
[*] Emulating binary name: systemd-run
[*] Emulator used: qemu-arm-static
[*] Using root directory: /logs/s115_usermode_emulator/firmware/patool_extraction/rootfs.img_unblob_extracted/rootfs.img_extract/0-50593792.squashfs_v4_le_extract (1/2)
[*] Using CPU config: 
[*] Emulating binary: /usr/bin/systemd-run

[*] Change permissions +x to /logs/s115_usermode_emulator/firmware/patool_extraction/rootfs.img_unblob_extracted/rootfs.img_extract/0-50593792.squashfs_v4_le_extract/./usr/bin/systemd-run.
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/systemd-run with parameter NONE
;1Failed to find executable NONE: No such file or directory
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/systemd-run with parameter -v
./usr/bin/systemd-run: invalid option -- 'v'
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/systemd-run with parameter -V
./usr/bin/systemd-run: invalid option -- 'V'
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/systemd-run with parameter -h
systemd-run [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [ARGUMENTS...]

;1Run the specified command in a transient scope or service.

  -h --help                       Show this help
     --version                    Show package version
     --no-ask-password            Do not prompt for password
     --user                       Run as user unit
  -H --host=[USER@]HOST           Operate on remote host
  -M --machine=CONTAINER          Operate on local container
     --scope                      Run this as scope rather than service
  -u --unit=UNIT                  Run under the specified unit name
  -p --property=NAME=VALUE        Set service or scope unit property
     --description=TEXT           Description for unit
     --slice=SLICE                Run in the specified slice
     --slice-inherit              Inherit the slice
     --no-block                   Do not wait until operation finished
  -r --remain-after-exit          Leave service around until explicitly stopped
     --wait                       Wait until service stopped again
     --send-sighup                Send SIGHUP when terminating
     --service-type=TYPE          Service type
     --uid=USER                   Run as system user
     --gid=GROUP                  Run as system group
     --nice=NICE                  Nice level
     --working-directory=PATH     Set working directory
  -d --same-dir                   Inherit working directory from caller
  -E --setenv=NAME=VALUE          Set environment
  -t --pty                        Run service on pseudo TTY as STDIN/STDOUT/
  -P --pipe                       Pass STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR directly to service
  -q --quiet                      Suppress information messages during runtime
  -G --collect                    Unload unit after it ran, even when failed
  -S --shell                      Invoke a $SHELL interactively

Path options:
     --path-property=NAME=VALUE   Set path unit property

Socket options:
     --socket-property=NAME=VALUE Set socket unit property

Timer options:
     --on-active=SECONDS          Run after SECONDS delay
     --on-boot=SECONDS            Run SECONDS after machine was booted up
     --on-startup=SECONDS         Run SECONDS after systemd activation
     --on-unit-active=SECONDS     Run SECONDS after the last activation
     --on-unit-inactive=SECONDS   Run SECONDS after the last deactivation
     --on-calendar=SPEC           Realtime timer
     --on-timezone-change         Run when the timezone changes
     --on-clock-change            Run when the realtime clock jumps
     --timer-property=NAME=VALUE  Set timer unit property

See the ]8an:systemd-run(1)systemd-run(1) man page]8; for details.
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/systemd-run with parameter -help
systemd-run [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [ARGUMENTS...]

;1Run the specified command in a transient scope or service.

