[*] Binary protection state of gpgv
Full RELRO Canary found NX enabled PIE enabled No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function fprintf tear down of gpgv
lsls r4, r0, 6
movs r0, r0
ldrb r2, [r0, r6]
movs r2, r0
push {r3, r4, r5, lr}
mov r4, r0
ldr r3, [0x0001416c]
add r3, pc
ldr r3, [r3]
cmp r3, 0
bne 0x14166
ldr r3, [0x00014170]
movs r5, 1
add r3, pc
str r5, [r3]
bl 0x207dc
ldr r1, [0x00014174]
mov r2, r5
movs r0, 2
add r1, pc
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
bl 0x1dcd8
mov r5, r0
cbz r0, 0x140c8
blx 0x1428
mov r1, r5
mov r2, r0
movs r0, 2
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
ldr r1, [0x00014178]
movs r2, 2
mov r0, r2
add r1, pc
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
ldr r1, [0x0001417c]
movs r2, 7
movs r0, 2
add r1, pc
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
cmp r4, 0x63
bhi 0x14158
cmp r4, 9
it le
asrle r5, r4, 0x1f
bgt 0x14136
movw r3, 0x6667
ldr r1, [0x00014180]
movt r3, 0x6666
movs r2, 1
smull r0, r3, r3, r4
movs r0, 2
add r1, pc
rsb r3, r5, r3, asr 2
add.w r3, r3, r3, lsl 2
sub.w r3, r4, r3, lsl 1
add r1, r3
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
ldr r1, [0x00014184]
movs r2, 0x14
movs r0, 2
add r1, pc
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
movs r2, 0
mov r0, r4
mov r1, r2
bl 0x14024
bl 0x1a18
mov r0, r4
pop.w {r3, r4, r5, lr}
b.w sym.imp.raise
movw r3, 0x6667
asrs r5, r4, 0x1f
movt r3, 0x6666
ldr r1, [0x00014188]
smull r2, r3, r3, r4
movs r0, 2
movs r2, 1
add r1, pc
rsb r3, r5, r3, asr 2
add r1, r3
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
b 0x140ec
ldr r1, [0x0001418c]
movs r2, 1
movs r0, 2
add r1, pc
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
b 0x14112
blx 0x11d8
b 0x20da0
movs r7, 0
b 0x20da4
cmp r0, 0x20
it eq
moveq r0, 0
beq 0x20da0
blx 0x13b0
mov r2, r0
ldr r0, [0x00020f58]
add.w r1, r6, 0x14
movs r7, 0x15
add r0, pc
bl 0x1ddf0
movs r0, 0
b 0x20da0
mov sl, r5
mov r2, r4
mov r1, sl
mov r0, sb
blx sym.imp.__fprintf_chk
adds r3, r0, 1
beq 0x20e7a
[*] Function fprintf used 9 times gpgv