc, #732]	; (3c4a8 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x328>)
   3c1ca:	4602      	mov	r2, r0
   3c1cc:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c1ce:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c1d0:	f7fc fe06 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c1d4:	682b      	ldr	r3, [r5, #0]
   3c1d6:	68aa      	ldr	r2, [r5, #8]
   3c20e:	003f      	movs	r7, r7
   3c210:	003f      	movs	r7, r7
   3c212:	003f      	movs	r7, r7
   3c214:	0106      	lsls	r6, r0, #4
   3c216:	f7f0 fee7 	bl	2cfe8 <__libc_current_sigrtmin@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c21a:	4286      	cmp	r6, r0
   3c21c:	db05      	blt.n	3c22a <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xaa>
   3c21e:	682e      	ldr	r6, [r5, #0]
   3c220:	f7f0 fee8 	bl	2cff4 <__libc_current_sigrtmax@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c224:	4286      	cmp	r6, r0
   3c226:	f2c0 80e9 	blt.w	3c3fc <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x27c>
   3c22a:	49a0      	ldr	r1, [pc, #640]	; (3c4ac <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x32c>)
   3c22c:	2205      	movs	r2, #5
   3c22e:	48a0      	ldr	r0, [pc, #640]	; (3c4b0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x330>)
   3c230:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c232:	4478      	add	r0, pc
   3c234:	f7ec fa28 	bl	28688 <__dcgettext@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c238:	682a      	ldr	r2, [r5, #0]
   3c23a:	4601      	mov	r1, r0
   3c23c:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c23e:	f7fc fdcf 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c242:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c244:	f010 fb18 	bl	4c878 <_IO_fclose@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c24e:	4639      	mov	r1, r7
   3c250:	4602      	mov	r2, r0
   3c252:	2002      	movs	r0, #2
   3c254:	f069 fa6a 	bl	a572c <__write_nocancel@@GLIBC_PRIVATE>
   3c258:	f50d 7d02 	add.w	sp, sp, #520	; 0x208
   3c25c:	e8bd 81f0 	ldmia.w	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc}
   3c260:	2a00      	cmp	r2, #0
   3c262:	dd75      	ble.n	3c350 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1d0>
   3c264:	2a80      	cmp	r2, #128	; 0x80
   3c266:	f040 809b 	bne.w	3c3a0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x220>
   3c26a:	4992      	ldr	r1, [pc, #584]	; (3c4b4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x334>)
   3c26c:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c26e:	4892      	ldr	r0, [pc, #584]	; (3c4b8 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x338>)
   3c270:	2205      	movs	r2, #5
   3c272:	4478      	add	r0, pc
   3c274:	f7ec fa08 	bl	28688 <__dcgettext@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c278:	4990      	ldr	r1, [pc, #576]	; (3c4bc <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x33c>)
   3c27a:	4602      	mov	r2, r0
   3c27c:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c27e:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c280:	f7fc fdae 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c284:	682b      	ldr	r3, [r5, #0]
   3c286:	68ea      	ldr	r2, [r5, #12]
   3c28e:	d01d      	beq.n	3c2cc <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x14c>
   3c290:	3b07      	subs	r3, #7
   3c292:	2b16      	cmp	r3, #22
   3c294:	d813      	bhi.n	3c2be <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x13e>
   3c296:	e8df f003 	tbb	[pc, r3]
   3c29a:	1219      	asrs	r1, r3, #8
   3c29c:	1212      	asrs	r2, r2, #8
   3c29e:	1219      	asrs	r1, r3, #8
   3c2a0:	1212      	asrs	r2, r2, #8
   3c2a2:	1212      	asrs	r2, r2, #8
   3c2a4:	1252      	asrs	r2, r2, #9
   3c2a6:	1212      	asrs	r2, r2, #8
   3c2a8:	1212      	asrs	r2, r2, #8
   3c2aa:	1212      	asrs	r2, r2, #8
   3c2ac:	1212      	asrs	r2, r2, #8
   3c2ae:	1212      	asrs	r2, r2, #8
   3c2b0:	004c      	lsls	r4, r1, #1
   3c2b2:	4983      	ldr	r1, [pc, #524]	; (3c4c0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x340>)
   3c2b4:	4632      	mov	r2, r6
   3c2b6:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c2b8:	f7fc fd92 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c2bc:	e777      	b.n	3c1ae <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x2e>
   3c2be:	4981      	ldr	r1, [pc, #516]	; (3c4c4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x344>)
   3c2c0:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c2c2:	692b      	ldr	r3, [r5, #16]
   3c2c4:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c2c6:	f7fc fd8b 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c2ca:	e7ba      	b.n	3c242 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xc2>
   3c2cc:	497e      	ldr	r1, [pc, #504]	; (3c4c8 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x348>)
   3c2ce:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c2d0:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c2d2:	f7fc fd85 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c2d6:	e7b4      	b.n	3c242 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xc2>
   3c2d8:	497c      	ldr	r1, [pc, #496]	; (3c4cc <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x34c>)
   3c308:	4972      	ldr	r1, [pc, #456]	; (3c4d4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x354>)
   3c30a:	2002      	movs	r0, #2
   3c30c:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c30e:	f501 7300 	add.w	r3, r1, #512	; 0x200
   3c312:	f501 7101 	add.w	r1, r1, #516	; 0x204
   3c316:	e7e6      	b.n	3c2e6 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x166>
   3c318:	4b6f      	ldr	r3, [pc, #444]	; (3c4d8 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x358>)
