[*] Binary protection state of libc.so.6
Full RELRO Canary found NX enabled DSO No RPATH No RUNPATH No Symbols
[*] Function fprintf tear down of libc.so.6
3fa2e: 4605 mov r5, r0
3fa30: b11e cbz r6, 3fa3a <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x2e>
3fa32: 7833 ldrb r3, [r6, #0]
3fa34: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
3fa36: f040 80c0 bne.w 3fbba <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1ae>
3fa3a: 6826 ldr r6, [r4, #0]
3fa3c: 2e40 cmp r6, #64 ; 0x40
3fa3e: d835 bhi.n 3faac <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xa0>
3fa40: 4bc9 ldr r3, [pc, #804] ; (3fd68 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x35c>)
3fa42: 447b add r3, pc
3fa44: f853 1026 ldr.w r1, [r3, r6, lsl #2]
3fa48: b359 cbz r1, 3faa2 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x96>
3fa4a: 48c8 ldr r0, [pc, #800] ; (3fd6c <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x360>)
3fa4c: 2205 movs r2, #5
3fa4e: 4478 add r0, pc
3fa50: f7eb ff8a bl 2b968 <__dcgettext@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fa54: 49c6 ldr r1, [pc, #792] ; (3fd70 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x364>)
3fa56: 4602 mov r2, r0
3fa58: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fa5a: 4479 add r1, pc
3fa5c: f7ff f9e4 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fa60: 6823 ldr r3, [r4, #0]
3fa62: 68a2 ldr r2, [r4, #8]
3fa92: 003a movs r2, r7
3fa94: 003a movs r2, r7
3fa96: 003a movs r2, r7
3fa98: 003a movs r2, r7
3fa9a: 003a movs r2, r7
3fa9c: 003a movs r2, r7
3fa9e: 003a movs r2, r7
3faa0: 00dd lsls r5, r3, #3
3faa2: f7f0 fb3f bl 30124 <__libc_current_sigrtmin@@GLIBC_2.4>
3faa6: 4286 cmp r6, r0
3faa8: f280 80f3 bge.w 3fc92 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x286>
3faac: 49b1 ldr r1, [pc, #708] ; (3fd74 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x368>)
3faae: 2205 movs r2, #5
3fab0: 48b1 ldr r0, [pc, #708] ; (3fd78 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x36c>)
3fab2: 4479 add r1, pc
3fab4: 4478 add r0, pc
3fab6: f7eb ff57 bl 2b968 <__dcgettext@@GLIBC_2.4>
3faba: 6822 ldr r2, [r4, #0]
3fabc: 4601 mov r1, r0
3fabe: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fac0: f7ff f9b2 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fac4: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fac6: f00f fceb bl 4f4a0 <_IO_fclose@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fb52: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb54: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb56: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb58: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb5a: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb5c: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb5e: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb60: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb62: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb64: 003d movs r5, r7
3fb66: 010e lsls r6, r1, #4
3fb68: 0108 lsls r0, r1, #4
3fb6a: 0105 lsls r5, r0, #4
3fb6c: 0111 lsls r1, r2, #4
3fb6e: 0102 lsls r2, r0, #4
3fb70: 00ff lsls r7, r7, #3
3fb72: 0114 lsls r4, r2, #4
3fb74: 4981 ldr r1, [pc, #516] ; (3fd7c <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x370>)
3fb76: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fb78: 4479 add r1, pc
3fb7a: f7ff f955 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fb7e: 6823 ldr r3, [r4, #0]
3fb80: 68e2 ldr r2, [r4, #12]
3fb8a: 3b07 subs r3, #7
3fb8c: 2b16 cmp r3, #22
3fb8e: d80d bhi.n 3fbac <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1a0>
3fb90: e8df f003 tbb [pc, r3]
3fb94: 0c19 lsrs r1, r3, #16
3fb96: 0c0c lsrs r4, r1, #16
3fb98: 0c19 lsrs r1, r3, #16
3fb9a: 0c0c lsrs r4, r1, #16
3fb9c: 0c0c lsrs r4, r1, #16
3fb9e: 0c58 lsrs r0, r3, #17
3fba0: 0c0c lsrs r4, r1, #16
3fba2: 0c0c lsrs r4, r1, #16
3fba4: 0c0c lsrs r4, r1, #16
3fba6: 0c0c lsrs r4, r1, #16
3fba8: 0c0c lsrs r4, r1, #16
3fbaa: 0052 lsls r2, r2, #1
3fbac: 4974 ldr r1, [pc, #464] ; (3fd80 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x374>)
3fbae: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fbb0: 6923 ldr r3, [r4, #16]
3fbb2: 4479 add r1, pc
3fbb4: f7ff f938 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fbb8: e784 b.n 3fac4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xb8>
3fbba: 4972 ldr r1, [pc, #456] ; (3fd84 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x378>)
3fbbc: 4632 mov r2, r6
3fbbe: 4479 add r1, pc
3fbc0: f7ff f932 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fbc4: e739 b.n 3fa3a <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x2e>
3fbc6: 4970 ldr r1, [pc, #448] ; (3fd88 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x37c>)
3fbc8: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fbca: 4479 add r1, pc
3fbcc: f7ff f92c bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fbd0: e778 b.n 3fac4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xb8>
3fbd2: 496e ldr r1, [pc, #440] ; (3fd8c <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x380>)
3fbd4: 2002 movs r0, #2
3fbd6: 4479 add r1, pc
3fbd8: f501 7341 add.w r3, r1, #772 ; 0x304
3fbdc: f501 7142 add.w r1, r1, #776 ; 0x308
3fbe0: 2a00 cmp r2, #0
