[*] Binary protection state of gst-inspect-1.0

  	Full RELRO     No Canary found   NX enabled   PIE enabled  No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function sprintf tear down of gst-inspect-1.0

/logs/firmware/patool_extraction/rootfs.img_unblob_extracted/rootfs.img_extract/0-80367616.squashfs_v4_le_extract/usr/bin/gst-inspect-1.0:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .init:

000025e8 <.init>:
    25e8:	e92d4008 	push	{r3, lr}
    25ec:	eb000231 	bl	2eb8 <sprintf@plt+0x44>
    25f0:	e8bd8008 	pop	{r3, pc}


00002e74 <sprintf@plt>:
    2e74:	e28fc600 	add	ip, pc, #0, 12
    2e78:	e28cca09 	add	ip, ip, #36864	; 0x9000
    2e7c:	e5bcf148 	ldr	pc, [ip, #328]!	; 0x148

Disassembly of section .text:

00002e80 <.text>:
    2e80:	ba86f004 	blt	fe1bee98 <sprintf@plt+0xfe1bc024>
    2e84:	0b00f04f 	bleq	3efc8 <sprintf@plt+0x3c154>
    2e88:	0e00f04f 	cdpeq	0, 0, cr15, cr0, cr15, {2}
    2e8c:	466abc02 	strbtmi	fp, [sl], -r2, lsl #24
    2e90:	b401b404 	strlt	fp, [r1], #-1028	; 0xfffffbfc
    2e94:	a018f8df 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xa018f8df
    2e98:	449aa305 	ldrmi	sl, [sl], #773	; 0x305
    2e9c:	0300f04f 	movweq	pc, #79	; 0x4f	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    2ea0:	4804b408 	stmdami	r4, {r3, sl, ip, sp, pc}
    2ea4:	0000f85a 	andeq	pc, r0, sl, asr r8	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    2ea8:	ef82f7ff 	svc	0x0082f7ff
    2eac:	ebc4f7ff 	bl	ff140eb0 <sprintf@plt+0xff13e03c>
    2eb0:	00008e40 	andeq	r8, r0, r0, asr #28
    2eb4:	0000030c 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, lsl #6
    3294:	00008de8 	andeq	r8, r0, r8, ror #27
    3298:	00005744 	andeq	r5, r0, r4, asr #14
    329c:	0000578e 	andeq	r5, r0, lr, lsl #15
    32a0:	00005b96 	muleq	r0, r6, fp
    32a4:	00005b90 	muleq	r0, r0, fp
    32a8:	00005744 	andeq	r5, r0, r4, asr #14
    32ac:	0000571e 	andeq	r5, r0, lr, lsl r7
    32b0:	00005742 	andeq	r5, r0, r2, asr #14
    32b4:	00005714 	andeq	r5, r0, r4, lsl r7
    32b8:	00006dd0 	ldrdeq	r6, [r0], -r0
    32bc:	43f0e92d 	mvnsmi	lr, #737280	; 0xb4000
    32c0:	a901b083 	stmdbge	r1, {r0, r1, r7, ip, sp, pc}
    32c4:	ed32f7ff 	ldc	7, cr15, [r2, #-1020]!	; 0xfffffc04
    32c8:	9b01b128 	blls	6f770 <sprintf@plt+0x6c8fc>
    32cc:	b92b4604 	stmdblt	fp!, {r2, r9, sl, lr}
    32d0:	f7ff4620 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ff4620
    32d4:	b003e9a0 	andlt	lr, r3, r0, lsr #19
    32d8:	83f0e8bd 	mvnshi	lr, #12386304	; 0xbd0000
    32dc:	22054925 	andcs	r4, r5, #606208	; 0x94000
    32e0:	44792000 	ldrbtmi	r2, [r9], #-0
    32e4:	eb22f7ff 	bl	8c12e8 <sprintf@plt+0x8be474>
    32e8:	447b4b23 	ldrbtmi	r4, [fp], #-2851	; 0xfffff4dd
    32ec:	2b00685b 	blcs	1d460 <sprintf@plt+0x1a5ec>
    35b0:	00005436 	andeq	r5, r0, r6, lsr r4
    35b4:	4605b570 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4605b570
    35b8:	4608b084 	strmi	fp, [r8], -r4, lsl #1
    35bc:	f7ff4616 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ff4616
    35c0:	4b13e836 	blmi	4fd6a0 <sprintf@plt+0x4fa82c>
    35c4:	46284604 	strtmi	r4, [r8], -r4, lsl #12
    35c8:	685b447b 	ldmdavs	fp, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}^
    35cc:	f7ffb1bb 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ffb1bb
    35d0:	4d10ebe4 	vldrmi	d14, [r0, #-912]	; 0xfffffc70
    35d4:	4a104603 	bmi	414de8 <sprintf@plt+0x411f74>
    35d8:	447d4910 	ldrbtmi	r4, [sp], #-2320	; 0xfffff6f0
    35dc:	4479447a 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r9], #-1146	; 0xfffffb86
    35e0:	9101480f 	tstls	r1, pc, lsl #16
    35e4:	e9cd4631 	stmib	sp, {r0, r4, r5, r9, sl, lr}^
    35e8:	44784502 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #-1282	; 0xfffffafe
    35ec:	f7ff9500 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ff9500
    35f0:	4620fd99 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4620fd99
    35f4:	e80ef7ff 	stmda	lr, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, ip, sp, lr, pc}