   3c31a:	2008      	movs	r0, #8
   3c31c:	447b      	add	r3, pc
   3c31e:	1819      	adds	r1, r3, r0
   3c320:	e7e1      	b.n	3c2e6 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x166>
   3c322:	496e      	ldr	r1, [pc, #440]	; (3c4dc <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x35c>)
   3c324:	2002      	movs	r0, #2
   3c326:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c328:	f501 7322 	add.w	r3, r1, #648	; 0x288
   3c32c:	f501 7123 	add.w	r1, r1, #652	; 0x28c
   3c330:	e7d9      	b.n	3c2e6 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x166>
   3c332:	496b      	ldr	r1, [pc, #428]	; (3c4e0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x360>)
   3c334:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c336:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c338:	f7fc fd52 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c33c:	e781      	b.n	3c242 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xc2>
   3c33e:	e9d5 1304 	ldrd	r1, r3, [r5, #16]
   3c342:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c344:	9100      	str	r1, [sp, #0]
   3c346:	4967      	ldr	r1, [pc, #412]	; (3c4e4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x364>)
   3c348:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c34a:	f7fc fd49 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c34e:	e778      	b.n	3c242 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xc2>
   3c350:	f112 0f3c 	cmn.w	r2, #60	; 0x3c
   3c37e:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c380:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c382:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c384:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c386:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c388:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c38a:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c38c:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c38e:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c390:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c392:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c394:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c396:	1f1f      	subs	r7, r3, #4
   3c398:	7976      	ldrb	r6, [r6, #5]
   3c39a:	7073      	strb	r3, [r6, #1]
   3c39c:	6a6d      	ldr	r5, [r5, #36]	; 0x24
   3c39e:	0067      	lsls	r7, r4, #1
   3c3a0:	4951      	ldr	r1, [pc, #324]	; (3c4e8 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x368>)
   3c3a2:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c3a4:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c3a6:	f7fc fd1b 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c3aa:	e76b      	b.n	3c284 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x104>
   3c3ac:	b19e      	cbz	r6, 3c3d6 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x256>
   3c3f4:	f101 039c 	add.w	r3, r1, #156	; 0x9c
   3c3f8:	31a4      	adds	r1, #164	; 0xa4
   3c3fa:	e774      	b.n	3c2e6 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x166>
   3c3fc:	682e      	ldr	r6, [r5, #0]
   3c3fe:	f7f0 fdf3 	bl	2cfe8 <__libc_current_sigrtmin@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c402:	1a36      	subs	r6, r6, r0
   3c404:	f7f0 fdf6 	bl	2cff4 <__libc_current_sigrtmax@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c408:	f8d5 8000 	ldr.w	r8, [r5]
   3c40c:	eba0 0008 	sub.w	r0, r0, r8
   3c410:	4286      	cmp	r6, r0
   3c412:	da25      	bge.n	3c460 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x2e0>
   3c414:	f7f0 fde8 	bl	2cfe8 <__libc_current_sigrtmin@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c418:	4580      	cmp	r8, r0
   3c41a:	d02f      	beq.n	3c47c <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x2fc>
   3c41c:	682e      	ldr	r6, [r5, #0]
   3c41e:	f7f0 fde3 	bl	2cfe8 <__libc_current_sigrtmin@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c422:	4938      	ldr	r1, [pc, #224]	; (3c504 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x384>)
   3c424:	1a32      	subs	r2, r6, r0
   3c426:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c428:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c42a:	f7fc fcd9 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c42e:	e6d1      	b.n	3c1d4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x54>
   3c430:	4935      	ldr	r1, [pc, #212]	; (3c508 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x388>)
   3c44a:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c44c:	e70f      	b.n	3c26e <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xee>
   3c44e:	4933      	ldr	r1, [pc, #204]	; (3c51c <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x39c>)
   3c450:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c452:	e70c      	b.n	3c26e <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xee>
   3c454:	4932      	ldr	r1, [pc, #200]	; (3c520 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3a0>)
   3c456:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c458:	e709      	b.n	3c26e <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xee>
   3c45a:	4932      	ldr	r1, [pc, #200]	; (3c524 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3a4>)
   3c45c:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c45e:	e706      	b.n	3c26e <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xee>
   3c460:	f7f0 fdc8 	bl	2cff4 <__libc_current_sigrtmax@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c464:	4580      	cmp	r8, r0
   3c466:	d011      	beq.n	3c48c <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x30c>
   3c468:	f7f0 fdc4 	bl	2cff4 <__libc_current_sigrtmax@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c46c:	682a      	ldr	r2, [r5, #0]
