[*] Binary protection state of ip_set_hash_ipportnet.ko

  	No RELRO       No Canary found   NX disabled  REL          No RPATH     No RUNPATH   Symbols

[*] Function popen tear down of ip_set_hash_ipportnet.ko

    ; assembly                                                               | /* r2dec pseudo code output */
                                                                             | /* /logs/firmware/patool_extraction/rootfs.img_unblob_extracted/rootfs.img_extract/0-50593792.squashfs_v4_le_extract/usr/lib/modules/5.10.52-axis8/kernel/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportnet.ko @ 0x800082c */
                                                                             | #include <stdint.h>
                                                                             | #define BIT_MASK(t,v) ((t)(-((v)!= 0)))&(((t)-1)>>((sizeof(t)*CHAR_BIT)-(v)))
    ; (fcn) sym.hash_ipportnet4_flush ()                                     | void hash_ipportnet4_flush (int32_t arg_8h, int32_t arg_10h, int32_t arg1) {
                                                                             |     int32_t var_0h_2;
                                                                             |     int32_t var_4h;
                                                                             |     int32_t var_8h;
                                                                             |     int32_t var_ch;
                                                                             |     int32_t var_14h;
                                                                             |     r0 = arg1;
    0x0800082c push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, fp, lr}                     |     
    0x08000830 mov r5, r0                                                    |     r5 = r0;
    0x08000834 mov r7, 0                                                     |     r7 = 0;
    0x08000838 sub sp, sp, 0x14                                              |     
    0x0800083c mov r3, sp                                                    |     r3 = sp;
    0x08000840 bic r3, r3, 0x1fc0                                            |     r3 = BIT_MASK (r3, 0x1fc0);
    0x08000844 bic r3, r3, 0x3f                                              |     r3 = BIT_MASK (r3, 0x3f);
    0x08000848 str r3, [sp, 8]                                               |     var_8h = r3;
    0x0800084c ldr r3, [r0, 0x54]                                            |     r3 = *((r0 + 0x54));
    0x08000850 str r3, [sp, 0xc]                                             |     var_ch = r3;
    0x08000854 ldr fp, [r3]                                                  |     fp = *(r3);
                                                                             | label_1:
    0x08000858 ldrb r3, [fp, 8]                                              |     r3 = *(arg_8h);
    0x0800085c cmp r3, 9                                                     |     
                                                                             |     if (r3 <= 9) {
    0x08000860 subhi r3, r3, 0xa                                             |         r3 -= 0xa;
                                                                             |     }
                                                                             |     if (r3 <= 9) {
    0x08000864 movhi r1, 1                                                   |         r1 = 1;
                                                                             |     }
                                                                             |     if (r3 > 9) {
    0x08000868 movls r3, 1                                                   |         r3 = 1;
                                                                             |     }
                                                                             |     if (r3 <= 9) {
    0x0800086c lslhi r3, r1, r3                                              |         r3 = r1 << r3;
                                                                             |     }
    0x08000870 cmp r7, r3                                                    |     
                                                                             |     if (r7 >= r3) {
    0x08000874 bhs 0x8000950                                                 |         goto label_2;
                                                                             |     }
    0x08000878 ldr r2, [sp, 8]                                               |     r2 = var_8h;
    0x0800087c lsl r1, r7, 3                                                 |     r1 = r7 << 3;
    0x08000880 str r1, [sp]                                                  |     *(sp) = r1;
    0x08000884 ldr r3, [r2, 4]                                               |     r3 = *((r2 + 4));
    0x08000888 add r3, r3, 0x200                                             |     r3 += 0x200;
    0x0800088c add r3, r3, 1                                                 |     r3++;
    0x08000890 str r3, [r2, 4]                                               |     *((r2 + 4)) = r3;
    0x08000894 ldrb r0, [fp, 8]                                              |     r0 = *(arg_8h);
    0x08000898 mov sb, 1                                                     |     sb = 1;
    0x0800089c mov r6, 0                                                     |     r6 = 0;
    0x080008a0 cmp r0, 9                                                     |     
                                                                             |     if (r0 <= 9) {
    0x080008a4 lslhi r4, r7, 0xa                                             |         r4 = r7 << 0xa;
                                                                             |     }
    0x080008a8 add r7, r7, 1                                                 |     r7++;
                                                                             |     if (r0 > 9) {
    0x080008ac movls r4, 0                                                   |         r4 = 0;
                                                                             |     }