    35f8:	b0042001 	andlt	r2, r4, r1
    35fc:	4d09bd70 	stcmi	13, cr11, [r9, #-448]	; 0xfffffe40
    3600:	ebcaf7ff 	bl	ff2c1604 <sprintf@plt+0xff2be790>
    3604:	447d4603 	ldrbtmi	r4, [sp], #-1539	; 0xfffff9fd
    3608:	4629462a 	strtmi	r4, [r9], -sl, lsr #12
    360c:	bf00e7e8 	svclt	0x0000e7e8
    3610:	00008a3c 	andeq	r8, r0, ip, lsr sl
    3614:	0000538e 	andeq	r5, r0, lr, lsl #7
    3618:	00005468 	andeq	r5, r0, r8, ror #8
    361c:	0000546e 	andeq	r5, r0, lr, ror #8
    3620:	0000546a 	andeq	r5, r0, sl, ror #8
    3624:	000057ca 	andeq	r5, r0, sl, asr #15
    3628:	4ff0e92d 	svcmi	0x00f0e92d
    362c:	f8dfb089 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfb089
    3630:	46048284 	strmi	r8, [r4], -r4, lsl #5
    3634:	e974f7ff 	ldmdb	r4!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, ip, sp, lr, pc}^
    3638:	44f84605 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #1541	; 0x605
    363c:	ebc4f7ff 	bl	ff141640 <sprintf@plt+0xff13e7cc>
    3640:	46284601 	strtmi	r4, [r8], -r1, lsl #12
    3644:	e966f7ff 	stmdb	r6!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, ip, sp, lr, pc}^
    3e60:	b1136823 	tstlt	r3, r3, lsr #16
    3e64:	4283681b 	addmi	r6, r3, #1769472	; 0x1b0000
    3e68:	4620d063 	strtmi	sp, [r0], -r3, rrx
    3e6c:	ee2cf7fe 	mcr	7, 1, pc, cr12, cr14, {7}	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    3e70:	d15e2800 	cmple	lr, r0, lsl #16
    3e74:	eeb8f7fe 	mrc	7, 5, APSR_nzcv, cr8, cr14, {7}
    3e78:	46016823 	strmi	r6, [r1], -r3, lsr #16
    3e7c:	681bb11b 	ldmdavs	fp, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r8, ip, sp, pc}
    3e80:	f0004283 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0004283
    3e84:	46208105 	strtmi	r8, [r0], -r5, lsl #2
    3e88:	ee1ef7fe 	mrc	7, 0, APSR_nzcv, cr14, cr14, {7}
    3e8c:	f0402800 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0402800
    3e90:	f7fe80ff 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fe80ff
    3e94:	6823ec40 	stmdavs	r3!, {r6, sl, fp, sp, lr, pc}
    3e98:	b11b4601 	tstlt	fp, r1, lsl #12
    3e9c:	4283681b 	addmi	r6, r3, #1769472	; 0x1b0000
    3ea0:	8123f000 	msrhi	CPSR_xc, r0
    3ea4:	f7fe4620 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fe4620
    3ea8:	2800ee10 	stmdacs	r0, {r4, r9, sl, fp, sp, lr, pc}
    3eac:	811df040 	tsthi	sp, r0, asr #32	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    3eb0:	ebd4f7fe 	bl	ff541eb0 <sprintf@plt+0xff53f03c>
    3eb4:	46016823 	strmi	r6, [r1], -r3, lsr #16
    3eb8:	681bb113 	ldmdavs	fp, {r0, r1, r4, r8, ip, sp, pc}
    4064:	8200e9cd 	andhi	lr, r0, #3358720	; 0x334000
    4068:	f7ff4478 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ff4478
    406c:	48b2f85b 	ldmmi	r2!, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r6, fp, ip, sp, lr, pc}
    4070:	b00d4478 	andlt	r4, sp, r8, ror r4
    4074:	4ff0e8bd 	svcmi	0x00f0e8bd
    4078:	b854f7ff 	ldmdalt	r4, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, ip, sp, lr, pc}^
    407c:	447949af 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r9], #-2479	; 0xfffff651
    4080:	f8dfe76e 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfe76e
    4084:	f8dfa2bc 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfa2bc
    4088:	44fa82bc 	ldrbtmi	r8, [sl], #700	; 0x2bc
    408c:	e75a44f8 	smmlsr	sl, r8, r4, r4
    4090:	f7fe4620 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fe4620
    4094:	6962ed6e 	stmdbvs	r2!, {r1, r2, r3, r5, r6, r8, sl, fp, sp, lr, pc}^
    4098:	28004682 	stmdacs	r0, {r1, r7, r9, sl, lr}
    409c:	4baad054 	blmi	feab81f4 <sprintf@plt+0xfeab5380>
    40a0:	685b447b 	ldmdavs	fp, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}^
    40a4:	d04b2b00 	suble	r2, fp, r0, lsl #22
    40a8:	4ba949a8 	blmi	fea56750 <sprintf@plt+0xfea538dc>
    40ac:	447b4479 	ldrbtmi	r4, [fp], #-1145	; 0xfffffb87
    40b0:	447848a8 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #-2216	; 0xfffff758
    40b4:	eb1cf7fe 	bl	7420b4 <sprintf@plt+0x73f240>