   3c46e:	492e      	ldr	r1, [pc, #184]	; (3c528 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3a8>)
   3c470:	1a82      	subs	r2, r0, r2
   3c472:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   3c474:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   3c476:	f7fc fcb3 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   3c47a:	e6ab      	b.n	3c1d4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x54>
   3c47c:	482b      	ldr	r0, [pc, #172]	; (3c52c <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3ac>)
   6390c:	4604      	mov	r4, r0
   6390e:	930a      	str	r3, [sp, #40]	; 0x28
   63910:	4bda      	ldr	r3, [pc, #872]	; (63c7c <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7c0>)
   63912:	ef80 8010 	vmov.i32	d8, #0	; 0x00000000
   63916:	9018      	str	r0, [sp, #96]	; 0x60
   63918:	447b      	add	r3, pc
   6391a:	9114      	str	r1, [sp, #80]	; 0x50
   6391c:	930e      	str	r3, [sp, #56]	; 0x38
   6391e:	ab20      	add	r3, sp, #128	; 0x80
   63920:	9113      	str	r1, [sp, #76]	; 0x4c
   63922:	9110      	str	r1, [sp, #64]	; 0x40
   63924:	9112      	str	r1, [sp, #72]	; 0x48
   63926:	910f      	str	r1, [sp, #60]	; 0x3c
   63928:	9111      	str	r1, [sp, #68]	; 0x44
   6392a:	930d      	str	r3, [sp, #52]	; 0x34
   6392c:	e9cd 1115 	strd	r1, r1, [sp, #84]	; 0x54
   63930:	1c53      	adds	r3, r2, #1
   63932:	990e      	ldr	r1, [sp, #56]	; 0x38
   63934:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   63936:	9317      	str	r3, [sp, #92]	; 0x5c
   63938:	f7d5 fa52 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   6393c:	990a      	ldr	r1, [sp, #40]	; 0x28
   6393e:	2301      	movs	r3, #1
   63aa0:	443b      	add	r3, r7
   63aa2:	9312      	str	r3, [sp, #72]	; 0x48
   63aa4:	e003      	b.n	63aae <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x5f2>
   63aa6:	3501      	adds	r5, #1
   63aa8:	3610      	adds	r6, #16
   63aaa:	2d89      	cmp	r5, #137	; 0x89
   63aac:	d011      	beq.n	63ad2 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x616>
   63aae:	68f3      	ldr	r3, [r6, #12]
   63ab0:	2d0a      	cmp	r5, #10
   63ab2:	bf18      	it	ne
   63ab4:	2b00      	cmpne	r3, #0
   63ab6:	d0f6      	beq.n	63aa6 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x5ea>
   63ab8:	9301      	str	r3, [sp, #4]
   63aba:	4641      	mov	r1, r8
   63abc:	68b3      	ldr	r3, [r6, #8]
   63abe:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   63ac0:	3501      	adds	r5, #1
   63ac2:	9300      	str	r3, [sp, #0]
   63ac4:	e9d6 2300 	ldrd	r2, r3, [r6]
   63ac8:	3610      	adds	r6, #16
   63aca:	f7d5 f989 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   63ace:	2d89      	cmp	r5, #137	; 0x89
   63ad0:	d1ed      	bne.n	63aae <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x5f2>
   63ad2:	9b0d      	ldr	r3, [sp, #52]	; 0x34
   63ad4:	f8d3 30ac 	ldr.w	r3, [r3, #172]	; 0xac
   63ad8:	2b00      	cmp	r3, #0
   63ada:	d17c      	bne.n	63bd6 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x71a>
   63adc:	9d0a      	ldr	r5, [sp, #40]	; 0x28
   63ade:	9913      	ldr	r1, [sp, #76]	; 0x4c
   63ae0:	e9dd 230b 	ldrd	r2, r3, [sp, #44]	; 0x2c
   63ae4:	f8d5 0450 	ldr.w	r0, [r5, #1104]	; 0x450
   63ae8:	4401      	add	r1, r0
   63aea:	9113      	str	r1, [sp, #76]	; 0x4c
   63aec:	f8d5 1454 	ldr.w	r1, [r5, #1108]	; 0x454
   63af0:	e9cd 7001 	strd	r7, r0, [sp, #4]
   63af4:	9814      	ldr	r0, [sp, #80]	; 0x50
   63af6:	9103      	str	r1, [sp, #12]
   63af8:	f8cd a000 	str.w	sl, [sp]
   63afc:	4408      	add	r0, r1
   63afe:	4962      	ldr	r1, [pc, #392]	; (63c88 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7cc>)
   63b00:	9014      	str	r0, [sp, #80]	; 0x50
   63b02:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   63b04:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   63b06:	f7d5 f96b 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   63b0a:	4b60      	ldr	r3, [pc, #384]	; (63c8c <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7d0>)
   63b0c:	447b      	add	r3, pc
   63b0e:	429d      	cmp	r5, r3
   63b10:	d06e      	beq.n	63bf0 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x734>
   63b12:	9b15      	ldr	r3, [sp, #84]	; 0x54
   63b14:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   63b16:	9a09      	ldr	r2, [sp, #36]	; 0x24
   63b18:	495d      	ldr	r1, [pc, #372]	; (63c90 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7d4>)
   63b1a:	f8cd 9000 	str.w	r9, [sp]
   63b1e:	4413      	add	r3, r2
   63b20:	9315      	str	r3, [sp, #84]	; 0x54
   63b22:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   63b24:	9b16      	ldr	r3, [sp, #88]	; 0x58
   63b26:	445b      	add	r3, fp
   63b28:	9316      	str	r3, [sp, #88]	; 0x58
   63b2a:	465b      	mov	r3, fp
   63b2c:	f7d5 f958 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   63b30:	4858      	ldr	r0, [pc, #352]	; (63c94 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7d8>)
   63b32:	4621      	mov	r1, r4
   63bba:	f109 0901 	add.w	r9, r9, #1
   63bbe:	4413      	add	r3, r2
   63bc0:	68c2      	ldr	r2, [r0, #12]
   63bc2:	6840      	ldr	r0, [r0, #4]
   63bc4:	4493      	add	fp, r2
   63bc6:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   63bc8:	d1f6      	bne.n	63bb8 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x6fc>
   63bca:	9309      	str	r3, [sp, #36]	; 0x24
   63bcc:	e74b      	b.n	63a66 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x5aa>
   63bce:	980a      	ldr	r0, [sp, #40]	; 0x28
   63bd0:	f7f4 f96a 	bl	57ea8 <__lll_lock_wait_private@@GLIBC_PRIVATE>
   63bd4:	e6c0      	b.n	63958 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x49c>