    0x080008b0 str r7, [sp, 4]                                               |     var_4h = r7;
    0x080008b4 add r3, fp, r4, lsl 2                                         |     r3 = fp + (r4 << 2);
    0x080008b8 lsl r8, r7, 0xa                                               |     r8 = r7 << 0xa;
    0x080008bc add sl, r3, 0x10                                              |     sl = r3 + 0x10;
    0x080008c0 b 0x80008e4                                                   |     goto label_3;
                                                                             | label_0:
    0x080008c4 add r3, r4, 4                                                 |     r3 = r4 + 4;
    0x080008c8 mov r0, r7                                                    |     r0 = r7;
    0x080008cc mov r1, 0                                                     |     r1 = 0;
    0x080008d0 add r3, fp, r3, lsl 2                                         |     r3 = fp + (r3 << 2);
    0x080008d4 str r6, [r3, 4]                                               |     *((r3 + 4)) = r6;
    0x080008d8 stmdaeq r0, {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}          |     __asm ("stmdaeq r0, {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}");
    0x080008dc ldrb r0, [fp, 8]                                              |     r0 = *(arg_8h);
                                                                             |     do {
    0x080008e0 add r4, r4, 1                                                 |         r4++;
                                                                             | label_3:
    0x080008e4 cmp r0, 9                                                     |         
                                                                             |         if (r0 > 9) {
    0x080008e8 lslls r3, sb, r0                                              |             r3 = sb << r0;
                                                                             |         }
                                                                             |         if (r0 <= 9) {
    0x080008ec movhi r3, r8                                                  |             r3 = r8;
                                                                             |         }
    0x080008f0 cmp r4, r3                                                    |         
                                                                             |         if (r4 >= r3) {
    0x080008f4 bhs 0x8000920                                                 |             goto label_4;
                                                                             |         }
    0x080008f8 ldr r7, [sl, 4]!                                              |         r7 = *((sl += 4));
    0x080008fc cmp r7, 0                                                     |         
    0x08000900 beq 0x80008e0                                                 |         
                                                                             |     } while (r7 == 0);
    0x08000904 ldrsb r3, [r5, 0x32]                                          |     r3 = *((r5 + 0x32));
    0x08000908 cmp r3, 0                                                     |     
                                                                             |     if (r3 >= 0) {
    0x0800090c bge 0x80008c4                                                 |         goto label_0;
                                                                             |     }
    0x08000910 mov r1, r7                                                    |     r1 = r7;
    0x08000914 mov r0, r5                                                    |     r0 = r5;
    0x08000918 bl 0x80004d8                                                  |     hash_ipportnet4_ext_cleanup ();
    0x0800091c b 0x80008c4                                                   |     goto label_0;
                                                                             | label_4:
    0x08000920 ldr r3, [fp, 0x10]                                            |     r3 = *(arg_10h);
    0x08000924 mov ip, 0                                                     |     
    0x08000928 ldr r2, [sp]                                                  |     r2 = *(sp);
    0x0800092c movw r1, 0x201                                                |     r1 = 0x201;
    0x08000930 ldr r0, [pc, 0x34]                                            |     r0 = *(0x8000968);
    0x08000934 ldr r7, [sp, 4]                                               |     r7 = var_4h;
    0x08000938 str ip, [r3, r2]                                              |     *((r3 + r2)) = ip;
    0x0800093c ldr r3, [fp, 0x10]                                            |     r3 = *(arg_10h);
    0x08000940 add r3, r3, r2                                                |     r3 += r2;
    0x08000944 str ip, [r3, 4]                                               |     *((r3 + 4)) = ip;
    0x08000948 stmdaeq r0, {r1, r2, r4, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}              |     __asm ("stmdaeq r0, {r1, r2, r4, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}");
    0x0800094c b 0x8000858                                                   |     goto label_1;
                                                                             | label_2:
    0x08000950 ldr r3, [sp, 0xc]                                             |     r3 = var_ch;
    0x08000954 mov r2, 0x100                                                 |     r2 = 0x100;
    0x08000958 mov r1, 0                                                     |     r1 = 0;
    0x0800095c add r0, r3, 0x54                                              |     r0 = r3 + 0x54;
    0x08000960 add sp, sp, 0x14                                              |     
    0x08000964 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, fp, lr}                      |     
    0x08000968 stmdaeq r0, {r1, r3, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}                  |     __asm ("stmdaeq r0, {r1, r3, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}");
    0x0800096c stmdaeq r0, {r4, r5, r6}                                      |     __asm ("stmdaeq r0, {r4, r5, r6}");