    40b8:	447b4ba7 	ldrbtmi	r4, [fp], #-2983	; 0xfffff459
    40bc:	2b00685b 	blcs	1e230 <sprintf@plt+0x1b3bc>
    40c0:	49a6d03b 	stmibmi	r6!, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r5, ip, lr, pc}
    40c4:	46504479 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x46504479
    40c8:	ff84f7fe 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xff84f7fe
    40cc:	447848a4 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #-2212	; 0xfffff75c
    40d0:	eb0ef7fe 	bl	3c20d0 <sprintf@plt+0x3bf25c>
    40d4:	33019b04 	movwcc	r9, #6916	; 0x1b04
    40d8:	e74d9304 	strb	r9, [sp, -r4, lsl #6]
    40dc:	ed84f7fe 	stc	7, cr15, [r4, #1016]	; 0x3f8
    40e0:	eb18f7fe 	bl	6420e0 <sprintf@plt+0x63f26c>
    40e4:	eabaf7fe 	b	feec20e4 <sprintf@plt+0xfeebf270>
    40e8:	4b9ee746 	blmi	fe7bde08 <sprintf@plt+0xfe7baf94>
    44c4:	930e447b 	movwls	r4, #58491	; 0xe47b
    44c8:	3c3cf8df 	ldccc	8, cr15, [ip], #-892	; 0xfffffc84
    44cc:	930f447b 	movwls	r4, #62587	; 0xf47b
    44d0:	3c38f8df 	ldccc	8, cr15, [r8], #-892	; 0xfffffc84
    44d4:	9311447b 	tstls	r1, #2063597568	; 0x7b000000
    44d8:	3c34f8df 	ldccc	8, cr15, [r4], #-892	; 0xfffffc84
    44dc:	9310447b 	tstls	r0, #2063597568	; 0x7b000000
    44e0:	e9c52300 	stmib	r5, {r8, r9, sp}^
    44e4:	e9c53300 	stmib	r5, {r8, r9, ip, sp}^
    44e8:	e9c53302 	stmib	r5, {r1, r8, r9, ip, sp}^
    44ec:	f8593304 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8593304
    44f0:	69264f04 	stmdbvs	r6!, {r2, r8, r9, sl, fp, lr}
    44f4:	f0002f00 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0002f00
    44f8:	68e1841b 	stmiavs	r1!, {r0, r1, r3, r4, sl, pc}^
    44fc:	f7fe4628 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fe4628
    4500:	9b0eeb92 	blls	3bf350 <sprintf@plt+0x3bc4dc>
    4504:	2b00685b 	blcs	1e678 <sprintf@plt+0x1b804>
    4508:	8420f000 	strthi	pc, [r0], #-0
    450c:	6c04f8df 	stcvs	8, cr15, [r4], {223}	; 0xdf
    4510:	4620447e 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4620447e
    4514:	eb38f7fe 	bl	e42514 <sprintf@plt+0xe3f6a0>
    4518:	46829b0f 	strmi	r9, [r2], pc, lsl #22
    451c:	2b00685b 	blcs	1e690 <sprintf@plt+0x1b81c>
    545c:	6904ec56 	stmdbvs	r4, {r1, r2, r4, r6, sl, fp, sp, lr, pc}
    5460:	f7fd4628 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fd4628
    5464:	4682e990 	pkhbtmi	lr, r2, r0, lsl #19
    5468:	2b006863 	blcs	1f5fc <sprintf@plt+0x1c788>
    546c:	825cf000 	subshi	pc, ip, #0
    5470:	b6e8f8df 	usatlt	pc, #8, pc, asr #17	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    5474:	030cf104 	movweq	pc, #49412	; 0xc104	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    5478:	465944fb 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x465944fb
    547c:	2c0cf853 	stccs	8, cr15, [ip], {83}	; 0x53
    5480:	4592330c 	ldrmi	r3, [r2, #780]	; 0x30c
    5484:	2c08f853 	stccs	8, cr15, [r8], {83}	; 0x53
    5488:	f853bf08 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf853bf08
    548c:	2a001c10 	bcs	c4d4 <sprintf@plt+0x9660>
    5490:	468bd1f4 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x468bd1f4
    5494:	36c8f8df 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x36c8f8df
    5498:	685b447b 	ldmdavs	fp, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}^
    549c:	f0002b00 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0002b00
    54a0:	f8df8151 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df8151
    54a4:	447b36c0 	ldrbtmi	r3, [fp], #-1728	; 0xfffff940
    54a8:	981c9314 	ldmdals	ip, {r2, r4, r8, r9, ip, pc}
    54ac:	eb66f7fd 	bl	19c34a8 <sprintf@plt+0x19c0634>
    54b0:	36b4f8df 	ssatcc	pc, #21, pc, asr #17	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    54b4:	447b4602 	ldrbtmi	r4, [fp], #-1538	; 0xfffff9fe
    5780:	f7ffef4a 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ffef4a
    5784:	f8dfb884 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfb884
    5788:	447b3488 	ldrbtmi	r3, [fp], #-1160	; 0xfffffb78
    578c:	2b00685b 	blcs	1f900 <sprintf@plt+0x1ca8c>