   63bd6:	9a0d      	ldr	r2, [sp, #52]	; 0x34
   63bd8:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   63bda:	9301      	str	r3, [sp, #4]
   63bdc:	4931      	ldr	r1, [pc, #196]	; (63ca4 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7e8>)
   63bde:	f8d2 30a8 	ldr.w	r3, [r2, #168]	; 0xa8
   63be2:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   63be4:	9300      	str	r3, [sp, #0]
   63be6:	e9d2 2328 	ldrd	r2, r3, [r2, #160]	; 0xa0
   63bea:	f7d5 f8f9 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   63bee:	e775      	b.n	63adc <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x620>
   63bf0:	9d0a      	ldr	r5, [sp, #40]	; 0x28
   63bf2:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   63bf4:	492c      	ldr	r1, [pc, #176]	; (63ca8 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7ec>)
   63bf6:	f8d5 3450 	ldr.w	r3, [r5, #1104]	; 0x450
   63bfa:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   63bfc:	461a      	mov	r2, r3
   63bfe:	9309      	str	r3, [sp, #36]	; 0x24
   63c00:	f7d5 f8ee 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   63c04:	f8d5 3450 	ldr.w	r3, [r5, #1104]	; 0x450
   63c08:	9a15      	ldr	r2, [sp, #84]	; 0x54
   63c26:	e9dd 4115 	ldrd	r4, r1, [sp, #84]	; 0x54
   63c2a:	9b14      	ldr	r3, [sp, #80]	; 0x50
   63c2c:	9818      	ldr	r0, [sp, #96]	; 0x60
   63c2e:	e9cd 4106 	strd	r4, r1, [sp, #24]
   63c32:	9c11      	ldr	r4, [sp, #68]	; 0x44
   63c34:	9305      	str	r3, [sp, #20]
   63c36:	9b13      	ldr	r3, [sp, #76]	; 0x4c
   63c38:	9400      	str	r4, [sp, #0]
   63c3a:	4c1c      	ldr	r4, [pc, #112]	; (63cac <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7f0>)
   63c3c:	9304      	str	r3, [sp, #16]
   63c3e:	9b12      	ldr	r3, [sp, #72]	; 0x48
   63c40:	447c      	add	r4, pc
   63c42:	491b      	ldr	r1, [pc, #108]	; (63cb0 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7f4>)
   63c44:	9301      	str	r3, [sp, #4]
   63c46:	6b25      	ldr	r5, [r4, #48]	; 0x30
   63c48:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   63c4a:	e9dd 230f 	ldrd	r2, r3, [sp, #60]	; 0x3c
   63c4e:	9503      	str	r5, [sp, #12]
   63c50:	6a24      	ldr	r4, [r4, #32]
   63c52:	9402      	str	r4, [sp, #8]
   63c54:	f7d5 f8c4 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   63c58:	2000      	movs	r0, #0
   63c5a:	f60d 1d14 	addw	sp, sp, #2324	; 0x914
   6717c:	9300      	str	r3, [sp, #0]
   6717e:	2228      	movs	r2, #40	; 0x28
   67180:	2100      	movs	r1, #0
   67182:	4638      	mov	r0, r7
   67184:	f001 ee64 	blx	68e50 <emset@@GLIBC_2.4>
   67188:	2201      	movs	r2, #1
   6718a:	e859 1f00 	ldrex	r1, [r9]
   6718e:	2900      	cmp	r1, #0
   67190:	d105      	bne.n	6719e <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x66>
   67192:	e849 2300 	strex	r3, r2, [r9]
   67196:	2b00      	cmp	r3, #0
   67198:	d1f7      	bne.n	6718a <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x52>
   6719a:	f3bf 8f5b 	dmb	ish
   6719e:	d152      	bne.n	67246 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x10e>
   671a0:	4648      	mov	r0, r9
   671a2:	4639      	mov	r1, r7
   671a4:	f7fc fa9a 	bl	636dc <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x220>
   671a8:	465a      	mov	r2, fp
   671aa:	4651      	mov	r1, sl
   671ac:	6820      	ldr	r0, [r4, #0]
   671ae:	f7d1 fe17 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   671b2:	9a02      	ldr	r2, [sp, #8]
   671b4:	9900      	ldr	r1, [sp, #0]
   671b6:	6820      	ldr	r0, [r4, #0]
   671b8:	4415      	add	r5, r2
   671ba:	f7d1 fe11 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   671be:	492c      	ldr	r1, [pc, #176]	; (67270 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x138>)
   671c0:	9a09      	ldr	r2, [sp, #36]	; 0x24
   671c2:	6820      	ldr	r0, [r4, #0]
   671c4:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   671c6:	4416      	add	r6, r2
   671c8:	f7d1 fe0a 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   671cc:	f3bf 8f5b 	dmb	ish
   671d0:	e859 2f00 	ldrex	r2, [r9]
   671dc:	2a01      	cmp	r2, #1
   671de:	f10b 0b01 	add.w	fp, fp, #1
   671e2:	dc2c      	bgt.n	6723e <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x106>
   671e4:	4a23      	ldr	r2, [pc, #140]	; (67274 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x13c>)
   671e6:	f8d9 9444 	ldr.w	r9, [r9, #1092]	; 0x444
   671ea:	447a      	add	r2, pc
   671ec:	4591      	cmp	r9, r2
   671ee:	d1c6      	bne.n	6717e <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x46>
   671f0:	4821      	ldr	r0, [pc, #132]	; (67278 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x140>)
   671f2:	2101      	movs	r1, #1
   671f4:	6823      	ldr	r3, [r4, #0]
   671f6:	2214      	movs	r2, #20
   671f8:	4f20      	ldr	r7, [pc, #128]	; (6727c <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x144>)
   671fa:	4478      	add	r0, pc
   671fc:	f7e6 fa50 	bl	4d6a0 <_IO_fwrite@@GLIBC_2.4>
   67200:	491f      	ldr	r1, [pc, #124]	; (67280 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x148>)
   67202:	462a      	mov	r2, r5
   67204:	6820      	ldr	r0, [r4, #0]
   67206:	447f      	add	r7, pc
   67208:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   6720a:	f7d1 fde9 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   6720e:	491d      	ldr	r1, [pc, #116]	; (67284 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x14c>)
   67210:	4632      	mov	r2, r6
   67212:	6820      	ldr	r0, [r4, #0]
   67214:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   67216:	f7d1 fde3 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   6721a:	491b      	ldr	r1, [pc, #108]	; (67288 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x150>)
