[*] Binary protection state of parhandclient
Full RELRO Canary found NX disabled PIE enabled No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function strcpy tear down of parhandclient
46f4: 0320f809 jalr t9
46f8: 02002025 move a0,s0
46fc: 1440fff7 bnez v0,46dc <ain@@Base+0x2f1c>
4700: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
4704: 1000ff99 b 456c <ain@@Base+0x2dac>
4708: 8f858028 lw a1,-32728(gp)
470c: 8f878028 lw a3,-32728(gp)
4710: 1000ffd1 b 4658 <ain@@Base+0x2e98>
4714: 24e76d44 addiu a3,a3,27972
4718: 8f998028 lw t9,-32728(gp)
471c: 273940e4 addiu t9,t9,16612
4720: 0411fe70 bal 40e4 <ain@@Base+0x2924>
4724: 02602025 move a0,s3
4728: 0040a025 move s4,v0
472c: 1000ff9e b 45a8 <ain@@Base+0x2de8>
4730: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
4734: 8f998164 lw t9,-32412(gp)
4738: 0320f809 jalr t9
473c: 02002025 move a0,s0
4740: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
4744: 8f9980f8 lw t9,-32520(gp)
4748: 0320f809 jalr t9
474c: 02a02025 move a0,s5
4750: 1000ff95 b 45a8 <ain@@Base+0x2de8>
4754: 8fbc0018 lw gp,24(sp)
4758: 8f998114 lw t9,strcpy
475c: 02202825 move a1,s1
4760: 00402025 move a0,v0
[*] Function strcpy used 1 times parhandclient