[*] Binary protection state of netd

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX disabled  PIE enabled  No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function system tear down of netd

   42880:	afbf003c 	sw	ra,60(sp)
   42884:	afb70038 	sw	s7,56(sp)
   42888:	afb50030 	sw	s5,48(sp)
   4288c:	afb0001c 	sw	s0,28(sp)
   42890:	0080b025 	move	s6,a0
   42894:	26529f14 	addiu	s2,s2,-24812
   42898:	26319f18 	addiu	s1,s1,-24808
   4289c:	24130002 	li	s3,2
   428a0:	10000003 	b	428b0 <netd_legacy_mapper_netd_to_vapix@@Base+0x1658>
   428a4:	26949f38 	addiu	s4,s4,-24776
   428a8:	12c0002b 	beqz	s6,42958 <netd_legacy_mapper_netd_to_vapix@@Base+0x1700>
   428ac:	8fbf003c 	lw	ra,60(sp)
   428b0:	8ed00000 	lw	s0,0(s6)
   428b4:	8f998980 	lw	t9,-30336(gp)
   428b8:	02002825 	move	a1,s0
   428bc:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   428c0:	02402025 	move	a0,s2
   428c4:	8fbc0010 	lw	gp,16(sp)
   428c8:	02003025 	move	a2,s0
   428cc:	02202825 	move	a1,s1
   428d0:	8f998024 	lw	t9,-32732(gp)
   428d4:	24040001 	li	a0,1
   428d8:	041102fd 	bal	434d0 <netd_log_esc@@Base>
   428dc:	0040b825 	move	s7,v0
   428e0:	8fbc0010 	lw	gp,16(sp)
   428e4:	8f998a6c 	lw	t9,system
   428e8:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
   428ec:	02e02025 	move	a0,s7

[*] Function system used 1 times netd