3fbe2: dd81 ble.n 3fae8 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xdc>
3fbe4: 4282 cmp r2, r0
3fbe6: d836 bhi.n 3fc56 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x24a>
3fbe8: 4413 add r3, r2
3fbea: f813 3c01 ldrb.w r3, [r3, #-1]
3fbee: 4419 add r1, r3
3fbf0: 4867 ldr r0, [pc, #412] ; (3fd90 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x384>)
3fbf2: 2205 movs r2, #5
3fbf4: 4478 add r0, pc
3fbf6: f7eb feb7 bl 2b968 <__dcgettext@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fbfa: 4966 ldr r1, [pc, #408] ; (3fd94 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x388>)
3fbfc: 4602 mov r2, r0
3fbfe: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fc00: 4479 add r1, pc
3fc02: f7ff f911 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fc06: e7ba b.n 3fb7e <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x172>
3fc08: 4963 ldr r1, [pc, #396] ; (3fd98 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x38c>)
3fc0a: 2008 movs r0, #8
3fc0c: 4479 add r1, pc
3fc0e: f501 730b add.w r3, r1, #556 ; 0x22c
3fc12: f501 710d add.w r1, r1, #564 ; 0x234
3fc16: e7e3 b.n 3fbe0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1d4>
3fc18: 4960 ldr r1, [pc, #384] ; (3fd9c <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x390>)
3fc1a: 2003 movs r0, #3
3fc1c: 4479 add r1, pc
3fc1e: f501 7353 add.w r3, r1, #844 ; 0x34c
3fc22: f501 7154 add.w r1, r1, #848 ; 0x350
3fc26: e7db b.n 3fbe0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1d4>
3fc28: 495d ldr r1, [pc, #372] ; (3fda0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x394>)
3fc2a: 2006 movs r0, #6
3fc2c: 4479 add r1, pc
3fc2e: f501 73d0 add.w r3, r1, #416 ; 0x1a0
3fc32: f501 71d4 add.w r1, r1, #424 ; 0x1a8
3fc36: e7d3 b.n 3fbe0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1d4>
3fc38: 495a ldr r1, [pc, #360] ; (3fda4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x398>)
3fc3a: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fc3c: 4479 add r1, pc
3fc3e: f7ff f8f3 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fc42: e73f b.n 3fac4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xb8>
3fc44: e9d4 1304 ldrd r1, r3, [r4, #16]
3fc48: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fc4a: 9100 str r1, [sp, #0]
3fc4c: 4956 ldr r1, [pc, #344] ; (3fda8 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x39c>)
3fc4e: 4479 add r1, pc
3fc50: f7ff f8ea bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fc54: e736 b.n 3fac4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xb8>
3fc56: 2a80 cmp r2, #128 ; 0x80
3fc94: f7f0 fa4c bl 30130 <__libc_current_sigrtmax@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fc98: 4286 cmp r6, r0
3fc9a: f6bf af07 bge.w 3faac <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0xa0>
3fc9e: 6826 ldr r6, [r4, #0]
3fca0: f7f0 fa40 bl 30124 <__libc_current_sigrtmin@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fca4: 1a36 subs r6, r6, r0
3fca6: f7f0 fa43 bl 30130 <__libc_current_sigrtmax@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fcaa: f8d4 8000 ldr.w r8, [r4]
3fcae: eba0 0008 sub.w r0, r0, r8
3fcb2: 4286 cmp r6, r0
3fcb4: da38 bge.n 3fd28 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x31c>
3fcb6: f7f0 fa35 bl 30124 <__libc_current_sigrtmin@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fcba: 4580 cmp r8, r0
3fcbc: d042 beq.n 3fd44 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x338>
3fcbe: 6826 ldr r6, [r4, #0]
3fcc0: f7f0 fa30 bl 30124 <__libc_current_sigrtmin@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fcc4: 493e ldr r1, [pc, #248] ; (3fdc0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3b4>)
3fcc6: 1a32 subs r2, r6, r0
3fcc8: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fcca: 4479 add r1, pc
3fccc: f7ff f8ac bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fcd0: e6c6 b.n 3fa60 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x54>
3fcd2: 493c ldr r1, [pc, #240] ; (3fdc4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3b8>)
3fd12: 4479 add r1, pc
3fd14: e76c b.n 3fbf0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1e4>
3fd16: 4933 ldr r1, [pc, #204] ; (3fde4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3d8>)
3fd18: 4479 add r1, pc
3fd1a: e769 b.n 3fbf0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1e4>
3fd1c: 4932 ldr r1, [pc, #200] ; (3fde8 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3dc>)
3fd1e: 4479 add r1, pc
3fd20: e766 b.n 3fbf0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1e4>
3fd22: 4932 ldr r1, [pc, #200] ; (3fdec <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3e0>)
3fd24: 4479 add r1, pc
3fd26: e763 b.n 3fbf0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1e4>
3fd28: f7f0 fa02 bl 30130 <__libc_current_sigrtmax@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fd2c: 4580 cmp r8, r0
3fd2e: d011 beq.n 3fd54 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x348>
3fd30: f7f0 f9fe bl 30130 <__libc_current_sigrtmax@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fd34: 6822 ldr r2, [r4, #0]
3fd36: 492e ldr r1, [pc, #184] ; (3fdf0 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3e4>)
3fd38: 1a82 subs r2, r0, r2
3fd3a: 4628 mov r0, r5
