[*] Binary protection state of mod_systemd.so

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX enabled   DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function system tear down of mod_systemd.so

 bf4:	215fb538 	cmpcs	pc, r8, lsr r5	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
 bf8:	f7ff4615 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ff4615
 bfc:	4604edfe 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4604edfe
 c00:	4620b108 	strtmi	fp, [r0], -r8, lsl #2
 c04:	4601bd38 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4601bd38
 c08:	4628220a 	strtmi	r2, [r8], -sl, lsl #4
 c0c:	edeef7ff 	stcl	7, cr15, [lr, #1020]!	; 0x3fc
 c10:	447b4b02 	ldrbtmi	r4, [fp], #-2818	; 0xfffff4fe
 c14:	462060d8 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x462060d8
 c18:	bf00bd38 	svclt	0x0000bd38
 c1c:	0000242e 	andeq	r2, r0, lr, lsr #8
 c20:	4000f080 	andmi	pc, r0, r0, lsl #1
 c24:	bf00e002 	svclt	0x0000e002
 c28:	4100f081 	smlabbmi	r0, r1, r0, pc	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
 c2c:	bf1f0042 	svclt	0x001f0042
 c30:	0341ea5f 	movteq	lr, #6751	; 0x1a5f
 c34:	0f03ea92 	svceq	0x0003ea92
 c38:	6c22ea7f 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x6c22ea7f
 c3c:	6c23ea7f 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x6c23ea7f
 c40:	ea4fd06a 	b	13f4df0 <systemd_module@@Base+0x13f1dec>
 c44:	ebd26212 	bl	ff499494 <systemd_module@@Base+0xff496490>
 c48:	bfc16313 	svclt	0x00c16313
 c4c:	404118d2 	ldrdmi	r1, [r1], #-130	; 0xffffff7e
 c70:	f4414f00 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf4414f00
 c74:	f0210100 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0210100
 c78:	bf18417f 	svclt	0x0018417f
 c7c:	ea924249 	b	fe4915a8 <systemd_module@@Base+0xfe48e5a4>
 c80:	d03f0f03 	eorsle	r0, pc, r3, lsl #30
 c84:	0201f1a2 	andeq	pc, r1, #-2147483608	; 0x80000028
 c88:	fc03fa41 	stc2	10, cr15, [r3], {65}	; 0x41	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
 c8c:	000ceb10 	andeq	lr, ip, r0, lsl fp
 c90:	0320f1c3 	msreq	CPSR_, #-1073741776	; 0xc0000030
 c94:	f103fa01 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf103fa01
 c98:	4300f000 	movwmi	pc, #0	; <UNPREDICTABLE>
 c9c:	4249d502 	submi	sp, r9, #8388608	; 0x800000
 ca0:	0040eb60 	subeq	lr, r0, r0, ror #22
 ca4:	0f00f5b0 	svceq	0x0000f5b0
 ca8:	f1b0d313 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1b0d313
 cac:	d3067f80 	movwle	r7, #28544	; 0x6f80
 cb0:	ea4f0840 	b	13c2db8 <systemd_module@@Base+0x13bfdb4>
 cb4:	f1020131 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1020131
 cb8:	2afe0201 	bcs	fff814c4 <systemd_module@@Base+0xfff7e4c0>
 cbc:	f1b1d251 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1b1d251
 cc0:	eb404f00 	bl	10148c8 <systemd_module@@Base+0x10118c4>
 cc4:	bf0850c2 	svclt	0x000850c2
 cc8:	0001f020 	andeq	pc, r1, r0, lsr #32
 ccc:	0003ea40 	andeq	lr, r3, r0, asr #20
 cd0:	00494770 	subeq	r4, r9, r0, ror r7
 cd4:	0000eb40 	andeq	lr, r0, r0, asr #22
 cd8:	bf283a01 	svclt	0x00283a01
 cdc:	0f00f5b0 	svceq	0x0000f5b0
 ce0:	fab0d2ed 	blx	fec3589c <systemd_module@@Base+0xfec32898>
 ce4:	f1acfc80 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1acfc80
 ce8:	ebb20c08 	bl	fec83d10 <systemd_module@@Base+0xfec80d0c>
 cec:	fa00020c 	blx	1524 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0xca4>
 cf0:	bfaaf00c 	svclt	0x00aaf00c
 e4c:	2800bf08 	stmdacs	r0, {r3, r8, r9, sl, fp, ip, sp, pc}
 e50:	f06fbf1c 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf06fbf1c
 e54:	f04f4100 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf04f4100
 e58:	f00030ff 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf00030ff
 e5c:	f1adb83f 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1adb83f
 e60:	e96d0c08 	stmdb	sp!, {r3, sl, fp}^
 e64:	2900ce04 	stmdbcs	r0, {r2, r9, sl, fp, lr, pc}
 e68:	2b00db09 	blcs	37a94 <systemd_module@@Base+0x34a90>
 e6c:	f000db1a 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf000db1a
 e70:	f8ddf83b 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8ddf83b
 e74:	e9dde004 	ldmib	sp, {r2, sp, lr, pc}^