  -h --help                       Show this help
     --version                    Show package version
     --no-ask-password            Do not prompt for password
     --user                       Run as user unit
  -H --host=[USER@]HOST           Operate on remote host
  -M --machine=CONTAINER          Operate on local container
     --scope                      Run this as scope rather than service
  -u --unit=UNIT                  Run under the specified unit name
  -p --property=NAME=VALUE        Set service or scope unit property
     --description=TEXT           Description for unit
     --slice=SLICE                Run in the specified slice
     --slice-inherit              Inherit the slice
     --no-block                   Do not wait until operation finished
  -r --remain-after-exit          Leave service around until explicitly stopped
     --wait                       Wait until service stopped again
     --send-sighup                Send SIGHUP when terminating
     --service-type=TYPE          Service type
     --uid=USER                   Run as system user
     --gid=GROUP                  Run as system group
     --nice=NICE                  Nice level
     --working-directory=PATH     Set working directory
  -d --same-dir                   Inherit working directory from caller
  -E --setenv=NAME=VALUE          Set environment
  -t --pty                        Run service on pseudo TTY as STDIN/STDOUT/
  -P --pipe                       Pass STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR directly to service
  -q --quiet                      Suppress information messages during runtime
  -G --collect                    Unload unit after it ran, even when failed
  -S --shell                      Invoke a $SHELL interactively

Path options:
     --path-property=NAME=VALUE   Set path unit property

Socket options:
     --socket-property=NAME=VALUE Set socket unit property

Timer options:
     --on-active=SECONDS          Run after SECONDS delay
     --on-boot=SECONDS            Run SECONDS after machine was booted up
     --on-startup=SECONDS         Run SECONDS after systemd activation
     --on-unit-active=SECONDS     Run SECONDS after the last activation
     --on-unit-inactive=SECONDS   Run SECONDS after the last deactivation
     --on-calendar=SPEC           Realtime timer
     --on-timezone-change         Run when the timezone changes
     --on-clock-change            Run when the realtime clock jumps
     --timer-property=NAME=VALUE  Set timer unit property

See the ]8an:systemd-run(1)systemd-run(1) man page]8; for details.
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/systemd-run with parameter --help
systemd-run [OPTIONS...] COMMAND [ARGUMENTS...]

;1Run the specified command in a transient scope or service.

  -h --help                       Show this help
     --version                    Show package version
     --no-ask-password            Do not prompt for password
     --user                       Run as user unit
  -H --host=[USER@]HOST           Operate on remote host
  -M --machine=CONTAINER          Operate on local container
     --scope                      Run this as scope rather than service
  -u --unit=UNIT                  Run under the specified unit name
  -p --property=NAME=VALUE        Set service or scope unit property
     --description=TEXT           Description for unit
     --slice=SLICE                Run in the specified slice
     --slice-inherit              Inherit the slice
     --no-block                   Do not wait until operation finished
  -r --remain-after-exit          Leave service around until explicitly stopped
     --wait                       Wait until service stopped again
     --send-sighup                Send SIGHUP when terminating
     --service-type=TYPE          Service type
     --uid=USER                   Run as system user
     --gid=GROUP                  Run as system group
     --nice=NICE                  Nice level
     --working-directory=PATH     Set working directory
  -d --same-dir                   Inherit working directory from caller
  -E --setenv=NAME=VALUE          Set environment
  -t --pty                        Run service on pseudo TTY as STDIN/STDOUT/
  -P --pipe                       Pass STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR directly to service
  -q --quiet                      Suppress information messages during runtime
  -G --collect                    Unload unit after it ran, even when failed
  -S --shell                      Invoke a $SHELL interactively

Path options:
     --path-property=NAME=VALUE   Set path unit property

Socket options:
     --socket-property=NAME=VALUE Set socket unit property

Timer options:
     --on-active=SECONDS          Run after SECONDS delay
     --on-boot=SECONDS            Run SECONDS after machine was booted up
     --on-startup=SECONDS         Run SECONDS after systemd activation
     --on-unit-active=SECONDS     Run SECONDS after the last activation
     --on-unit-inactive=SECONDS   Run SECONDS after the last deactivation
     --on-calendar=SPEC           Realtime timer
     --on-timezone-change         Run when the timezone changes
     --on-clock-change            Run when the realtime clock jumps
     --timer-property=NAME=VALUE  Set timer unit property

See the ]8an:systemd-run(1)systemd-run(1) man page]8; for details.
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/systemd-run with parameter --version
systemd 249 (249.7+)
[*] Emulating binary ./usr/bin/systemd-run with parameter version
;1Failed to find executable version: No such file or directory