3fd3c: 4479 add r1, pc
3fd3e: f7ff f873 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
3fd42: e68d b.n 3fa60 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x54>
3fd44: 482b ldr r0, [pc, #172] ; (3fdf4 <psiginfo@@GLIBC_2.10+0x3e8>)
6627c: e9cd 2009 strd r2, r0, [sp, #36] ; 0x24
66280: 4ac0 ldr r2, [pc, #768] ; (66584 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x884>)
66282: e9cd 3314 strd r3, r3, [sp, #80] ; 0x50
66286: 9313 str r3, [sp, #76] ; 0x4c
66288: 447a add r2, pc
6628a: 9310 str r3, [sp, #64] ; 0x40
6628c: 920e str r2, [sp, #56] ; 0x38
6628e: 4abe ldr r2, [pc, #760] ; (66588 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x888>)
66290: 9312 str r3, [sp, #72] ; 0x48
66292: 930f str r3, [sp, #60] ; 0x3c
66294: 447a add r2, pc
66296: 9311 str r3, [sp, #68] ; 0x44
66298: 9219 str r2, [sp, #100] ; 0x64
6629a: 461a mov r2, r3
6629c: ab1a add r3, sp, #104 ; 0x68
6629e: 930d str r3, [sp, #52] ; 0x34
662a0: 1c53 adds r3, r2, #1
662a2: 990e ldr r1, [sp, #56] ; 0x38
662a4: 980a ldr r0, [sp, #40] ; 0x28
662a6: 9317 str r3, [sp, #92] ; 0x5c
662a8: f7d8 fdbe bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
662ac: 9909 ldr r1, [sp, #36] ; 0x24
662ae: 2301 movs r3, #1
66422: 9e0a ldr r6, [sp, #40] ; 0x28
66424: 9312 str r3, [sp, #72] ; 0x48
66426: e003 b.n 66430 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x730>
66428: 3401 adds r4, #1
6642a: 3510 adds r5, #16
6642c: 2c89 cmp r4, #137 ; 0x89
6642e: d011 beq.n 66454 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x754>
66430: 68eb ldr r3, [r5, #12]
66432: 2c0a cmp r4, #10
66434: bf18 it ne
66436: 2b00 cmpne r3, #0
66438: d0f6 beq.n 66428 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x728>
6643a: 9301 str r3, [sp, #4]
6643c: 4659 mov r1, fp
6643e: 68ab ldr r3, [r5, #8]
66440: 4630 mov r0, r6
66442: 3401 adds r4, #1
66444: 9300 str r3, [sp, #0]
66446: e9d5 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r5]
6644a: 3510 adds r5, #16
6644c: f7d8 fcec bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
66450: 2c89 cmp r4, #137 ; 0x89
66452: d1ed bne.n 66430 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x730>
66458: f8d3 30ac ldr.w r3, [r3, #172] ; 0xac
6645c: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
6645e: d14e bne.n 664fe <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7fe>
66460: 9c09 ldr r4, [sp, #36] ; 0x24
66462: 9913 ldr r1, [sp, #76] ; 0x4c
66464: 9d0a ldr r5, [sp, #40] ; 0x28
66466: f8d4 0450 ldr.w r0, [r4, #1104] ; 0x450
6646a: e9dd 230b ldrd r2, r3, [sp, #44] ; 0x2c
6646e: 4401 add r1, r0
66470: 9113 str r1, [sp, #76] ; 0x4c
66472: f8d4 1454 ldr.w r1, [r4, #1108] ; 0x454
66476: e9cd 6001 strd r6, r0, [sp, #4]
6647a: 9814 ldr r0, [sp, #80] ; 0x50
6647c: 9103 str r1, [sp, #12]
6647e: 9700 str r7, [sp, #0]
66480: 4408 add r0, r1
66482: 4944 ldr r1, [pc, #272] ; (66594 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x894>)
66484: 9014 str r0, [sp, #80] ; 0x50
66486: 4628 mov r0, r5
66488: 4479 add r1, pc
6648a: f7d8 fccd bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
6648e: 4b42 ldr r3, [pc, #264] ; (66598 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x898>)
66490: 447b add r3, pc
66492: 429c cmp r4, r3
66494: d040 beq.n 66518 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x818>
66496: 9b15 ldr r3, [sp, #84] ; 0x54
66498: 464a mov r2, r9
6649a: 4940 ldr r1, [pc, #256] ; (6659c <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x89c>)
6649c: 4628 mov r0, r5
6649e: f8cd 8000 str.w r8, [sp]
664a2: 444b add r3, r9
664a4: 9315 str r3, [sp, #84] ; 0x54
664a6: 4479 add r1, pc
664a8: 9b16 ldr r3, [sp, #88] ; 0x58
664aa: 4453 add r3, sl
664ac: 9316 str r3, [sp, #88] ; 0x58
664ae: 4653 mov r3, sl
664b0: f7d8 fcba bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
664b4: 483a ldr r0, [pc, #232] ; (665a0 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x8a0>)
664b6: 990a ldr r1, [sp, #40] ; 0x28
664e2: 689a ldr r2, [r3, #8]
664e4: f108 0801 add.w r8, r8, #1
664e8: 4491 add r9, r2
664ea: 68da ldr r2, [r3, #12]
664ec: 685b ldr r3, [r3, #4]
664ee: 4492 add sl, r2
664f0: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
664f2: d1f6 bne.n 664e2 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x7e2>
664f4: e777 b.n 663e6 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x6e6>
664f6: 9809 ldr r0, [sp, #36] ; 0x24
664f8: f7f4 f894 bl 5a624 <__lll_lock_wait_private@@GLIBC_PRIVATE>
664fc: e6e4 b.n 662c8 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x5c8>
664fe: 9a0d ldr r2, [sp, #52] ; 0x34
66500: 9301 str r3, [sp, #4]
66502: 4929 ldr r1, [pc, #164] ; (665a8 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x8a8>)
66504: f8d2 30a8 ldr.w r3, [r2, #168] ; 0xa8
66508: 980a ldr r0, [sp, #40] ; 0x28
6650a: 4479 add r1, pc
6650c: 9300 str r3, [sp, #0]
6650e: e9d2 2328 ldrd r2, r3, [r2, #160] ; 0xa0
66512: f7d8 fc89 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
66516: e7a3 b.n 66460 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x760>
66518: 9c09 ldr r4, [sp, #36] ; 0x24
6651a: 4924 ldr r1, [pc, #144] ; (665ac <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x8ac>)
6651c: 980a ldr r0, [sp, #40] ; 0x28
6651e: f8d4 3450 ldr.w r3, [r4, #1104] ; 0x450
