[*] Binary protection state of libglib-2.0.so.0.6000.7
Full RELRO No Canary found NX disabled DSO No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function fprintf tear down of libglib-2.0.so.0.6000.7
1cf4c: afb4004c sw s4,76(sp)
1cf50: afb30048 sw s3,72(sp)
1cf54: afb20044 sw s2,68(sp)
1cf58: afb10040 sw s1,64(sp)
1cf5c: afb0003c sw s0,60(sp)
1cf60: 50800082 beqzl a0,1d16c <g_on_error_query@@Base+0x244>
1cf64: 8f99821c lw t9,-32228(gp)
1cf68: 00808025 move s0,a0
1cf6c: 8f928018 lw s2,-32744(gp)
1cf70: 8f968018 lw s6,-32744(gp)
1cf74: 8f948018 lw s4,-32744(gp)
1cf78: 8f918f88 lw s1,-28792(gp)
1cf7c: 8f938018 lw s3,-32744(gp)
1cf80: 8f958018 lw s5,-32744(gp)
1cf84: 2652ed08 addiu s2,s2,-4856
1cf88: 26d6ed40 addiu s6,s6,-4800
1cf8c: 2694ed18 addiu s4,s4,-4840
1cf90: 8e370000 lw s7,0(s1)
1cf94: 12000056 beqz s0,1d0f0 <g_on_error_query@@Base+0x1c8>
1cf98: 8f9990a4 lw t9,-28508(gp)
1cf9c: 0320f809 jalr t9
1cfa0: 00000000 nop
1cfa4: 8fbc0020 lw gp,32(sp)
1cfa8: 2663ed30 addiu v1,s3,-4816
1cfac: afb20018 sw s2,24(sp)
1cfb0: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
1cfb4: afb40014 sw s4,20(sp)
1cfb8: afa30010 sw v1,16(sp)
1d0a0: 8fb60054 lw s6,84(sp)
1d0a4: 8fb50050 lw s5,80(sp)
1d0a8: 8fb4004c lw s4,76(sp)
1d0ac: 8fb30048 lw s3,72(sp)
1d0b0: 8fb20044 lw s2,68(sp)
1d0b4: 8fb10040 lw s1,64(sp)
1d0b8: 8fb0003c lw s0,60(sp)
1d0bc: 03e00008 jr ra
1d0c0: 27bd0060 addiu sp,sp,96
1d0c4: 83a50029 lb a1,41(sp)
1d0c8: 2404000a li a0,10
1d0cc: 10a40024 beq a1,a0,1d160 <g_on_error_query@@Base+0x238>
1d0d0: 24040050 li a0,80
1d0d4: 1464ffde bne v1,a0,1d050 <g_on_error_query@@Base+0x128>
1d0d8: 00000000 nop
1d0dc: 1200ffe1 beqz s0,1d064 <g_on_error_query@@Base+0x13c>
1d0e0: 24020048 li v0,72
1d0e4: 8e370000 lw s7,0(s1)
1d0e8: 1600ffac bnez s0,1cf9c <g_on_error_query@@Base+0x74>
1d0ec: 8f9990a4 lw t9,-28508(gp)
1d0f0: 0320f809 jalr t9
1d0f4: 00000000 nop
1d0f8: 8fbc0020 lw gp,32(sp)
1d0fc: afb20010 sw s2,16(sp)
1d100: 2667ed30 addiu a3,s3,-4816
1d104: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
1d108: 00403025 move a2,v0
1d10c: 02c02825 move a1,s6
50ce4: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
50ce8: 8ee20004 lw v0,4(s7)
50cec: 02a2a825 or s5,s5,v0
50cf0: 26f70008 addiu s7,s7,8
50cf4: 5697fff6 bnel s4,s7,50cd0 <g_parse_debug_string@@Base+0x180>
50cf8: 8ee40000 lw a0,0(s7)
50cfc: 1000ffce b 50c38 <g_parse_debug_string@@Base+0xe8>
50d00: 82220000 lb v0,0(s1)
50d04: 8f919198 lw s1,-28264(gp)
50d08: 8f848018 lw a0,-32744(gp)
50d0c: 8f9990cc lw t9,-28468(gp)
50d10: 8e270000 lw a3,0(s1)
50d14: 24060017 li a2,23
50d18: 24050001 li a1,1
50d1c: 0320f809 jalr t9
50d20: 24844da0 addiu a0,a0,19872
50d24: 8fa20050 lw v0,80(sp)
50d28: 1040000f beqz v0,50d68 <g_parse_debug_string@@Base+0x218>
50d2c: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
50d30: 8fa20050 lw v0,80(sp)
50d34: 8fb0004c lw s0,76(sp)
50d38: 8f928020 lw s2,-32736(gp)
50d3c: 000298c0 sll s3,v0,0x3
50d40: 02139821 addu s3,s0,s3
50d44: 2652806c addiu s2,s2,-32660
50d48: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
50d4c: 8e060000 lw a2,0(s0)
50d50: 8e240000 lw a0,0(s1)