    5790:	8097f040 	addshi	pc, r7, r0, asr #32
    5794:	147cf8df 	ldrbtne	pc, [ip], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    5798:	460a4479 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x460a4479
    579c:	0478f8df 	ldrbteq	pc, [r8], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    57a0:	f7fd4478 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fd4478
    57a4:	f7fffcbf 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fffcbf
    57a8:	f8dfb872 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfb872
    57ac:	447b3470 	ldrbtmi	r3, [fp], #-1136	; 0xfffffb90
    57b0:	e7489315 	smlald	r9, r8, r5, r3
    57b4:	1468f8df 	strbtne	pc, [r8], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    57b8:	e7654479 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xe7654479
    57bc:	b464f8df 	strbtlt	pc, [r4], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    57c0:	a464f8df 	strbtge	pc, [r4], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    57c4:	3464f8df 	strbtcc	pc, [r4], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    57c8:	44fa44fb 	ldrbtmi	r4, [sl], #1275	; 0x4fb
    57cc:	e74a447b 	smlsldx	r4, sl, fp, r4
    57d0:	eb0a9115 	bl	2a9c2c <sprintf@plt+0x2a6db8>
    57d4:	f7fd0a4a 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fd0a4a
    57d8:	9915e84a 	ldmdbls	r5, {r1, r3, r6, fp, sp, lr, pc}
    607c:	44780a54 	ldrbtmi	r0, [r8], #-2644	; 0xfffff5ac
    6080:	f850f7fd 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf850f7fd
    6084:	2a4cf8df 	bcs	1344408 <sprintf@plt+0x1341594>
    6088:	1088f8b6 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x1088f8b6
    608c:	6893447a 	ldmvs	r3, {r1, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}
    6090:	60901c58 	addsvs	r1, r0, r8, asr ip
    6094:	f0002900 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0002900
    6098:	f8d682c8 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8d682c8
    609c:	f1b8808c 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1b8808c
    60a0:	f0000f00 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0000f00
    60a4:	f8df8081 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df8081
    60a8:	f8df7a30 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df7a30
    60ac:	f8dfaa30 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfaa30
    60b0:	f8df9a30 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df9a30
    60b4:	447fba30 	ldrbtmi	fp, [pc], #-2608	; 60bc <sprintf@plt+0x3248>
    60b8:	44fa463b 	ldrbtmi	r4, [sl], #1595	; 0x63b
    60bc:	44f94647 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r9], #1607	; 0x647
    60c0:	469844fb 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x469844fb
    60c4:	e9d7960b 	ldmib	r7, {r0, r1, r3, r9, sl, ip, pc}^
    60c8:	46204700 	strtmi	r4, [r0], -r0, lsl #14
    60cc:	eb0af7fc 	bl	2c40c4 <sprintf@plt+0x2c1250>
    60d0:	46204606 	strtmi	r4, [r0], -r6, lsl #12
    60d4:	edf4f7fc 	ldcl	7, cr15, [r4, #1008]!	; 0x3f0
    634c:	f7fd4620 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fd4620
    6350:	4620faf3 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4620faf3
    6354:	e988f7fc 	stmib	r8, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, ip, sp, lr, pc}
    6358:	f8dfe5d2 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfe5d2
    635c:	f8df181c 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df181c
    6360:	4479281c 	ldrbtmi	r2, [r9], #-2076	; 0xfffff7e4
    6364:	e688447a 	sxtab16	r4, r8, sl, ror #8
    6368:	3814f8df 	ldmdacc	r4, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r6, r7, fp, ip, sp, lr, pc}
    636c:	e551447b 	ldrb	r4, [r1, #-1147]	; 0xfffffb85
    6370:	7810f8df 	ldmdavc	r0, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r6, r7, fp, ip, sp, lr, pc}
    6374:	9810f8df 	ldmdals	r0, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r6, r7, fp, ip, sp, lr, pc}
    6378:	44f9447f 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r9], #1151	; 0x47f