                                                                             | }
    ; assembly                                                               | /* r2dec pseudo code output */
                                                                             | /* /logs/firmware/patool_extraction/rootfs.img_unblob_extracted/rootfs.img_extract/0-50593792.squashfs_v4_le_extract/usr/lib/modules/5.10.52-axis8/kernel/net/netfilter/ipset/ip_set_hash_ipportnet.ko @ 0x800055c */
                                                                             | #include <stdint.h>
                                                                             | #define BIT_MASK(t,v) ((t)(-((v)!= 0)))&(((t)-1)>>((sizeof(t)*CHAR_BIT)-(v)))
    ; (fcn) sym.hash_ipportnet6_flush ()                                     | void hash_ipportnet6_flush (int32_t arg_8h, int32_t arg_10h, int32_t arg1) {
                                                                             |     int32_t var_0h;
                                                                             |     int32_t var_4h;
                                                                             |     int32_t var_8h;
                                                                             |     int32_t var_ch;
                                                                             |     int32_t var_14h;
                                                                             |     r0 = arg1;
    0x0800055c push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, fp, lr}                     |     
    0x08000560 mov r5, r0                                                    |     r5 = r0;
    0x08000564 mov r7, 0                                                     |     r7 = 0;
    0x08000568 sub sp, sp, 0x14                                              |     
    0x0800056c mov r3, sp                                                    |     r3 = sp;
    0x08000570 bic r3, r3, 0x1fc0                                            |     r3 = BIT_MASK (r3, 0x1fc0);
    0x08000574 bic r3, r3, 0x3f                                              |     r3 = BIT_MASK (r3, 0x3f);
    0x08000578 str r3, [sp, 8]                                               |     var_8h = r3;
    0x0800057c ldr r3, [r0, 0x54]                                            |     r3 = *((r0 + 0x54));
    0x08000580 str r3, [sp, 0xc]                                             |     var_ch = r3;
    0x08000584 ldr fp, [r3]                                                  |     fp = *(r3);
                                                                             | label_1:
    0x08000588 ldrb r3, [fp, 8]                                              |     r3 = *(arg_8h);
    0x0800058c cmp r3, 9                                                     |     
                                                                             |     if (r3 <= 9) {
    0x08000590 subhi r3, r3, 0xa                                             |         r3 -= 0xa;
                                                                             |     }
                                                                             |     if (r3 <= 9) {
    0x08000594 movhi r1, 1                                                   |         r1 = 1;
                                                                             |     }
                                                                             |     if (r3 > 9) {
    0x08000598 movls r3, 1                                                   |         r3 = 1;
                                                                             |     }
                                                                             |     if (r3 <= 9) {
    0x0800059c lslhi r3, r1, r3                                              |         r3 = r1 << r3;
                                                                             |     }
    0x080005a0 cmp r7, r3                                                    |     
                                                                             |     if (r7 >= r3) {
    0x080005a4 bhs 0x8000680                                                 |         goto label_2;
                                                                             |     }
    0x080005a8 ldr r2, [sp, 8]                                               |     r2 = var_8h;
    0x080005ac lsl r1, r7, 3                                                 |     r1 = r7 << 3;
    0x080005b0 str r1, [sp]                                                  |     *(sp) = r1;
    0x080005b4 ldr r3, [r2, 4]                                               |     r3 = *((r2 + 4));
    0x080005b8 add r3, r3, 0x200                                             |     r3 += 0x200;
    0x080005bc add r3, r3, 1                                                 |     r3++;
    0x080005c0 str r3, [r2, 4]                                               |     *((r2 + 4)) = r3;
    0x080005c4 ldrb r0, [fp, 8]                                              |     r0 = *(arg_8h);
    0x080005c8 mov sb, 1                                                     |     sb = 1;
    0x080005cc mov r6, 0                                                     |     r6 = 0;
    0x080005d0 cmp r0, 9                                                     |     
                                                                             |     if (r0 <= 9) {
    0x080005d4 lslhi r4, r7, 0xa                                             |         r4 = r7 << 0xa;
                                                                             |     }
    0x080005d8 add r7, r7, 1                                                 |     r7++;
                                                                             |     if (r0 > 9) {
    0x080005dc movls r4, 0                                                   |         r4 = 0;
                                                                             |     }
    0x080005e0 str r7, [sp, 4]                                               |     var_4h = r7;
    0x080005e4 add r3, fp, r4, lsl 2                                         |     r3 = fp + (r4 << 2);