 e78:	b0042302 	andlt	r2, r4, r2, lsl #6
 e7c:	42404770 	submi	r4, r0, #112, 14	; 0x1c00000
 e80:	0141eb61 	cmpeq	r1, r1, ror #22
 e84:	db1b2b00 	blle	6cba8c <systemd_module@@Base+0x6c8a88>
 e88:	f82ef000 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf82ef000
 e8c:	e004f8dd 	ldrd	pc, [r4], -sp
 e90:	2302e9dd 	movwcs	lr, #10717	; 0x29dd
 e94:	4240b004 	submi	fp, r0, #4
 e98:	0141eb61 	cmpeq	r1, r1, ror #22
 e9c:	eb634252 	bl	18d17ec <systemd_module@@Base+0x18ce7e8>
 ea0:	47700343 	ldrbmi	r0, [r0, -r3, asr #6]!
 ea4:	eb634252 	bl	18d17f4 <systemd_module@@Base+0x18ce7f0>
 ea8:	f0000343 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0000343
 eac:	f8ddf81d 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8ddf81d
 eb0:	e9dde004 	ldmib	sp, {r2, sp, lr, pc}^
 eb4:	b0042302 	andlt	r2, r4, r2, lsl #6
 eb8:	eb614240 	bl	18517c0 <systemd_module@@Base+0x184e7bc>
 ebc:	47700141 	ldrbmi	r0, [r0, -r1, asr #2]!
 ec0:	eb634252 	bl	18d1810 <systemd_module@@Base+0x18ce80c>
 ec4:	f0000343 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf0000343
 ec8:	f8ddf80f 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf8ddf80f
 ecc:	e9dde004 	ldmib	sp, {r2, sp, lr, pc}^
 ed0:	b0042302 	andlt	r2, r4, r2, lsl #6
 ed4:	eb634252 	bl	18d1824 <systemd_module@@Base+0x18ce820>
 ed8:	47700343 	ldrbmi	r0, [r0, -r3, asr #6]!
 edc:	f04fb502 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf04fb502
 ee0:	f7ff0008 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf7ff0008
 ee4:	bd02ec90 	stclt	12, cr14, [r2, #-576]	; 0xfffffdc0
 ee8:	43f0e92d 	mvnsmi	lr, #737280	; 0xb4000
 eec:	460d4290 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x460d4290
 ef0:	eb754604 	bl	1d52708 <systemd_module@@Base+0x1d4f704>
 ef4:	bf380103 	svclt	0x00380103
 ef8:	9f072000 	svcls	0x00072000
 efc:	4601bf38 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0x4601bf38
 f00:	fab3d362 	blx	fecf5c90 <systemd_module@@Base+0xfecf2c8c>
 f04:	2b00f683 	blcs	3e918 <systemd_module@@Base+0x3b914>
 f08:	fab5d067 	blx	fed750ac <systemd_module@@Base+0xfed720a8>
 f0c:	2d00f185 	stfcsd	f7, [r0, #-532]	; 0xfffffdec
 f10:	1a76d05f 	bne	1db5094 <systemd_module@@Base+0x1db2090>
 f14:	0c20f1a6 	stfeqd	f7, [r0], #-664	; 0xfffffd68
 f18:	fa0240b3 	blx	911ec <systemd_module@@Base+0x8e1e8>
 f1c:	f1c6f10c 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1c6f10c
 f20:	430b0e20 	movwmi	r0, #48672	; 0xbe20
 f24:	f10efa22 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf10efa22
 f28:	430b40b2 	movwmi	r4, #45234	; 0xb0b2
 f2c:	eb754294 	bl	1d51984 <systemd_module@@Base+0x1d4e980>
 f30:	bf3c0103 	svclt	0x003c0103
 f34:	46012000 	strmi	r2, [r1], -r0
 f38:	2001d30b 	andcs	sp, r1, fp, lsl #6
 f3c:	fa001aa4 	blx	79d4 <systemd_module@@Base+0x49d0>
 f40:	fa20f10c 	blx	83d378 <systemd_module@@Base+0x83a374>
 f44:	fa00f80e 	blx	3ef84 <systemd_module@@Base+0x3bf80>
 f48:	eb65f006 	bl	197cf68 <systemd_module@@Base+0x1979f64>
 f4c:	ea410503 	b	1042360 <systemd_module@@Base+0x103f35c>
 f50:	b3ce0108 	biclt	r0, lr, #8, 2
 f54:	46b00852 	ssatmi	r0, #17, r2, asr #16
 f58:	72c3ea42 	sbcvc	lr, r3, #270336	; 0x42000
 f5c:	e00a085b 	and	r0, sl, fp, asr r8
 f60:	eb651aa4 	bl	19479f8 <systemd_module@@Base+0x19449f4>
 f64:	19240503 	stmdbne	r4!, {r0, r1, r8, sl}
 f68:	3401416d 	strcc	r4, [r1], #-365	; 0xfffffe93
 f6c:	0500f145 	streq	pc, [r0, #-325]	; 0xfffffebb
 f70:	0801f1b8 	stmdaeq	r1, {r3, r4, r5, r7, r8, ip, sp, lr, pc}
 f74:	4294d008 	addsmi	sp, r4, #8
 f78:	0903eb75 	stmdbeq	r3, {r0, r2, r4, r5, r6, r8, r9, fp, sp, lr, pc}
 f7c:	1924d2f0 	stmdbne	r4!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r9, ip, lr, pc}
 f80:	f1b8416d 			; <UNDEFINED> instruction: 0xf1b8416d
 f84:	d1f60801 	mvnsle	r0, r1, lsl #16
 f88:	fa051900 	blx	147390 <systemd_module@@Base+0x14438c>
 f8c:	fa24fe0e 	blx	9407cc <systemd_module@@Base+0x93d7c8>
 f90:	fa25f406 	blx	97dfb0 <systemd_module@@Base+0x97afac>
 f94:	eb41fc0c 	bl	107ffcc <systemd_module@@Base+0x107cfc8>
 f98:	ea440105 	b	11013b4 <systemd_module@@Base+0x10fe3b0>
 f9c:	40f5040e 	rscsmi	r0, r5, lr, lsl #8

[*] Function system used 13 times mod_systemd.so