    637c:	f8dfe53b 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfe53b
    6380:	f8df180c 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df180c
    6384:	4479280c 	ldrbtmi	r2, [r9], #-2060	; 0xfffff7f4
    6388:	e5ce447a 	strb	r4, [lr, #1146]	; 0x47a
    638c:	f7fc980f 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fc980f
    6390:	f7fcec6e 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fcec6e
    6394:	f8dfea7e 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfea7e
    6398:	447917fc 	ldrbtmi	r1, [r9], #-2044	; 0xfffff804
    639c:	eb8ef7fc 	bl	fe3c4394 <sprintf@plt+0xfe3c1520>
    63a0:	28004681 	stmdacs	r0, {r0, r7, r9, sl, lr}
    63a4:	80d3f000 	sbcshi	pc, r3, r0
    6710:	4285ea54 	addmi	lr, r5, #84, 20	; 0x54000
    6714:	f7fcd042 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fcd042
    6718:	4285eb46 	addmi	lr, r5, #71680	; 0x11800
    671c:	f7fcd03e 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fcd03e
    6720:	4285eab2 	addmi	lr, r5, #729088	; 0xb2000
    6724:	990bd0e6 	stmdbls	fp, {r1, r2, r5, r6, r7, ip, lr, pc}
    6728:	f7fc4628 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fc4628
    672c:	9b1ae9bc 	blls	6c0e24 <sprintf@plt+0x6bdfb0>
    6730:	f1a04683 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1a04683
    6734:	f04f0904 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf04f0904
    6738:	b9530800 	ldmdblt	r3, {fp}^
    673c:	069be021 	ldreq	lr, [fp], r1, lsr #32
    6740:	f7fcd517 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fcd517
    6744:	9b1ae8e2 	blls	6c0ad4 <sprintf@plt+0x6bdc60>
    6748:	0801f108 	stmdaeq	r1, {r3, r8, ip, sp, lr, pc}
    674c:	45434604 	strbmi	r4, [r3, #-1540]	; 0xfffff9fc
    6750:	201cd917 	andscs	sp, ip, r7, lsl r9
    6754:	ea5af7fc 	b	16c474c <sprintf@plt+0x16c18d8>
    6758:	f8594607 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8594607
    675c:	46390f04 	ldrtmi	r0, [r9], -r4, lsl #30
    6760:	eb08f7fc 	bl	244758 <sprintf@plt+0x2418e4>
    6764:	462068fb 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x462068fb
    6768:	2e004639 	mcrcs	6, 0, r4, cr0, cr9, {1}
    6e08:	1408f8df 	strne	pc, [r8], #-2271	; 0xfffff721
    6e0c:	460a4479 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x460a4479
    6e10:	0404f8df 	streq	pc, [r4], #-2271	; 0xfffff721
    6e14:	f7fc4478 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fc4478
    6e18:	f8dbf985 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dbf985
    6e1c:	b3291000 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xb3291000
    6e20:	93f8f8df 	mvnsls	pc, #14614528	; 0xdf0000
    6e24:	4ffe465c 	svcmi	0x00fe465c
    6e28:	a3f8f8df 	mvnsge	pc, #14614528	; 0xdf0000
    6e2c:	447f44f9 	ldrbtmi	r4, [pc], #-1273	; 6e34 <sprintf@plt+0x3fc0>
    6e30:	230044fa 	movwcs	r4, #1274	; 0x4fa
    6e34:	931a4648 	tstls	sl, #72, 12	; 0x4800000
    6e38:	f974f7fc 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf974f7fc
    6e3c:	462b6821 	strtmi	r6, [fp], -r1, lsr #16
    6e40:	4630463a 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4630463a
    6e44:	ed54f7fb 	ldcl	7, cr15, [r4, #-1004]	; 0xfffffc14
    6e48:	981ab128 	ldmdals	sl, {r3, r5, r8, ip, sp, pc}
    6e4c:	b1184601 	tstlt	r8, r1, lsl #12
    6e50:	f7fb4650 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fb4650
    6e54:	981aec4e 	ldmdals	sl, {r1, r2, r3, r6, sl, fp, sp, lr, pc}
    6e58:	ebdcf7fb 	bl	ff744e4c <sprintf@plt+0xff741fd8>
    6e5c:	447848f2 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #-2290	; 0xfffff70e
    6e60:	ec46f7fb 	mcrr	7, 15, pc, r6, cr11	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    6e64:	1f04f854 	svcne	0x0004f854
    6e68:	d1e22900 	mvnle	r2, r0, lsl #18
    6e6c:	f7fb4658 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fb4658
    6e70:	4630ef52 	shsaxmi	lr, r0, r2
    6e74:	ebf8f7fb 	bl	ffe44e68 <sprintf@plt+0xffe41ff4>
    6e78:	f7fb980f 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fb980f
    6e7c:	4bebebf6 	blmi	ffb01e5c <sprintf@plt+0xffafefe8>