   6721c:	6aba      	ldr	r2, [r7, #40]	; 0x28
   6721e:	6820      	ldr	r0, [r4, #0]
   67220:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   67222:	f7d1 fddd 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   67226:	4919      	ldr	r1, [pc, #100]	; (6728c <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x154>)
   67228:	6b7a      	ldr	r2, [r7, #52]	; 0x34
   6722a:	6820      	ldr	r0, [r4, #0]
   6722c:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   6722e:	f7d1 fdd7 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   67232:	6823      	ldr	r3, [r4, #0]
   67234:	9a01      	ldr	r2, [sp, #4]
   8195e:	d1f7      	bne.n	81950 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x54>
   81960:	f3bf 8f5b 	dmb	ish
   81964:	f040 80a1 	bne.w	81aaa <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1ae>
   81968:	6cb0      	ldr	r0, [r6, #72]	; 0x48
   8196a:	6084      	str	r4, [r0, #8]
   8196c:	6843      	ldr	r3, [r0, #4]
   8196e:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
   81970:	6043      	str	r3, [r0, #4]
   81972:	e9d5 2300 	ldrd	r2, r3, [r5]
   81976:	7811      	ldrb	r1, [r2, #0]
   81978:	392b      	subs	r1, #43	; 0x2b
   8197a:	f011 0ffd 	tst.w	r1, #253	; 0xfd
   8197e:	d03c      	beq.n	819fa <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xfe>
   81980:	2b00      	cmp	r3, #0
   81982:	d073      	beq.n	81a6c <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x170>
   81984:	68a9      	ldr	r1, [r5, #8]
   81986:	4630      	mov	r0, r6
   81988:	9100      	str	r1, [sp, #0]
   8198a:	494a      	ldr	r1, [pc, #296]	; (81ab4 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1b8>)
   8198c:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   8198e:	f7b7 fa27 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   81992:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   81994:	db6d      	blt.n	81a72 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x176>
   8199a:	d035      	beq.n	81a08 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x10c>
   8199c:	681a      	ldr	r2, [r3, #0]
   8199e:	b39a      	cbz	r2, 81a08 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x10c>
   819a0:	4945      	ldr	r1, [pc, #276]	; (81ab8 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1bc>)
   819a2:	2400      	movs	r4, #0
   819a4:	f8df 8114 	ldr.w	r8, [pc, #276]	; 81abc <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1c0>
   819a8:	4f45      	ldr	r7, [pc, #276]	; (81ac0 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1c4>)
   819aa:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   819ac:	44f8      	add	r8, pc
   819ae:	447f      	add	r7, pc
   819b0:	e007      	b.n	819c2 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xc6>
   819b2:	68eb      	ldr	r3, [r5, #12]
   819b4:	f853 2024 	ldr.w	r2, [r3, r4, lsl #2]
   819b8:	b332      	cbz	r2, 81a08 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x10c>
   819ba:	2c00      	cmp	r4, #0
   819bc:	bf0c      	ite	eq
   819be:	4641      	moveq	r1, r8
   819c0:	4639      	movne	r1, r7
   819c2:	4630      	mov	r0, r6
   819c4:	3401      	adds	r4, #1
   819c6:	f7b7 fa0b 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   819ca:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   819cc:	daf1      	bge.n	819b2 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xb6>
   819d2:	d437      	bmi.n	81a44 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x148>
   819d4:	6cb0      	ldr	r0, [r6, #72]	; 0x48
   819d6:	6843      	ldr	r3, [r0, #4]
   819d8:	3b01      	subs	r3, #1
   819da:	6043      	str	r3, [r0, #4]
   819dc:	bb93      	cbnz	r3, 81a44 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x148>
   819de:	6083      	str	r3, [r0, #8]
   819e0:	f3bf 8f5b 	dmb	ish
   819e4:	e850 2f00 	ldrex	r2, [r0]
   819e8:	e840 3100 	strex	r1, r3, [r0]
   819ec:	2900      	cmp	r1, #0
   819ee:	d1f9      	bne.n	819e4 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xe8>
   819f0:	2a01      	cmp	r2, #1
   819f2:	dd27      	ble.n	81a44 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x148>
   819f4:	f7d6 faa6 	bl	57f44 <__lll_lock_wake_private@@GLIBC_PRIVATE>
   819f8:	e024      	b.n	81a44 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x148>
   819fa:	b3a3      	cbz	r3, 81a66 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x16a>
   819fc:	4931      	ldr	r1, [pc, #196]	; (81ac4 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1c8>)
   819fe:	4630      	mov	r0, r6
   81a00:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   81a02:	f7b7 f9ed 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   81a06:	e7c4      	b.n	81992 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x96>
   81a08:	e9d6 3205 	ldrd	r3, r2, [r6, #20]
   827e4:	d051      	beq.n	8288a <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xee>
   827e6:	e9d4 2300 	ldrd	r2, r3, [r4]
   827ea:	f892 c000 	ldrb.w	ip, [r2]
   827ee:	f1ac 0c2b 	sub.w	ip, ip, #43	; 0x2b
   827f2:	f01c 0ffd 	tst.w	ip, #253	; 0xfd
   827f6:	d01a      	beq.n	8282e <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x92>
   827f8:	b343      	cbz	r3, 8284c <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xb0>
   827fa:	6961      	ldr	r1, [r4, #20]
   827fc:	e9d4 7c02 	ldrd	r7, ip, [r4, #8]
   82800:	b359      	cbz	r1, 8285a <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xbe>
   82802:	69a0      	ldr	r0, [r4, #24]
   82804:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   82806:	d02d      	beq.n	82864 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xc8>
   82808:	e9cd 1003 	strd	r1, r0, [sp, #12]
   8280c:	4630      	mov	r0, r6
