[*] Binary protection state of libgstisomp4.so
Full RELRO Canary found NX disabled DSO No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function strcpy tear down of libgstisomp4.so
2f004: ae200028 sw zero,40(s1)
2f008: ae230024 sw v1,36(s1)
2f00c: ae250034 sw a1,52(s1)
2f010: 104401c9 beq v0,a0,2f738 <gst_plugin_isomp4_register@@Base+0x2790c>
2f014: ae250038 sw a1,56(s1)
2f018: 3c037834 lui v1,0x7834
2f01c: 24637061 addiu v1,v1,28769
2f020: 104301c0 beq v0,v1,2f724 <gst_plugin_isomp4_register@@Base+0x278f8>
2f024: 3c036e63 lui v1,0x6e63
2f028: 24060018 li a2,24
2f02c: 24657061 addiu a1,v1,28769
2f030: 104501c6 beq v0,a1,2f74c <gst_plugin_isomp4_register@@Base+0x27920>
2f034: a6260062 sh a2,98(s1)
2f038: 24637062 addiu v1,v1,28770
2f03c: 0043182b sltu v1,v0,v1
2f040: 146000db bnez v1,2f3b0 <gst_plugin_isomp4_register@@Base+0x27584>
2f044: 3c036f63 lui v1,0x6f63
2f048: 24637061 addiu v1,v1,28769
2f04c: 104301b2 beq v0,v1,2f718 <gst_plugin_isomp4_register@@Base+0x278ec>
2f050: 3c037363 lui v1,0x7363
2f054: 24637061 addiu v1,v1,28769
2f058: 1443000e bne v0,v1,2f094 <gst_plugin_isomp4_register@@Base+0x27268>
2f05c: 8f998a28 lw t9,-30168(gp)
2f060: 8f908028 lw s0,-32728(gp)
2f064: 26103554 addiu s0,s0,13652
2f068: 8f9986b0 lw t9,strcpy
2f06c: 02002825 move a1,s0
2f070: 0320f809 jalr t9
[*] Function strcpy used 1 times libgstisomp4.so