66522: 4479 add r1, pc
66524: 461a mov r2, r3
66526: f7d8 fc7f bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
6652a: f8d4 3450 ldr.w r3, [r4, #1104] ; 0x450
6652e: 9a15 ldr r2, [sp, #84] ; 0x54
66548: 4919 ldr r1, [pc, #100] ; (665b0 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x8b0>)
6654a: 9307 str r3, [sp, #28]
6654c: 9b15 ldr r3, [sp, #84] ; 0x54
6654e: 9400 str r4, [sp, #0]
66550: 4479 add r1, pc
66552: 4c18 ldr r4, [pc, #96] ; (665b4 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x8b4>)
66554: 9306 str r3, [sp, #24]
66556: 9b14 ldr r3, [sp, #80] ; 0x50
66558: 447c add r4, pc
6655a: 980a ldr r0, [sp, #40] ; 0x28
6655c: 9305 str r3, [sp, #20]
6655e: 9b13 ldr r3, [sp, #76] ; 0x4c
66560: 9304 str r3, [sp, #16]
66562: 9b12 ldr r3, [sp, #72] ; 0x48
66564: 9301 str r3, [sp, #4]
66566: 6a65 ldr r5, [r4, #36] ; 0x24
66568: e9dd 230f ldrd r2, r3, [sp, #60] ; 0x3c
6656c: 9503 str r5, [sp, #12]
6656e: 6964 ldr r4, [r4, #20]
66570: 9402 str r4, [sp, #8]
66572: f7d8 fc59 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
66576: 2000 movs r0, #0
66578: f60d 0dfc addw sp, sp, #2300 ; 0x8fc
6962a: 461d mov r5, r3
6962c: 2228 movs r2, #40 ; 0x28
6962e: 2100 movs r1, #0
69630: 4640 mov r0, r8
69632: f002 e926 blx 6b880 <emset@@GLIBC_2.4>
69636: 2301 movs r3, #1
69638: e855 2f00 ldrex r2, [r5]
6963c: 2a00 cmp r2, #0
6963e: d105 bne.n 6964c <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x6c>
69640: e845 3100 strex r1, r3, [r5]
69644: 2900 cmp r1, #0
69646: d1f7 bne.n 69638 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x58>
69648: f3bf 8f5b dmb ish
6964c: d153 bne.n 696f6 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x116>
6964e: 4628 mov r0, r5
69650: 4641 mov r1, r8
69652: f7fc fd81 bl 66158 <timer_settime@@GLIBC_2.34+0x458>
69656: 464a mov r2, r9
69658: 4659 mov r1, fp
6965a: 6820 ldr r0, [r4, #0]
6965c: f7d5 fbe4 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
69660: 9a02 ldr r2, [sp, #8]
69662: 4651 mov r1, sl
69664: 6820 ldr r0, [r4, #0]
69666: 4416 add r6, r2
69668: f7d5 fbde bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
6966c: 492c ldr r1, [pc, #176] ; (69720 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x140>)
6966e: 9a09 ldr r2, [sp, #36] ; 0x24
69670: 6820 ldr r0, [r4, #0]
69672: 4479 add r1, pc
69674: 4417 add r7, r2
69676: f7d5 fbd7 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
6967a: f3bf 8f5b dmb ish
6967e: 2100 movs r1, #0
6968c: 2b01 cmp r3, #1
6968e: f109 0901 add.w r9, r9, #1
69692: dc2c bgt.n 696ee <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x10e>
69694: 4b23 ldr r3, [pc, #140] ; (69724 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x144>)
69696: f8d5 5444 ldr.w r5, [r5, #1092] ; 0x444
6969a: 447b add r3, pc
6969c: 429d cmp r5, r3
6969e: d1c5 bne.n 6962c <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x4c>
696a0: 4821 ldr r0, [pc, #132] ; (69728 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x148>)
696a2: 2101 movs r1, #1
696a4: 6823 ldr r3, [r4, #0]
696a6: 2214 movs r2, #20
696a8: 4d20 ldr r5, [pc, #128] ; (6972c <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x14c>)
696aa: 4478 add r0, pc
696ac: f7e6 fe22 bl 502f4 <_IO_fwrite@@GLIBC_2.4>
696b0: 491f ldr r1, [pc, #124] ; (69730 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x150>)
696b2: 4632 mov r2, r6
696b4: 6820 ldr r0, [r4, #0]
696b6: 447d add r5, pc
696b8: 4479 add r1, pc
696ba: f7d5 fbb5 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
696be: 491d ldr r1, [pc, #116] ; (69734 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x154>)
696c0: 463a mov r2, r7
696c2: 6820 ldr r0, [r4, #0]
696c4: 4479 add r1, pc
696c6: f7d5 fbaf bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
696ca: 491b ldr r1, [pc, #108] ; (69738 <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x158>)
696cc: 69ea ldr r2, [r5, #28]
696ce: 6820 ldr r0, [r4, #0]
696d0: 4479 add r1, pc
696d2: f7d5 fba9 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
696d6: 4919 ldr r1, [pc, #100] ; (6973c <alloc_stats@@GLIBC_2.4+0x15c>)
696d8: 6aaa ldr r2, [r5, #40] ; 0x28
696da: 6820 ldr r0, [r4, #0]
696dc: 4479 add r1, pc
696de: f7d5 fba3 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
696e2: 6823 ldr r3, [r4, #0]
696e4: 9a01 ldr r2, [sp, #4]
83632: d1f7 bne.n 83624 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x54>
83634: f3bf 8f5b dmb ish
83638: f040 80aa bne.w 83790 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1c0>
8363c: 6cb0 ldr r0, [r6, #72] ; 0x48
8363e: 6084 str r4, [r0, #8]
83640: 6843 ldr r3, [r0, #4]
83642: 3301 adds r3, #1
83644: 6043 str r3, [r0, #4]
83646: e9d5 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r5]
8364a: 7811 ldrb r1, [r2, #0]
8364c: 392b subs r1, #43 ; 0x2b
8364e: f011 0ffd tst.w r1, #253 ; 0xfd
83652: d02e beq.n 836b2 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xe2>
83654: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
83656: d07c beq.n 83752 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x182>
83658: 68a9 ldr r1, [r5, #8]
8365a: 4630 mov r0, r6
8365c: 9100 str r1, [sp, #0]
8365e: 494f ldr r1, [pc, #316] ; (8379c <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1cc>)
83660: 4479 add r1, pc