60100: 8fa40028 lw a0,40(sp)
60104: 8f9983c4 lw t9,-31804(gp)
60108: 0320f809 jalr t9
6010c: 00000000 nop
60110: 8fbc0020 lw gp,32(sp)
60114: 8f998084 lw t9,-32636(gp)
60118: 04117d3d bal 7f610 <g_strdup@@Base>
6011c: 02002025 move a0,s0
60120: 8fbf004c lw ra,76(sp)
60124: 8fb50048 lw s5,72(sp)
60128: 8fb40044 lw s4,68(sp)
6012c: 8fb30040 lw s3,64(sp)
60130: 8fb2003c lw s2,60(sp)
60134: 8fb10038 lw s1,56(sp)
60138: 8fb00034 lw s0,52(sp)
6013c: 03e00008 jr ra
60140: 27bd0050 addiu sp,sp,80
60144: 00403025 move a2,v0
60148: 2405ffff li a1,-1
6014c: 0320f809 jalr t9
60150: 02a02025 move a0,s5
60154: 1000ffb4 b 60028 <g_mem_profile@@Base+0xc90>
60158: 8fbc0020 lw gp,32(sp)
6015c: 8f839198 lw v1,-28264(gp)
60160: 8f858018 lw a1,-32744(gp)
60164: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
60168: 8c860008 lw a2,8(a0)
6016c: 8c640000 lw a0,0(v1)
61b90: afa20058 sw v0,88(sp)
61b94: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
61b98: 00002825 move a1,zero
61b9c: 8fa4006c lw a0,108(sp)
61ba0: 8f9987e0 lw t9,-30752(gp)
61ba4: 1440ffdb bnez v0,61b14 <g_log_variant@@Base+0x194>
61ba8: 8f8387d4 lw v1,-30764(gp)
61bac: 0060c825 move t9,v1
61bb0: 0320f809 jalr t9
61bb4: 8fa50070 lw a1,112(sp)
61bb8: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
61bbc: 00002825 move a1,zero
61bc0: 24060001 li a2,1
61bc4: 8f9987e4 lw t9,-30748(gp)
61bc8: 8f8387e8 lw v1,-30744(gp)
61bcc: 10400014 beqz v0,61c20 <g_log_variant@@Base+0x2a0>
61bd0: 8fa4006c lw a0,108(sp)
61bd4: 0060c825 move t9,v1
61bd8: 0320f809 jalr t9
61bdc: 27a50064 addiu a1,sp,100
61be0: 8fa30074 lw v1,116(sp)
61be4: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
61be8: 2465791c addiu a1,v1,31004
61bec: 8fa30064 lw v1,100(sp)
61bf0: afa2005c sw v0,92(sp)
61bf4: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
61bf8: 0460003e bltz v1,61cf4 <g_log_variant@@Base+0x374>
61bfc: 00603025 move a2,v1
62360: 8c500000 lw s0,0(v0)
62364: 1200fff1 beqz s0,6232c <g_log_writer_standard_streams@@Base+0x58>
62368: 8f998fa4 lw t9,-28764(gp)
6236c: 0320f809 jalr t9
62370: 02002025 move a0,s0
62374: 0440ffed bltz v0,6232c <g_log_writer_standard_streams@@Base+0x58>
62378: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
6237c: 8f998fa4 lw t9,-28764(gp)
62380: 0320f809 jalr t9
62384: 02002025 move a0,s0
62388: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
6238c: 8f9987f4 lw t9,-30732(gp)
62390: 0411fe8a bal 61dbc <g_log_writer_supports_color@@Base>
62394: 00402025 move a0,v0
62398: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
6239c: 00403825 move a3,v0
623a0: 02403025 move a2,s2
623a4: 8f9987f8 lw t9,-30728(gp)
623a8: 02202825 move a1,s1
623ac: 0411fae9 bal 60f54 <g_log_writer_format_fields@@Base>
623b0: 02602025 move a0,s3
623b4: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
623b8: 00403025 move a2,v0
623bc: 02002025 move a0,s0
623c0: 8f858020 lw a1,-32736(gp)
623c4: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
623c8: 24a5c560 addiu a1,a1,-15008
623cc: 0320f809 jalr t9
73e84: 8fb00024 lw s0,36(sp)
73e88: 03e00008 jr ra
73e8c: 27bd0030 addiu sp,sp,48
73e90: 8f868018 lw a2,-32744(gp)