   8280e:	4921      	ldr	r1, [pc, #132]	; (82894 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xf8>)
   82810:	9502      	str	r5, [sp, #8]
   82812:	f8cd c004 	str.w	ip, [sp, #4]
   82816:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   82818:	9700      	str	r7, [sp, #0]
   8281a:	f7b6 fae1 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   8281e:	4604      	mov	r4, r0
   82820:	9807      	ldr	r0, [sp, #28]
   82822:	f79b eb58 	blx	1ded4 <free@plt+0x4>
   82826:	ea04 70e4 	and.w	r0, r4, r4, asr #31
   8282a:	b009      	add	sp, #36	; 0x24
   8282c:	bdf0      	pop	{r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
   8282e:	b313      	cbz	r3, 82876 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xda>
   82830:	6961      	ldr	r1, [r4, #20]
   82832:	b1e9      	cbz	r1, 82870 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xd4>
   82834:	69a0      	ldr	r0, [r4, #24]
   82836:	b1c0      	cbz	r0, 8286a <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xce>
   82838:	9101      	str	r1, [sp, #4]
   8283a:	4917      	ldr	r1, [pc, #92]	; (82898 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xfc>)
   8283c:	9002      	str	r0, [sp, #8]
   8283e:	4630      	mov	r0, r6
   82840:	9500      	str	r5, [sp, #0]
   82842:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   82844:	f7b6 facc 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   82848:	4604      	mov	r4, r0
   8284a:	e7e9      	b.n	82820 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x84>
   a7b22:	f7aa fc3b 	bl	5239c <fseek@@GLIBC_2.4>
   a7b26:	b108      	cbz	r0, a7b2c <addmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x14>
   a7b28:	2001      	movs	r0, #1
   a7b2a:	bd38      	pop	{r3, r4, r5, pc}
   a7b2c:	6829      	ldr	r1, [r5, #0]
   a7b2e:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   a7b30:	f7ff ff50 	bl	a79d4 <getmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x280>
   a7b34:	6869      	ldr	r1, [r5, #4]
   a7b36:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   a7b38:	f7ff ff4c 	bl	a79d4 <getmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x280>
   a7b3c:	68a9      	ldr	r1, [r5, #8]
   a7b3e:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   a7b40:	f7ff ff48 	bl	a79d4 <getmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x280>
   a7b44:	68e9      	ldr	r1, [r5, #12]
   a7b46:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   a7b48:	f7ff ff44 	bl	a79d4 <getmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x280>
   a7b4c:	4908      	ldr	r1, [pc, #32]	; (a7b70 <addmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x58>)
   a7b4e:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   a7b50:	e9d5 2304 	ldrd	r2, r3, [r5, #16]
   a7b54:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   a7b56:	f791 f943 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   a7b5a:	6823      	ldr	r3, [r4, #0]
   a7b5c:	069b      	lsls	r3, r3, #26
   b0676:	2301      	movs	r3, #1
   b0678:	e850 2f00 	ldrex	r2, [r0]
   b067c:	2a00      	cmp	r2, #0
   b067e:	d105      	bne.n	b068c <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x50>
   b0680:	e840 3100 	strex	r1, r3, [r0]
   b0684:	2900      	cmp	r1, #0
   b0686:	d1f7      	bne.n	b0678 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x3c>
   b0688:	f3bf 8f5b 	dmb	ish
   b068c:	f040 812e 	bne.w	b08ec <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2b0>
   b0690:	6ca0      	ldr	r0, [r4, #72]	; 0x48
   b0692:	6086      	str	r6, [r0, #8]
   b0694:	6843      	ldr	r3, [r0, #4]
   b0696:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
   b0698:	6043      	str	r3, [r0, #4]
   b069a:	e9d5 2300 	ldrd	r2, r3, [r5]
   b069e:	2b00      	cmp	r3, #0
   b06a0:	f000 80c5 	beq.w	b082e <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1f2>
   b06a4:	4994      	ldr	r1, [pc, #592]	; (b08f8 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2bc>)
   b06a6:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b06a8:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b06aa:	f788 fb99 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b06ae:	68aa      	ldr	r2, [r5, #8]
   b06b0:	0fc6      	lsrs	r6, r0, #31
   b072a:	223a      	movcc	r2, #58	; 0x3a
   b072c:	701a      	strbcc	r2, [r3, #0]
   b072e:	f080 80a5 	bcs.w	b087c <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x240>
   b0732:	69ea      	ldr	r2, [r5, #28]
   b0734:	1c53      	adds	r3, r2, #1
   b0736:	d16f      	bne.n	b0818 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1dc>
   b0738:	e9d4 3205 	ldrd	r3, r2, [r4, #20]
   b073c:	4293      	cmp	r3, r2
   b073e:	bf3f      	itttt	cc
   b0740:	1c5a      	addcc	r2, r3, #1
   b0742:	6162      	strcc	r2, [r4, #20]
   b0744:	223a      	movcc	r2, #58	; 0x3a
   b0746:	701a      	strbcc	r2, [r3, #0]
   b0748:	f080 8086 	bcs.w	b0858 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x21c>
   b074c:	6a2a      	ldr	r2, [r5, #32]
   b074e:	1c50      	adds	r0, r2, #1
   b0750:	d007      	beq.n	b0762 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x126>
   b0752:	496a      	ldr	r1, [pc, #424]	; (b08fc <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2c0>)
   b0754:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b0756:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b0758:	f788 fb42 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b075c:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   b075e:	bfb8      	it	lt
   b0770:	701a      	strbcc	r2, [r3, #0]
   b0772:	f080 80a4 	bcs.w	b08be <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x282>
   b0776:	6823      	ldr	r3, [r4, #0]
   b0778:	3e00      	subs	r6, #0
   b077a:	bf18      	it	ne
   b077c:	2601      	movne	r6, #1
