[*] Binary protection state of libhttp_auth.so

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX disabled  DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function strcpy tear down of libhttp_auth.so

    2754:	8fa5069c 	lw	a1,1692(sp)
    2758:	8fa40040 	lw	a0,64(sp)
    275c:	24070009 	li	a3,9
    2760:	04110b0e 	bal	539c <http_auth_strwrd@@VERS_1.0+0x18>
    2764:	27a60090 	addiu	a2,sp,144
    2768:	0040a025 	move	s4,v0
    276c:	1440ff66 	bnez	v0,2508 <VERS_1.0@@VERS_1.0+0x2508>
    2770:	8fbc0028 	lw	gp,40(sp)
    2774:	8f99806c 	lw	t9,-32660(gp)
    2778:	8fa5069c 	lw	a1,1692(sp)
    277c:	8fa40040 	lw	a0,64(sp)
    2780:	24070003 	li	a3,3
    2784:	04110b05 	bal	539c <http_auth_strwrd@@VERS_1.0+0x18>
    2788:	27a6006c 	addiu	a2,sp,108
    278c:	0040a025 	move	s4,v0
    2790:	1440ff5d 	bnez	v0,2508 <VERS_1.0@@VERS_1.0+0x2508>
    2794:	8fbc0028 	lw	gp,40(sp)
    2798:	1000ff9d 	b	2610 <VERS_1.0@@VERS_1.0+0x2610>
    279c:	24130001 	li	s3,1
    27a0:	8f998170 	lw	t9,-32400(gp)
    27a4:	0320f809 	jalr	t9
    27a8:	02202025 	move	a0,s1
    27ac:	00409025 	move	s2,v0
    27b0:	10400088 	beqz	v0,29d4 <VERS_1.0@@VERS_1.0+0x29d4>
    27b4:	8fbc0028 	lw	gp,40(sp)
    27b8:	8f998184 	lw	t9,strcpy
    27bc:	02002825 	move	a1,s0
    27c0:	0320f809 	jalr	t9

[*] Function strcpy used 1 times libhttp_auth.so