    6e80:	6858447b 	ldmdavs	r8, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}^
    6e84:	ebc6f7fb 	bl	ff1c4e78 <sprintf@plt+0xff1c2004>
    6e88:	b0252000 	eorlt	r2, r5, r0
    6e8c:	8ff0e8bd 	svchi	0x00f0e8bd
    6f70:	447b4bc9 	ldrbtmi	r4, [fp], #-3017	; 0xfffff437
    6f74:	4ac9689b 	bmi	ff2611e8 <sprintf@plt+0xff25e374>
    6f78:	447a3b01 	ldrbtmi	r3, [sl], #-2817	; 0xfffff4ff
    6f7c:	f7ff6093 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ff6093
    6f80:	4bc7b86c 	blmi	ff1f5138 <sprintf@plt+0xff1f22c4>
    6f84:	e7b0447b 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xe7b0447b
    6f88:	4ac749c6 	bmi	ff1d96a8 <sprintf@plt+0xff1d6834>
    6f8c:	447a4479 	ldrbtmi	r4, [sl], #-1145	; 0xfffffb87
    6f90:	4630e79b 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4630e79b
    6f94:	ed2af7fb 	stc	7, cr15, [sl, #-1004]!	; 0xfffffc14
    6f98:	28004604 	stmdacs	r0, {r2, r9, sl, lr}
    6f9c:	4bc3d039 	blmi	ff0fb088 <sprintf@plt+0xff0f8214>
    6fa0:	685b447b 	ldmdavs	fp, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}^
    6fa4:	d1672b00 	cmnle	r7, r0, lsl #22
    6fa8:	447a4ac1 	ldrbtmi	r4, [sl], #-2753	; 0xfffff53f
    6fac:	92014613 	andls	r4, r1, #19922944	; 0x1300000
    6fb0:	696148c0 	stmdbvs	r1!, {r6, r7, fp, lr}^
    6fb4:	91004478 	tstls	r0, r8, ror r4
    6fb8:	f7fc4611 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fc4611
    6fbc:	4620f8b3 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4620f8b3
    6fc0:	eb52f7fb 	bl	14c4fb4 <sprintf@plt+0x14c2140>
    6fc4:	b80ff7ff 	stmdalt	pc, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, ip, sp, lr, pc}	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    6fc8:	4abc49bb 	bmi	fef196bc <sprintf@plt+0xfef16848>
    7464:	f8c42701 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8c42701
    7468:	1d1e60b8 	ldcne	0, cr6, [lr, #-736]	; 0xfffffd20
    746c:	3bd8f8df 	blcc	ff6457f0 <sprintf@plt+0xff64297c>
    7470:	70b4f8c4 	adcsvc	pc, r4, r4, asr #17
    7474:	f8df4637 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df4637
    7478:	447b6bd4 	ldrbtmi	r6, [fp], #-3028	; 0xfffff42c
    747c:	60236660 	eorvs	r6, r3, r0, ror #12
    7480:	3bccf8df 	blcc	ff345804 <sprintf@plt+0xff342990>
    7484:	980c447e 	stmdals	ip, {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}
    7488:	447b9609 	ldrbtmi	r9, [fp], #-1545	; 0xfffff9f7
    748c:	abc4f8df 	blge	ff145810 <sprintf@plt+0xff14299c>
    7490:	f8df6163 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df6163
    7494:	f8c43bc4 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8c43bc4
    7498:	44fa00d4 	ldrbtmi	r0, [sl], #212	; 0xd4
    749c:	6bbcf8df 	blvs	fef45820 <sprintf@plt+0xfef429ac>
    74a0:	f8df447b 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df447b
    74a4:	61e30bbc 	strhvs	r0, [r3, #188]!	; 0xbc
    74a8:	3bb8f8df 	blcc	fee4582c <sprintf@plt+0xfee429b8>
    74ac:	4478447e 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #-1150	; 0xfffffb82
    74b0:	9bb4f8df 	blls	fed45834 <sprintf@plt+0xfed429c0>
    74b4:	ebb4f8df 	bl	fed45838 <sprintf@plt+0xfed429c4>
    74b8:	f8df447b 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df447b
    74bc:	6323cbb4 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x6323cbb4
    7590:	3108f8c4 	smlabtcc	r8, r4, r8, pc	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    7594:	f8c42343 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8c42343
    7598:	20060128 	andcs	r0, r6, r8, lsr #2
    759c:	311cf884 	tstcc	ip, r4, lsl #17	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    75a0:	030cf106 	movweq	pc, #49414	; 0xc106	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    75a4:	3144f8c4 	smlalbtcc	pc, r4, r4, r8	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    75a8:	ec43e9c4 	mcrr	9, 12, lr, r3, cr4
    75ac:	2134f8c4 	teqcs	r4, r4, asr #17	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    75b0:	b0e8f8c4 	rsclt	pc, r8, r4, asr #17
    75b4:	90fcf8c4 	rscsls	pc, ip, r4, asr #17
