[*] Binary protection state of systemd-journald
Full RELRO Canary found NX disabled PIE enabled RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function mmap tear down of systemd-journald
dfe0: 8f998174 lw t9,mmap
dfe4: 0320f809 jalr t9
dfe8: 00000000 nop
dfec: 8fbc0028 lw gp,40(sp)
dff0: 104000b2 beqz v0,e2bc <_ftext@@Base+0xa40c>
dff4: ae0201cc sw v0,460(s0)
dff8: 8f998338 lw t9,-31944(gp)
dffc: 0320f809 jalr t9
e000: 00002025 move a0,zero
e004: 8fbc0028 lw gp,40(sp)
e008: 1040005f beqz v0,e188 <_ftext@@Base+0xa2d8>
e00c: ae0201d0 sw v0,464(s0)
e010: 8f9984c0 lw t9,-31552(gp)
e014: 0320f809 jalr t9
e018: 2604001c addiu a0,s0,28
e01c: 00408825 move s1,v0
e020: 0440008b bltz v0,e250 <_ftext@@Base+0xa3a0>
e024: 8fbc0028 lw gp,40(sp)
e028: 8f9983f0 lw t9,-31760(gp)
e02c: 0320f809 jalr t9
e030: 24040001 li a0,1
[*] Function mmap used 1 times systemd-journald