83662: f7bb fbe1 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
83666: 2800 cmp r0, #0
83668: db76 blt.n 83758 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x188>
8366c: b34b cbz r3, 836c2 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xf2>
8366e: 681a ldr r2, [r3, #0]
83670: b33a cbz r2, 836c2 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xf2>
83672: 494b ldr r1, [pc, #300] ; (837a0 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1d0>)
83674: 2400 movs r4, #0
83676: f8df 812c ldr.w r8, [pc, #300] ; 837a4 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1d4>
8367a: 4f4b ldr r7, [pc, #300] ; (837a8 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1d8>)
8367c: 4479 add r1, pc
8367e: 44f8 add r8, pc
83680: 447f add r7, pc
83682: e007 b.n 83694 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xc4>
83684: 68eb ldr r3, [r5, #12]
83686: f853 2024 ldr.w r2, [r3, r4, lsl #2]
8368a: b1d2 cbz r2, 836c2 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xf2>
8368c: 2c00 cmp r4, #0
8368e: bf0c ite eq
83690: 4641 moveq r1, r8
83692: 4639 movne r1, r7
83694: 4630 mov r0, r6
83696: 3401 adds r4, #1
83698: f7bb fbc6 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
8369c: 2800 cmp r0, #0
8369e: daf1 bge.n 83684 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xb4>
836a0: 6833 ldr r3, [r6, #0]
836a2: 041a lsls r2, r3, #16
836a4: d53c bpl.n 83720 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x150>
836a6: f04f 34ff mov.w r4, #4294967295 ; 0xffffffff
836aa: 4620 mov r0, r4
836ac: b002 add sp, #8
836ae: e8bd 81f0 ldmia.w sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc}
836b2: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
836b4: d04a beq.n 8374c <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x17c>
836b6: 493d ldr r1, [pc, #244] ; (837ac <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1dc>)
836b8: 4630 mov r0, r6
836ba: 4479 add r1, pc
836bc: f7bb fbb4 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
836c0: e7d1 b.n 83666 <putgrent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x96>
836c2: e9d6 3205 ldrd r3, r2, [r6, #20]
84508: d054 beq.n 845b4 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xf4>
8450a: e9d4 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r4]
8450e: f892 c000 ldrb.w ip, [r2]
84512: f1ac 0c2b sub.w ip, ip, #43 ; 0x2b
84516: f01c 0ffd tst.w ip, #253 ; 0xfd
8451a: d01a beq.n 84552 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x92>
8451c: b343 cbz r3, 84570 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xb0>
8451e: 6961 ldr r1, [r4, #20]
84520: e9d4 7c02 ldrd r7, ip, [r4, #8]
84524: b359 cbz r1, 8457e <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xbe>
84526: 69a0 ldr r0, [r4, #24]
84528: 2800 cmp r0, #0
8452a: d02d beq.n 84588 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xc8>
8452c: e9cd 1003 strd r1, r0, [sp, #12]
84530: 4630 mov r0, r6
84532: 4923 ldr r1, [pc, #140] ; (845c0 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x100>)
84534: 9502 str r5, [sp, #8]
84536: f8cd c004 str.w ip, [sp, #4]
8453a: 4479 add r1, pc
8453c: 9700 str r7, [sp, #0]
8453e: f7ba fc73 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
84542: 4604 mov r4, r0
84544: 9807 ldr r0, [sp, #28]
84546: f79c eec6 blx 212d4 <free@plt+0x4>
8454a: ea04 70e4 and.w r0, r4, r4, asr #31
8454e: b009 add sp, #36 ; 0x24
84550: bdf0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
84552: b313 cbz r3, 8459a <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xda>
84554: 6961 ldr r1, [r4, #20]
84556: b1e9 cbz r1, 84594 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xd4>
84558: 69a0 ldr r0, [r4, #24]
8455a: b1c0 cbz r0, 8458e <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xce>
8455c: 9101 str r1, [sp, #4]
8455e: 4919 ldr r1, [pc, #100] ; (845c4 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x104>)
84560: 9002 str r0, [sp, #8]
84562: 4630 mov r0, r6
84564: 9500 str r5, [sp, #0]
84566: 4479 add r1, pc
84568: f7ba fc5e bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
8456c: 4604 mov r4, r0
8456e: e7e9 b.n 84544 <putpwent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x84>
a8b72: f7ac f9a1 bl 54eb8 <fseek@@GLIBC_2.4>
a8b76: b108 cbz r0, a8b7c <addmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x14>
a8b78: 2001 movs r0, #1
a8b7a: bd38 pop {r3, r4, r5, pc}
a8b7c: 6829 ldr r1, [r5, #0]
a8b7e: 4620 mov r0, r4
a8b80: f7ff ff50 bl a8a24 <getmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x29c>
a8b84: 6869 ldr r1, [r5, #4]
a8b86: 4620 mov r0, r4
a8b88: f7ff ff4c bl a8a24 <getmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x29c>
a8b8c: 68a9 ldr r1, [r5, #8]
a8b8e: 4620 mov r0, r4
a8b90: f7ff ff48 bl a8a24 <getmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x29c>
a8b94: 68e9 ldr r1, [r5, #12]
a8b96: 4620 mov r0, r4
a8b98: f7ff ff44 bl a8a24 <getmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x29c>
a8b9c: 4908 ldr r1, [pc, #32] ; (a8bc0 <addmntent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x58>)
a8b9e: 4620 mov r0, r4
a8ba0: e9d5 2304 ldrd r2, r3, [r5, #16]
a8ba4: 4479 add r1, pc
a8ba6: f796 f93f bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
a8baa: 6823 ldr r3, [r4, #0]