    75b8:	f7fb9529 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fb9529
    75bc:	f8dfea12 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfea12
    75c0:	462a1af8 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x462a1af8
    75c4:	0af4f8df 	beq	ffd45948 <sprintf@plt+0xffd42ad4>
    75c8:	44784479 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #-1145	; 0xfffffb87
    75cc:	eaeef7fb 	b	ffbc55c0 <sprintf@plt+0xffbc274c>
    75d0:	0aecf8df 	beq	ffb45954 <sprintf@plt+0xffb42ae0>
    75d4:	f7fb4478 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fb4478
    75d8:	f8dfec10 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfec10
    75dc:	44780ae8 	ldrbtmi	r0, [r8], #-2792	; 0xfffff518
    75e0:	eb80f7fb 	bl	fe0455d4 <sprintf@plt+0xfe042760>
    75e4:	2ae0f8df 	bcs	ff845968 <sprintf@plt+0xff842af4>
    75e8:	46214606 	strtmi	r4, [r1], -r6, lsl #12
    7ee0:	0304e9cd 	movweq	lr, #18893	; 0x49cd
    7ee4:	48d24651 	ldmmi	r2, {r0, r4, r6, r9, sl, lr}^
    7ee8:	e9cd4623 	stmib	sp, {r0, r1, r5, r9, sl, lr}^
    7eec:	e9cd8600 	stmib	sp, {r9, sl, pc}^
    7ef0:	44784402 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #-1026	; 0xfffffbfe
    7ef4:	f916f7fb 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf916f7fb
    7ef8:	4638e765 	ldrtmi	lr, [r8], -r5, ror #14
    7efc:	eeb0f7fa 	mrc	7, 5, APSR_nzcv, cr0, cr10, {7}
    7f00:	f7fa4648 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4648
    7f04:	48cbef08 	stmiami	fp, {r3, r8, r9, sl, fp, sp, lr, pc}^
    7f08:	f7fa4478 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4478
    7f0c:	49caebf2 	stmibmi	sl, {r1, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, fp, sp, lr, pc}^
    7f10:	22054630 	andcs	r4, r5, #48, 12	; 0x3000000
    7f14:	f7fa4479 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4479
    7f18:	4bc8ed0a 	blmi	ff243348 <sprintf@plt+0xff2404d4>
    7f1c:	685b447b 	ldmdavs	fp, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}^
    7f20:	f0402b00 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0402b00
    7f24:	49c681e4 	stmibmi	r6, {r2, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc}^
    7f28:	460b4479 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x460b4479
    7f2c:	2405461a 	strcs	r4, [r5], #-1562	; 0xfffff9e6
    7f30:	ebdef7fa 	bl	ff7c5f20 <sprintf@plt+0xff7c30ac>
    7f34:	465b4ac3 	ldrbmi	r4, [fp], -r3, asr #21
    7f38:	200049c3 	andcs	r4, r0, r3, asr #19
    7f3c:	447a9400 	ldrbtmi	r9, [sl], #-1024	; 0xfffffc00
    7f40:	f7fa4479 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4479
    7f44:	4659ed92 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4659ed92
    7f48:	ebd2f7fa 	bl	ff4c5f38 <sprintf@plt+0xff4c30c4>
    7f4c:	0f00f1b8 	svceq	0x0000f1b8
    7f50:	81fef040 	mvnshi	pc, r0, asr #32
    7f60:	447a4abb 	ldrbtmi	r4, [sl], #-2747	; 0xfffff545
    7f64:	461148bb 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x461148bb
    7f68:	f7fa4478 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4478
    7f6c:	2105ebc2 	smlabtcs	r5, r2, fp, lr
    7f70:	91009c0a 	tstls	r0, sl, lsl #24
    7f74:	4ab82000 	bmi	fee0ff7c <sprintf@plt+0xfee0d108>
    7f78:	462349b8 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x462349b8
    7f7c:	4479447a 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r9], #-1146	; 0xfffffb86
    7f80:	ed72f7fa 	ldcl	7, cr15, [r2, #-1000]!	; 0xfffffc18
    7f84:	f7fa4621 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4621
    7f88:	4bb5ebb4 	blmi	fed82e60 <sprintf@plt+0xfed7ffec>
    7f8c:	685b447b 	ldmdavs	fp, {r0, r1, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}^
    7f90:	f0002b00 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0002b00
    7f94:	49b381a4 	ldmibmi	r3!, {r2, r5, r7, r8, pc}
    7f98:	48b34479 	ldmmi	r3!, {r0, r3, r4, r5, r6, sl, lr}
    7f9c:	f7fa4478 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4478
    7fa0:	e423eba8 	strt	lr, [r3], #-2984	; 0xfffff458
    7fa4:	f7fa4628 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4628
