[*] Binary protection state of mdnsd

  	Full RELRO     Canary found      NX enabled   PIE enabled  No RPATH     No RUNPATH   No Symbols

[*] Function printf tear down of mdnsd

add sp, 0x4c
pop.w {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, fp, pc}
movs r2, 0x11
movs r1, 2
blx sym.imp.strncmp
subs.w fp, sl, 0
str r0, [r5]
it ne
movne fp, 1
cmp r0, 0
blt 0x20a8
cmp.w sl, 0
bne 0x20ce
ldrh r3, [r6]
cmp r3, 2
beq.w 0x2294
cmp r3, 0xa
beq 0x2102
movs r2, 0
movs r1, 3
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
subs r2, r0, 0
bge.w 0x227c
blx 0x11a0
ldr.w ip, [r5]
mov r0, ip
cmp r4, 0
beq.w 0x2068
cmp.w ip, -1
beq.w 0x201c
mov r0, ip
blx 0x14fc
cmp r0, 0
bne.w 0x24ce
mov.w r3, -1
str r3, [r5]
b 0x201c
ldr r0, [0x0000252c]
add r0, pc
b 0x20bc
ldr r0, [r5]
orr r2, r2, 0x800
movs r1, 4
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
subs r4, r0, 0
bge.w 0x207c
mov r7, r2
ldr r3, [0x0000346c]
str r5, [r0, 8]
mov r5, r1
ldr r1, [0x00003470]
movs r0, 0
strh.w r0, [r4, 0x50]
mov r2, r0
str r0, [r4, 0x54]
add r1, pc
ldr r0, [r4, 0x28]
ldr r3, [r1, r3]
movs r1, 3
ldr.w r8, [0x00003474]
ldr r3, [r3]
str r3, [sp, 0x2c]
mov.w r3, 0
ldr r3, [sp, 0x54]
add r8, pc
str r3, [r4, 0x4c]
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
cmp r0, 0
blt.w 0x33fc
orr r2, r0, 0x800
movs r1, 4
ldr r0, [r4, 0x28]
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
cmp r0, 0
blt.w 0x341c
mov r0, r4
bl 0x2900
mov r5, r0
cmp r0, 0
bne 0x3832
movs r1, 8
movs r0, 1
blx 0x1124
mov r6, r0
cmp r0, 0
beq 0x3952
str r4, [r0, 4]
mov r2, r5
movs r1, 3
movs r0, 0x10
blx sym.imp.strncmp
subs.w r8, r0, 0
blt 0x38e0
mov.w r2, 0x800
movs r1, 4
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
movs r3, 0x10
strd r5, r5, [sp, 8]
movs r1, 0x6e
mov r0, r7
bl 0x3ac4
mov r1, r5
add.w r5, sp, 0x7a
mov.w r8, 1
movs r2, 0x6c
mov r0, r5
strh.w r8, [sp, 0x78]
bl 0x3a5c
ldrb.w r3, [sp, 0xe8]
cmp r3, 0
bne.w 0x28b0e
ldr r5, [r4, 0x34]
ldr r3, [r4, 8]
cmp r5, r3
beq.w 0x28b2e
movs r2, 0
movs r1, 3
mov r0, r5
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
movs r1, 4
orr r2, r0, 0x800
mov r0, r5
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
cmp r0, 0
bne.w 0x28b4c
ldr r6, [r4, 0x44]
movs r1, r0
ldr r6, [r5, 0x44]
movs r1, r0
cbnz r2, 0x293a2
movs r2, r0
ldr r2, [r7, 0x54]
movs r1, r0
cbz r0, 0x29368
movs r0, r0
ldr r0, [r4, 0x48]
movs r1, r0
sub sp, 0x1c8
movs r0, r0
push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
movs r2, 0
ldr r7, [0x00029454]
sub sp, 0xc
movs r1, 3
mov r5, r0
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
movs r1, 4
orr r2, r0, 0x800
mov r0, r5
add r7, pc
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
cbnz r0, 0x293f2
mov r4, r0
push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
sub sp, 0x84
ldr r5, [0x000295f4]
movs r3, 0x6e
add r2, sp, 8
add r1, sp, 0xc
ldr r4, [0x000295f8]
add r5, pc
ldr r6, [0x000295fc]
ldr r4, [r5, r4]
add r6, pc
ldr r4, [r4]
str r4, [sp, 0x7c]
mov.w r4, 0
str r3, [sp, 8]
blx sym.imp.getsockopt
subs r4, r0, 0
blt 0x29546
movs r2, 0
movs r1, 3
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
movs r1, 4
orr r2, r0, 0x800
mov r0, r4
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
cmp r0, 0
bne 0x29592
mov r7, r3
sub sp, 0x84
mov r5, r1
ldr r3, [0x0002fd14]
add r1, sp, 0x28
add r2, pc
ldr.w r8, [sp, 0xa0]
ldr r3, [r2, r3]
movs r2, 0x1c
ldr r3, [r3]
str r3, [sp, 0x7c]
mov.w r3, 0
mov.w r3, 0x4000
strd r2, r3, [sp, 8]
add r2, sp, 8
blx sym.imp.getsockopt
subs r4, r0, 0
blt.w 0x2fc20
mov.w r2, 0x800
movs r1, 4
blx sym.imp.__printf_chk
cmp r0, 0
blt.w 0x2fc34

[*] Function printf used 12 times mdnsd