a8bac: 069b lsls r3, r3, #26
a9906: 411d asrs r5, r3
a9908: f015 0501 ands.w r5, r5, #1
a990c: f000 80a4 beq.w a9a58 <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x344>
a9910: f41a 7f7e tst.w sl, #1016 ; 0x3f8
a9914: a906 add r1, sp, #24
a9916: bf08 it eq
a9918: 6813 ldreq r3, [r2, #0]
a991a: a805 add r0, sp, #20
a991c: bf08 it eq
a991e: ea4a 0a03 orreq.w sl, sl, r3
a9922: f7ab fc4f bl 551c4 <open_memstream@@GLIBC_2.4>
a9926: 4604 mov r4, r0
a9928: 2800 cmp r0, #0
a992a: f000 80fb beq.w a9b24 <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x410>
a992e: 6803 ldr r3, [r0, #0]
a9930: 4652 mov r2, sl
a9932: 4998 ldr r1, [pc, #608] ; (a9b94 <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x480>)
a9934: f443 4300 orr.w r3, r3, #32768 ; 0x8000
a9938: 4479 add r1, pc
a993a: 6003 str r3, [r0, #0]
a993c: f795 fa74 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
a9940: a909 add r1, sp, #36 ; 0x24
a9942: 2005 movs r0, #5
a9aec: 4479 add r1, pc
a9aee: f795 f9f7 bl 3eee0 <dprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
a9af2: 4620 mov r0, r4
a9af4: f7f6 fa34 bl 9ff60 <__close@@GLIBC_2.4>
a9af8: e7ae b.n a9a58 <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x344>
a9afa: 4a39 ldr r2, [pc, #228] ; (a9be0 <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x4cc>)
a9afc: 9903 ldr r1, [sp, #12]
a9afe: 588a ldr r2, [r1, r2]
a9b00: 6810 ldr r0, [r2, #0]
a9b02: 6058 str r0, [r3, #4]
a9b04: 2800 cmp r0, #0
a9b06: f47f af40 bne.w a998a <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x276>
a9b0a: 689b ldr r3, [r3, #8]
a9b0c: 07db lsls r3, r3, #31
a9b0e: f57f af5d bpl.w a99cc <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2b8>
a9b12: f7dc fa9d bl 86050 <__getpid@@GLIBC_2.4>
a9b16: 4933 ldr r1, [pc, #204] ; (a9be4 <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x4d0>)
a9b18: 4602 mov r2, r0
a9b1a: 4620 mov r0, r4
a9b1c: 4479 add r1, pc
a9b1e: f795 f983 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
a9b22: e73b b.n a999c <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x288>
a9b24: 4b30 ldr r3, [pc, #192] ; (a9be8 <ttyslot@@GLIBC_2.4+0x4d4>)
b0f5a: 2301 movs r3, #1
b0f5c: e850 2f00 ldrex r2, [r0]
b0f60: 2a00 cmp r2, #0
b0f62: d105 bne.n b0f70 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x50>
b0f64: e840 3100 strex r1, r3, [r0]
b0f68: 2900 cmp r1, #0
b0f6a: d1f7 bne.n b0f5c <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x3c>
b0f6c: f3bf 8f5b dmb ish
b0f70: f040 812e bne.w b11d0 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2b0>
b0f74: 6ca0 ldr r0, [r4, #72] ; 0x48
b0f76: 6086 str r6, [r0, #8]
b0f78: 6843 ldr r3, [r0, #4]
b0f7a: 3301 adds r3, #1
b0f7c: 6043 str r3, [r0, #4]
b0f7e: e9d5 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r5]
b0f82: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
b0f84: f000 80c5 beq.w b1112 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1f2>
b0f88: 4994 ldr r1, [pc, #592] ; (b11dc <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2bc>)
b0f8a: 4620 mov r0, r4
b0f8c: 4479 add r1, pc
b0f8e: f78d ff4b bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b0f92: 68aa ldr r2, [r5, #8]
b0f94: 0fc6 lsrs r6, r0, #31
b100e: 223a movcc r2, #58 ; 0x3a
b1010: 701a strbcc r2, [r3, #0]
b1012: f080 80a5 bcs.w b1160 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x240>
b1016: 69ea ldr r2, [r5, #28]
b1018: 1c53 adds r3, r2, #1
b101a: d16f bne.n b10fc <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x1dc>
b101c: e9d4 3205 ldrd r3, r2, [r4, #20]
b1020: 4293 cmp r3, r2
b1022: bf3f itttt cc
b1024: 1c5a addcc r2, r3, #1
b1026: 6162 strcc r2, [r4, #20]
b1028: 223a movcc r2, #58 ; 0x3a
b102a: 701a strbcc r2, [r3, #0]
b102c: f080 8086 bcs.w b113c <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x21c>
b1030: 6a2a ldr r2, [r5, #32]
b1032: 1c50 adds r0, r2, #1
b1034: d007 beq.n b1046 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x126>
b1036: 496a ldr r1, [pc, #424] ; (b11e0 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2c0>)
b1038: 4620 mov r0, r4
b103a: 4479 add r1, pc
b103c: f78d fef4 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b1040: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b1042: bfb8 it lt
b1054: 701a strbcc r2, [r3, #0]
b1056: f080 80a4 bcs.w b11a2 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x282>
b105a: 6823 ldr r3, [r4, #0]
b105c: 3e00 subs r6, #0
b105e: bf18 it ne
b1060: 2601 movne r6, #1
b1062: 4275 negs r5, r6
b1064: 041b lsls r3, r3, #16
b1066: d406 bmi.n b1076 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x156>
b1068: 6ca0 ldr r0, [r4, #72] ; 0x48
b106a: 6843 ldr r3, [r0, #4]
b106c: 3b01 subs r3, #1
b106e: 6043 str r3, [r0, #4]
b1070: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
b1072: f000 8087 beq.w b1184 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x264>
b1076: 4628 mov r0, r5
b1078: bd70 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
b107a: 495a ldr r1, [pc, #360] ; (b11e4 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2c4>)
b107c: 4620 mov r0, r4
b107e: 4479 add r1, pc
b1080: f78d fed2 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b1084: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b1086: db4e blt.n b1126 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x206>