   b077e:	4275      	negs	r5, r6
   b0780:	041b      	lsls	r3, r3, #16
   b0782:	d406      	bmi.n	b0792 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x156>
   b0784:	6ca0      	ldr	r0, [r4, #72]	; 0x48
   b0786:	6843      	ldr	r3, [r0, #4]
   b0788:	3b01      	subs	r3, #1
   b078a:	6043      	str	r3, [r0, #4]
   b078c:	2b00      	cmp	r3, #0
   b078e:	f000 8087 	beq.w	b08a0 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x264>
   b0792:	4628      	mov	r0, r5
   b0794:	bd70      	pop	{r4, r5, r6, pc}
   b0796:	495a      	ldr	r1, [pc, #360]	; (b0900 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2c4>)
   b0798:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b079a:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b079c:	f788 fb20 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b07a0:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   b07a2:	db4e      	blt.n	b0842 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x206>
   b07a4:	68ab      	ldr	r3, [r5, #8]
   b07a6:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
   b07a8:	d085      	beq.n	b06b6 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x7a>
   b07aa:	68ea      	ldr	r2, [r5, #12]
   b07ac:	1c51      	adds	r1, r2, #1
   b07ae:	d08f      	beq.n	b06d0 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x94>
   b07b0:	4954      	ldr	r1, [pc, #336]	; (b0904 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2c8>)
   b07b2:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b07b4:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b07b6:	f788 fb13 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b07ba:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   b07bc:	db4a      	blt.n	b0854 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x218>
   b07be:	68eb      	ldr	r3, [r5, #12]
   b07c0:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
   b07c2:	d085      	beq.n	b06d0 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x94>
   b07c4:	692a      	ldr	r2, [r5, #16]
   b07c6:	1c53      	adds	r3, r2, #1
   b07c8:	d08f      	beq.n	b06ea <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xae>
   b07ca:	494f      	ldr	r1, [pc, #316]	; (b0908 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2cc>)
   b07cc:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b07ce:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b07d0:	f788 fb06 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b07d4:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   b07d6:	db4f      	blt.n	b0878 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x23c>
   b07d8:	692b      	ldr	r3, [r5, #16]
   b07da:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
   b07dc:	d085      	beq.n	b06ea <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xae>
   b07de:	696a      	ldr	r2, [r5, #20]
   b07e0:	1c50      	adds	r0, r2, #1
   b07e2:	d08f      	beq.n	b0704 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xc8>
   b07e4:	4949      	ldr	r1, [pc, #292]	; (b090c <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2d0>)
   b07e6:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b07e8:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b07ea:	f788 faf9 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b07ee:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   b07f0:	db54      	blt.n	b089c <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x260>
   b07f2:	696b      	ldr	r3, [r5, #20]
   b07f4:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
   b07f6:	d085      	beq.n	b0704 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xc8>
   b07f8:	69aa      	ldr	r2, [r5, #24]
   b07fa:	1c51      	adds	r1, r2, #1
   b07fc:	d08f      	beq.n	b071e <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xe2>
   b07fe:	4944      	ldr	r1, [pc, #272]	; (b0910 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2d4>)
   b0800:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b0802:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b0804:	f788 faec 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b0808:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   b080a:	db3e      	blt.n	b088a <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x24e>
   b080c:	69ab      	ldr	r3, [r5, #24]
   b080e:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
   b0810:	d085      	beq.n	b071e <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xe2>
   b0812:	69ea      	ldr	r2, [r5, #28]
   b0814:	1c53      	adds	r3, r2, #1
   b0816:	d08f      	beq.n	b0738 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xfc>
   b0818:	493e      	ldr	r1, [pc, #248]	; (b0914 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2d8>)
   b081a:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b081c:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b081e:	f788 fadf 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b0822:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
   b0824:	db1f      	blt.n	b0866 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x22a>
   b162a:	2301      	movs	r3, #1
   b162c:	e850 2f00 	ldrex	r2, [r0]
   b1630:	2a00      	cmp	r2, #0
   b1632:	d105      	bne.n	b1640 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x6c>
   b1634:	e840 3100 	strex	r1, r3, [r0]
   b1638:	2900      	cmp	r1, #0
   b163a:	d1f7      	bne.n	b162c <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x58>
   b163c:	f3bf 8f5b 	dmb	ish
   b1640:	f040 80a2 	bne.w	b1788 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1b4>
   b1644:	6ca0      	ldr	r0, [r4, #72]	; 0x48
   b1646:	6086      	str	r6, [r0, #8]
   b1648:	6843      	ldr	r3, [r0, #4]
   b164a:	3301      	adds	r3, #1
