[*] Binary protection state of vftpd
Full RELRO Canary found NX enabled PIE enabled No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function strcpy tear down of vftpd
ldr r0, [0x00004028]
add r0, pc
adds r0, 0x14
pop {r3, r4, r5, pc}
mov r0, r5
blx sym.imp.strlen
movs r2, 0xd
adds r3, r5, r0
strb r2, [r5, r0]
movs r2, 0xa
strb r4, [r3, 2]
strb r2, [r3, 1]
b 0x3fe8
ldr r3, [0x0000402c]
movs r2, 0x50
ldr r0, [0x00004030]
add r3, pc
add r0, pc
ldr r1, [r3, 0x28]
adds r0, 0x14
blx sym.imp.__strcpy_chk
b 0x3fe8
lsrs r2, r1, 0x1f
b 0x42f4
ldrd r4, r0, [r4]
blx sym.imp.fdipc_client_socket
b 0x4336
ldr r0, [r4, 4]
blx sym.imp.fdipc_client_socket
ldr r0, [r4]
blx sym.imp.fdipc_client_socket
ldr r2, sym.imp.__memcpy_chk
add r7, sp, 0x23c
mov r3, r7
mov.w r4, -1
add r2, pc
ldm r2, {r0, r1, r2}
stm r3!, {r0, r1}
add r0, sp, 0x244
strb r2, [r3]
movs r2, 0x48
ldr r3, [sp, 0x1c]
ldr r1, [r3, 8]
blx sym.imp.__strcpy_chk
ldr r1, [sp, 0x14]
mov r2, sl
movne r2, 0x74
moveq r2, 0x54
add r3, pc
strb.w r2, [r3, 0x61]
ldr r3, [r4, 0x14]
add.w sb, sp, 0xa8
ldr r2, [r4, 0x40]
add r7, sp, 0x4c
ldr.w r8, [0x00004cb8]
mov r0, sb
str r3, [sp, 0x24]
str r2, [r7]
add r8, pc
blx sym.imp.time
mov r0, r7
blx sym.imp.ctime
movs r2, 0x1a
adds r1, r0, 4
str r0, [sp, 0x2c]
add.w r0, r8, 0x64
blx sym.imp.__strcpy_chk
ldrb.w r2, [r8, 0x68]
movs r1, 0
[*] Function strcpy used 3 times vftpd