b1088: 68ab ldr r3, [r5, #8]
b108a: 3301 adds r3, #1
b108c: d085 beq.n b0f9a <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x7a>
b108e: 68ea ldr r2, [r5, #12]
b1090: 1c51 adds r1, r2, #1
b1092: d08f beq.n b0fb4 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x94>
b1094: 4954 ldr r1, [pc, #336] ; (b11e8 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2c8>)
b1096: 4620 mov r0, r4
b1098: 4479 add r1, pc
b109a: f78d fec5 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b109e: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b10a0: db4a blt.n b1138 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x218>
b10a2: 68eb ldr r3, [r5, #12]
b10a4: 3301 adds r3, #1
b10a6: d085 beq.n b0fb4 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x94>
b10a8: 692a ldr r2, [r5, #16]
b10aa: 1c53 adds r3, r2, #1
b10ac: d08f beq.n b0fce <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xae>
b10ae: 494f ldr r1, [pc, #316] ; (b11ec <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2cc>)
b10b0: 4620 mov r0, r4
b10b2: 4479 add r1, pc
b10b4: f78d feb8 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b10b8: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b10ba: db4f blt.n b115c <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x23c>
b10bc: 692b ldr r3, [r5, #16]
b10be: 3301 adds r3, #1
b10c0: d085 beq.n b0fce <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xae>
b10c2: 696a ldr r2, [r5, #20]
b10c4: 1c50 adds r0, r2, #1
b10c6: d08f beq.n b0fe8 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xc8>
b10c8: 4949 ldr r1, [pc, #292] ; (b11f0 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2d0>)
b10ca: 4620 mov r0, r4
b10cc: 4479 add r1, pc
b10ce: f78d feab bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b10d2: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b10d4: db54 blt.n b1180 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x260>
b10d6: 696b ldr r3, [r5, #20]
b10d8: 3301 adds r3, #1
b10da: d085 beq.n b0fe8 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xc8>
b10dc: 69aa ldr r2, [r5, #24]
b10de: 1c51 adds r1, r2, #1
b10e0: d08f beq.n b1002 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xe2>
b10e2: 4944 ldr r1, [pc, #272] ; (b11f4 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2d4>)
b10e4: 4620 mov r0, r4
b10e6: 4479 add r1, pc
b10e8: f78d fe9e bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b10ec: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b10ee: db3e blt.n b116e <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x24e>
b10f0: 69ab ldr r3, [r5, #24]
b10f2: 3301 adds r3, #1
b10f4: d085 beq.n b1002 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xe2>
b10f6: 69ea ldr r2, [r5, #28]
b10f8: 1c53 adds r3, r2, #1
b10fa: d08f beq.n b101c <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0xfc>
b10fc: 493e ldr r1, [pc, #248] ; (b11f8 <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x2d8>)
b10fe: 4620 mov r0, r4
b1100: 4479 add r1, pc
b1102: f78d fe91 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b1106: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b1108: db1f blt.n b114a <putspent@@GLIBC_2.4+0x22a>
b1ea8: f016 faf2 bl c8490 <__nss_hostname_digits_dots@@GLIBC_2.4+0x6c>
b1eac: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b1eae: f000 80aa beq.w b2006 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x17a>
b1eb2: 68b8 ldr r0, [r7, #8]
b1eb4: f016 fafa bl c84ac <__nss_hostname_digits_dots@@GLIBC_2.4+0x88>
b1eb8: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b1eba: f000 80a4 beq.w b2006 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x17a>
b1ebe: 68f8 ldr r0, [r7, #12]
b1ec0: f016 faf4 bl c84ac <__nss_hostname_digits_dots@@GLIBC_2.4+0x88>
b1ec4: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b1ec6: f000 809e beq.w b2006 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x17a>
b1eca: 6823 ldr r3, [r4, #0]
b1ecc: 0418 lsls r0, r3, #16
b1ece: d559 bpl.n b1f84 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0xf8>
b1ed0: e9d7 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r7]
b1ed4: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
b1ed6: d072 beq.n b1fbe <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x132>
b1ed8: 4952 ldr r1, [pc, #328] ; (b2024 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x198>)
b1eda: 4620 mov r0, r4
b1edc: 4479 add r1, pc
b1ede: f78c ffa3 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b1ee2: 68bd ldr r5, [r7, #8]
b1ee4: 0fc6 lsrs r6, r0, #31
b1ee6: b1ad cbz r5, b1f14 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x88>
b1ee8: 682b ldr r3, [r5, #0]
b1eea: b19b cbz r3, b1f14 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x88>
b1eec: 4a4e ldr r2, [pc, #312] ; (b2028 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x19c>)
b1eee: f8df 913c ldr.w r9, [pc, #316] ; b202c <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1a0>
b1ef2: f8df 813c ldr.w r8, [pc, #316] ; b2030 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1a4>
b1ef6: 447a add r2, pc
b1ef8: 44f9 add r9, pc
b1efa: 44f8 add r8, pc
b1efc: e002 b.n b1f04 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x78>
b1efe: f855 3f04 ldr.w r3, [r5, #4]!