73e94: 8f998048 lw t9,-32696(gp)
73e98: 1000fff3 b 73e68 <g_scanner_warn@@Base+0x9c>
73e9c: 24c61348 addiu a2,a2,4936
73ea0: 3c1c000c lui gp,0xc
73ea4: 279c5500 addiu gp,gp,21760
73ea8: 0399e021 addu gp,gp,t9
73eac: 27bdffd8 addiu sp,sp,-40
73eb0: afbc0010 sw gp,16(sp)
73eb4: afbf0024 sw ra,36(sp)
73eb8: afb20020 sw s2,32(sp)
73ebc: afb1001c sw s1,28(sp)
73ec0: afb00018 sw s0,24(sp)
73ec4: 5080001a beqzl a0,73f30 <g_scanner_warn@@Base+0x164>
73ec8: 8f868020 lw a2,-32736(gp)
73ecc: 8f919198 lw s1,-28264(gp)
73ed0: 00c08025 move s0,a2
73ed4: 8c86000c lw a2,12(a0)
73ed8: 10c00034 beqz a2,73fac <g_scanner_warn@@Base+0x1e0>
73edc: 8e280000 lw t0,0(s1)
73ee0: 00a09025 move s2,a1
73ee4: 8f858020 lw a1,-32736(gp)
73ee8: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
73eec: 8c870028 lw a3,40(a0)
73ef0: 24a5a63c addiu a1,a1,-22980
73ef4: 0320f809 jalr t9
73ef8: 01002025 move a0,t0
73efc: 16000018 bnez s0,73f60 <g_scanner_warn@@Base+0x194>
73f00: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
73f04: 8f858020 lw a1,-32736(gp)
73f08: 8e240000 lw a0,0(s1)
73f0c: 8fbf0024 lw ra,36(sp)
73f10: 8fb1001c lw s1,28(sp)
73f14: 8fb00018 lw s0,24(sp)
73f18: 02403025 move a2,s2
73f1c: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
73f20: 8fb20020 lw s2,32(sp)
73f24: 24a5c560 addiu a1,a1,-15008
73f34: 8f848018 lw a0,-32744(gp)
73f38: 8fbf0024 lw ra,36(sp)
73f3c: 8fb20020 lw s2,32(sp)
73f40: 8fb1001c lw s1,28(sp)
73f44: 8fb00018 lw s0,24(sp)
73f48: 8f998048 lw t9,-32696(gp)
73f4c: 24c6a620 addiu a2,a2,-23008
73f50: 24a5ae58 addiu a1,a1,-20904
73f54: 2484dd50 addiu a0,a0,-8880
73f58: 1000b5a6 b 615f4 <g_return_if_fail_warning@@Base>
73f5c: 27bd0028 addiu sp,sp,40
73f60: 8f848020 lw a0,-32736(gp)
73f64: 8f9990cc lw t9,-28468(gp)
73f68: 8e270000 lw a3,0(s1)
73f6c: 24060007 li a2,7
73f70: 24050001 li a1,1
73f74: 0320f809 jalr t9
73f78: 2484a644 addiu a0,a0,-22972
73f7c: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
73f80: 8e240000 lw a0,0(s1)
73f84: 8fbf0024 lw ra,36(sp)
73f88: 8f858020 lw a1,-32736(gp)
73f8c: 8fb1001c lw s1,28(sp)
73f90: 8fb00018 lw s0,24(sp)
73f94: 02403025 move a2,s2
73f98: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
73f9c: 8fb20020 lw s2,32(sp)
73fa0: 24a5c560 addiu a1,a1,-15008
b77d8: 92020032 lbu v0,50(s0)
b77dc: 7c022944 ins v0,zero,0x5,0x1
b77e0: 1000fff3 b b77b0 <g_io_channel_unix_new@@Base+0xa0>
b77e4: a2020032 sb v0,50(s0)
000b77e8 <g_io_channel_unix_get_fd@@Base>:
b77e8: 03e00008 jr ra
b77ec: 8c82003c lw v0,60(a0)
b77f0: 3c1c0008 lui gp,0x8
b77f4: 279c1bb0 addiu gp,gp,7088
b77f8: 0399e021 addu gp,gp,t9
b77fc: 27bdffd8 addiu sp,sp,-40
b7800: 8f829198 lw v0,-28264(gp)
b7804: 8f999068 lw t9,-28568(gp)
b7808: afbc0010 sw gp,16(sp)
b780c: afbf0024 sw ra,36(sp)
b7810: afb10020 sw s1,32(sp)
b7814: afb0001c sw s0,28(sp)
b7818: 00a08825 move s1,a1
b781c: 0320f809 jalr t9
b7820: 8c500000 lw s0,0(v0)
b7824: 8fbc0010 lw gp,16(sp)
b7828: 00403825 move a3,v0
b782c: 02203025 move a2,s1
b7830: 8f8582f8 lw a1,-32008(gp)
b7834: 8f999010 lw t9,fprintf
b7838: 24a503d0 addiu a1,a1,976
b783c: 0320f809 jalr t9
[*] Function fprintf used 10 times libglib-2.0.so.0.6000.7