   b164c:	6043      	str	r3, [r0, #4]
   b164e:	e9d7 2300 	ldrd	r2, r3, [r7]
   b1652:	2b00      	cmp	r3, #0
   b1654:	d069      	beq.n	b172a <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x156>
   b1656:	494f      	ldr	r1, [pc, #316]	; (b1794 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1c0>)
   b1658:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b165a:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b165c:	f787 fbc0 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b1660:	68be      	ldr	r6, [r7, #8]
   b1662:	ea4f 78d0 	mov.w	r8, r0, lsr #31
   b1666:	b1d6      	cbz	r6, b169e <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0xca>
   b1668:	f8df b12c 	ldr.w	fp, [pc, #300]	; b1798 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1c4>
   b166c:	3e04      	subs	r6, #4
   b166e:	f8df a12c 	ldr.w	sl, [pc, #300]	; b179c <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1c8>
   b1672:	462a      	mov	r2, r5
   b1674:	f8df 9128 	ldr.w	r9, [pc, #296]	; b17a0 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1cc>
   b1678:	44fb      	add	fp, pc
   b167a:	44fa      	add	sl, pc
   b167c:	44f9      	add	r9, pc
   b167e:	e008      	b.n	b1692 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0xbe>
   b1680:	2a00      	cmp	r2, #0
   b1682:	bf0c      	ite	eq
   b1684:	465a      	moveq	r2, fp
   b1686:	4652      	movne	r2, sl
   b1688:	f787 fbaa 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b168c:	2200      	movs	r2, #0
   b168e:	4290      	cmp	r0, r2
   b16a6:	1c5a      	addcc	r2, r3, #1
   b16a8:	6162      	strcc	r2, [r4, #20]
   b16aa:	223a      	movcc	r2, #58	; 0x3a
   b16ac:	701a      	strbcc	r2, [r3, #0]
   b16ae:	d258      	bcs.n	b1762 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x18e>
   b16b0:	68fe      	ldr	r6, [r7, #12]
   b16b2:	b1ce      	cbz	r6, b16e8 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x114>
   b16b4:	f8df a0ec 	ldr.w	sl, [pc, #236]	; b17a4 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1d0>
   b16b8:	3e04      	subs	r6, #4
   b16ba:	f8df 90ec 	ldr.w	r9, [pc, #236]	; b17a8 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1d4>
   b16be:	4f3b      	ldr	r7, [pc, #236]	; (b17ac <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1d8>)
   b16c0:	44fa      	add	sl, pc
   b16c2:	44f9      	add	r9, pc
   b16c4:	447f      	add	r7, pc
   b16c6:	e009      	b.n	b16dc <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x108>
   b16c8:	2d00      	cmp	r5, #0
   b16ca:	f04f 0500 	mov.w	r5, #0
   b16ce:	bf0c      	ite	eq
   b16d0:	4652      	moveq	r2, sl
   b16d2:	464a      	movne	r2, r9
   b16d4:	f787 fb84 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b16d8:	42a8      	cmp	r0, r5
   b16da:	db20      	blt.n	b171e <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x14a>
   b4954:	4a13      	ldr	r2, [pc, #76]	; (b49a4 <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x398>)
   b4956:	589a      	ldr	r2, [r3, r2]
   b4958:	6812      	ldr	r2, [r2, #0]
   b495a:	b152      	cbz	r2, b4972 <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x366>
   b495c:	6b20      	ldr	r0, [r4, #48]	; 0x30
   b495e:	4621      	mov	r1, r4
   b4960:	4790      	blx	r2
   b4962:	6920      	ldr	r0, [r4, #16]
   b4964:	f010 0020 	ands.w	r0, r0, #32
   b4968:	d001      	beq.n	b496e <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x362>
   b496a:	2000      	movs	r0, #0
   b496c:	bd10      	pop	{r4, pc}
   b496e:	f779 fc1d 	bl	2e1ac <exit@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b4972:	4a0d      	ldr	r2, [pc, #52]	; (b49a8 <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x39c>)
   b4974:	589b      	ldr	r3, [r3, r2]
   b4976:	681a      	ldr	r2, [r3, #0]
   b4978:	b12a      	cbz	r2, b4986 <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x37a>
   b497a:	490c      	ldr	r1, [pc, #48]	; (b49ac <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x3a0>)
   b497c:	6b20      	ldr	r0, [r4, #48]	; 0x30
   b497e:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b4980:	f784 fa2e 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b4984:	e7ed      	b.n	b4962 <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x356>
   b4986:	6823      	ldr	r3, [r4, #0]
   b5238:	2407      	movs	r4, #7
   b523a:	f7ff f95f 	bl	b44fc <argp_state_help@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b523e:	f8d7 6098 	ldr.w	r6, [r7, #152]	; 0x98
   b5242:	f8d7 209c 	ldr.w	r2, [r7, #156]	; 0x9c
   b5246:	e5b9      	b.n	b4dbc <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0x408>
   b5248:	f8d7 30b8 	ldr.w	r3, [r7, #184]	; 0xb8
   b524c:	f8d7 40d4 	ldr.w	r4, [r7, #212]	; 0xd4
   b5250:	079b      	lsls	r3, r3, #30
   b5252:	d427      	bmi.n	b52a4 <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0x8f0>
   b5254:	b334      	cbz	r4, b52a4 <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0x8f0>
   b5256:	6ebb      	ldr	r3, [r7, #104]	; 0x68
   b5258:	2205      	movs	r2, #5
   b525a:	497c      	ldr	r1, [pc, #496]	; (b544c <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0xa98>)
   b525c:	f107 06a8 	add.w	r6, r7, #168	; 0xa8
   b5260:	6998      	ldr	r0, [r3, #24]
   b5262:	4479      	add	r1, pc
   b5264:	f773 fa10 	bl	28688 <__dcgettext@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b5268:	f8d7 20d0 	ldr.w	r2, [r7, #208]	; 0xd0
   b526c:	4601      	mov	r1, r0
   b526e:	4620      	mov	r0, r4
   b5270:	f783 fdb6 	bl	38de0 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
   b5274:	f8d7 40d4 	ldr.w	r4, [r7, #212]	; 0xd4
   b5278:	e7da      	b.n	b5230 <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0x87c>

[*] Function fprintf used 44 times libc.so.6