[*] Binary protection state of libscene.so

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX enabled   DSO          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function strcat tear down of libscene.so

    ; assembly                                   | /* r2dec pseudo code output */
                                                 | /* /logs/firmware/patool_extraction/rootfs.img_unblob_extracted/rootfs.img_extract/0-50593792.squashfs_v4_le_extract/usr/lib/libscene.so @ 0x22d8 */
                                                 | #include <stdint.h>
    ; (fcn) sym.scene_evt_contains_obj_id ()     | uint32_t scene_evt_contains_obj_id (int16_t arg1, uint32_t arg2) {
                                                 |     int16_t var_0h;
                                                 |     r0 = arg1;
                                                 |     r1 = arg2;
                                                 |     if (? >= ?) {
    0x000022d8 addmi r6, fp, 0x10c000            |         r6 = fp + 0x10c000;
                                                 |     }
                                                 |     if (? == ?) {
    0x000022dc beq 0x230c                        |         goto label_0;
                                                 |     }
    0x000022de push {r4}                         |     
    0x000022e0 ldr r4, [r0, 0x1c]                |     r4 = *((r0 + 0x1c));
    0x000022e2 cmp r4, 0                         |     
                                                 |     if (r4 <= 0) {
    0x000022e4 ble 0x2304                        |         goto label_1;
                                                 |     }
    0x000022e6 ldr r2, [r0, 0x18]                |     r2 = *((r0 + 0x18));
    0x000022e8 movs r3, 0                        |     r3 = 0;
    0x000022ea subs r2, 4                        |     r2 -= 4;
    0x000022ec b 0x22f2                          |     
                                                 |     while (r0 != r1) {
    0x000022ee cmp r3, r4                        |         
                                                 |         if (r3 == r4) {
    0x000022f0 beq 0x2304                        |             goto label_1;
                                                 |         }
    0x000022f2 ldr r0, [r2, 4]!                  |         r0 = *((r2 += 4));
    0x000022f6 adds r3, 1                        |         r3++;
    0x000022f8 cmp r0, r1                        |         
    0x000022fa bne 0x22ee                        |         
                                                 |     }
    0x000022fc movs r0, 1                        |     r0 = 1;
    0x000022fe ldr r4, [sp], 4                   |     r4 = *(sp);
                                                 |     sp += 4;
    0x00002302 bx lr                             |     return;
                                                 | label_1:
    0x00002304 movs r0, 0                        |     r0 = 0;
    0x00002306 ldr r4, [sp], 4                   |     r4 = *(sp);
                                                 |     sp += 4;
    0x0000230a bx lr                             |     return;
                                                 | label_0:
    0x0000230c movs r0, 1                        |     r0 = 1;
    0x0000230e bx lr                             |     return r0;
                                                 | }

r2dec has crashed (info: /logs/firmware/patool_extraction/rootfs.img_unblob_extracted/rootfs.img_extract/0-50593792.squashfs_v4_le_extract/usr/lib/libscene.so @ 0x23e0).
Please report the bug at https://github.com/radareorg/r2dec-js/issues
Use the option '--issue' or the command 'pddi' to generate 
the needed data for the issue.

[*] Function strcat used 1 times libscene.so