b1f02: b13b cbz r3, b1f14 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x88>
b1f04: 4649 mov r1, r9
b1f06: 4620 mov r0, r4
b1f08: f78c ff8e bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b1f0c: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b1f0e: 4642 mov r2, r8
b1f1c: 1c5a addcc r2, r3, #1
b1f1e: 6162 strcc r2, [r4, #20]
b1f20: 223a movcc r2, #58 ; 0x3a
b1f22: 701a strbcc r2, [r3, #0]
b1f24: d267 bcs.n b1ff6 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x16a>
b1f26: 68fd ldr r5, [r7, #12]
b1f28: b1a5 cbz r5, b1f54 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0xc8>
b1f2a: 682b ldr r3, [r5, #0]
b1f2c: b193 cbz r3, b1f54 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0xc8>
b1f2e: 4a41 ldr r2, [pc, #260] ; (b2034 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1a8>)
b1f30: f8df 8104 ldr.w r8, [pc, #260] ; b2038 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1ac>
b1f34: 4f41 ldr r7, [pc, #260] ; (b203c <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0x1b0>)
b1f36: 447a add r2, pc
b1f38: 44f8 add r8, pc
b1f3a: 447f add r7, pc
b1f3c: e002 b.n b1f44 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0xb8>
b1f3e: f855 3f04 ldr.w r3, [r5, #4]!
b1f42: b13b cbz r3, b1f54 <putsgent@@GLIBC_2.10+0xc8>
b1f44: 4641 mov r1, r8
b1f46: 4620 mov r0, r4
b1f48: f78c ff6e bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b1f4c: 2800 cmp r0, #0
b1f4e: 463a mov r2, r7
b523c: 4a13 ldr r2, [pc, #76] ; (b528c <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x370>)
b523e: 589a ldr r2, [r3, r2]
b5240: 6812 ldr r2, [r2, #0]
b5242: b152 cbz r2, b525a <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x33e>
b5244: 6b20 ldr r0, [r4, #48] ; 0x30
b5246: 4621 mov r1, r4
b5248: 4790 blx r2
b524a: 6920 ldr r0, [r4, #16]
b524c: f010 0020 ands.w r0, r0, #32
b5250: d001 beq.n b5256 <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x33a>
b5252: 2000 movs r0, #0
b5254: bd10 pop {r4, pc}
b5256: f77c f851 bl 312fc <exit@@GLIBC_2.4>
b525a: 4a0d ldr r2, [pc, #52] ; (b5290 <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x374>)
b525c: 589b ldr r3, [r3, r2]
b525e: 681a ldr r2, [r3, #0]
b5260: b12a cbz r2, b526e <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x352>
b5262: 490c ldr r1, [pc, #48] ; (b5294 <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x378>)
b5264: 6b20 ldr r0, [r4, #48] ; 0x30
b5266: 4479 add r1, pc
b5268: f789 fdde bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b526c: e7ed b.n b524a <argp_error@@GLIBC_2.4+0x32e>
b526e: 6823 ldr r3, [r4, #0]
b5a66: 4628 mov r0, r5
b5a68: f04f 0b07 mov.w fp, #7
b5a6c: f7ff f9ce bl b4e0c <argp_state_help@@GLIBC_2.4>
b5a70: e663 b.n b573a <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0x49e>
b5a72: f8d7 30b4 ldr.w r3, [r7, #180] ; 0xb4
b5a76: f8d7 40d0 ldr.w r4, [r7, #208] ; 0xd0
b5a7a: 079b lsls r3, r3, #30
b5a7c: d4ee bmi.n b5a5c <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0x7c0>
b5a7e: 2c00 cmp r4, #0
b5a80: d0ec beq.n b5a5c <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0x7c0>
b5a82: 6e7b ldr r3, [r7, #100] ; 0x64
b5a84: 2205 movs r2, #5
b5a86: 499b ldr r1, [pc, #620] ; (b5cf4 <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0xa58>)
b5a88: f107 05a4 add.w r5, r7, #164 ; 0xa4
b5a8c: 6998 ldr r0, [r3, #24]
b5a8e: 4479 add r1, pc
b5a90: f775 ff6a bl 2b968 <__dcgettext@@GLIBC_2.4>
b5a94: f8d7 20cc ldr.w r2, [r7, #204] ; 0xcc
b5a98: 4601 mov r1, r0
b5a9a: 4620 mov r0, r4
b5a9c: f789 f9c4 bl 3ee28 <fprintf@@GLIBC_2.4>
b5aa0: e08f b.n b5bc2 <argp_parse@@GLIBC_2.4+0x926>
b5aa2: 429c cmp r4, r3
[*] Function fprintf used 46 times libc.so.6