    0x080005e8 lsl r8, r7, 0xa                                               |     r8 = r7 << 0xa;
    0x080005ec add sl, r3, 0x10                                              |     sl = r3 + 0x10;
    0x080005f0 b 0x8000614                                                   |     goto label_3;
                                                                             | label_0:
    0x080005f4 add r3, r4, 4                                                 |     r3 = r4 + 4;
    0x080005f8 mov r0, r7                                                    |     r0 = r7;
    0x080005fc mov r1, 0                                                     |     r1 = 0;
    0x08000600 add r3, fp, r3, lsl 2                                         |     r3 = fp + (r3 << 2);
    0x08000604 str r6, [r3, 4]                                               |     *((r3 + 4)) = r6;
    0x08000608 stmdaeq r0, {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}          |     __asm ("stmdaeq r0, {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}");
    0x0800060c ldrb r0, [fp, 8]                                              |     r0 = *(arg_8h);
                                                                             |     do {
    0x08000610 add r4, r4, 1                                                 |         r4++;
                                                                             | label_3:
    0x08000614 cmp r0, 9                                                     |         
                                                                             |         if (r0 > 9) {
    0x08000618 lslls r3, sb, r0                                              |             r3 = sb << r0;
                                                                             |         }
                                                                             |         if (r0 <= 9) {
    0x0800061c movhi r3, r8                                                  |             r3 = r8;
                                                                             |         }
    0x08000620 cmp r4, r3                                                    |         
                                                                             |         if (r4 >= r3) {
    0x08000624 bhs 0x8000650                                                 |             goto label_4;
                                                                             |         }
    0x08000628 ldr r7, [sl, 4]!                                              |         r7 = *((sl += 4));
    0x0800062c cmp r7, 0                                                     |         
    0x08000630 beq 0x8000610                                                 |         
                                                                             |     } while (r7 == 0);
    0x08000634 ldrsb r3, [r5, 0x32]                                          |     r3 = *((r5 + 0x32));
    0x08000638 cmp r3, 0                                                     |     
                                                                             |     if (r3 >= 0) {
    0x0800063c bge 0x80005f4                                                 |         goto label_0;
                                                                             |     }
    0x08000640 mov r1, r7                                                    |     r1 = r7;
    0x08000644 mov r0, r5                                                    |     r0 = r5;
    0x08000648 bl 0x80004d8                                                  |     hash_ipportnet4_ext_cleanup ();
    0x0800064c b 0x80005f4                                                   |     goto label_0;
                                                                             | label_4:
    0x08000650 ldr r3, [fp, 0x10]                                            |     r3 = *(arg_10h);
    0x08000654 mov ip, 0                                                     |     
    0x08000658 ldr r2, [sp]                                                  |     r2 = *(sp);
    0x0800065c movw r1, 0x201                                                |     r1 = 0x201;
    0x08000660 ldr r0, [pc, 0x34]                                            |     r0 = *(0x8000698);
    0x08000664 ldr r7, [sp, 4]                                               |     r7 = var_4h;
    0x08000668 str ip, [r3, r2]                                              |     *((r3 + r2)) = ip;
    0x0800066c ldr r3, [fp, 0x10]                                            |     r3 = *(arg_10h);
    0x08000670 add r3, r3, r2                                                |     r3 += r2;
    0x08000674 str ip, [r3, 4]                                               |     *((r3 + 4)) = ip;
    0x08000678 stmdaeq r0, {r1, r2, r4, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}              |     __asm ("stmdaeq r0, {r1, r2, r4, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}");
    0x0800067c b 0x8000588                                                   |     goto label_1;
                                                                             | label_2:
    0x08000680 ldr r3, [sp, 0xc]                                             |     r3 = var_ch;
    0x08000684 mov r2, 0x400                                                 |     r2 = 0x400;
    0x08000688 mov r1, 0                                                     |     r1 = 0;
    0x0800068c add r0, r3, 0x6c                                              |     r0 = r3 + 0x6c;
    0x08000690 add sp, sp, 0x14                                              |     
    0x08000694 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, fp, lr}                      |     
    0x08000698 stmdaeq r0, {r1, r3, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}                  |     __asm ("stmdaeq r0, {r1, r3, r5, r6, r7, sb, ip, pc}");
    0x0800069c stmdaeq r0, {r4, r5, r6}                                      |     __asm ("stmdaeq r0, {r4, r5, r6}");
                                                                             | }

[*] Function popen used 1 times ip_set_hash_ipportnet.ko