    7fa8:	e41fee5c 	ldr	lr, [pc], #-3676	; 7fb0 <sprintf@plt+0x513c>
    7fac:	447848af 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #-2223	; 0xfffff751
    7fb0:	eb9ef7fa 	bl	fe7c5fa0 <sprintf@plt+0xfe7c312c>
    7fb4:	462849ae 	strtmi	r4, [r8], -lr, lsr #19
    7fb8:	44792205 	ldrbtmi	r2, [r9], #-517	; 0xfffffdfb
    7fbc:	ecb6f7fa 	ldc	7, cr15, [r6], #1000	; 0x3e8
    7fc0:	447b4bac 	ldrbtmi	r4, [fp], #-2988	; 0xfffff454
    7fc4:	2b00685b 	blcs	22138 <sprintf@plt+0x1f2c4>
    7fc8:	8178f040 	cmnhi	r8, r0, asr #32	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    7fcc:	447949aa 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r9], #-2474	; 0xfffff656
    7fd0:	461a460b 	ldrmi	r4, [sl], -fp, lsl #12
    7fd4:	eb8cf7fa 	bl	fe345fc4 <sprintf@plt+0xfe343150>
    7fd8:	23054aa8 	movwcs	r4, #23208	; 0x5aa8
    7fdc:	200049a8 	andcs	r4, r0, r8, lsr #19
    82c4:	447b4479 	ldrbtmi	r4, [fp], #-1145	; 0xfffffb87
    82c8:	f8dfe683 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfe683
    82cc:	447b3488 	ldrbtmi	r3, [fp], #-1160	; 0xfffffb78
    82d0:	bb01f7ff 	bllt	862d4 <sprintf@plt+0x83460>
    82d4:	5480f8df 	strpl	pc, [r0], #2271	; 0x8df
    82d8:	f7ff447d 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ff447d
    82dc:	f8dfbaea 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfbaea
    82e0:	4479147c 	ldrbtmi	r1, [r9], #-1148	; 0xfffffb84
    82e4:	f8dfe659 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfe659
    82e8:	447a2478 	ldrbtmi	r2, [sl], #-1144	; 0xfffffb88
    82ec:	f8dfe63a 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfe63a
    82f0:	f8df1474 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8df1474
    82f4:	44793474 	ldrbtmi	r3, [r9], #-1140	; 0xfffffb8c
    82f8:	e617447b 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xe617447b
    82fc:	146cf8df 	strbtne	pc, [ip], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    8300:	f7fa4479 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4479
    8304:	4604ebdc 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4604ebdc
    8308:	bb23f7ff 	bllt	90630c <sprintf@plt+0x903498>
    830c:	1460f8df 	strbtne	pc, [r0], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    8310:	4479930e 	ldrbtmi	r9, [r9], #-782	; 0xfffffcf2
    8314:	ebd2f7fa 	bl	ff4c6304 <sprintf@plt+0xff4c3490>
    8318:	46059b0e 	strmi	r9, [r5], -lr, lsl #22
    831c:	b70be9cd 	strlt	lr, [fp, -sp, asr #19]
    8320:	960d464f 	strls	r4, [sp], -pc, asr #12
    8324:	e9cd4699 	stmib	sp, {r0, r3, r4, r7, r9, sl, lr}^
    8328:	f8cd840e 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8cd840e
    832c:	e4e6a040 	strbt	sl, [r6], #64	; 0x40
    8330:	4440f8df 	strbmi	pc, [r0], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    8334:	e512447c 	ldr	r4, [r2, #-1148]	; 0xfffffb84
    8338:	343cf8df 	ldrtcc	pc, [ip], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    833c:	043cf8df 	ldrteq	pc, [ip], #-2271	; 0xfffff721	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
    8340:	4478447b 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r8], #-1147	; 0xfffffb85
    8344:	6820e51a 	stmdavs	r0!, {r1, r3, r4, r8, sl, sp, lr, pc}
    8348:	f7fa2102 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa2102
    834c:	e461ec78 	strbt	lr, [r1], #-3192	; 0xfffff388
    8350:	042cf8df 	strteq	pc, [ip], #-2271	; 0xfffff721
    8354:	f7fa4478 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4478
    8358:	f8dfe9cc 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfe9cc
    835c:	46432428 	strbmi	r2, [r3], -r8, lsr #8
    8360:	1424f8df 	strtne	pc, [r4], #-2271	; 0xfffff721
    8364:	94002000 	strls	r2, [r0], #-0
    8368:	4479447a 	ldrbtmi	r4, [r9], #-1146	; 0xfffffb86
    836c:	eb7cf7fa 	bl	1f4635c <sprintf@plt+0x1f434e8>
    8370:	f7fa4641 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7fa4641
    8374:	f8dfe9be 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8dfe9be

[*] Function sprintf used 27 times gst-inspect-1.0